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What has become better here for us farangs?

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For expats probably not much improvement on the plate of the PM.

For tourist probably will be a lot of improvements and the PM is trying hard to implement it.


Because just one "quality" tourist may spend here in 2 weeks, what an expat may spend in one year.

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Ask not what Thailand can do for you — ask what you can do for Thailand.

Not without a work permit, you can't! And that includes unpaid volunteering, also...

I wonder if Thai-bashing violates Thailand's labor laws as well. You have to admit that some people here seem to have turned it into a full-time job. cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3- alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

What did the Thais ever do for us ?

(Monty Python joke, before I get messages from people shaking with rage waving their Independent above their heads)

Edited by ExPratt
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Pathetic trolling thread. OP sets up for a major whine under the guise of a faux innocent question and when at first he doesn't get what he wants he disagrees with the responders.

You know what's coming mate ... if yer don't like it you can always etc

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here some example of changes that would make it better for us..

Would like them to bring up to date their property and land owning laws.(max one rai for farang)

equal business structure laws so no more 49% 51% scam.

Hassle free year visas for 12.000 bht for people under 50 years who do not want to go to school 20 hours a week and get tested at an immigration office.

Banning of all jet skies..

No more double pricing especially in hospitals..hospitals need print out their prices on printed paper..in eng thai

fixed rates for all the traffic fines on a clearly printed government on piece of paper. in eng thai

Better follow up of crimes of thais against foreigners.(example close down karaoke joints that extort tipsy farangs...)etc etc

change the laws that give opportunity of thais to scam foreigners.Now most their laws always benefit their own kind.

Anyway i did not see any changes like this so in my opinion nothing got better here for us..

How's about a personal Thai assigned to us the minute we emerge from the airport?

Holds your chopper while you pee, wipes your ass and negotiates with mamasans to get you a "Thai" price in Patpong?

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Just an random example how serious thai police treats thai crimes against foreigners ::

It transpired that earlier in the morning Khun Prasert had been arrested by Police following an incident with a knife involving a foreign tourist but it was decided to release him without charge.

Then 5 minutes later they release this nutter and even give him back his knife (&lt;deleted&gt;)and so now this guy went attacking foreigners who were sitting on some beach deck chairs...So he could repeat his offence...


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here some example of changes that would make it better for us..

Would like them to bring up to date their property and land owning laws.(max one rai for farang)

equal business structure laws so no more 49% 51% scam.

Hassle free year visas for 12.000 bht for people under 50 years who do not want to go to school 20 hours a week and get tested at an immigration office.

Banning of all jet skies..

No more double pricing especially in hospitals..hospitals need print out their prices on printed paper..in eng thai

fixed rates for all the traffic fines on a clearly printed government on piece of paper. in eng thai

Better follow up of crimes of thais against foreigners.(example close down karaoke joints that extort tipsy farangs...)etc etc

change the laws that give opportunity of thais to scam foreigners.Now most their laws always benefit their own kind.

Anyway i did not see any changes like this so in my opinion nothing got better here for us..

In my experience hospitals do print their price lists and they are the same for Thai and non-Thai. What hospitals have you seen double pricing at? Have you asked for a Thai price list or got a Thai person to ask for you.

No i can not remember that i ever got a price list from any thai hospital.

my friend 40 years got an heart attack and he had to negotiate with the doctor of the Phuket Bangkok hospital in the operation room about the price..

would like to see one and also one from the police cause now fines will depend on how rich u look..u red light can be 500 bht or can be a 1000 bht just depends on your car model...

again i did not see anything improve for us cause the people in power do not care.they busy with the lottery..

You are asking for positive changes... yet all YOU do in your own thread is

- criticize people who post positive things for them

- moan about what you would want to have changed

- bash around against everything

seems pretty clear what you try to do... so i guess your thread will be short lived...

.I did not see any positive changes yet furthermore i did see some negative changes but that was not what my post was about ..So i had sadly no positive points to add.However i was curious what others had to say about it.Besides some faster procedure at immegration visa office i have heard nothing new that have been improved changed for the better for us..

That Thai rice farmers got some money back it got nothing to do with us.

Then some one asked my what i would like to see improved so i gave some points.

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here some example of changes that would make it better for us..

Would like them to bring up to date their property and land owning laws.(max one rai for farang)

equal business structure laws so no more 49% 51% scam.

Hassle free year visas for 12.000 bht for people under 50 years who do not want to go to school 20 hours a week and get tested at an immigration office.

Banning of all jet skies..

No more double pricing especially in hospitals..hospitals need print out their prices on printed paper..in eng thai

fixed rates for all the traffic fines on a clearly printed government on piece of paper. in eng thai

Better follow up of crimes of thais against foreigners.(example close down karaoke joints that extort tipsy farangs...)etc etc

change the laws that give opportunity of thais to scam foreigners.Now most their laws always benefit their own kind.

Anyway i did not see any changes like this so in my opinion nothing got better here for us..

How's about a personal Thai assigned to us the minute we emerge from the airport?

Holds your chopper while you pee, wipes your ass and negotiates with mamasans to get you a "Thai" price in Patpong?

Excusme if you would have bothered to look at some random points i mentioned that should be improved for us farangs, then you could have read that none of points included Mamasans,Patpong ,Prostitutes.

Since you bringing them up may i then assume this is exactly how you spend your time in Thailand? Can we included binge drinking as well for you?

I also do not need any help finding my way from any airport that too was not in my list.

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Pathetic trolling thread. OP sets up for a major whine under the guise of a faux innocent question and when at first he doesn't get what he wants he disagrees with the responders.

You know what's coming mate ... if yer don't like it you can always etc

Well sorry i had no positive points to add...then others asked me what issues i wanted to see up for improvements so i gave a couple.

But how about you..why dont you answer it then?

What has become better here for us farangs then ?


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I don't know all Farang only me. So for me......Pizza has gotten better and so has beer (Beer Lao available). Relative to me the women I see have gotten younger and prettier.

When I got here I didn't get a pension and now I do. I found insurance for an old guy like me. My health has improved as a result of me seeing a good doctor and following his advice. My living expenses have gone down because my wife shares the bills with me now and before I was single.

I'm a lot more relaxed now than I was before I got here and worried about Western worries. Now I worry about Thai worries. Where can I get that Ganyao from Nonthaburi for under 20,000 baht.

Edited by lostoday
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In my life I've learned not to expect anything from anybody but always to stand on my own feet and make my own decisions.

I spend my own money here for my own pleasure and satisfaction and I would never expect any help from any government or any individual.

Good post, and fine, as long as no one, whether in business or any government office takes too much money from you unfairly like in the UK.

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I know what your saying, but Thailand don't really want us, they only want our money.

Except for mom (and sometimes I wonder about her) who does really want us for just ourselves? The country I was born in and 20 plus others I have lived in only wanted cash but maybe you know something I don't?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

In my life I've learned not to expect anything from anybody but always to stand on my own feet and make my own decisions.

I spend my own money here for my own pleasure and satisfaction and I would never expect any help from any government or any individual.

Good post, and fine, as long as no one, whether in business or any government office takes too much money from you unfairly like in the UK.

Sorry, I couldn't let this one go . . .

Over the last two years, the school I just retired from has screwed every foreign teacher every chance they could. The "Two Price Tiers" between what Thai's pay and what Farangs pay doesn't happen in civilized countries, all pay the same price. Watching dozens of Thai's riding a motorbike through a police check point sans helmet without being hassled but the first farang without a helmet that drives up gets fined. Police trying to implicate me in a traffic accident which I had NOTHING to do with, I had just stopped to offer first aid. And on and on and on . . .

They smile in your face, but I wouldn't trust a single one of them. Y'all may have had better experiences, and my time here hasn't been nearly a decade of TOTAL misery, far from it. I've just had it, am moving on, and wish everyone here the best of luck!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

In my life I've learned not to expect anything from anybody but always to stand on my own feet and make my own decisions.

I spend my own money here for my own pleasure and satisfaction and I would never expect any help from any government or any individual.

Good post, and fine, as long as no one, whether in business or any government office takes too much money from you unfairly like in the UK.

Sorry, I couldn't let this one go . . .

Over the last two years, the school I just retired from has screwed every foreign teacher every chance they could. The "Two Price Tiers" between what Thai's pay and what Farangs pay doesn't happen in civilized countries, all pay the same price. Watching dozens of Thai's riding a motorbike through a police check point sans helmet without being hassled but the first farang without a helmet that drives up gets fined. Police trying to implicate me in a traffic accident which I had NOTHING to do with, I had just stopped to offer first aid. And on and on and on . . .

They smile in your face, but I wouldn't trust a single one of them. Y'all may have had better experiences, and my time here hasn't been nearly a decade of TOTAL misery, far from it. I've just had it, am moving on, and wish everyone here the best of luck!

Did your school pay starting Farang teachers more than Starting Thai teachers? I would imagine they did. Every school I taught at paid me much more for less work than any of the Thai teachers. I guess I should have but I didn't complain.

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Pathetic trolling thread. OP sets up for a major whine under the guise of a faux innocent question and when at first he doesn't get what he wants he disagrees with the responders.

You know what's coming mate ... if yer don't like it you can always etc

Santisak I agree with you 100%. This is a blatant and obvious attempt by the Op to encourage Thai bashing. What on earth makes him think that the Thai Government owes him a better life. He must have an enormous ego.

The Thai government is here for the benefit of the Thai people. Does he not understand that anything that is done to improve the lives of the Thai people indirectly also benefits him. If he has a Thai friend, gf or wife who gets paid for their rice crop then he also benefits. Oh but the Op just moans that it didn't benefit him directly and why should it. If the Government works on stamping out corruption does this not benefit him also. The Op seems to be blind to that fact.

Why does Thailand owe him anything? Please don't say because of his contribution to the economy. Op your contribution to the economy is peanuts compared to the millions that can be obtained from increasing tourism from China even if you don't like these tourists. If your enormous ego thinks that you are entitled to the Thai Government making improvements just for you, you are sadly mistaken.

You really need to pack up your enormous ego into 50 suitcases (if it will fit) and take it to another country where the Government will bow down to His Majesty Farang and do everything just for your benefit. I wish you and your ego good luck.

What a jerk.

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Pathetic trolling thread. OP sets up for a major whine under the guise of a faux innocent question and when at first he doesn't get what he wants he disagrees with the responders.

You know what's coming mate ... if yer don't like it you can always etc

Santisak I agree with you 100%. This is a blatant and obvious attempt by the Op to encourage Thai bashing. What on earth makes him think that the Thai Government owes him a better life. He must have an enormous ego.

The Thai government is here for the benefit of the Thai people. Does he not understand that anything that is done to improve the lives of the Thai people indirectly also benefits him. If he has a Thai friend, gf or wife who gets paid for their rice crop then he also benefits. Oh but the Op just moans that it didn't benefit him directly and why should it. If the Government works on stamping out corruption does this not benefit him also. The Op seems to be blind to that fact.

Why does Thailand owe him anything? Please don't say because of his contribution to the economy. Op your contribution to the economy is peanuts compared to the millions that can be obtained from increasing tourism from China even if you don't like these tourists. If your enormous ego thinks that you are entitled to the Thai Government making improvements just for you, you are sadly mistaken.

You really need to pack up your enormous ego into 50 suitcases (if it will fit) and take it to another country where the Government will bow down to His Majesty Farang and do everything just for your benefit. I wish you and your ego good luck.

What a jerk.

Sofar you have miserably failed to even come up with one point that has improved for us over here recently ...may i assume that nothing for us has gotten better then?

Something else am i on this platform only allowed to make positive comments?

Can i not complain about unfair police practice and or jet skie mafia against foreigners and why may i not ask to get somethings improved for us?..

May i only say how great its in thailand with perfect equal laws and democratic system cause if that the case i can stop placing post.

Then u calling me a jerk u probably friends with website owners and or some keyboard warrior!

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To be quite honest I feel as "alien" as I always have here. I have become indifferent to their xenophobia. In more recent times I am certainly spending less time and money here and i guess that's a natural response these attitudes.

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For expats probably not much improvement on the plate of the PM.

For tourist probably will be a lot of improvements and the PM is trying hard to implement it.


Because just one "quality" tourist may spend here in 2 weeks, what an expat may spend in one year.

U got that wrong

an average expat family or a mixed farang thai couple will spend about 80,000 BHT monthly here.aprox 960,000 BHT yearly..

Thats already 8 times more then what an average Thai spends monthly...

Your so called quality tourist whom i seldom see do not spend more in 2 weeks then these expat families in one year.its bullocks

never the less All together all these foreigners are bringing big money to the country that why i am wondering what has been done for us farangs here...because if thing not get better farangs will leave..

Just like i did long time ago...and i was spending 100,000 plus monthly..for many years in a row..

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

For expats probably not much improvement on the plate of the PM.

For tourist probably will be a lot of improvements and the PM is trying hard to implement it.


Because just one "quality" tourist may spend here in 2 weeks, what an expat may spend in one year.

never the less All together all these foreigners are bringing big money to the country that why i am wondering what has been done for us farangs here...because if thing not get better farangs will leave..

Just like i did long time ago...and i was spending 100,000 plus monthly..for many years in a row..

So the Thai government should prioritise US over their own people because we spend more in a month than the average local?

Believe it or not, it's NOT all about the money. If it was, then they'd be doing as you suggest which brings me back to my point - we spend whether they kiss our asses or not.

They know that the average sex-starved clown will put up with all sorts of perceived wrongdoings against his person or his wallet in order to get his leg over with a younger woman.

Farangs aren't going anywhere, pal.

Edited by Cypress Hill
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Does anyone have any idea how many expats are here as compared to tourists? What size of contribution are we making in terms of foreign money coming into the country on a per annum basis?

I don't have any points to make that haven't already been made above, but of those, the two things that stand out to me most are:

  • If something is good for the Thais, then presumably for any foreigner with Thai family here it may also benefit them. I don't have family here so can't say for sure.
  • If they did a 1 year no hassle visa (suggested above 12,000baht), I would truly feel like they actually noticed us and feel a whole lot better about the country, and therefore more comfortable in investing in their infrastructure without worrying that I might not be able to stay even if I did invest. As it is, being under 50 I fall between the cracks of the current system, though technically I'm modestly retired and have been for a while. Also it would make for much more efficiency from an administrative point of view (for each staff member they would be generating more value for their employer). If they can't do that, even just losing the age requirement on Retirement visa would be an easy start.
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Pathetic trolling thread. OP sets up for a major whine under the guise of a faux innocent question and when at first he doesn't get what he wants he disagrees with the responders.

You know what's coming mate ... if yer don't like it you can always etc

Excellent call K. Santi Suk clap2.gif

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Maybe its time for an evaluation.

Its obvious that Thailand needs more tourists and so Thailand needs more foreigners that come to live in Thailand for longer periods of time farangs who spend all of their income here in thailand..I assume this will be a good thing cause it will bring loads of money and create more jobs for thais right..

So the question is what positive things by this new government have been done especially for us foreigners,tourists to make our stay in Thailand more comfortable ,and our lives here more easy and or more safe and or more equal and fair...:

I am very curious about all the accomplishments and positive changes that have been implemented recently for us the farangs..Kindly upload here under you list :

I've seen nothing practical that's been implemented for our benefit but, then again, most of us have it pretty sweet here already.

We spend our money here whether they fawn over us or not so why should they make an effort.

We don't feature high on their list of priorities and, frankly, I don't think we should.

Those who feel they're under-appreciated or there's not enough red carpet being rolled out for them are invited to leave.

Fascinated by the arrogance of the question ! Most countries welcome Tourists because they come and spend money then go away...and hopefully come again and repeat the spending. Those farang who come nd stay in Thailand are a minority by comparison and the funds they spend decrease with time. Therefore any Govt. policy will naturally be aimed at enciuraging tourism. Long stay farang in a country with burgeoning population growth are not needed! Land is already being fractionalised within familes in agricultural districts so the idea that farang should be free to buy up is ridiculous!

Thailand has long had a tight door policy on immigration. That the Govt. should have new liberal policy especially for long stay farang is a joke.

And the objection to the legitimate ending of illegitimate manipulations and corrupt methods to stay in Thailand demonstrates exactly the good reason to NOT to pander to those who do so. And never think Thai are not aware that too many farang are social rejects from their home country who stay because of only that reason despite having an attitude of superiority.

If long stay farang want respect then display respect for the country and the people that "permits" you to stay! Many western regimes would have you gone long ago!

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In the past 12 months I have seen government efforts to:

reduce corruption

improve service at immigration

improve the professionalism and root out corruption in the police force

step up traffic safety enforcement

shake up the educational bureaucracy

repay monies owed to rice farmers

encourage Thais to be welcoming towards tourists

Prayut Chan-o-cha may have some rough edges, but he still has my support.

No efforts, only talk. Nothing has changed at all. New boss same as old boss...

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