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Eggs are about to go up as well due to the heat wave . The news said chooks are under stress.

Me and the chooks. *sigh* Come on, rain.

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I would say those price increases happen to ALL products that are not part of the basic nutrition menu of your average Thai Somchai.

I 100% agree with the comments about the dairy product price increases, butter prices have increased 50% in 3 years or less, and now costs 3 times as much as in my home country, milk 2 times as much. A tiny cup of locally made cottage cheese costs now 52 Baht (was 40 Baht 2 years ago which is still very expensive compared to my home country).

But it's not only dairy products:

BIG C used to have their own brand of Orange juices, good quality, and sometimes when there was a promo the price could be 39 Baht per 1-Liter Box. That was just 2 years ago or so.

nowadays good luck finding any decent genuine orange juice cheaper than 59 Baht, and the BigC Brand has entirely disappeared.


Eggs are about to go up as well due to the heat wave . The news said chooks are under stress.

OH NO!!!! not more expensive eggs again....Bloody Unions !!!! We gave the chooks a rise last year, what more do they want?...biggrin.png

Why are you always looking for a reason to cackle about? The poor buggars give eggs and their meat what more do you want.

Cheaper producing Chooks maybe?


Temperature goes up, cows under heat stress give less milk, supply goes down price goes up. coffee1.gif


Temperature goes up, cows under heat stress give less milk, supply goes down price goes up. coffee1.gif

So why does the price never go back down when those conditions no longer apply? There's a lot more than that to the huge increases in dairy produce prices in the last decade or so compared to, say, rice prices, or even beer prices (where rises are largely due to taxation rises, but are still less than dairy has suffered). Some people's suspicions of a racket look quite likely.


Do not forget! If you like yoghurt, you can make it for the price of milk. Just but yourself the machine. That means, the yoghurtmaker will be paid off after the production of 10 litres of yoghurt. And it comes with no sugar and artificial flavour. The ELC-MC-1011 is only 439 THB at the intertoshop.


I'm afraid someone had to say this- I realise that many are living on a tight budget.

To worry about paying 3 or 4 baht more for a product you enjoy just seems bizarre .

Food prices are increasing world wide, the world population has more than doubled in my lifetime and I have a suspicion that intensive agricultural practices are depending much more on fertilisers, pesticides etc- all at a cost to the farmer.

Nothing is going to get cheaper- water wars / shortages will plague future generations .

yes you are right.It's just that its everything going up and when checking out maybe the overall bill will be 100 baht more.those that have money it does n't matter that much,but still easy to notice.local price of limes,lettuce,tomato's all up big time.maybe its cos of the drought.Imported goods cos of duty increase plus currency fluctuations.

but yes very little ever goes down and for those on a fixed income or depreciating saving there 's only one thing to do,buy less of these more expensive items or just buy whats on discount......be a mean shopper.


Do not forget! If you like yoghurt, you can make it for the price of milk. Just but yourself the machine. That means, the yoghurtmaker will be paid off after the production of 10 litres of yoghurt. And it comes with no sugar and artificial flavour. The ELC-MC-1011 is only 439 THB at the intertoshop.

all you need is a spoon, take a spoon of living yoghurt and put it into the milk.

The spoon comes free with your last yoghurt purchase


Worgeordie, the reason that milk is so cheap in a place like the Uk is interesting. It is of course a staple food there that virtually everyone buys if not daily then every other day. The big supermarkets sell it almost as a loss leader to get people into the stores to buy other groceries. This is driving many uk dairy farmers out if business leaving only the massive farms where profit margins can be shave to nubbins. Almost No one is going to go to Thai shops because of the price of milk and anyway that cost cutting culture has not taken root here. Milk should be much higher priced in the UK. When i go there i drink it like water!

Regards, worcarter.


Last months the Thai baht has risen a lot vs the euro. Did you see any imported good get cheaper in the shops? I didn't.

I wished Aldi or Lidl would come to Thailand, then all prices would be normal soon. That would be a great gift from the General to the Thai people to help them with their hapiness. Ask Aldi to come.wai.gif


Do not forget! If you like yoghurt, you can make it for the price of milk. Just but yourself the machine. That means, the yoghurtmaker will be paid off after the production of 10 litres of yoghurt. And it comes with no sugar and artificial flavour. The ELC-MC-1011 is only 439 THB at the intertoshop.

Even cheaper at Lazada



Eggs are about to go up as well due to the heat wave . The news said chooks are under stress.

OH NO!!!! not more expensive eggs again....Bloody Unions !!!! We gave the chooks a rise last year, what more do they want?...biggrin.png

Bloody red roosters!


time to buy one cow (goat?) , a few chicken and ... what else again

yes CP is feeding the cows expensive GMO soy or corn, you know, the one's that need that deadly herbicide, produced by the company that also brought AGENT ORANGE ... the cows & porks really need that good healthy stuff, so they can glow in the dark and the factory can put the lights a bit dimmer as they shine in the dark


time to buy one cow (goat?) , a few chicken and ... what else again

yes CP is feeding the cows expensive GMO soy or corn, you know, the one's that need that deadly herbicide, produced by the company that also brought AGENT ORANGE ... the cows & porks really need that good healthy stuff, so they can glow in the dark and the factory can put the lights a bit dimmer as they shine in the dark

I think you need to slow down on the beers/bongs.


Price of the milk I buy went up to 91/92 baht late last year as evidenced by this Thai Visa quote from December 23 2015, so if it has only gone up recently for some then you're fortunate to be shopping somewhere cheaper than the rest of us.

I noticed yesterday that a liter of milk in Foodland is 91.25 baht compared to 89.5 baht last week

evidenced by this Thai Visa quote from December 23 2015,

Crystal ball???


I am inclined to agree the price of dairy products has risen almost daily there should be a curb on a lot of products there doesn't seem any logical reason for the increases is it just greed?

Minimum wage has doubled in two years.

Are all the workers greedy?

Quit buying it and the price will come down.


The EU is awash with cheap milk. Some of the shops are selling four pints for 80p - 39 baht. You'd think the Thais would encourage (by imposing no duties) cheese and powdered milk, because it's a cheap source of protein and calcium. 400g of dried milk retail price £1:15, or under 60 baht. This makes up to seven pints.


Much of the pretty green grass you see in the Thai countryside is of very low nutrient value. And most of the high producing dairy breeds come from temperate, not tropical, climate so outside all day for those girls is a big No-no. A sunburned cow is highly stressed = little milk.

And making your own yogurt from dry powered milk is very simple, any child could do it. If you like to eat yogurt, learn to make your own, save bags of money and don't despoil the rubbish heap with throw-away plastic tubs from OZ, or UK.

Your second paragraph sounds great, I love yogurt, so I'll give it a go.


I'm afraid someone had to say this- I realise that many are living on a tight budget.

To worry about paying 3 or 4 baht more for a product you enjoy just seems bizarre .

Food prices are increasing world wide, the world population has more than doubled in my lifetime and I have a suspicion that intensive agricultural practices are depending much more on fertilisers, pesticides etc- all at a cost to the farmer.

Nothing is going to get cheaper- water wars / shortages will plague future generations .

Some of these farang are living on a worse budget than a thai and they dare flout their "1st world" superior attitude around.


The EU is awash with cheap milk. Some of the shops are selling four pints for 80p - 39 baht. You'd think the Thais would encourage (by imposing no duties) cheese and powdered milk, because it's a cheap source of protein and calcium. 400g of dried milk retail price £1:15, or under 60 baht. This makes up to seven pints.

And put domestic diaries out of business, that's a great idea.

Does the EU in a free trade agreement with Thailand?


Eggs are about to go up as well due to the heat wave . The news said chooks are under stress.

OH NO!!!! not more expensive eggs again....Bloody Unions !!!! We gave the chooks a rise last year, what more do they want?...biggrin.png

Perhaps more eggs? Think of supply vs. demand. The more eggs on hand, the lower the price. It's not quite rocket science, nevertheless, I hope you understand.


Are you one of those people who complain about baht being too strong? Well if you are, let's just say when the baht gets weaker, prices of things go up, especially on imports.

Luckily I like LEO- not imported...

But also is debatable as to whether it is a genuine beer.


The EU is awash with cheap milk. Some of the shops are selling four pints for 80p - 39 baht. You'd think the Thais would encourage (by imposing no duties) cheese and powdered milk, because it's a cheap source of protein and calcium. 400g of dried milk retail price £1:15, or under 60 baht. This makes up to seven pints.

And put domestic diaries out of business, that's a great idea.

Does the EU in a free trade agreement with Thailand?

Thailand is a one way street.. they want to dump their products.. but never the other way around. It might cost them money. No Thais can only make money of Thais not those pesky farangs.


The EU is awash with cheap milk. Some of the shops are selling four pints for 80p - 39 baht. You'd think the Thais would encourage (by imposing no duties) cheese and powdered milk, because it's a cheap source of protein and calcium. 400g of dried milk retail price £1:15, or under 60 baht. This makes up to seven pints.

And put domestic diaries out of business, that's a great idea.

Does the EU in a free trade agreement with Thailand?

Thailand is a one way street.. they want to dump their products.. but never the other way around. It might cost them money. No Thais can only make money of Thais not those pesky farangs.

I do not understand your last sentence.

How are the economic policies of the EU working out?


Are you one of those people who complain about baht being too strong? Well if you are, let's just say when the baht gets weaker, prices of things go up, especially on imports.

No, I'm not such a person. I'm not actually complaining about it, just asking if anyone has any thoughts about why? After all, it's made locally from local cows. I've lived here 31 years so far. I don't recall dairy products becoming more expensive continuously like this. I stopped buying yoghurt when it had gone up to 37 Baht for 4 cartons, and that wasn't that many months ago. Maybe 6-8 months. I can't remember. Now the price has risen about 40% to 52 Baht, and it hasn't stopped rising. A week ago it was 48 Baht. I rarely drink milk now because of the hormones and chemicals it contains anyway - just with coffee sometimes. The price of the 2,500 cc containers was about 70 Baht not so long ago. Maybe 6 months ago. Now it's 91 Baht. 10 days ago it was 89 Baht. If the Thai cost of living went up at this rate, there would be demonstrations - maybe not now with Section 44 though. CP is known for exploiting people, so I naturally assumed that this was CP doing it again.

Uh no. It's not all local. A given percentage is allowed to come from imported milk powder and still be called fresh milk. Some is pure local, but lots of brands add a bit. Then yoghurt and all the other stuff uses a lot of powder. So a falling baht and high local temps pushes up the cost.


The EU is awash with cheap milk. Some of the shops are selling four pints for 80p - 39 baht. You'd think the Thais would encourage (by imposing no duties) cheese and powdered milk, because it's a cheap source of protein and calcium. 400g of dried milk retail price £1:15, or under 60 baht. This makes up to seven pints.

And put domestic diaries out of business, that's a great idea.

Does the EU in a free trade agreement with Thailand?

Thailand is a one way street.. they want to dump their products.. but never the other way around. It might cost them money. No Thais can only make money of Thais not those pesky farangs.

I do not understand your last sentence.

How are the economic policies of the EU working out?

Good just like in the US.. open markets are the best thing ever happened to consumers. Here CP dominates and there is no good beer (I seldom drink) All because Thais keep their market locked. Its a stupid thing to do and the ones who loose out are the consumers.

What I meant with my last sentence was that only those Thai monopolies can rip off the consumers and no farang company would ever allowed to the market to compete as then farangs would make money on Thais and prices would drop.


The EU is awash with cheap milk. Some of the shops are selling four pints for 80p - 39 baht. You'd think the Thais would encourage (by imposing no duties) cheese and powdered milk, because it's a cheap source of protein and calcium. 400g of dried milk retail price £1:15, or under 60 baht. This makes up to seven pints.

And put domestic diaries out of business, that's a great idea.

Does the EU in a free trade agreement with Thailand?

It's a very good idea. You don't do inefficiently what others can do efficiently, you do what you can do efficiently and then swap. It's called "comparative advantage" and the places which are rich got a hold of the idea about 400 years ago. The Thais still believe in things like "the lump of labour fallacy" - they think there's a fixed number of jobs to go around - and so the country remains poor. Good ideas make you rich.

Some loon is trying to grow tea in Perthshire in Scotland. It's quite pricey!


Good just like in the US.. open markets are the best thing ever happened to consumers. Here CP dominates and there is no good beer (I seldom drink) All because Thais keep their market locked. Its a stupid thing to do and the ones who loose out are the consumers.

What I meant with my last sentence was that only those Thai monopolies can rip off the consumers and no farang company would ever allowed to the market to compete as then farangs would make money on Thais and prices would drop.

I'm all for free trade. That said, it seems to me like plenty of foreign companies do fine here.

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