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21-year-old man arrested for assaulting 51-year-old man to death


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Sorry to say this , but this is normal in Thailand. How many killings do we have each year , it's too many to count.

Mix some drugs and alcohol into a young Thai brain and this is the outcome.

That's why you should just shut up and never provoke anyone here.

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And now that we've got the violent Thais sorted, here are just 2 links to illustrate how civilized things are in the paradise we left behind when we moved to Thailand.

This assault was hard to watch but gratuitous violence isn't just a Thai thing, it's a human thing and happens all over the world.

But hey, let's bash the Thais for a minute or two.. They are not all bad..



You seriously don't get it do you ?

Yes lets bash murderous bastards. Doesn't matter if they are from Thailand or elsewhere.

I tend to bash the British people I left behind in Britain for killing people for no reason. One thing I never did and would never do is try to defend there behavior by saying the same thing happens else where.

But hey you defend killers if they happen to be Thai.

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Sorry to say this , but this is normal in Thailand. How many killings do we have each year , it's too many to count.

Mix some drugs and alcohol into a young Thai brain and this is the outcome.

That's why you should just shut up and never provoke anyone here.

And further stay as far away as you can from relationships or interactions with Thai men. The successful foreigners I know here from all countries (Asian and Western) -- ALL do not have any significant dealings or friendships with Thai men. There seems to be an acknowledgement that it's not worth the risk.

Just don't mix well. Oil and water

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Mugshot of the assailant, 21 year-old Kreutsana Suitong.


Apparently before making his escape on his moped, he drove over the victim's head.

The obligatory crime re-enactment had to be cut short by the police due fears of vigilante justice by members of the public.

Edited by katana
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Mugshot of the assailant, 21 year-old Kreutsana Suitong.


Apparently before making his escape on his moped, he drove over the victim's head.

The obligatory crime re-enactment had to be cut short by the police due fears of vigilante justice by members of the public.

I wouldn't even call it an escape, it looked like a very casual I'm off the 7-eleven for a loaf type of get away.

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What gets me more mad is the people that walked away, or stood there as it happened. Such low respect. The girl on the bike of the victim walked away. The girl on the bike of the assaulter at least once tried to intervene, but gave up.

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Years of repressed anger and frustration explode over nothing. Result: Violence until the other is dead.

You see it again... and again... and again... and again....

Perhaps there's a cultural reason why Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World). Keep it all in until you can't any longer.

Agree. Thais are very frustrated. They see "rich" falangs living high, they have little pocket money, anybody outside of the white collar world has few opportunities, corruption is rampant.

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Years of repressed anger and frustration explode over nothing. Result: Violence until the other is dead.

You see it again... and again... and again... and again....

Perhaps there's a cultural reason why Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World). Keep it all in until you can't any longer.

Agree. Thais are very frustrated. They see "rich" falangs living high, they have little pocket money, anybody outside of the white collar world has few opportunities, corruption is rampant.

There's plenty of rich thai folk knocking around too mate.

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Years of repressed anger and frustration explode over nothing. Result: Violence until the other is dead.

You see it again... and again... and again... and again....

Perhaps there's a cultural reason why Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World). Keep it all in until you can't any longer.

Agree. Thais are very frustrated. They see "rich" falangs living high, they have little pocket money, anybody outside of the white collar world has few opportunities, corruption is rampant.

There's plenty of rich thai folk knocking around too mate.

Yeah, and I know many of them intimately. Many (maybe most) do, however, suffer from the same flaws. Most prominent one being a deep and obvious inferiority complex. They seem always interested in convincing you that they are equal to this and that and that their education and money and life style and culture and customs and possessions and knowledge etc etc etc are just as good as anybody's anywhere.

To be really honest, I feel mostly quite sad for many Thais. They are happy on the surface but deep down I think they often know the country and their culture is a complete mess in many ways.

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My brother had something similar happen to him but he lived though he was never the same. The guy got 3.5 years in wrong jail for him my brothers good buddy was serving time in same place. The guy that destroyed my brothers life ended serving his time in a wheelchair. And still in it years later. My brother passed away because of medicine he took to keep him alive was cancer causing.

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RIP to the poor gentleman, my prayers are with his family and friends. I hope they have kind people supporting them at this terrible time.

I never click on these kind of videos.

This is not a Thai problem, this happens allover the world, and for smaller reasons than flashing lights. One of my best friends said "Happy New Year, mate!" in a friendly manner, to another man he passed on the street at New Years time. This was in Wakefield England. The other man ran over and headbutted my friend, and then kicked my friend on the floor and stamped on his head. My friend was in a coma, and lost an eye, and his sense of smell/taste/vision/speaking are damaged for life. That was for giving somebody a friendly smile and wishing them a happy new year. I have read loads of stories like that about random violence in North England. There are angry violent people allover the world, along with caring friendly people. It is not about the characteristics of any given nationality, it is universal and it is just random luck which type of people you run into.

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Makes me wonder how many Thais are seething with this level of anger under the surface.

Unfortunately there are a lot of them like this. You see it everyday caught on camera. How many do we NOT see which are NOT caught on camera. There is so little regard for life in this country and this includes the government with their total disregard for traffic deaths. All they do is talk about doing something, but they never do.

How about the story of the old man who stomped his 40 something lover to death at a party the other day because she wouldn't give him 100 baht she had earned that day for helping wash dishes or something and not one person lifted a hand to help her. This is a very sick country and I can't wait to leave as soon as a few lose ends are tied up.

Edited by oneday
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Ah Thainess! This is how thai people treattheir own kind. So do not expect them to like or love foreigners!

The laws in thailand are too lenient. For murder, a convict might get a life sentence ie max 25 years...with the amount amesties and pardons and time off for "good behaviour" (ps: which can be apprently bought), these murder convicts are out after 6 to 8 years!

The death penalty should be introduced and death by exeuctions reinforced for murder, robbery and drug convicts.

In this case, the local thai scum shot be put to death along with his low scum girlfriend who did nothing. The guys father and mother should also be punished for bringing forth such an animal. Or someone should do the same to his father.

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All expats and foreigners shoudl also help disseminate this news and video along with the rest of the daily news that reflects thainess to your friends and media back home. Its good to help promote this "Thainess" campaign.

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After he is found guilty, just take him out the back of the prison and shoot him. along with any others who commit violent crimes like this

At least he wont get the chance to do it again and the government will save money on his food and welfare

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Years of repressed anger and frustration explode over nothing. Result: Violence until the other is dead.

You see it again... and again... and again... and again....

Perhaps there's a cultural reason why Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World). Keep it all in until you can't any longer.

Yes there is a cultural reason and it's called Confucianism.

2550 years ago, in the North of China, a philosopher/moralist called Kong (or Kung) Foo Tse (and referred to by Western scholars as Confucius) put in writing a number of principles which, in his opinion, would make human societies harmonious, strong, and perennial. The success and tremendous duration of his doctrine is mind-boggling.

To this day, not only in China but in most other Asian countries which include ALL of the Indochinese peninsula and MOST of the Indonesian archipelago, people of totally different ethnic origins and religions actually base their behaviour and ethics primarily on Kong Foo Tse's moral/social code, and the funny thing is that most of them are not aware of it. It's so ingrained, so deeply absorbed and rooted in all these different cultures that the majority of people haven't a clue where it actually originated.

Kong Foo Tse's code covers the most important areas of social intercourse, namely people's relation to :

- parents

- teachers and hierarchical superiors

- political authorities

- work

- family (divided into 3 simple layers : elders, equals, descendants)

- money

- the self

- social groups

- emotions

- marriage

In relation to all these people and concepts, the Confucian key ideas are :

- respect those socially higher than you

- accept their orders and do not discuss them

- control yourself

- feel what you may but don't show it

- do not under any circumstances break the harmony of society

- do not ever consider yourself more important than the groups you belong to (family, village, corporation, country)

- an individual's life is of no importance whatsoever when put in balance with the perennity of the group

These principles have managed to make 'Confucean Asia' arguably the strongest ethnic group ever, illustrated first by the amazing commercial success of Japan and Korea, and now of course China, which is quietly on its way to becoming the new leader of the world, whether 'we' (all the others) like it or not.

It also generated a culture based, as you put it clearly Dlang, on self repression, frustration, and accumulated anger. A sort of 'pressure-cooker' culture. Every now and then there are explosions and then the amount of violence is beyond imagination (plenty of examples in old and recent history). Explosions can be individual (the word 'amok' is of Malay origin and expresses just that) or collective (Nanjin Massacre 1937 - Indonesian killings 1965 - Chinese 'Cultural revolution' 1966-76 - Khmer Rouge Genocide 1975-79 ... the list is huge).

Of course the one vast question, in the end, is : OK, the positive results of Confucianism are undeniable, but are they worth the negative effects ?

There's no easy answer to that.

NB. I had to spell Confucius's Chinese name wrong (ie Kong Foo Tse) because the letters F and U written in a direct sequence are automatically deleted... ah.... the mysteries of bigotry...

Edited by Yann55
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The killer was stupid drunk and driving a motorbike....The deceased flipped him off.

Keep those knee jerk finger responses in check. I hope he never sees the light of day.

Edited by NickJ
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Interesting that the atracker was so angry, the 51 year old never once even touched him as far as I could see. A single slap or punch should have been sufficient, although still not justified.

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Who here thinks he shouldn't be put to sleep?

I'm sure there are many on here that would offer to put him to sleep only using a slightly more efficient method than he used on his victim.post-9891-0-43236400-1431153115_thumb.jp

Edited by ratcatcher
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My brother had something similar happen to him but he lived though he was never the same. The guy got 3.5 years in wrong jail for him my brothers good buddy was serving time in same place. The guy that destroyed my brothers life ended serving his time in a wheelchair. And still in it years later. My brother passed away because of medicine he took to keep him alive was cancer causing.

An eye for an eye simply does NOT work. Death sentence does NOT work. Frustrating it may be, but the only thing that will work is raising our children with empathy. Yet excesses like this horrible murder will happen again. We can only try to make it happen less. There are no quick solutions.

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Years of repressed anger and frustration explode over nothing. Result: Violence until the other is dead.

You see it again... and again... and again... and again....

Perhaps there's a cultural reason why Thailand has 23,000 gun homicides every year (4th highest in the World). Keep it all in until you can't any longer.

Completely inaccurate information. Thailand is on par with the U.S., at about 4.9 murders, per 100,000. Honduras has 70. Venezuela has 45. Colombia, South Africa, Belize, El Salvador, are also amongst the highest. Thailand has relatively few murders per year, per capita. Please limit your citing of information to subjects you are familiar with.

Edited by spidermike007
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