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Hundreds march across Brooklyn Bridge for stricter gun laws

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Americans believe owning a firearm is an individual right. A few liberals marching, hysterical weeping and whining, hating the National Rifle Association, and passing more idiotic gun laws is not going to change this. If you don't like guns, then don't own one.

a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

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Americans believe owning a firearm is an individual right. A few liberals marching, hysterical weeping and whining, hating the National Rifle Association, and passing more idiotic gun laws is not going to change this. If you don't like guns, then don't own one.

a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

There are many regulations already and none of them are followed by the thugs that occupy Chicago - annually killing hundreds Criminals do not obey gun laws. Law abiding citizens own the most guns in the USA and do not commit crimes - Therefore more regulation is not needed for them. Put thugs in jail and the gun crime rate goes down.

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The GOAL of the White House - the current Resident and the Democrat Party and the leftist news media is to eventually confiscate all guns. Therefore - everything in between is to be highly resisted. Americans are never going to give up their guns - so it is pointless to try to make it impossible to own one - one step at a time with more gun laws.

If the ultimate GOAL was not to confiscate all guns - there might be more cooperation -- but no one who supports the gun control efforts can be trusted.


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Americans believe owning a firearm is an individual right. A few liberals marching, hysterical weeping and whining, hating the National Rifle Association, and passing more idiotic gun laws is not going to change this. If you don't like guns, then don't own one.

a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

There are many regulations already and none of them are followed by the thugs that occupy Chicago - annually killing hundreds Criminals do not obey gun laws. Law abiding citizens own the most guns in the USA and do not commit crimes - Therefore more regulation is not needed for them. Put thugs in jail and the gun crime rate goes down.

but you did not address any of my above concerns

How about making it more difficult for criminals to get guns, How about fully funding the agency that does background checks.

since you dont want criminals to have guns, I am sure you would want that

or how about closing the Gun Show , background check loophole, I am sure you would be all for it

or how about a cooling off period, for sure law abiding citizens like you would not have a problem with waiting a little bit. to help keep gun out of the hands of criminals

If you are so concerned with criminals getting guns easily, why weren't you on the bridge?

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Americans believe owning a firearm is an individual right. A few liberals marching, hysterical weeping and whining, hating the National Rifle Association, and passing more idiotic gun laws is not going to change this. If you don't like guns, then don't own one.

a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

There are many regulations already and none of them are followed by the thugs that occupy Chicago - annually killing hundreds Criminals do not obey gun laws. Law abiding citizens own the most guns in the USA and do not commit crimes - Therefore more regulation is not needed for them. Put thugs in jail and the gun crime rate goes down.

but you did not address any of my above concerns

How about making it more difficult for criminals to get guns, How about fully funding the agency that does background checks.

since you dont want criminals to have guns, I am sure you would want that

or how about closing the Gun Show , background check loophole, I am sure you would be all for it

or how about a cooling off period, for sure law abiding citizens like you would not have a problem with waiting a little bit. to help keep gun out of the hands of criminals

If you are so concerned with criminals getting guns easily, why weren't you on the bridge?

There is a big underground market for illegal guns. BTW Thailand is worse for that while having even stricter gun control. The criminals don't obey the laws. Some of the illegal guns are smuggled in from Mexico and E. Europe.

The background check is quick and easy. There's a national computerized database of criminal convictions and if you aren't on it you're clear. The dealers doing that either have access to it or they call the state police who quickly look. The police charge for that and that part is probably profitable. Only clean, law abiding citizens would even ask for that. Criminals buy from criminals or steal.

I predict that I'll see the day when W. Europeans want guns but they won't get them. This Jihad thing is going to get worse and worse. The more news there is of terrorist attacks, the more Americans want guns.

America won't be a cake walk for them with 100 million gun owners who've been keeping gun stores in a shortage of quality guns and all ammunition for about 8 years now. I feel really good about that.

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Americans believe owning a firearm is an individual right. A few liberals marching, hysterical weeping and whining, hating the National Rifle Association, and passing more idiotic gun laws is not going to change this. If you don't like guns, then don't own one.

a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

"A total misrepresentation of the issue"? I think not. The people who shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm are people with mental health issues (liberals make up a large percentage of this group) and criminals. The government can introduce gun laws from now to domesday, and criminals are not going to abide by these laws. I'm astounded as to why anti-gun nuts are unable to understand this simple fact.

The anti-guns nuts can weep and whine about gun control until the cows come home, but law abiding Americans are never going to relinquish their right to own a firearm.

Mexico is a good example of how ineffective gun control is. If a person is caught with a firearm or even ammunition in Mexico, they will go to prison. There are more people getting killed by firearms in Mexico than Afghanistan.

Like I said, if you don't like guns, simply don't own one.

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Americans believe owning a firearm is an individual right. A few liberals marching, hysterical weeping and whining, hating the National Rifle Association, and passing more idiotic gun laws is not going to change this. If you don't like guns, then don't own one.

a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

There are many regulations already and none of them are followed by the thugs that occupy Chicago - annually killing hundreds Criminals do not obey gun laws. Law abiding citizens own the most guns in the USA and do not commit crimes - Therefore more regulation is not needed for them. Put thugs in jail and the gun crime rate goes down.

but you did not address any of my above concerns

How about making it more difficult for criminals to get guns, How about fully funding the agency that does background checks.

since you dont want criminals to have guns, I am sure you would want that

or how about closing the Gun Show , background check loophole, I am sure you would be all for it

or how about a cooling off period, for sure law abiding citizens like you would not have a problem with waiting a little bit. to help keep gun out of the hands of criminals

If you are so concerned with criminals getting guns easily, why weren't you on the bridge?

Your concerns do not matter to me ... you make them an issue - not my issues.

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Americans believe owning a firearm is an individual right. A few liberals marching, hysterical weeping and whining, hating the National Rifle Association, and passing more idiotic gun laws is not going to change this. If you don't like guns, then don't own one.

a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

"A total misrepresentation of the issue"? I think not. The people who shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm are people with mental health issues (liberals make up a large percentage of this group) and criminals. The government can introduce gun laws from now to domesday, and criminals are not going to abide by these laws. I'm astounded as to why anti-gun nuts are unable to understand this simple fact.

The anti-guns nuts can weep and whine about gun control until the cows come home, but law abiding Americans are never going to relinquish their right to own a firearm.

Mexico is a good example of how ineffective gun control is. If a person is caught with a firearm or even ammunition in Mexico, they will go to prison. There are more people getting killed by firearms in Mexico than Afghanistan.

Like I said, if you don't like guns, simply don't own one.

Why are the right wingers not able to understand that that is not the issue?

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Americans believe owning a firearm is an individual right. A few liberals marching, hysterical weeping and whining, hating the National Rifle Association, and passing more idiotic gun laws is not going to change this. If you don't like guns, then don't own one.

a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

"A total misrepresentation of the issue"? I think not. The people who shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm are people with mental health issues (liberals make up a large percentage of this group) and criminals. The government can introduce gun laws from now to domesday, and criminals are not going to abide by these laws. I'm astounded as to why anti-gun nuts are unable to understand this simple fact.

The anti-guns nuts can weep and whine about gun control until the cows come home, but law abiding Americans are never going to relinquish their right to own a firearm.

Mexico is a good example of how ineffective gun control is. If a person is caught with a firearm or even ammunition in Mexico, they will go to prison. There are more people getting killed by firearms in Mexico than Afghanistan.

Like I said, if you don't like guns, simply don't own one.

Why are the right wingers not able to understand that that is not the issue?

What's the issue then?

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I don't have a right to post on this forum because I am not a US citizen. .. But I will anyway. The issue , or so it seems to me, is not about abolishing the right to own firearms. It is more about ensuring that firearms are only sold to law abiding citizens, stored correctly and that firearm training be given to new owners. Consider another lethal weapon in the hands of unauthorised persons, the car or truck. You must have a licence to drive one, you must have passed a test, you must be cleared by the police, you cannot operate when drug affected and so on. The vehicles have anti theft devices. Surely all law abiding citizens should want to see a little more control which would save some lives. There are other arguments about the high suicide and domestic violence deaths caused by freedom to tote a firearm but that is not the point of my post

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I don't have a right to post on this forum because I am not a US citizen. .. But I will anyway. The issue , or so it seems to me, is not about abolishing the right to own firearms. It is more about ensuring that firearms are only sold to law abiding citizens, stored correctly and that firearm training be given to new owners. Consider another lethal weapon in the hands of unauthorised persons, the car or truck. You must have a licence to drive one, you must have passed a test, you must be cleared by the police, you cannot operate when drug affected and so on. The vehicles have anti theft devices. Surely all law abiding citizens should want to see a little more control which would save some lives. There are other arguments about the high suicide and domestic violence deaths caused by freedom to tote a firearm but that is not the point of my post

America already has more than enough gun control and gun laws. Criminals do not abide by laws, rules, and regulations. Evidentially, it was you who didn't understand the issue.

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I don't have a right to post on this forum because I am not a US citizen. .. But I will anyway. The issue , or so it seems to me, is not about abolishing the right to own firearms. It is more about ensuring that firearms are only sold to law abiding citizens, stored correctly and that firearm training be given to new owners. Consider another lethal weapon in the hands of unauthorised persons, the car or truck. You must have a licence to drive one, you must have passed a test, you must be cleared by the police, you cannot operate when drug affected and so on. The vehicles have anti theft devices. Surely all law abiding citizens should want to see a little more control which would save some lives. There are other arguments about the high suicide and domestic violence deaths caused by freedom to tote a firearm but that is not the point of my post

Of course you have a right to post about this. The first amendment defines that right - protected by the second.

Note that there is no right to own and drive a car in the Bill of Rights and that despite all the regulations you write about, 32,479 people died in automobile accidents in 2011 compared to 600 accidental gun deaths in the same year. This in spite of the fact that there are 253 million cars in the US to 310 million firearms.

Edited by BudRight
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The guns they should be concerned with are illegal guns that would never be picked up by stricter gun laws. However, the morons also want to prohibit stop and frisk, which is the only way to reduce illegal guns on the streets.

Youtube: Jim Jeffries gun control. Watch it and come back and refute his points ;) Edited by SABloke
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The guns they should be concerned with are illegal guns that would never be picked up by stricter gun laws. However, the morons also want to prohibit stop and frisk, which is the only way to reduce illegal guns on the streets.

Youtube: Jim Jeffries gun control. Watch it and come back and refute his points wink.png

Let me try to understand this. You believe the Australian comedian Jim Jeffries, is an expert on firearm ownership in America? Jeffries is entertaining but is about as clueless on firearm ownership in America, as the people who marched across the Brooklyn Bridge for stricter gun laws.

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The guns they should be concerned with are illegal guns that would never be picked up by stricter gun laws. However, the morons also want to prohibit stop and frisk, which is the only way to reduce illegal guns on the streets.

Youtube: Jim Jeffries gun control. Watch it and come back and refute his points wink.png

Let me try to understand this. You believe the Australian comedian Jim Jeffries, is an expert on firearm ownership in America? Jeffries is entertaining but is about as clueless on firearm ownership in America, as the people who marched across the Brooklyn Bridge for stricter gun laws.

Good then we have our in house expert who knows much more than everybody else. :lol::lol:
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The guns they should be concerned with are illegal guns that would never be picked up by stricter gun laws. However, the morons also want to prohibit stop and frisk, which is the only way to reduce illegal guns on the streets.

Youtube: Jim Jeffries gun control. Watch it and come back and refute his points wink.png

Let me try to understand this. You believe the Australian comedian Jim Jeffries, is an expert on firearm ownership in America? Jeffries is entertaining but is about as clueless on firearm ownership in America, as the people who marched across the Brooklyn Bridge for stricter gun laws.

This hard-on for guns is one of the most unappealing qualities of (many) Americans. The argument about "the criminals have it so we gotta have it" is just mind numbingly stupid. Where do you draw the line - tanks and artilley in the garden?

Edited by MZurf
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Anti-tank armor to protect yourself from thugs? BS. I dont know why its in the World News section either. Who gives a crap, it doesnt make any difference to anyone who lives in other countries.

Edited by BKKBobby
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Anti-tank armor to protect yourself from thugs? BS. I dont know why its in the World News section either. Who gives a crap, it doesnt make any difference to anyone who lives in other countries.

Then why do they insist on posting on a thread they have no interest in?

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Anti-tank armor to protect yourself from thugs? BS. I dont know why its in the World News section either. Who gives a crap, it doesnt make any difference to anyone who lives in other countries.

Then why do they insist on posting on a thread they have no interest in?

I took a peek because I sensed I would see some fun nonsense. Hence, the response. :) Edited by BKKBobby
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Americans believe owning a firearm is an individual right. A few liberals marching, hysterical weeping and whining, hating the National Rifle Association, and passing more idiotic gun laws is not going to change this. If you don't like guns, then don't own one.

a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

There are many regulations already and none of them are followed by the thugs that occupy Chicago - annually killing hundreds Criminals do not obey gun laws. Law abiding citizens own the most guns in the USA and do not commit crimes - Therefore more regulation is not needed for them. Put thugs in jail and the gun crime rate goes down.

Yes but to put criminals in jail you need laws making a criminal activity illegal

for instance in some venues and in some instances a background check is not required,

why not close these loopholes and catch criminals in the act of getting a weapon, rather than wait until the gun is used in a crime, with possible loss of life, to catch the criminal

catch them trying to buy a gun at a gun show, or from a private individual

you say, but criminals dont obey laws and will buy a gun illegally,...... well that's the point, make them buy the gun illegally.

increase the cost and risk of buying guns to those who should not have them,

I have asked this question several times and in several different ways and so far no one has answered,

instead I get editorializing such as the above.

some one said , gun control does not work, look at Mexico, they have strict gun control laws yet they have a lot of gun violence.

Really???? Mexico is your model ? not Australia, not the UK, not Japan?


when you were looking at the Health affordability act, did you use Uganda as your model ,to object to it??

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Americans believe owning a firearm is an individual right. A few liberals marching, hysterical weeping and whining, hating the National Rifle Association, and passing more idiotic gun laws is not going to change this. If you don't like guns, then don't own one.

a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

There are many regulations already and none of them are followed by the thugs that occupy Chicago - annually killing hundreds Criminals do not obey gun laws. Law abiding citizens own the most guns in the USA and do not commit crimes - Therefore more regulation is not needed for them. Put thugs in jail and the gun crime rate goes down.

Yes but to put criminals in jail you need laws making a criminal activity illegal

for instance in some venues and in some instances a background check is not required,

why not close these loopholes and catch criminals in the act of getting a weapon, rather than wait until the gun is used in a crime, with possible loss of life, to catch the criminal

catch them trying to buy a gun at a gun show, or from a private individual

you say, but criminals dont obey laws and will buy a gun illegally,...... well that's the point, make them buy the gun illegally.

increase the cost and risk of buying guns to those who should not have them,

I have asked this question several times and in several different ways and so far no one has answered,

instead I get editorializing such as the above.

some one said , gun control does not work, look at Mexico, they have strict gun control laws yet they have a lot of gun violence.

Really???? Mexico is your model ? not Australia, not the UK, not Japan?


when you were looking at the Health affordability act, did you use Uganda as your model ,to object to it??

What??? Huh??? The last time I checked, there are plenty of current "laws making criminal activity illegal," lol. Just out of curiosity, where is criminal activity legal?

There is something about the mere mention of guns that tend to make whiny liberal gun-nuts get hysterical over the subject.

Where did the "Health affordability act and Uganda" come from? The march took place on the Brooklyn Bridge, in New York City, not in Uganda. If you don't like guns, simply don't own a gun.

Edited by CMNightRider
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A hundred million Americans own at least one firearm yet only 5 million or maybe 6 million have taken a membership of the right wing extremist National Rifle Association, which is absolutely opposed to any or all new or amended gun legislation.

The NRA is thus a hugely funded, loud, powerful lobby in Congress against the vast majority of the American people who do support changes to existing gun laws and which advocate new gun laws to close loopholes.

The absolutist extremist NRA are strongly present wherever and whenever gun issues and laws are discussed or debated.

The Second Amendment isn't going anywhere so the far right should acknowledge the fact but it won't ever do so. Under the Second Amendment, existing gun laws need to be improved and new ones issued, that's all. It's a societal issue, not a personal one.

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I'm always curious when people cite the 2nd amendment as an absolute right. Does the 2nd amendment guarantee my right to openly carry a fully loaded automatic weapon and 1000 rounds of ammunition into a crowded public high school football stadium? Why not?

Edited by ricklev
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a total misrepresentation of the issue

No one has a problem with you owning a gun, but how about some uniform regulation?

How about closing some of the gun show loopholes , or sales between private individuals,

How about a cooling of period to give Gov enough time to conduct a proper investigation, and the individual time to reconsider the decision,

You must agree that there are some people that should not own fire arms, How about making it difficult for them to get one.

There are many regulations already and none of them are followed by the thugs that occupy Chicago - annually killing hundreds Criminals do not obey gun laws. Law abiding citizens own the most guns in the USA and do not commit crimes - Therefore more regulation is not needed for them. Put thugs in jail and the gun crime rate goes down.

Yes but to put criminals in jail you need laws making a criminal activity illegal

for instance in some venues and in some instances a background check is not required,

why not close these loopholes and catch criminals in the act of getting a weapon, rather than wait until the gun is used in a crime, with possible loss of life, to catch the criminal

catch them trying to buy a gun at a gun show, or from a private individual

you say, but criminals dont obey laws and will buy a gun illegally,...... well that's the point, make them buy the gun illegally.

increase the cost and risk of buying guns to those who should not have them,

I have asked this question several times and in several different ways and so far no one has answered,

instead I get editorializing such as the above.

some one said , gun control does not work, look at Mexico, they have strict gun control laws yet they have a lot of gun violence.

Really???? Mexico is your model ? not Australia, not the UK, not Japan?


when you were looking at the Health affordability act, did you use Uganda as your model ,to object to it??

What??? Huh??? The last time I checked, there are plenty of current "laws making criminal activity illegal," lol. Just out of curiosity, where is criminal activity legal?

There is something about the mere mention of guns that tend to make whiny liberal gun-nuts get hysterical over the subject.

Where did the "Health affordability act and Uganda" come from? The march took place on the Brooklyn Bridge, in New York City, not in Uganda. If you don't like guns, simply don't own a gun.

why am I not surprised that the whole thing was over your head.

"liberal gun nuts" ? I thought gun nuts were for the most part conservative

"if you don't like guns simple don;t own one" it is not that I dont like guns , There is nothing to like or dislike about guns, on their own they make excellent paper weights what I don't like is , idiots owning guns, you know, the kind of idiots who cant get this very simple concept.

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A hundred million Americans own at least one firearm yet only 5 million or maybe 6 million have taken a membership of the right wing extremist National Rifle Association, which is absolutely opposed to any or all new or amended gun legislation.

The NRA is thus a hugely funded, loud, powerful lobby in Congress against the vast majority of the American people who do support changes to existing gun laws and which advocate new gun laws to close loopholes.

The absolutist extremist NRA are strongly present wherever and whenever gun issues and laws are discussed or debated.

The Second Amendment isn't going anywhere so the far right should acknowledge the fact but it won't ever do so. Under the Second Amendment, existing gun laws need to be improved and new ones issued, that's all. It's a societal issue, not a personal one.

Individual states should regulate guns, not the federal government.

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Yes but to put criminals in jail you need laws making a criminal activity illegal

for instance in some venues and in some instances a background check is not required,

why not close these loopholes and catch criminals in the act of getting a weapon, rather than wait until the gun is used in a crime, with possible loss of life, to catch the criminal

catch them trying to buy a gun at a gun show, or from a private individual

you say, but criminals dont obey laws and will buy a gun illegally,...... well that's the point, make them buy the gun illegally.

increase the cost and risk of buying guns to those who should not have them,

I have asked this question several times and in several different ways and so far no one has answered,

instead I get editorializing such as the above.

some one said , gun control does not work, look at Mexico, they have strict gun control laws yet they have a lot of gun violence.

Really???? Mexico is your model ? not Australia, not the UK, not Japan?


when you were looking at the Health affordability act, did you use Uganda as your model ,to object to it??

What??? Huh??? The last time I checked, there are plenty of current "laws making criminal activity illegal," lol. Just out of curiosity, where is criminal activity legal?

There is something about the mere mention of guns that tend to make whiny liberal gun-nuts get hysterical over the subject.

Where did the "Health affordability act and Uganda" come from? The march took place on the Brooklyn Bridge, in New York City, not in Uganda. If you don't like guns, simply don't own a gun.

why am I not surprised that the whole thing was over your head.

"liberal gun nuts" ? I thought gun nuts were for the most part conservative

"if you don't like guns simple don;t own one"

it is not that I dont like guns , There is nothing to like or dislike about guns, on their own they make excellent paper weights

what I don't like is , idiots owning guns,

you know,

the kind of idiots who cant get this very simple concept.

What do you think went over my head? Was it when you stated, "to put criminals in jail you need laws making a criminal activity illegal." OMG!

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The guns they should be concerned with are illegal guns that would never be picked up by stricter gun laws. However, the morons also want to prohibit stop and frisk, which is the only way to reduce illegal guns on the streets.

Youtube: Jim Jeffries gun control. Watch it and come back and refute his points wink.png

Let me try to understand this. You believe the Australian comedian Jim Jeffries, is an expert on firearm ownership in America? Jeffries is entertaining but is about as clueless on firearm ownership in America, as the people who marched across the Brooklyn Bridge for stricter gun laws.

This hard-on for guns is one of the most unappealing qualities of (many) Americans. The argument about "the criminals have it so we gotta have it" is just mind numbingly stupid. Where do you draw the line - tanks and artilley in the garden?

I'm not an American, but I have a hard on for guns. Many of the "real blokes" I know also like guns. I wish I lived in a country that allowed me to own a big hand gun, the better to put a big hole in anyone that invades my house.

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Yes but to put criminals in jail you need laws making a criminal activity illegal

for instance in some venues and in some instances a background check is not required,

why not close these loopholes and catch criminals in the act of getting a weapon, rather than wait until the gun is used in a crime, with possible loss of life, to catch the criminal

catch them trying to buy a gun at a gun show, or from a private individual

you say, but criminals dont obey laws and will buy a gun illegally,...... well that's the point, make them buy the gun illegally.

increase the cost and risk of buying guns to those who should not have them,

I have asked this question several times and in several different ways and so far no one has answered,

instead I get editorializing such as the above.

some one said , gun control does not work, look at Mexico, they have strict gun control laws yet they have a lot of gun violence.

Really???? Mexico is your model ? not Australia, not the UK, not Japan?


when you were looking at the Health affordability act, did you use Uganda as your model ,to object to it??

What??? Huh??? The last time I checked, there are plenty of current "laws making criminal activity illegal," lol. Just out of curiosity, where is criminal activity legal?

There is something about the mere mention of guns that tend to make whiny liberal gun-nuts get hysterical over the subject.

Where did the "Health affordability act and Uganda" come from? The march took place on the Brooklyn Bridge, in New York City, not in Uganda. If you don't like guns, simply don't own a gun.

why am I not surprised that the whole thing was over your head.

"liberal gun nuts" ? I thought gun nuts were for the most part conservative

"if you don't like guns simple don;t own one"

it is not that I dont like guns , There is nothing to like or dislike about guns, on their own they make excellent paper weights

what I don't like is , idiots owning guns,

you know,

the kind of idiots who cant get this very simple concept.

What do you think went over my head? Was it when you stated, "to put criminals in jail you need laws making a criminal activity illegal." OMG!

OK let me spell it out for you

Those who sell guns to people with out conducting a background check, are in many cases aiding in the commission of a crime and are thus , also criminals, but the laws are not there that make this behavior a crime in every venue,

So make it illegal to sell a guns with out a background check for any reason anywhere any time, and if anyone does and get caught, pays the price.

What is so unreasonable about that

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