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Israel veterans group alleges Israeli misconduct in Gaza war


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If you think that Arabs are going to stop fighting Israel because of giving in on settlements, you are delusional. They would happily do the same thing themselves, but instead they just threw all the Jews out of their countries. They are going to stop fighting Israel for the same reason that they already have in most cases. They know that Arabs lose when they attack Israel and they get sick of getting their asses beat.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The present policies on both sides haven't brought peace, but on the other hand the state of Israel still exists and is arguably thriving. Most rational people would not have not liked the odds for that back in 1948. Personally I have always been for a two state solution but it takes two to tango and really, neither side is really dancing.

BTW, the topic here is about GAZA, and not West Bank. Israel left Gaza, remember that, that really brought peace. Ha ha.

Edited by Jingthing
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Personally I have always been for a two state solution but it takes two to tango and really, neither side is really dancing.

Israel already accepted the two state solution in 1948. It was the Palestinians that turned it down.

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Personally I have always been for a two state solution but it takes two to tango and really, neither side is really dancing.

Israel already accepted the two state solution in 1948. It was the Palestinians that turned it down.

Yes of course ... multiple Muslim nations attacked instead. I get it.

I guess the more general point I want to make is that currently, there is pretty much ZERO trust of the other side from both sides. Not promising for a peace deal.

Edited by Jingthing
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I am one of the best friends Israel could have

Why do you fell the need to constantly misrepresent the truth in your posts? Almost every post is packed full of false information that is easily disproved with factual links to credible sources or - in this case - by simply using common sense.

I am addressing the OP.

I leave it to forum readers to have the common sense to judge for themselves the truth of my posts and the credibility of my links.

Your posts seem popular with the other Israel/Jew haters anyway.

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I am one of the best friends Israel could have

Why do you fell the need to constantly misrepresent the truth in your posts? Almost every post is packed full of false information that is easily disproved with factual links to credible sources or - in this case - by simply using common sense.

I am addressing the OP.

I leave it to forum readers to have the common sense to judge for themselves the truth of my posts and the credibility of my links.

Your posts seem popular with the other Israel/Jew haters anyway.

Funny - funny peculiar - that you should say that about "...Israel/Jew haters..." on the forum.

This topic is about the exposure of Israeli war crimes committed during the 2014 assault on the civilian population of Gaza.

The courageous Israeli veterans of Breaking the Silence are the ones doing the most to reveal what took place at the time.

Are they Jew-hating anti Semites?

I don't think so... and neither are the members of this forum who speak out against atrocities in this never-ending war.

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Sorry, but the members who make excuses for Islamic terrorists, obsessively deny or minimize the holocaust and the existence of anti-Semitism, attack Israel for the flimsiest of reasons and constantly lie about historic events, have something else going on there. "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt." whistling.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The present policies on both sides haven't brought peace, but on the other hand the state of Israel still exists and is arguably thriving. Most rational people would not have not liked the odds for that back in 1948. Personally I have always been for a two state solution but it takes two to tango and really, neither side is really dancing.

BTW, the topic here is about GAZA, and not West Bank. Israel left Gaza, remember that, that really brought peace. Ha ha.

Gaza is still occupied by official definition. Of course freedom fighters will not relent until it is no longer blockaded.

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I wonder why Egypt is not considered an occupying country since they also have Gaza blocked.

A rhetorical question that will likely get an unnecessary semantic response.

Quote from link :

"Egypt is not an occupying power in the Gaza Strip and it does not control Gaza’s air space and territorial waters. Therefore, its obligations towards Gaza's residents are humanitarian in nature. It must, however, take into consideration Gaza residents' right to freedom of movement and make the utmost effort to maintain a reliable and sufficient travel route through its territory.

In contrast, due to Israel's substantial control over the Gaza Strip, it has a duty, under the law of occupation, to enable Gaza residents to lead normal lives, including the possibility of leaving Gaza and returning to it. If travel through Rafah is inadequate, Israel must allow Gaza residents to exercise their right to freedom of movement through other crossings, whether on land through the border crossings between Israel and Gaza or by sea and air, to the outside world."


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...and you complain about biased Israeli sources???

If the Egyptian government is honoring the blockade and not permitting building materials, armament, cement, rockets and coloring books into Gaza, then they could hardly be considered a friendly force.

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it ain't no sparrow.

Regardless of what your link claims.

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Gaza is still occupied by official definition. Of course freedom fighters will not relent until it is no longer blockaded.

Then the Hamas terrorists will continue to be suppressed militarily, along with the population who elected them to office.

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The present policies on both sides haven't brought peace, but on the other hand the state of Israel still exists and is arguably thriving. Most rational people would not have not liked the odds for that back in 1948. Personally I have always been for a two state solution but it takes two to tango and really, neither side is really dancing.

BTW, the topic here is about GAZA, and not West Bank. Israel left Gaza, remember that, that really brought peace. Ha ha.

You sound like the Israelis left Gaza of their own volition. In fact they could no longer stay there because of the resistance so they were forced out.

They still control Gaza on land and sea, so stop pretending that Gaza is a free and independent country.

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You sound like the Israelis left Gaza of their own volition. In fact they could no longer stay there because of the resistance so they were forced out.

Why do you insist on opining on matters that you obviously know nothing about? Israel was not forced out. The worst resistance they got was from Israeli settlers wanting to stay. cheesy.gif

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The present policies on both sides haven't brought peace, but on the other hand the state of Israel still exists and is arguably thriving. Most rational people would not have not liked the odds for that back in 1948. Personally I have always been for a two state solution but it takes two to tango and really, neither side is really dancing.

BTW, the topic here is about GAZA, and not West Bank. Israel left Gaza, remember that, that really brought peace. Ha ha.

You sound like the Israelis left Gaza of their own volition. In fact they could no longer stay there because of the resistance so they were forced out.

They still control Gaza on land and sea, so stop pretending that Gaza is a free and independent country.

Typically, you present an extremist one sided Israel demonizing narrative of what actually happened, which was in fact more more complex than that. Israel most certainly COULD have stayed there. They were NOT "forced" out. They chose to go. Yes there would have been a price for staying as there was a price for leaving.

I never said Gaza was a "free" and independent country. That's in your own twisted massively anti-Israel biased imagination. A better description of Gaza is a dirty diaper that nobody wants to touch, even the Arab world.

Edited by Jingthing
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People who use the term 'Zionist entity' are usually terrorists, left wing loonies or or directly or indirectly sympathetic to terrorism. The SWP is a good example of deluded lefties who kowtow I****ic extremism. Many m******so use the term because they have been brainwashed.

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The reality of the Palestine non-entity


And this is coming from the liberal, left wing Guardian!

Hamas is no more Gaza than Obama is the USA.

Extremist leaders always emerge in chaotic situations and Gaza, thanks to the Zionists, is as chaotic as anywhere in the world.

To certain people on this thread-

STOP saying that everyone that criticises the Zionist policies of the Israeli government is anti Israel. We are anti Zionist, not the common citizen of Israel.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Israel is a lunatic state and even imprisons guys from the IDF who have the guts to tell the truth to the world, they can't keep lying to us forever the world is sick and tired of the distorted propaganda and I'm not a leftie I vote Conservative and am an ex serviceman myself.

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Nobody but extremists give much creedence to Zionism. Those who refuse to accept personal responsibility or national responsibility, who come from failed states, autocracies, kleptocracies, and failed immigrant communities .....They all need a whipping boy and Israel is that whipping boy. Anti Zionism is just a stepping stone to Judaphobia and race hate. It might go down well in Friday sermons but has nothing to do with reality.

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Israel is a lunatic state and even imprisons guys from the IDF who have the guts to tell the truth to the world, they can't keep lying to us forever the world is sick and tired of the distorted propaganda and I'm not a leftie I vote Conservative and am an ex serviceman myself.

War crimes happen in war on both sides.


But highlighting anti Israel propaganda is playing into the hands of terrorists. The Palestinian non entity is a terror front. That is how it was born and how it will die and how it will be remembered. When the oil dries up so will the support for the parasites living on the body politic of Israel.

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I am amazed at why so many posters find the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so interesting.

For me, neither side seems to be genuinely interested in peace. Leave the suckers to themselves to fight it out. No tears shed !

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I am amazed at why so many posters find the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so interesting.

In an age of non-belief, people still find a need to both seek and find methods of obtaining communion with others. And thus hot topic issues become the focal point of an imagined communion, an imagined community (apologies to B. Anderson) that replaces the church experience. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one such issue that helps people define who they are within a larger group.

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