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Tourism Ministry Plans Nationwide Toilet-Cleaning Day

Lite Beer

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The PM rarely seems to delegate and all the headlines are that he instructs, orders, says etc. but strangely he's not involved with his ' initiative ' so is he too embarrassed to be associated or because the Minister of Tourism talks a load of crap at the best of times ?

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how about 'a get thais to use a toilet and not urinate and cr*p in the street day'?

(yes, there is a TOT box near my place that thais squat behind to take a cr*p. bizarrely there is a public toilet 100 meters away and another one 300 meters away...)

You have missed the point, the reason they don't use those toilets is that they are dirty. Well at least now one day out of 365 the toilets will be clean but bet they still won't use them as Thai's like to park their cars outside a shop, parking space or not as they don't like to walk. So now they park their bums behind the TOT box for the same reason

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All these special days around the world, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Valentine's Day etc, now Shit House Day. What next.

How about a day that celebrates there's nothing special on that day ?.

On shit, pun intended, that would make it special too.

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I quite often drive from BKK up to northern Buriram province. I generally stop about half way for a pit-stop. Three years ago I stopped at a "tourist center" just outside of Pak Chong, near the dam lake and sea-food restaurants on the highway. Nice building, great view, but the toilet was just gross, on par what I used to see in central China. I make sure I only stop at service stations now, and some of those can be gross if a tourist bus (guess who ?) has stopped in previously. I try to pick a station with a handicap toilet, they seem not to get the "traffic". A no-no in a Western country, but I do so out of desperation in the Kingdom.

I religiously carry a roll of tissue hong nahm with me. Five bahts worth of flimsy tissue just doesn't cut it. Most toilets have tanks and buckets, and no hoses (which I like using).

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Seems you mob have all missed the point!

Indeed you have.

Note the DATE for this major Flushing ....Considering all the "Krap" that Obama and his henchmen have been throwing at our Government, do you think it is a mere coincidence that this is all due to take place on 04 JULY?

I reckon it is a "ripper way" of telling Yinglick's friend in the Whitehouse what we think of his advice.

It's a royal birthday. Methinks her nibs the minister may want to rethink her plan, probably the way Elmer Fudd hunts wabbits - vewy vewy quietwy.

And if she couldn't figure out it's the birthday of a top royal, I'm not sure how she could be as cluefully bright that you give her credit for.

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At Siam Paragon girls clean urinal everytime a farang pees.thumbsup.gif

Several years ago driving from Nong Song Hong to Thong Lang in the Buriram province, my wife and I stopped in Thong Lang to to get some BBQ chicken. I wanted to have a pit-stop as well. All the "public toilets" are at the back of private shop-houses and you pay 5 baht for the privilege. But the owner waved me off and said "no falang !" My wife interjected and asked why. I laughed all the way to BKK. He said "all falang have HIV". Damn it was a squat toilet anyhow.

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And will National Ar$e Licking day be before or after Toilet Cleaning Day ?

Hopefully it will be just after National Ar$e Cleaning Day otherwise I for one won't be participating in it. whistling.gif

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Yep, make it a nationla holiday. When the Chinese hear about it they will be coming over in droves and joining in the festivities. Taking photos of all their friends sitting on the crappers. It will give big jobs for cleaners after they have gone home too. Good one Phil, give yerself a big crap.

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I'm sorry for sounding a little sceptical about the idea of a nationwide toilet cleaning initiative.

I'm thinking this may be interpreted by the local populace that it means they need to clean the toilets but once per year.

I guess that is an improvement on the current cleaning schedule for a lot of public toilets in Thailand - outside of those mentioned in shopping centres etc.

Examples come to mind - public toilets in Lumpini park - the last time (and only) time I used one there, admittedly some years ago, I paid 3 baht to a sloppy witch and the toilet can only be described as disgusting. Other places in more recent times are similar. Get off the moneyed trail and standards are seriously lacking.

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Are these disgusting toilets only in Cities ?? can't say I have ever used one in a Bus station, train station or a City which very rarely visit anyway.

​The odd public toilet I have had to use in little towns or Villages appear all the same, spotless, with many pot plants, soap, towels, some have paper towels as well, even mats on the floor in some, OK someone is collecting 1 - 5 baht, if no one there then is a plate with a notice of the price.

The only disgusting toilets had to use way back in 2000 was on the sleeper train BKK to C.M

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This is really good news, at least the toilets will be cleaned at least once a year so some lucky dude once a year at any given bus station will find a clean squat, wow ! Heading in the direction of the hub for clean toilets.

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Seems you mob have all missed the point!

Note the DATE for this major Flushing ....Considering all the "Krap" that Obama and his henchmen have been throwing at our Government, do you think it is a mere coincidence that this is all due to take place on 04 JULY?

I reckon it is a "ripper way" of telling Yinglick's friend in the Whitehouse what we think of his advice.

Stay off the juice, you are pathetic.

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I recommend the Minister of Health head the campaign, and be required to actually clean the toilets. Get every government minister to clean the toilets. A does of humility is a good thing for the millionaire politicians. Make them useful.

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