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Yes well done you've helped to elect a Government that won't give you the time of day unfortunately

The SNP do tend to fight the corner for Scotland, so for those North of the border I would think a good result...be interesting to hear what Scots think.


Yes well done you've helped to elect a Government that won't give you the time of day unfortunately

The SNP do tend to fight for the corner of the Scots so would think a good result for those North of the border. All aside the Barnett Formula be interesting to know what the Scots think.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes well done you've helped to elect a Government that won't give you the time of day unfortunately

The SNP do tend to fight for the corner of the Scots so would think a good result for those North of the border. All aside the Barnett Formula be interesting to know what the Scots think.

They did well mate, congratulations. Just gutted those chinless tossers have a majority only 3 though. Teressa may already talking about their plans with No libs to hold them back, Increased powers for Police and security services and a National crime agency,


Excellent result for England excellent, who gives a toss for Scotland? only the Scots ,just shut the door on them,that Barnett formula finished ,more money for the English Con Majority too way to go


What struck me was the time spent by Nicola S on the campaign trail. I get that she is the leader of the SNP, but, unlike the other leaders, she was not standing for election.

Her proper 'job' is as First Minister for Scotland. A position for which she is handsomely rewarded - a salary in excess of that of Cameron as PM.

So, can I take it that she was on unpaid leave from her position as FM? Yeah, right!!

Of course, some might say that keeping a certain Alex Salmon out of the firing line was a master stroke from the SNP. His toxic impact on potential voters in Scotland, as well as possible influence on mainstream UK parties that may have been considering an alignment with SNP, must have been a consideration. However, the plan to unleash him at Westminster is still on course, albeit with a vastly reduced impact level due to the likely Tory majority. He will obviously not show it, but he will be raging about the poor Labour performance that has stolen his thunder!!


Seems that some people are still dreaming their childish dreams even after that icy shower few months ago.



Excellent result for England excellent, who gives a toss for Scotland? only the Scots ,just shut the door on them,that Barnett formula finished ,more money for the English Con Majority too way to go

whistling.gif She can begin by taxing English residents living in Scotland without a proper Scot visa.

Just as the Greeks should do for Germans, French, and the English.

Call it a Tory Tax.


The sooner the "Scots" remove their benefit funded alcohol fueled life style from the UK the better.

Give or force "independence" on them .

Stop the handouts and let the "Scots" fund their own profligacy from the massive oil income the SNP liars claim to have !



Excellent result for England excellent, who gives a toss for Scotland? only the Scots ,just shut the door on them,that Barnett formula finished ,more money for the English Con Majority too way to go

whistling.gif She can begin by taxing English residents living in Scotland without a proper Scot visa.

Just as the Greeks should do for Germans, French, and the English.

Call it a Tory Tax.

english living in scotland,,

i would bet there is more scots living in england,,

corby,, scunthorpe full of them just 2 towns


With an overall Tory majority in Westminster there are now 56 toothless Tartan Tigers in Westminster, do they really think they can achieve anything. As a side note the immigration section on here will be fun for the next 5 years at least. Dry your Eyes Princesses the people of England have spoken.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes well done you've helped to elect a Government that won't give you the time of day unfortunately

The SNP do tend to fight for the corner of the Scots so would think a good result for those North of the border. All aside the Barnett Formula be interesting to know what the Scots think.

They did well mate, congratulations. Just gutted those chinless tossers have a majority only 3 though. Teressa may already talking about their plans with No libs to hold them back, Increased powers for Police and security services and a National crime agency,

Maybe you need to take your shoes and socks off to help you count The Legally Elected Government of the UK has 331 from a total of 650 seats therefore 12 more seats than anyone else so thats a majority of 12 before you take into account the Sinn Fein don't attend Westminster. I hope you aren't relying on the state to prop you up during your retirement as Labour spent all that money over 5 years ago.


Something is seriously wrong when a system enables 1.5M votes to secure 56 seats north of the wall while 4M votes nationwide netted just one for UKIP.


Well done the SNP ! Let's hope this will bring on a new referendum soon , only this time one south of the border on whether Scotland should be excluded from the union or not. I'm sure the English vote would be a lot less divided on the issue than the Scots.


So the Englander's lose not one but THREE party leaders to ignominious defeat while Alex Salmond who honorably STOOD DOWN after losing the referendum, gets returned to Westminster after kicking another Lib-Dem to the curb.


Something is seriously wrong when a system enables 1.5M votes to secure 56 seats north of the wall while 4M votes nationwide netted just one for UKIP.

There is also something seriously wrong with a system that allows a Party to Govern that only received 36% of the National vote.

What this GE has done more than ever, is show exactly how Dis-United the UK is. 3 Countries within the UNION overwhelmingly rejected the Tory Party.

0 MP's for NI.

1 MP for Scotland.

11 MP's in Wales.

It is also interesting to note that of those 12 MP's, 7 of them were in Constituencies that directly bordered England.

The whole Political system in the UK is a shambles and things will never change whilst it remains as it is.


So the Englander's lose not one but THREE party leaders to ignominious defeat while Alex Salmond who honorably STOOD DOWN after losing the referendum, gets returned to Westminster after kicking another Lib-Dem to the curb.

That's a bit harsh on Nigel Farang, who I don't support by the way.

I suspect he will be back as leader and it wouldn't surprise me if he follows Alex Salmond into Parliament via a by-election during the next 5 years.


What I do not understand is why the Scots always moan,they get 1500 pounds a year more in benefits per person a year than anyone else in the UK ,just had a new state of the art hospital built. What's the problem?


What struck me was the time spent by Nicola S on the campaign trail. I get that she is the leader of the SNP, but, unlike the other leaders, she was not standing for election.

Her proper 'job' is as First Minister for Scotland. A position for which she is handsomely rewarded - a salary in excess of that of Cameron as PM.

So, can I take it that she was on unpaid leave from her position as FM? Yeah, right!!

Of course, some might say that keeping a certain Alex Salmon out of the firing line was a master stroke from the SNP. His toxic impact on potential voters in Scotland, as well as possible influence on mainstream UK parties that may have been considering an alignment with SNP, must have been a consideration. However, the plan to unleash him at Westminster is still on course, albeit with a vastly reduced impact level due to the likely Tory majority. He will obviously not show it, but he will be raging about the poor Labour performance that has stolen his thunder!!

Very short term thinking. Labour were basically unelectable....a party in chaos and unable to run the UK.

As the third biggest party in the Commons the Scottish voice will be heard much more in Parliament....we also have a PM who is still nursing his bloody nose over the independence vote.

My prediction is nothing will change much in Scotland...and the chaos will continue south of the border.

A decent result bearing in mind just what a shambles England now is.

The only spanner in the works may be a vote to leave the EU....but it will be the English who decide this.....Scotland will vote to stay.


What struck me was the time spent by Nicola S on the campaign trail. I get that she is the leader of the SNP, but, unlike the other leaders, she was not standing for election.

Her proper 'job' is as First Minister for Scotland. A position for which she is handsomely rewarded - a salary in excess of that of Cameron as PM.

So, can I take it that she was on unpaid leave from her position as FM? Yeah, right!!

Of course, some might say that keeping a certain Alex Salmon out of the firing line was a master stroke from the SNP. His toxic impact on potential voters in Scotland, as well as possible influence on mainstream UK parties that may have been considering an alignment with SNP, must have been a consideration. However, the plan to unleash him at Westminster is still on course, albeit with a vastly reduced impact level due to the likely Tory majority. He will obviously not show it, but he will be raging about the poor Labour performance that has stolen his thunder!!

Very short term thinking. Labour were basically unelectable....a party in chaos and unable to run the UK.

As the third biggest party in the Commons the Scottish voice will be heard much more in Parliament....we also have a PM who is still nursing his bloody nose over the independence vote.

My prediction is nothing will change much in Scotland...and the chaos will continue south of the border.

A decent result bearing in mind just what a shambles England now is.

The only spanner in the works may be a vote to leave the EU....but it will be the English who decide this.....Scotland will vote to stay.

Who gives a monkeys what scotland wants,give the English a vote on it and scotland would be got rid of like s.hit off a shovel.

5 million being taken note of by 55 million?,more like a fart in the wind


What struck me was the time spent by Nicola S on the campaign trail. I get that she is the leader of the SNP, but, unlike the other leaders, she was not standing for election.

Her proper 'job' is as First Minister for Scotland. A position for which she is handsomely rewarded - a salary in excess of that of Cameron as PM.

So, can I take it that she was on unpaid leave from her position as FM? Yeah, right!!

Of course, some might say that keeping a certain Alex Salmon out of the firing line was a master stroke from the SNP. His toxic impact on potential voters in Scotland, as well as possible influence on mainstream UK parties that may have been considering an alignment with SNP, must have been a consideration. However, the plan to unleash him at Westminster is still on course, albeit with a vastly reduced impact level due to the likely Tory majority. He will obviously not show it, but he will be raging about the poor Labour performance that has stolen his thunder!!

Very short term thinking. Labour were basically unelectable....a party in chaos and unable to run the UK.

As the third biggest party in the Commons the Scottish voice will be heard much more in Parliament....we also have a PM who is still nursing his bloody nose over the independence vote.

My prediction is nothing will change much in Scotland...and the chaos will continue south of the border.

A decent result bearing in mind just what a shambles England now is.

The only spanner in the works may be a vote to leave the EU....but it will be the English who decide this.....Scotland will vote to stay.

Who gives a monkeys what scotland wants,give the English a vote on it and scotland would be got rid of like s.hit off a shovel.

5 million being taken note of by 55 million?,more like a fart in the wind

And that attitude is exactly the reason why Labour and the Lib Dums were annihilated in Scotland.


An interesting debate on the BBC yesterday showed how different it would have been if we adopted PR instead of first past the post. UKIP would have had 80+ seats & the Lib Dems would have fared quite well while Lab/Con/SNP would have been substantially reduced. They predicted a Con/UKIP/LD coalition if PR had been an option last Thursday which might have resulted in Farage becoming minister for August :)


What struck me was the time spent by Nicola S on the campaign trail. I get that she is the leader of the SNP, but, unlike the other leaders, she was not standing for election.

Her proper 'job' is as First Minister for Scotland. A position for which she is handsomely rewarded - a salary in excess of that of Cameron as PM.

So, can I take it that she was on unpaid leave from her position as FM? Yeah, right!!

Of course, some might say that keeping a certain Alex Salmon out of the firing line was a master stroke from the SNP. His toxic impact on potential voters in Scotland, as well as possible influence on mainstream UK parties that may have been considering an alignment with SNP, must have been a consideration. However, the plan to unleash him at Westminster is still on course, albeit with a vastly reduced impact level due to the likely Tory majority. He will obviously not show it, but he will be raging about the poor Labour performance that has stolen his thunder!!

Very short term thinking. Labour were basically unelectable....a party in chaos and unable to run the UK.

As the third biggest party in the Commons the Scottish voice will be heard much more in Parliament....we also have a PM who is still nursing his bloody nose over the independence vote.

My prediction is nothing will change much in Scotland...and the chaos will continue south of the border.

A decent result bearing in mind just what a shambles England now is.

The only spanner in the works may be a vote to leave the EU....but it will be the English who decide this.....Scotland will vote to stay.

Who gives a monkeys what scotland wants,give the English a vote on it and scotland would be got rid of like s.hit off a shovel.

5 million being taken note of by 55 million?,more like a fart in the wind

And that attitude is exactly the reason why Labour and the Lib Dums were annihilated in Scotland.

And your still going to be a voice in the wilderness, oh dear how sad never mind

I really do hope Scotland is given full financial autonomy including raising its own taxes, there will be two results 1. a huge saving to the rest of the Union. 2. The Scots will turn on the SNP like a pack of hyenas when they see how much they will have to pay for the good ideas club.


The Tories wouldn't mind Scotland going it alone; though they'd never say so publicly. There is no electoral capital for the Tories in Scotland. If the SNP goes into decline they will be replaced by Labour. In England & Wales alone the Tories could rule for a generation. The SNP has done well in this election but what leverage do they actually have in Westminster? Beyond a lot of hot air: nothing. Ditto the Labour party and anyone else in opposition, for that matter. The only problems they will have will be within their own party. Defections to UKIP are a non-starter now; nearly 4 million votes for one MP.


My apologies for keep posting but it really is a gift that keeps giving, here is a quote from The Telegraph, who's lying now and they haven't taken their seats yet.

The First Minister disputes Alex Salmond's claim the SNP's election landslide moved Scotland closer to independence and insists she did not mislead voters that there was no link with separation.

Here is the full article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/nicola-sturgeon/11595602/Nicola-Sturgeon-I-didnt-lie-to-voters-about-independence.html

I hope I got the posting rules correct with regards quotes from the Press.

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