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Texas cartoon contest organizer known for inflammatory rhetoric


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Geller and the Iran holocaust shows are not equivalent. Geller is an extremist private citizen expressing her free speech rights. The Iran holocaust stunts are done by their regime. The US government would not sponsor a prophet cartoon show.

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David Duke is equivalent to Pamela Geller. They are two US citizens that are expressing their free speech rights. They are taking a stand for the freeeom of speech. Defenders of free speech. LOL ;) Edited by BKKBobby
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and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

Two Islamic terrorists who intended to murder her and as many innocent people as they could. They are no loss to the world.

When she does it again and a follower loses a life will it be a loss to the world? It will certainly be her fault because of her negligent behaviour.

I think Geller's followers are fully aware of the risks and are quite willing to accept it ... Personal choice -- another freedom - like Free Speech.

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This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people.

CNN first labeled it a "Free Speech Event". but quickly changed their call to "An Anti Muslim Event" after other networks disagreed with their call.

I think she got exactly the reaction she wanted to get.

Is there anyone left in America, for that matter the world, who does not know what wacko religious extremismist will do if provoked?

The extreamist can not be controlled.

But I hold her responsible for knowingly providing them.

Look how much publicity she has received this week.

and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

I do not think Miss Geller gives a damn what you think... I suppose your choice would be to suppress your opinion out of fear.

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

She incites others. Charles Manson didnt kill anyone either.

She is as dangerous as the Imams that practice hate speech. Do you think it is ok for Imams to incite hatred? Im sure you dont want them in the US, and rightly so. This woman is no different.

You seem to actually believe what you wrote here... That's pretty scary.. Is your browser's home page the Daily Kos?

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This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people.

CNN first labeled it a "Free Speech Event". but quickly changed their call to "An Anti Muslim Event" after other networks disagreed with their call.

I think she got exactly the reaction she wanted to get.

Is there anyone left in America, for that matter the world, who does not know what wacko religious extremismist will do if provoked?

The extreamist can not be controlled.

But I hold her responsible for knowingly providing them.

Look how much publicity she has received this week.

and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

"This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people"

If she wanted to inflame and enrage, as you claim, why didn't she open it up to the public?

It was a private, invitation only, event.

Lots better places to inflame and enrage the Muslim population than Garland, Texas.

The two deceased were not on the invitation list.

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This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people.

CNN first labeled it a "Free Speech Event". but quickly changed their call to "An Anti Muslim Event" after other networks disagreed with their call.

I think she got exactly the reaction she wanted to get.

Is there anyone left in America, for that matter the world, who does not know what wacko religious extremismist will do if provoked?

The extreamist can not be controlled.

But I hold her responsible for knowingly providing them.

Look how much publicity she has received this week.

and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

"This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people"

If she wanted to inflame and enrage, as you claim, why didn't she open it up to the public?

It was a private, invitation only, event.

Lots better places to inflame and enrage the Muslim population than Garland, Texas.

The two deceased were not on the invitation list.

I doubt she'd try one in Central Park Chuck.


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This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people.

CNN first labeled it a "Free Speech Event". but quickly changed their call to "An Anti Muslim Event" after other networks disagreed with their call.

I think she got exactly the reaction she wanted to get.

Is there anyone left in America, for that matter the world, who does not know what wacko religious extremismist will do if provoked?

The extreamist can not be controlled.

But I hold her responsible for knowingly providing them.

Look how much publicity she has received this week.

and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

"This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people"

If she wanted to inflame and enrage, as you claim, why didn't she open it up to the public?

It was a private, invitation only, event.

Lots better places to inflame and enrage the Muslim population than Garland, Texas.

The two deceased were not on the invitation list.

She didn't need the public, all she needed was as much publicity as possible, and I think she know how to get that.

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

She incites others. Charles Manson didnt kill anyone either.

She is as dangerous as the Imams that practice hate speech. Do you think it is ok for Imams to incite hatred? Im sure you dont want them in the US, and rightly so. This woman is no different.

You seem to actually believe what you wrote here... That's pretty scary.. Is your browser's home page the Daily Kos?

I dont know what daily kos is. Perhaps you could expand by actually saying what is scary what i wrote?

What is the difference from what she does and what Imams that practice hate speech is? They both practice free speech ?

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This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people.

CNN first labeled it a "Free Speech Event". but quickly changed their call to "An Anti Muslim Event" after other networks disagreed with their call.

I think she got exactly the reaction she wanted to get.

Is there anyone left in America, for that matter the world, who does not know what wacko religious extremismist will do if provoked?

The extreamist can not be controlled.

But I hold her responsible for knowingly providing them.

Look how much publicity she has received this week.

and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

"This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people"

If she wanted to inflame and enrage, as you claim, why didn't she open it up to the public?

It was a private, invitation only, event.

Lots better places to inflame and enrage the Muslim population than Garland, Texas.

The two deceased were not on the invitation list.

She didn't need the public, all she needed was as much publicity as possible, and I think she know how to get that.

It was done on purpose where muslims had recently met. It was done on purpose to inflame. Nothing else.

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

She incites others. Charles Manson didnt kill anyone either.

She is as dangerous as the Imams that practice hate speech. Do you think it is ok for Imams to incite hatred? Im sure you dont want them in the US, and rightly so. This woman is no different.

You seem to actually believe what you wrote here... That's pretty scary.. Is your browser's home page the Daily Kos?

I dont know what daily kos is. Perhaps you could expand by actually saying what is scary what i wrote?

What is the difference from what she does and what Imams that practice hate speech is? They both practice free speech ?

Both are free to speak as far as I am concerned ... in their respective countries or in the USA. The difference is ... Imams can and do call forth execution squads if someone does not follow their 'truth' or if someone insults them or Islam ... That is the difference and the fact that you do not seem to know it is what is scary.

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This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people.

CNN first labeled it a "Free Speech Event". but quickly changed their call to "An Anti Muslim Event" after other networks disagreed with their call.

I think she got exactly the reaction she wanted to get.

Is there anyone left in America, for that matter the world, who does not know what wacko religious extremismist will do if provoked?

The extreamist can not be controlled.

But I hold her responsible for knowingly providing them.

Look how much publicity she has received this week.

and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

"This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people"

If she wanted to inflame and enrage, as you claim, why didn't she open it up to the public?

It was a private, invitation only, event.

Lots better places to inflame and enrage the Muslim population than Garland, Texas.

The two deceased were not on the invitation list.

The two Jihadis were not even in the same State. They had to seek out that the event was even being held or were told by foreign or perhaps domestic Jihadis -- up the chain about the event in order to become insulted.

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To all out there I do not think this Geller women is a worry to kill any of us

However I wish I can say the same about certain other groups

We should worry about the real killers not just some women who tells us to worry

I hate to say this but to many did not worry about Hitler and Stalin.

Please I pray you wake up before it is to late

So all muslims are equivalent to Hitler or Stalin.

Do you understand the meaning of "inflammatory rhetoric"?

Anyone with a brain cell knows that he is referring to the fundamentalist maniacs of IS, Al Qaida etc, not ALL Muslims.

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Here is an article with some very telling truths within. The ferocity of the attacks on Pamela Geller are in effect the result of fear. This fear is that Pamela Geller is absolutely right about Islam and the consequences should a tipping point be reached where Western populations can see she has a point.


A quote from Gandhi springs to mind.

First they ignore us, then they laugh at us, then they fight us, then we win.

The aggressive denial by progressives shows we are now at the fighting stage.

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This fear is that Pamela Geller is absolutely right about Islam and the consequences should a tipping point be reached where Western populations can see she has a point.

On top of that, it is the fear among "progressives" that they are wrong, 180 degrees wrong, and have always been wrong. That amounts to a complete trashing of their belief system, and that is not an easy thing to accept for anyone.

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I don't like what Ms. Geller did one bit and I find it silly, stupid and inflammatory, but it is not hate speech. Hate speech is when you incite people to physically harm a group of people. She didn't offer a reward for anyone who could kill a Muslim. She offered money for drawing a picture.

The people who get in trouble for hate speech are those that advocate physically hurting other groups, such as gay bashing, killing Jews or Muslims etc.

Her speech may be hateful, but it's not hate speech.

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This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people.

CNN first labeled it a "Free Speech Event". but quickly changed their call to "An Anti Muslim Event" after other networks disagreed with their call.

I think she got exactly the reaction she wanted to get.

Is there anyone left in America, for that matter the world, who does not know what wacko religious extremismist will do if provoked?

The extreamist can not be controlled.

But I hold her responsible for knowingly providing them.

Look how much publicity she has received this week.

and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people.

Was it successful?

The event enraged and inflamed a couple of jihadists who are now in a perpetual state of serenity in between enjoying 72 virgins apiece.

When the Muslim world explodes over this, do let us all know thx.

In the meantime American Muslims don't have much or any of a problem with it.

After Texas Shooting, American Muslims Defend Anti-Islam Group’s Right To Free Speech

Ibrahim Hooper, National Communications Director and spokesperson for the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR), told Think Progress his group rebuked the attack “without reservation,” and maintained that while Geller’s statements are unhelpful, her freedom of expression should be protected.

Harris Zafar, a spokesman for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, expressed a similar sentiment. “We stand with her and with everyone who defends freedom of speech,” he said. “We believe that everyone has a right to speak their words, and our faith actually backs that up — it champions free speech.”


Edited by Publicus
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12 pages of claim and counter claim.

Here is the reality.



Any Christian Religious Scholar want to issue the equivalent of a Christian FATWA on me ?

Any Christian terrorist want to shoot me ?

How about behead me ?

What about taking me out in a crowded market, by suicide vest, killing plenty of innocents ?

My life is not going to change for posting the 2 above cartoons. Cannot say the same if it was cartoons of the myth that is Mohammed.

Sure, there are religious nutjobs in every religion. Muslims just seem to have cornered the market in many parts of the world.

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On top of that, it is the fear among "progressives" that they are wrong, 180 degrees wrong, and have always been wrong. That amounts to a complete trashing of their belief system, and that is not an easy thing to accept for anyone.[/font]

Hence the aggressive denial. Best throw the first amendment on the bonfire than junk their belief system, see the green left for further examples.
Edited by Scott
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This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people.

CNN first labeled it a "Free Speech Event". but quickly changed their call to "An Anti Muslim Event" after other networks disagreed with their call.

I think she got exactly the reaction she wanted to get.

Is there anyone left in America, for that matter the world, who does not know what wacko religious extremismist will do if provoked?

The extreamist can not be controlled.

But I hold her responsible for knowingly providing them.

Look how much publicity she has received this week.

and all it cost her was a couple of other people's lives.

"This event was staged for the purpose of enraging and inflaming Muslim people"

If she wanted to inflame and enrage, as you claim, why didn't she open it up to the public?

It was a private, invitation only, event.

Lots better places to inflame and enrage the Muslim population than Garland, Texas.

The two deceased were not on the invitation list.

I doubt she'd try one in Central Park Chuck.


She might if that 60 year old Garland police officer was available for the event.

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This fear is that Pamela Geller is absolutely right about Islam and the consequences should a tipping point be reached where Western populations can see she has a point.

On top of that, it is the fear among "progressives" that they are wrong, 180 degrees wrong, and have always been wrong. That amounts to a complete trashing of their belief system, and that is not an easy thing to accept for anyone.

Pamela Geller does not negate free speech or the First Amendment right of assembly or religion or any such tenents of USA liberal democracy.

She proves nothing about Islam in general or radical jihadists in particular that most people hadn't already known clearly and well.

That Geller was right on one thing at one time about jihadist Muslims does not make liberals quake at the sight or sound of her. For any on the right to think Pamela Geller negates "progressives" or progress in any respect is yet another flight of interminable right wing warped fantasy.

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The thing about the Jesus cartoons doesn't add up. Muslims are really into this taboo on images of their prophet thing. ANY images. Obviously critical ones ever worse. There is no taboo about Jesus images in the Christian faith per se (in fact they seem to plastered everywhere, AD NAUSEUM) but obviously critical ones would offend some Christians. No, I'm not saying religions should dictate this kind of expression in secular societies .. but there is no Muslim-Christian equalivalency on this particular issue. Now Muslim theocratic run countries ... that's their business, isn't it, but sorry for those there that aren't into it ... oh well, bad luck in that.

Edited by Jingthing
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If it is true, as some offer shamelessly offer here, that the actions of the organizer are improper and culpable- inflammatory- because they provoked religious zealots to violence, then by all means this must be done more often; apparently this then is where the front lines of battle are being drawn. Accept it or not islam is at war with the world. It is far better to know the varying battle lines than to succumb to further ignorance such as the current US Government's refusal to recognize islamic jihad as a greater threat then American veterans or those who believe in the 2nd Amendment.

The price to be paid relative to defying tyranny at free speech summits or magazine cartoon office's is much more agreeable than the alternative- the price to pay for civilization capitulation. To accept the soft shackles of any religion's compulsions is slavery; to rationalize it otherwise is a lie. To alter the conduct of one's behavior, whether restraint in shamelessly peddling irreverent cartoons or redacting factually significant persons in history who were pedophiles, reduces such people to the 5%'ers- that body of the genetic pool that the remaining industrious and honorable have to carry through generations. These are the type of people who offer their translation services to conquering armies, throw ropes from their city walls, poison wells, open gates, and great invaders. These are those who's moral compasses invariably points to pieces of silver and a kiss. We know them all through history. They occupy the archetypical role of those we see in our current times, whenever that period is, they are those who have no bearing, no principles, and collapse with the wind.

When threatened with death for an act that is otherwise commonplace to your people (satire, parody, cartoon, lampoon), and one suggests compliance or mitigates some compromise, one forfeits the right to define themselves as free, or a man.

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The thing about the Jesus cartoons doesn't add up. Muslims are really into this taboo on images of their prophet thing. ANY images. Obviously critical ones ever worse. There is no taboo about Jesus images in the Christian faith per se (in fact they seem to plastered everywhere, AD NAUSEUM) but obviously critical ones would offend some Christians. No, I'm not saying religions should dictate this kind of expression in secular societies .. but there is no Muslim-Christian equalivalency on this particular issue. Now Muslim theocratic run countries ... that's their business, isn't it, but sorry for those there that aren't into it ... oh well, bad luck in that.

It seems Islamic sects have differing views on images of Muhammed e.g. so long as respectful portrayal, OK in Shiite Iran.


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If it is true, as some offer shamelessly offer here, that the actions of the organizer are improper and culpable- inflammatory- because they provoked religious zealots to violence, then by all means this must be done more often; apparently this then is where the front lines of battle are being drawn. Accept it or not islam is at war with the world. It is far better to know the varying battle lines than to succumb to further ignorance such as the current US Government's refusal to recognize islamic jihad as a greater threat then American veterans or those who believe in the 2nd Amendment.

The price to be paid relative to defying tyranny at free speech summits or magazine cartoon office's is much more agreeable than the alternative- the price to pay for civilization capitulation. To accept the soft shackles of any religion's compulsions is slavery; to rationalize it otherwise is a lie. To alter the conduct of one's behavior, whether restraint in shamelessly peddling irreverent cartoons or redacting factually significant persons in history who were pedophiles, reduces such people to the 5%'ers- that body of the genetic pool that the remaining industrious and honorable have to carry through generations. These are the type of people who offer their translation services to conquering armies, throw ropes from their city walls, poison wells, open gates, and great invaders. These are those who's moral compasses invariably points to pieces of silver and a kiss. We know them all through history. They occupy the archetypical role of those we see in our current times, whenever that period is, they are those who have no bearing, no principles, and collapse with the wind.

When threatened with death for an act that is otherwise commonplace to your people (satire, parody, cartoon, lampoon), and one suggests compliance or mitigates some compromise, one forfeits the right to define themselves as free, or a man.

Sadly too many are the sad contemptible facilitators of decay and death to their own culture, they tend to gravitate towards politics or positions of influence, all the better to feather their own nests and fan their own egos.

As Emmett Scott wrote in his book Mohammad and Charlemagne revisited - There is compelling evidence that the empires of Zoaster and Constantine were Islamized from the top down.

Vile though they are the keyboard Quislings are but nothing compared to the politicians who ingest poison on all our behalfs. This is why there is no oversight to radicalization in Mosques, this is why law enforcement allows hundreds of thousands of our children to be raped and abused by alien pedophiles following their perfect example. Yet pick up a crayon to draw him and the anguished howl of hungry Jackals fills the air.

Pamela Geller is a heroine of our times and as such will always be first targeted by foreign invaders and those complicit, whether by choice or by deluded ideology.

Edited by Steely Dan
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If it is true, as some offer shamelessly offer here, that the actions of the organizer are improper and culpable- inflammatory- because they provoked religious zealots to violence, then by all means this must be done more often; apparently this then is where the front lines of battle are being drawn. Accept it or not islam is at war with the world. It is far better to know the varying battle lines than to succumb to further ignorance such as the current US Government's refusal to recognize islamic jihad as a greater threat then American veterans or those who believe in the 2nd Amendment.

The price to be paid relative to defying tyranny at free speech summits or magazine cartoon office's is much more agreeable than the alternative- the price to pay for civilization capitulation. To accept the soft shackles of any religion's compulsions is slavery; to rationalize it otherwise is a lie. To alter the conduct of one's behavior, whether restraint in shamelessly peddling irreverent cartoons or redacting factually significant persons in history who were pedophiles, reduces such people to the 5%'ers- that body of the genetic pool that the remaining industrious and honorable have to carry through generations. These are the type of people who offer their translation services to conquering armies, throw ropes from their city walls, poison wells, open gates, and great invaders. These are those who's moral compasses invariably points to pieces of silver and a kiss. We know them all through history. They occupy the archetypical role of those we see in our current times, whenever that period is, they are those who have no bearing, no principles, and collapse with the wind.

When threatened with death for an act that is otherwise commonplace to your people (satire, parody, cartoon, lampoon), and one suggests compliance or mitigates some compromise, one forfeits the right to define themselves as free, or a man.

Sadly too many are the sad contemptible facilitators of decay and death to their own culture, they tend to gravitate towards politics or positions of influence, all the better to feather their own nests and fan their own egos.

As Emmett Scott wrote in his book Mohammad and Charlemagne revisited - There is compelling evidence that the empires of Zoaster and Constantine were Islamized from the top down.

Vile though they are the keyboard Quislings are but nothing compared to the politicians who ingest poison on all our behalfs. This is why there is no oversight to radicalization in Mosques, this is why law enforcement allows hundreds of thousands of our children to be raped and abused by alien pedophiles following their perfect example. Yet pick up a crayon to draw him and the anguished howl of hungry Jackals fills the air.

Pamela Geller is a heroine of our times and as such will always be first targeted by foreign invaders and those complicit, whether by choice or by deluded ideology.

Confidence, strength through competence, science and technology, the market, human and equal rights, beats fear, weakness and paranoia every time. Let's not play false witness against ourselves.

Read the history books instead with a special focus from circa 1750 forward.

The modern era actually came on with the Rennessiance, the Reformation, the European Enlightenment, not with either Christ or Mohammed.

Tired of hearing about Muslims and Islam...let's talk about us for a significant change.

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The thing about the Jesus cartoons doesn't add up. Muslims are really into this taboo on images of their prophet thing. ANY images. Obviously critical ones ever worse. There is no taboo about Jesus images in the Christian faith per se (in fact they seem to plastered everywhere, AD NAUSEUM) but obviously critical ones would offend some Christians. No, I'm not saying religions should dictate this kind of expression in secular societies .. but there is no Muslim-Christian equalivalency on this particular issue. Now Muslim theocratic run countries ... that's their business, isn't it, but sorry for those there that aren't into it ... oh well, bad luck in that.

I think it has to do with idolatry. Remember the Bamiyan Buddhas.

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