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MFA: Discovery of Rohingya corpses will not affect Thailand on U.S. human trafficking watch list

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MFA: Discovery of Rohingya corpses will not affect Thailand on U.S. human trafficking watch list

BANGKOK, 7 May 2015 (NNT)-The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) does not believe the discovery of Rohingya corpses in Songklha will affect Thailand’s ranking on the U.S. human trafficking watch list.

MFA Spokesperson Sek Wannamethee has stated that the incident is unlikely to further demote Thailand in the Trafficking In Persons Report (TIP) as many have anticipated.

According to the spokesperson, the U.S. has already reviewed its report on the Thai efforts in eradicating human trafficking on March 31st. The U.S. is not expected to consider revising the ranking anytime soon.

-- NNT 2015-05-07 footer_n.gif

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"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) does not believe the discovery of Rohingya corpses in Songklha will affect Thailand’s ranking on the U.S. human trafficking watch list."

May want to think a bit more on that boys.

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"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) does not believe the discovery of Rohingya corpses in Songklha will affect Thailand’s ranking on the U.S. human trafficking watch list."

May want to think a bit more on that boys.

Oh I dunno, if they were blue eyed blonde Chrischunz they would be. Along with the overwhelming majority of the Middle East ..

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Thailand is already on the bottom tier. They can't get any lower but what will happen is that sanctions will kick in and then it will hit the fan. Why don't the powers that be just keep their mouths shut for once, don't go speculating that the appalling discoveries of late 'shouldn't have any effect' If they have to make a statement why not make it along the lines ' We are in the process of making a thorough, impartial investigation and expect shortly to make substantial progress and arrests in this matter. Watch this space"

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Look when you reached rock bottom on list then, unless the US add's another tier lower you are already there. More stupid remarks from Thai brain trust. If brain's were dynamite me thinks 20 of the brain trust couldn't muster enough combined to blow a nose.

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According to a Thai neighbour who is a retired university professor, this is all the fault of the British who, apparently, brought the Rohingya to Burma from Bangladesh to work as labourers under British colonial rule. So there.

Edited by dageurreotype
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I would hope that it will actually, for it shows that something is finally being done after years of successive governments ignoring or even condoning the dastardly trade.

The UN, US, EU and others who want to see action against the traffickers are now seeing it.

But the same Thai bashers who want the country to fail for whatever reason are as usual in for their chop.

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But the same Thai bashers who want the country to fail for whatever reason are as usual in for their chop.

Because we liked it much better when it was 94 to the GBP, booze was available at all hours, no one gave a crap about what you did so long as it didn't frighten the horses elephants, and we in the islands weren't over run with locusts and Ruskies.

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does not believe the discovery of Rohingya corpses in Songklha will affect Thailand’s ranking on the U.S. human trafficking watch list.

But he kept his faith in ghosts, evil spirits, and monks selling winning lottery numbers?

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According to a Thai neighbour who is a retired university professor, this is all the fault of the British who, apparently, brought the Rohingya to Burma from Bangladesh to work as labourers under British colonial rule. So there.

He's wrong.

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Heads firmly shoved up their own backsides as per usual.

One day (perhaps) they'll learn the art of diplomacy and tact, and that sometimes it's better to say nothing and let people think you are a fool, rather than opening your mouth and confirming it.

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According to a Thai neighbour who is a retired university professor, this is all the fault of the British who, apparently, brought the Rohingya to Burma from Bangladesh to work as labourers under British colonial rule. So there.

Your Thai neighbour is one of the countless millions here who believe all the brainwashing/reporting and blames everything on foreigners, instead of placing the blame where it actually should lie, amongst themselves.

Having said that, as a Brit, I'm not proud of our "history" of colonization, exploitation etc, but that did end quite some time ago now and doesn't really apply to this situation which is simply Thai's exploiting anyone and anything they can for the easy money.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) does not believe the discovery of Rohingya corpses in Songklha will affect Thailand’s ranking on the U.S. human trafficking watch list.

He's right, T3 is the lowest you can go so the US can't effectively make it any worse; unless of course sanctions started being imposed.

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I would hope that it will actually, for it shows that something is finally being done after years of successive governments ignoring or even condoning the dastardly trade.

The UN, US, EU and others who want to see action against the traffickers are now seeing it.

But the same Thai bashers who want the country to fail for whatever reason are as usual in for their chop.

Thai bashers that want to see the country fail? Really? People have been murdered and imprisoned here for seeking a better life.

Sorry Robby Thailand has been in a failed state for quite some time. No matter what TVF members say cannot make anything worse.

Over the last 15 years, what other countries human rights record can you compare with Thailand's? Iran, North Korea, Uzbekistan ?

They are the Asian hub of the illeagal Ivory trade as well as the trade in endangered animals. Not to mention tens of thousands of dogs being skinned alive every year to feed a sick ass market in other countries.

The Thai fishing industry is on a mission to catch and export every single living thing in the sea while coastal fish farmers are ripping out mangrove forest as fast as they can to replace the areas they have forever destroyed.

Since the country only has the capacity to treat 10% of the sewage it generates in its cities the other 90% gets dumped into the nearest water source.

There is little regulation or enforcement on the way manufactures dispose of toxic waste whether it be airborne, or dumped.

Thailand still allows asbestos (without labeling) in hundreds of products produced and every single brand of paint available here contains lead. I know I am way off topic now, but my point is.

Call people "bashers" for negative comments and being skeptical about actions. Typically you always come up with some defense about Thailands dirty deeds. What name would you put on yourself? Blinded Farang Patriot?

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The audacity to make such statements when in the midst of something so inhumane still unfolding day by day? what insensitive heartless pricks are working at the MFA? Really this country and its people is beyond salvation. Something bad needs to happen to teach them a lesson!

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Typical of the news bureau of Thailand. Morally bankrupt country who only gives a toss about its image rather than the brutal reality.

Where is the humility of Thailand ?

Buried in the Jungle with the bodies of its victims I suspect or dumped overboard.

Only One group has the logistics, the clout and security to allow this to go on in a region that has been often under its sole mandate and control. The military

The south is and has been for years under the control and mandate of the Thai military to oversee and clean up. Until we start seeing military people exposed, prosecuted and jailed the kingpins will continue to run free.

This rot goes all the way to the top of Thai society.

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The audacity to make such statements when in the midst of something so inhumane still unfolding day by day? what insensitive heartless pricks are working at the MFA? Really this country and its people is beyond salvation. Something bad needs to happen to teach them a lesson!

Such is the lack of tact in this country, I half expect the TAT too come out and reassure us that tourist numbers won't drop as a result..

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I would hope that it will actually, for it shows that something is finally being done after years of successive governments ignoring or even condoning the dastardly trade.

The UN, US, EU and others who want to see action against the traffickers are now seeing it.

But the same Thai bashers who want the country to fail for whatever reason are as usual in for their chop.

Thai bashers that want to see the country fail? Really? People have been murdered and imprisoned here for seeking a better life.

Sorry Robby Thailand has been in a failed state for quite some time. No matter what TVF members say cannot make anything worse.

Over the last 15 years, what other countries human rights record can you compare with Thailand's? Iran, North Korea, Uzbekistan ?

They are the Asian hub of the illeagal Ivory trade as well as the trade in endangered animals. Not to mention tens of thousands of dogs being skinned alive every year to feed a sick ass market in other countries.

The Thai fishing industry is on a mission to catch and export every single living thing in the sea while coastal fish farmers are ripping out mangrove forest as fast as they can to replace the areas they have forever destroyed.

Since the country only has the capacity to treat 10% of the sewage it generates in its cities the other 90% gets dumped into the nearest water source.

There is little regulation or enforcement on the way manufactures dispose of toxic waste whether it be airborne, or dumped.

Thailand still allows asbestos (without labeling) in hundreds of products produced and every single brand of paint available here contains lead. I know I am way off topic now, but my point is.

Call people "bashers" for negative comments and being skeptical about actions. Typically you always come up with some defense about Thailands dirty deeds. What name would you put on yourself? Blinded Farang Patriot?

With an attitude like that I sincerely hope you are not living here among these great people and with a bit of luck you will never come here to this place you hate so much.

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I would hope that it will actually, for it shows that something is finally being done after years of successive governments ignoring or even condoning the dastardly trade.

The UN, US, EU and others who want to see action against the traffickers are now seeing it.

But the same Thai bashers who want the country to fail for whatever reason are as usual in for their chop.

Thai bashers that want to see the country fail? Really? People have been murdered and imprisoned here for seeking a better life.

Sorry Robby Thailand has been in a failed state for quite some time. No matter what TVF members say cannot make anything worse.

Over the last 15 years, what other countries human rights record can you compare with Thailand's? Iran, North Korea, Uzbekistan ?

They are the Asian hub of the illeagal Ivory trade as well as the trade in endangered animals. Not to mention tens of thousands of dogs being skinned alive every year to feed a sick ass market in other countries.

The Thai fishing industry is on a mission to catch and export every single living thing in the sea while coastal fish farmers are ripping out mangrove forest as fast as they can to replace the areas they have forever destroyed.

Since the country only has the capacity to treat 10% of the sewage it generates in its cities the other 90% gets dumped into the nearest water source.

There is little regulation or enforcement on the way manufactures dispose of toxic waste whether it be airborne, or dumped.

Thailand still allows asbestos (without labeling) in hundreds of products produced and every single brand of paint available here contains lead. I know I am way off topic now, but my point is.

Call people "bashers" for negative comments and being skeptical about actions. Typically you always come up with some defense about Thailands dirty deeds. What name would you put on yourself? Blinded Farang Patriot?

With an attitude like that I sincerely hope you are not living here among these great people and with a bit of luck you will never come here to this place you hate so much.

By pointing out quite reliable facts concerning ivory trade trafficking, catching and skinning dogs, sewage issue, that's makes him a Thailand hater ? I'd say it makes him a concerned person that sees Thailand from a non blinkered perspective.

Would you refute all these issues pointed out? Or would you rather keep your head buried in the sand and ignore them?

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I would hope that it will actually, for it shows that something is finally being done after years of successive governments ignoring or even condoning the dastardly trade.

The UN, US, EU and others who want to see action against the traffickers are now seeing it.

But the same Thai bashers who want the country to fail for whatever reason are as usual in for their chop.

Thai bashers that want to see the country fail? Really? People have been murdered and imprisoned here for seeking a better life.

Sorry Robby Thailand has been in a failed state for quite some time. No matter what TVF members say cannot make anything worse.

Over the last 15 years, what other countries human rights record can you compare with Thailand's? Iran, North Korea, Uzbekistan ?

They are the Asian hub of the illeagal Ivory trade as well as the trade in endangered animals. Not to mention tens of thousands of dogs being skinned alive every year to feed a sick ass market in other countries.

The Thai fishing industry is on a mission to catch and export every single living thing in the sea while coastal fish farmers are ripping out mangrove forest as fast as they can to replace the areas they have forever destroyed.

Since the country only has the capacity to treat 10% of the sewage it generates in its cities the other 90% gets dumped into the nearest water source.

There is little regulation or enforcement on the way manufactures dispose of toxic waste whether it be airborne, or dumped.

Thailand still allows asbestos (without labeling) in hundreds of products produced and every single brand of paint available here contains lead. I know I am way off topic now, but my point is.

Call people "bashers" for negative comments and being skeptical about actions. Typically you always come up with some defense about Thailands dirty deeds. What name would you put on yourself? Blinded Farang Patriot?

With an attitude like that I sincerely hope you are not living here among these great people and with a bit of luck you will never come here to this place you hate so much.

So I can assume you are ok with slavery, mass killing, and environmental destruction then?

Is there anything that I posted that is not accurate?

Its my conscience that would never allow defending what is going on in this country. You should be ashamed that you are happy to live with it.

Edited by dcutman
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