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Man stomps lover to death after not getting his drinks

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Roi Et: - Police are tracking down a 79-year-old man on suspicion of killing his 43-year-old lover in a rage.

Roi Et Hospital officials alerted police that a brutally-beaten woman had died yesterday following two-week treatment at the hospital.

Based on the police report, a home owner in Suwannaphum district organised a merit making ceremony to bless the new house on April 20.

The woman, identified by the name of Pee, got paid 100 baht for helping to wash the dishes at the ceremony.

The man, identified by the name of Dong, confronted her and tried to pry the money from her in order to buy drinks. She refused.

The woman was related to the man’s wife. And they had an affair too.

According to neighbours, Dong often came to sleep with Pee and demanded money from her to finance his drinking habit.

He also beat her before and after the tryst.

At the ceremony, he went into rage after she would not part with her pay. To the horror of merit makers, he punched and kicked her until she fell down.

Then he dragged her by the hair around the merit-making site before stomping on her body.

A dozen witnesses said they watched the entire incident and were reluctant to intervene in what they said was domestic violence.

After she passed out, he left the scene taking her money.

Merit makers at the ceremony subsequently rushed her to the hospital.

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"A dozen witnesses said they watched the entire incident and were reluctant to intervene in what they said was domestic violence.

After she passed out, he left the scene taking her money.
Merit makers at the ceremony subsequently rushed her to the hospital."
Oh, well done those merit makers.
I'm sure that good deed after the woman was beaten in front of your eyes while you did nothing will result in lots of merit.
Sleep well you lowlifes.
Edited by Bluespunk
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Onlookers didn't intervene. What kind of sick society is this?

here we go Thai bashing again and claim some onlookers are representative for a society! it's you who is sick! w00t.gif

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1. "Roi Et: - Police are tracking down a 79-year-old man on suspicion of killing his 43-year-old in-law and lover in a rage."

2. "To the horror of merit makers, he punched and kicked her until she fell down."

3. "...a brutally-beaten woman had died..."

He beats the crap out of her in front of many witnesses, she's taken to hospital and dies later.

Suspicions are raised?

I don't think Sheerluck Holmes could sort this one.

When the cops find this elusive, dangerous 79 year old lunatic, I hope he receives the treatment ,in jail, that he is due.

Simply amazing.

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Onlookers didn't intervene. What kind of sick society is this?

here we go Thai bashing again and claim some onlookers are representative for a society! it's you who is sick! w00t.gif

So you condone this behaviour as acceptable ?

Sick !

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Onlookers didn't intervene. What kind of sick society is this?

here we go Thai bashing again and claim some onlookers are representative for a society! it's you who is sick! w00t.gif

Sorry to say it, but he is right in this instance.

Any society that can justify such inaction, who can stop and watch someone beaten till they require hospitalisation, who can say it was a domestic so we didn't get involved, is sick and rotten to the core.

Maybe it is just this group of people who are like that, maybe they are nothing but a small cowardly, contemptuous segment of it, but they still represent a sickness that requires addressing.

And yes I realise such cowardice can be found all over the world.

It doesn't make this terrible incident any better.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Onlookers didn't intervene. What kind of sick society is this?

here we go Thai bashing again and claim some onlookers are representative for a society! it's you who is sick! w00t.gif

Sorry to say it, but he is right in this instance.

Any society that can justify such inaction, who can stop and watch someone beaten till they require hospitalisation, who can say it was a domestic so we didn't get involved, is sick and rotten to the core.

Maybe it is just this group of people who are like that, maybe they are nothing but a small cowardly, contemptuous segment of it, but they still represent a sickness that requires addressing.

And yes I realise such cowardice can be found all over the world.

It doesn't make this terrible incident any better.

AH cmon it's not Thai society standing around watching her get killed, it is a bunch of little cowards who are probably fond of a bit of domestic violence themselves. The fact that no one would restrain a 79 year old weakling is just simply disturbing but lets not blame all of Thai society for it.

Edited by bkkgooner
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Onlookers didn't intervene. What kind of sick society is this?

here we go Thai bashing again and claim some onlookers are representative for a society! it's you who is sick! w00t.gif

Sorry to say it, but he is right in this instance.

Any society that can justify such inaction, who can stop and watch someone beaten till they require hospitalisation, who can say it was a domestic so we didn't get involved, is sick and rotten to the core.

Maybe it is just this group of people who are like that, maybe they are nothing but a small cowardly, contemptuous segment of it, but they still represent a sickness that requires addressing.

And yes I realise such cowardice can be found all over the world.

It doesn't make this terrible incident any better.

AH cmon it's not Thai society standing around watching her get killed, it is a bunch of little cowards who are probably found of a bit of domestic violence themselves. The fact that no one would restrain a 79 year old weakling is just simply disturbing but lets not blame all of Thai society for it.

I didn't say it was all of Thai society, I said maybe it is just this segment of it who were making merit who did nothing.

Yes maybe they are the exception.

Maybe everyone else would have stopped them, maybe.

I don't blame the whole of society for this crime [both the murder of this woman and the criminal negligence of those who did nothing but watch} but this segment felt that because it was "domestic" they did nothing. How deep does that feeling run throughout the whole of society I wonder?

Also I don't think that you can call a situation where a man calls on a woman when he wants, beats her, has sex and then beats her again a relationship.

I call that rape.

"According to neighbours, Dong often came to sleep with Pee and demanded money from her to finance his drinking habit.

He also beat her before and after the tryst."
They knew what was going on and did nothing, nothing to stop it.
That this can go on anywhere is sickness.
Edited by Bluespunk
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If you watch the Thai soaps you know that domestic violence is completely acceptable.

I think it is more of an Asian thing that people don't have any concept of good neighbor sensibilities. The same thing would happen in China, and many other places here too. And sadly the west is becoming this way as well.

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I strongly believe that 9/10 that situation is stopped by other people in Thailand, we have a tendency to examine the very worst of Thais on this forum and maybe that skews the views of even the best of us from time to time.

I find the "lover" tag very distasteful as well, the relationships that existed between them sounds like it was most likely abusive both sexually and physically in the past.

Luckily this bloke will rot in jail for the rest of his life.

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Onlookers didn't intervene. What kind of sick society is this?

here we go Thai bashing again and claim some onlookers are representative for a society! it's you who is sick! w00t.gif

It isn't Thai bashing...it's the Thai norm to look the other way while someone is getting the s^#t beat out of them...if it doesn't concern me then it's not my problem. In a civilized country, this would be called accessory to the fact.

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"...To the horror of merit makers, he punched and kicked her until she fell down. Then he dragged her by the hair around the merit-making site before stomping on her body. A dozen witnesses said they watched the entire incident and were reluctant to intervene in what they said was domestic violence..."

Cowards...all of them...nothing but lowlife apathetic cowards.

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What part of Thainess does this elude too ? and yes sensless violence does occur in other countries but not with such banality and senseless regularity. The mental health of this country is in serious doubt.

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Instead of the western style 'lover' tag...

...this was a mia noi (but this time, an in the family) situation - the hidden growing problem (or result) is a lot of inbreeding going on...

mental health=unavoidable

Edited by tifino
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Instead of the western style 'lover' tag...

...this was a mia noi (but this time, an in the family) situation - the hidden growing problem (or result) is a lot of inbreeding going on...

mental health=unavoidable

"According to neighbours, Dong often came to sleep with Pee and demanded money from her to finance his drinking habit.
He also beat her before and after the tryst."
He beat her before and after sex.
This was nothing but rape.
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These are uneducated poor imbeciles who have nothing better to do than worship their religion and drink. Roi Et is not exactly brimming with sophistication. Here you've got a wrinkly old Somchai screwing a family member and everyone looks the other way. Then he beats her to death. Nice rural living. No wonder Bangkokians don't want any of these <deleted> pushing their wares up and down streets.

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I cannot see how they can say these 2 had a relationship. Sounds more to me like a man went to a single woman's home beat her and raped her and took her money because no on was there to protect her. Appears no one in the community cared about this woman's well being. She may not have had a friend in the village. A lonely alone woman abused by a man. Very sad indeed.

So sad someone died because people cannot make merit if they cause an older person to lose face. Raises the question how do you make merit for standing back and watch someone get beat to death for 100 baht.

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If this was a case of 'domestic violence', surely other family members would have intervened? This is a manifestation of a patriarchal society, where the senior in not questioned, not confronted. Now a woman is dead. Very sad.

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