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I was at Nai Harn yesterday and noticed a big crowd of gawkers. A few minutes later an ambulance arrives and takes away a Thai drowning victim.

It would be nice if news like this and this specific issue would be dealt with properly, but for whatever reason bad news is supposed to be swept under the rug.

I see that PW covered this incident, but either the news hasn't gotten out to the gazette and the other news source, or they are being told to lay off bad news items.

Either way, this is stupidity in its finest form to not have 365 day a year lifeguard coverage with decent equipment.


To be fair, it's not the training or the equipment. I personally supervised the CPR and AED training of Nai Harn lifeguards. They had the best resuscitation equipment money can buy.....a year ago.

What I can't speak for is the ridiculousness of putting beach goers at risk while the lifeguards try to negotiate their crappy seasonal contract. The lifeguards want it to be public news that the beaches are uncovered so they pressure the officials to new contracts. Officials don't exactly want the news about any of it out to anyone.


A terrible waste, and all because contracts aren't sorted. These contracts should be looked at, months before they end, so there is no break in cover at the beaches. But no, TIT, so these things aren't important to sort out. Officials, hang your heads in shame.


Imagine the lawsuits in any Western society.

Right and think about all the other local gov't blunders that cause death due to negligence, i.e. the little girl that was killed when the vehicle she was in fell into a large ditch when the road was washed out and the locals knew about it. There really is no bottom line responsibility for gov't officials here, so with no repercussions, they really don't care, unless it affects their personal bottom line.

Edit: BTW the drowning was between 5:30 and 6:00 pm.


Imagine the lawsuits in any Western society.

Right and think about all the other local gov't blunders that cause death due to negligence, i.e. the little girl that was killed when the vehicle she was in fell into a large ditch when the road was washed out and the locals knew about it. There really is no bottom line responsibility for gov't officials here, so with no repercussions, they really don't care, unless it affects their personal bottom line.

Edit: BTW the drowning was between 5:30 and 6:00 pm.

IMO the government cannot be held responsible in any way for this death whether or not a lifeguard would have even been on duty then - this natural hazard is well marked. Proceeding into a signed hazard is stupidity in its finest form, not the absence of state employees assigned to thwart Darwinian behavior.

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