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Black magic and shape shifting: do you believe?

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Anyone who has spent time amongst the Thai working class knows that they love their ghosts and ghost stories.

As my grasp of Thai language has developed I am now learning a good deal about black magic.

When I went for a massage, or to play pool at a bar, I was amused to hear girls talking (gossiping) about how someone...did something...to someone...using black magic.

I always laughed this off until recently.

In my old moo ban (I have just moved house thankfully), there was this dirty haggard old Thai lady that use to often ride a beat up bicycle past my house in the evening. I had heard some of my neighbours commenting that she practiced black magic and some even suspected she could shape shift.

I don't know whether this prompted me to stare more at her on the occaisions when she rode past but, in the ensuing weeks she then started to stare straight back at me with gaze that would curdle fresh milk.

I mentioned this one day to my immediate Thai neighbour. A school principal. He told me not to look at her. And then, in a whispered voice he said, "she can turn into things"... I was dumbfounded that a middle aged, middle class, teacher could believe such hogwash.

A week or so later, I too became a believer.

It was just on dark and I was out front of my house watering the garden. I looked up and saw the old lady riding down the street towards me. In that split second I couldn't break eye contact, thinking I guess, that to do so would be very rude.

And that is when it happened. She coasted past me and glared deep into my soul. I was transfixed and couldn't take my eyes off her. She rode on a little further down my street and then...turned into a driveway.

Edited by Bulldozer Dawn
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I once started to believe in black-magic, but now completely cured since my psychiatrist prescribed me those green tablets. I advise the OP does the same.

It`s all in the mind. If people want to see ghosts and demons they`ll see them. The same applies to the loony tunes that hear voices in their heads.

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After some of the food I eat here I believe in black magic and shape shifting.. Just go to the toilet after me and you will be a believer.

Sent from my c64

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I think this was covered in an episode of Penn & Teller : BS. I for one would love to experience something supernatural, cause then I'd go tell James Rhandi and receive 10 million bucks.

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