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Poll shows Section 44 may not resolve lottery overpricing definitely

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Poll shows Section 44 may not resolve lottery overpricing definitely


BANGKOK: -- Most people voiced uncertainty if the prime minister could successfully resolve the long standing lottery overpricing using sweeping power under Section 44 of the interim constitution.

According to Dusit Poll, Section 44 could resolve overpricing lottery ticket just in short term, while the root cause of the problem or the unfair quota allocation remains unsolved.

The opinion poll was conducted from a total of 1,254 people nationwide during May 4-8 after Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha exercised sweeping power under Section 44 to dissolve the Government Lottery Office (GLO) board and appointed deputy commander of the First Army Region Maj-Gen Apirat Kongsompong to be board chairman with instruction that lottery overpricing must be ended in six months, and lottery ticket is sold at 80 baht flat nationwide.

Dusit Poll said the majority of the people interviewed or 78.39% said overpricing was caused by unfair allocation of lottery ticket quotas, particularly to major traders who always exploited agents, while 77.15% blamed on second and third agents for marking up prices sold to lottery vendors .

The poll also said GLO officials were also to be blamed with 75.22% viewed they were involved in unsystematic allocation.

69.84% blamed loopholes in the law.

On the use of Section 44, 54.85% voiced uncertainty that this would be achieved as the problem is deep rooted. They said it could resolve overpricing only in short term while in the long run, overpricing will resurface.

But 32.84% said Section 44 could resolve the problem as it gives absolute power to tackle the problem, thus intimidating any violator.

Only 12.31% said it was useless as far as it involves influential people and major financiers and cooperation from state officials, and unclear law.

Asked on whether Maj-Gen Apirat could achieve the task, 41.03% said they were quite certain that he could do do, citing previous assignment he was designated by the military junta to tackle influential people or mafias, and to reorganise the societies.

However 31.87% viewed the issue was not easy to resolve definitely as the lottery law remains a problem discouraging any attempt to resolve it permanently.

But 17.94% voiced their belief the problem could never be resolved, citing desperate attempts by past governments which were never achieved.

Only 9.16% were certain Maj-Gen Apirat could resolve the problem as it is the important and urgent task of the military junta that must be achieved

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/poll-shows-section-44-may-not-resolve-lottery-overpricing-definitely

-- Thai PBS 2015-05-09

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I told you how to solve it simply register all street level vendors. Issue 1,000 tickets each or total 80,000 baht worth charge them 75,000 payable to GLO . Once tickets sold vendors turn in 75,000 baht and get issue another 1,000 tickets to sell. The vendor makes 5,000 baht from sales. draw is help once a month. vendors should be able to sell more or less about 3,000 tickets a month. making 15,000 baht of which 5,000 they save after a year they should have enough saved to buy outright after a year. Then they are independent merchants. all unsold tickets every month returned to GLO and deducted from what they owe. Unless a licensed charity with cash to buy tickets and issue to there own vendors giving them a percentage for selling.no middleman no up pricing.

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I don't believe these "opinion poll" findings - whether or not I agree with the claimed findings.

If Prayuth and General Apirat say they will solve it by mid year, why not be generous and give them the benefit of the doubt and wait 6 weeks to see what happens?

And make sure it's sustainable.

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So what will they do with the naughty boys and girls that sell tickets for more than 80baht? Fine them 100baht? More than likely, though maybe 200baht!!!

Show you mean business. Confiscate all tickets, and fine them 10,000Baht. That should stop most of them! And if it doesn't fine them 20,000Baht next time!

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I told you how to solve it simply register all street level vendors. Issue 1,000 tickets each or total 80,000 baht worth charge them 75,000 payable to GLO . Once tickets sold vendors turn in 75,000 baht and get issue another 1,000 tickets to sell. The vendor makes 5,000 baht from sales. draw is help once a month. vendors should be able to sell more or less about 3,000 tickets a month. making 15,000 baht of which 5,000 they save after a year they should have enough saved to buy outright after a year. Then they are independent merchants. all unsold tickets every month returned to GLO and deducted from what they owe. Unless a licensed charity with cash to buy tickets and issue to there own vendors giving them a percentage for selling.no middleman no up pricing.

Most lottery ticket sellers would probably battle to raise Baht 80,000 just like that? Since nobody appears to be interested in starting up online lottery sales which would be easier as it does not require wholesalers (which is probably the reason why nobody is interested...), why not register the sellers and allocate ticket batches directly? And if they do not pay for their quota, they are out of the system and out of income potential? And I still think that physically challenged citizens should be the preferred sellers!

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Having never done the lottery here how are people overcharged for the ticket?. Surely the ticket has a fixed price nationwide and you simply refuse to buy above that price.

Clearly, I am naïve , but I don't understand the issue . facepalm.gif

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I think the Generals other idea would work stop the lottery...

Then either wait until all agree to comply or start a new lottery sold out of shops that have lottery terminals, select your numbers and buy ticket.

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Thailand has to have the worst lottery system I have ever seen, and the most corrupt too. I guess the crappy lottery AND corruption go hand in hand, which is why it will never change.

So, the only option really, is to shut the lottery down completely. Starting immediately and lasting a minimum of 5 years. During that time, set up a proper lottery system, such as is run in the west (not that I like the lotteries there, by the way), fully computerized and playable from gas stations and convenience and grocery stores.

But as with all things in Thailand, there is far to much money involved to allow any meaningful changes to take place. But one can dream.

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They said the 'tigers' monopoly would not be renewed.

Yeah, when pigs fly. They will make a hundred small companies using proxies and still buy up the tickets.

Nice misdirection altogether. The General's buddies are the problem. Solve yourself, Mr. PM.

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I told you how to solve it simply register all street level vendors. Issue 1,000 tickets each or total 80,000 baht worth charge them 75,000 payable to GLO . Once tickets sold vendors turn in 75,000 baht and get issue another 1,000 tickets to sell. The vendor makes 5,000 baht from sales. draw is help once a month. vendors should be able to sell more or less about 3,000 tickets a month. making 15,000 baht of which 5,000 they save after a year they should have enough saved to buy outright after a year. Then they are independent merchants. all unsold tickets every month returned to GLO and deducted from what they owe. Unless a licensed charity with cash to buy tickets and issue to there own vendors giving them a percentage for selling.no middleman no up pricing.

How do you manage the buy back? As seems that would need to turn in unused tickets prior to the drawing ...

Otherwise will not work... As vendors could just buy thousands of tickets... Sit at home and see what happens..

If any winning tickets, cash them in and then just return all the non winners to get their money back...

Or even if they do sell, there would then be an immediate black market for loosing lottery tickets... As if vendors offer to buy back from their customers at half price and sell back to the government for full price.

So how long before the drawing do you need to turn in the unsold tickets?

Need to be sure to leave enough time for ever ticket vendor to get back to the government office.. Get in line and sell back their unsold tickets

Currently listening only a small number of connected middlemen allowed to purchase lottery tickets so line at lottery office not too bad.. As these few buy in lots of 10s of thousands at a time...

But if middle men taken out of the loop and every individual ticket seller needs to get in line to buy tickets and sell tickets back ... How many people would that be ?

10s of thousands of people? Hundred thousand? How many lottery office would then need to be opened to accommodate ?

How many days need to wait in line to buy? How many days to sell back?

Really the best way is to sell tickets at 7/11, Family Mart, Tesco, Big C...

Immediately ends the scams, as no middlemen... also solves any issue of unsold tickets, as would not be any... People can pick there own numbers, what ever they want... Save huge costs to the government, as no need to print or distribute tickets...

Of course need to then find some work for the sellers... But unemployment less than 1%, right?

So shouldn't be an issue if they want to find work... But of course it is not that they CAN'T find work, but that they DON'T want to work for some one else...

Of course they will not be happy and will be vocal ... Of course they will likely be organized and roused and likely paid to protest by the same middle men who have so much to loose...

As they make tons of money as the gate keepers / distributors of lottery tickets under the current scheme

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