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Four arrested for alleged involvement with the trafficking of Rohingyas

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It's a beginning.

Let's hope the momentum keeps going and more of these disgusting criminals are caught.

Sorry, no, it isn't a beginning.

It's the same old transferred, suspended, inactive ect that has been going on for as long as I can remember.

When they start saying sacked and/or jailed (and not just some lowly scapegoats) that would be a beginning.

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My question is, what will the Thais not do for money?

This has nothing to do with being thai, human trafficking happens all over the world just look at the medditerean last week 800 people died because the traffickers locked them up on board. Every week you can read and watch it on tv.

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Nakhon Sri Thammarat deputy police commander Anuchon Chamart said the Myanmar national -- Soe Naing, known as Anwar -- was a "central figure who ran camps and sought ransoms" in a major people-smuggling operation.

Perfect. We have a Burmese for the spotlight! Congrats to Dep Pol Cdr Anuchon for obviously knowing all there is to know on Anwar the "Central", and knowing next to nothing on the other involved Thai officials. It never changes...

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These are just arrests. Convictions of murder and kidnapping is needed. A border police post was just a stone throw away from one of the camps, the officers there have to be suspects as well. These are the small fries, now arrest the big ones. Pongpat is probably a tempting scapegoat.

I hope they for once do an honest investigation and take honest actions in this case. This is a litmus test of the governments "fight" against human trafficking. People were murdered in those camps and the killers should be executed. THAT would send the right signal.

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Funny when a headman of a certain island...............according to many on here.....is so big and powerful he could cover up the most publicized murder in decades and have the blame switched elsewhere

BUT according to some of the same this headman is a nobody.

What a pathetic bunch of sweetie wives.

Wow...I vote for this, to be the dumbest post on the thread so far!

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Only 4?

Is that all it takes to run an international kidnapping scam.

We need a man with a certain set of skills on the job, A man who will hunt them all down, and find, and then kill them.

Where is Liam Neeson when you need him?

Are you suggesting that the Americans have to make a movie here to show Thai authorities how to deal with these matters? Hmmm may be a good idea. Then the old saying lead a horse to water comes to mind and they did send one official to the penalty box as well. Guess he looses face and after a stint there is returned to a better posting and he has to work his way up the ladder again. Snakes and Ladders comes to mind. Oh well on with the game of life.

Edited by elgordo38
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it never ceases to amaze me that these corrupt "ranking" officials get "transferred" they should be sacked imediately and lose any pension right etc. so i suppose they just fill some other corrupt officials shoes and the merry go round continues.

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"National police commissioner General Somyot Poompanmoung said that a team of investigators led by his deputy General Aek Angsananont had suggested a transfer of Police Maj-General Sunthorn Chalermkiat, who is chief of the Satun police, to an inactive post at Royal Thai Police headquarters.

Somyot said this was because Sunthorn has close ties with a suspected leader of the trafficking ring.

The national police chief said he would also transfer the five most senior officers at Padang Besar police station in Songkhla, including the superintendent, out of their current jurisdiction. That was in addition to seven more police in Padang Besar suspected of getting bribes from traffickers."

Why do we still keep hearing these reports of "transfers" to "inactive posts"? I thought that we were supposed to be seeing a hard line taken against corruption? It's almost as bad as Western bankers getting massive bonuses for making bad investments with their customers' money, and then being given loans by the Government to keep their banks in business.

In my previous life, I would have been sacked for such serious transgressions, but it appears that once again, as far as the BIB are concerned, a slap on the wrist for being a naughty boy,(sorry, for being CAUGHT being a naughty boy), go away and keep your head down for a while, and it'll all soon be forgotten about.

Edited by sambum
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it never ceases to amaze me that these corrupt "ranking" officials get "transferred" they should be sacked imediately and lose any pension right etc. so i suppose they just fill some other corrupt officials shoes and the merry go round continues.

Sorrry mercman - posted my comments before reading your post, but I totally agree with what you say.

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He said that the detention camp had existed for quite a long time before it was only recently discovered by police and military forces.

How did he know that the camp had existed for a long time when he declares that the police and military only just discovered it. I've heard some BS but what do you expect from a country bathed in corruption where morality doesn't exist.

Latest report said that the police station chief in Padang Besar was ordered transferred out of the district to Songkhla township.

Why transferred? They must suspect or have some evidence he was complicit. Once again protecting their own.

Interesting to see that the so-called officials were merely village heads; so in other words complete nobody's ... where are the real perpetrators? No doubt being protected by the rank and file.

We can only hope and pray that the international press will continue digging and shame this country. We should all be hoping that the UN takes measures in the form of sanctions ... it's time to bring this country to its knees and make it learn the hard way that their disgusting lack of human rights is abhorrent. I fail to see why any foreigner would want to either live or visit such a country where life doesn't mean anything.

I have to assume you are a city dweller. How do you tell if a camp has been there a long time? Well beaten paths, latrines that have been used and filled in (still easy to identify, trust me), vines growing over shelters/buildings - none of that happens in a week.

Officers suspected of malfeasance are transferred so they don't interfere or know the extent of investigations. Inactive posts are similar to suspended with pay, but you still have to show up.

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The Thais must be so,so gullible if they believe what's being fed to them nowadays..what with reports like this, & the National TV broadcast the Gen. does.

He really must have faith in the Thai folk going along with all this rubbish.

And yes, I'm of the same opinion as others on this topic..100's of detainees/slaves moved across the country, locked up in makeshift camps, sold as slaves, then shipped out..and no Army, Poilice or officials were aware of this..C'mon U.N. try expose them all...& introduce a tier 4... specially for just one country.

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Funny when a headman of a certain island...............according to many on here.....is so big and powerful he could cover up the most publicized murder in decades and have the blame switched elsewhere

BUT according to some of the same this headman is a nobody.

What a pathetic bunch of sweetie wives.

You just put your foot in your mouth and must be choking by now.

The Headsmen were protected again,, it was stated that the Headsman's assistants were the bad guys.

Black and white again.

Headsman is free of any wrong doing.

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He said that the detention camp had existed for quite a long time before it was only recently discovered by police and military forces.bah.gif

He no doubt had his fingers crossed behind his back since it only became wrong once the light of day arrived.

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He said that the detention camp had existed for quite a long time before it was only recently discovered by police and military forces.

How did he know that the camp had existed for a long time when he declares that the police and military only just discovered it. I've heard some BS but what do you expect from a country bathed in corruption where morality doesn't exist.

Latest report said that the police station chief in Padang Besar was ordered transferred out of the district to Songkhla township.

Why transferred? They must suspect or have some evidence he was complicit. Once again protecting their own.

Interesting to see that the so-called officials were merely village heads; so in other words complete nobody's ... where are the real perpetrators? No doubt being protected by the rank and file.

We can only hope and pray that the international press will continue digging and shame this country. We should all be hoping that the UN takes measures in the form of sanctions ... it's time to bring this country to its knees and make it learn the hard way that their disgusting lack of human rights is abhorrent. I fail to see why any foreigner would want to either live or visit such a country where life doesn't mean anything.

Sometimes is really think a civil war would be good for Thailand. Weed out this scum that are in positions of power now and replace by one of the millions of really good people that live all over Thailand. I really see no other way. Sad but true. Politics is just a corrupt money machine, police and army, well you know... Something like in France couple of hundred years back might work but the cost of human life would be huge.

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Can some one please explain why these migrant Rohingya come to Thailand from Bangladesh ( a fair old trip) and Burma? Is it they are travelling overland?

Have the stories of the possible dangers of going via Thailand to get to Malaysia not made it to these poor people?

Terrible event.

They appear so desperate to escape they will jump into the hands of Thai smugglers who appear to ship them from Myanmar to transit camps on tarutao national park and then across land to the Malaysian border where they hope to find a better life in a Muslim country.

It appears as in many similar situations around the world, it's not a straight forward business transaction, once on the roller coaster the victims can be sold into slavery on fishing boats or held ransom until relatives in Malaysia pay up, even this isn't a guarantee of getting their family members back.

Sounds like those desperate people leaving Libya in Africa trying to cross the Med sea into Italy.

But how many can Italy and the rest of Europe absorb??

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Great that they worked so fast on this and got some results, village headman are always behind something, and you have to love the transfere policy when the shit hits the fan, as if that solves the problem

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I am glad to see a very quick result on this case and the local police station chief has been transferred ?

You call that a result, new to Thailand by any chance?

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I do not condone the abusive treatment that is being metered out to these poor abused and desperate people but…

I may be wrong, but are we missing something very important?

These people have chosen to be Muslim in countries that openly discriminate against Muslims.

Other Muslim countries do not want them because they are seen as weak because they are not honouring the Muslim mandate that Muslims are duty bound to convert all non believers to the Muslim faith.

That Jihad will cease only when the whole world has been converted to the Muslim faith or been killed.

Perhaps then the solution is that these people should convert to another faith, more conducive to good relations with their neighbours? In this way there would be no desperate need to leave the country.

The Muslim principal of Taquiiya allows the Muslim to lie, cheat and deceive non believers if it aids the spread of Islam! Therefore, they could convert back at a later date assuming that other stronger Muslims move in beside them and start to take over the country.

Note that they may need to change their names to an non-Muslim name, just as they did in Spain in the 1400’s when the Christions expelled the Moors (Muslims).

However, it is interesting to note that in Spain, the public consumption of pork meat was required to publically show that you were not a “sleeping Muslim”.

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All those involved in this racket should be put on trial for crimes against humanity, this is mass murder on a huge scale.

In all cases of those found guilty in aiding and abetting towards these heinous crimes, the death penalty should be imposed. Outrageous.beyond belief.

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I do not condone the abusive treatment that is being metered out to these poor abused and desperate people but…

I may be wrong, but are we missing something very important?

These people have chosen to be Muslim in countries that openly discriminate against Muslims.

Other Muslim countries do not want them because they are seen as weak because they are not honouring the Muslim mandate that Muslims are duty bound to convert all non believers to the Muslim faith.

That Jihad will cease only when the whole world has been converted to the Muslim faith or been killed.

Perhaps then the solution is that these people should convert to another faith, more conducive to good relations with their neighbours? In this way there would be no desperate need to leave the country.

The Muslim principal of Taquiiya allows the Muslim to lie, cheat and deceive non believers if it aids the spread of Islam! Therefore, they could convert back at a later date assuming that other stronger Muslims move in beside them and start to take over the country.

Note that they may need to change their names to an non-Muslim name, just as they did in Spain in the 1400’s when the Christions expelled the Moors (Muslims).

However, it is interesting to note that in Spain, the public consumption of pork meat was required to publically show that you were not a “sleeping Muslim”.

Maybe we are missing something!

Here is, what I am not missing, not one bit: those who blame the victims!


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I do not condone the abusive treatment that is being metered out to these poor abused and desperate people but…

I may be wrong, but are we missing something very important?

These people have chosen to be Muslim in countries that openly discriminate against Muslims.

Other Muslim countries do not want them because they are seen as weak because they are not honouring the Muslim mandate that Muslims are duty bound to convert all non believers to the Muslim faith.

That Jihad will cease only when the whole world has been converted to the Muslim faith or been killed.

Perhaps then the solution is that these people should convert to another faith, more conducive to good relations with their neighbours? In this way there would be no desperate need to leave the country.

The Muslim principal of Taquiiya allows the Muslim to lie, cheat and deceive non believers if it aids the spread of Islam! Therefore, they could convert back at a later date assuming that other stronger Muslims move in beside them and start to take over the country.

Note that they may need to change their names to an non-Muslim name, just as they did in Spain in the 1400’s when the Christions expelled the Moors (Muslims).

However, it is interesting to note that in Spain, the public consumption of pork meat was required to publically show that you were not a “sleeping Muslim”.

Maybe we are missing something!

Here is, what I am not missing, not one bit: those who blame the victims!


A very intelligent post -thank you for your insight.

Do you propose a different solution to the one I made?

How many TVF posters suggest that when someone doesn't like life in Thailand they should leave rather than addressing the actual problem.

Oh well, you are entitled to your views.

But what does GFYS mean?

Have you tried it?

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