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Video: Have shakedowns on foreigners by Bangkok cops resumed?

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Leave it to some Thaivisa posters to show the most anti-expat sentiment of anyone.

I guess some people live in fear, and some don't.

Some people don't like police stopping citizens for no reason, including Thais, and Bangkok police chiefs who have apologized for the actions of low level officers, meeting with expats to address the issue (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/784991-expat-restaurateur-meets-with-thai-police-to-discuss-stop-and-search/)
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They should have to call officers that speak english when doing a foreigner stop. At least that way everyone will understand whats going on!


What is our place in LOS?

Just in case I have to know it and remain in it, or keep it.?

Permitting myself to be shaken down and abused by corrupt 'officials'?

The American perhaps forgets he is not at home, where police have to have just cause....BUT.

This appears to be an incident where police have stopped a western person yet do not have the ability to communicate with him.

That is wrong.

I don't think this is a case of an American forgetting he is not at home since he has lived on the area for over 25 years.

Seen on its own, without knowing anything about the ppl involved, it does have all the appearances of a brash American tourist wearing a ridiculous hat on his way to Soi Cowboy with a mate however, when you know it was taken by a very experienced foreign correspondent based in BKK with many years of experience living in the region and it happened while he was with son close to where they lived it takes on a slightly different context.

Yes, I read it too.

But his behaviour was confrontational and he kept asking why they had stopped him.

They have a right to do so.

After 25 years he should be more competent in Thai language.

My later point was the one I would like to emphasise.


Ignorant, loud-mouthed septic, maybe he should try being a little more polite next time and he'd probably get an answer to his question. The Thai cops should have put him on the floor, handcuffed him and dragged him off kicking and screaming, to the local police station, as would have happened if he has been that obnoxious in the good old U S of A. The authorities should immediately rescind his press pass, cancel his visa and send him back home. People like him give the rest of us a bad name. Stikboy is spot on in his article.

Well, you can speak for yourself, but you don't speak 'for the rest of us'.

He got stopped by the usual attempted hit n' hope shakedown, he decided to stand up to it, the police backed off and gave up. Could he have been more polite? Sure. But did he his tactic work? Absolutely.

For you questioning authority means a person should be handcuffed, taken to the police station and kicked out the country. That's basically a government's wet dream of a citizen- not just one that won't step out of line but will also call out their fellow citizens if they step out of line themselves.

I'm glad there are people with a bit of backbone who are willing to stand up for themselves. I don't believe foreigners lose all rights when they enter somewhere that isn't their home country. But I'm also vaguely sympathetic to your stance because I know some people tend to lose backbone when confronted by a uniform and they can't really help it- which I guess it the whole point of a uniform anyway- to install authority over those without.

What about the video makes you think they were attempting a shakedown?

The police in that area occasionally stop pedestrians to check their ID and perform a basic search. It's happened to me before. If you're as calm and polite to them as they are with you, it's over in 30 seconds with smiles all round. Clearly if you're a dick about it like this guy they give up and tell you to go away. I don't see any evidence of a shakedown of any kind.

Some people need to relax and stop thinking that the locals are constantly out to get them somehow.

I am not saying they were, but how do you know the American guys attitude stopped the police from wanting a pee test?

As you know that was going on only recently and the American guy would know that, and went on the defensive.


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These two foreigners are two morons in my book. Do you know what happens if you stay speaking Japanese to two cops in NYC who have stopped you to see your papers? They will tell you: speak English you ass&$;:/! These two are lucky the officers were too mild and polite!

For your info, English just happens to be the Language that is most recognized as the language that would be most understood in most civilized part of the world (except in Britain where they speak something nobody understands). The AEC actually has as an agenda that all participants should communicate in English, that is why the Thai government has this agenda to improve Engrish teaching in schools (and as usual nothing has happened but at least there was the mandatory announcement on the crack down on not teaching Engrish good enough in schools).

Now you come as a tourist to a country that has been a tourist destination for English speaking people for about 30 years or more, you walk down the street and come across two police officers who have just rudimentary understanding of any other Language but Thai????

What does that tell ya about the dumb <deleted> that control Thailand....????

"except in Britain where they speak something nobody understands"

​That tickled me actual and very true. I have a rather broad London accent but I can understand anyone with any accent from the UK , Scots , Irish (North and south) Welsh , Scousers ,Geordies ,Makums, Brummies , Carrot Crunchers even the Monkey Hangers and they can understand me, But go overseas and talk to People with English as a second language and its a whole different kettle of fish because they've been taught English properly. English with the letter H in it. Some even open their mouth when they speak and don't shorten every word and say Haven't instead of aint.

I see in these peoples faces they generally have no idea what i am prattling on about. Malaysia was the worst because you expect them to understand you and they don't. I've lost count the amount of times I've almost had a Rage Aneurysm when on the phone to Pizza Huts Home delivery receptionists "what is your first name" "Dave" "Dive?" 'yes my first name is Dive".and it get worse as it goes on . I'll learn to speak English properly one day hopefully

You mean you can understand Scousers?? That's the worst accent I've ever heard, while the Cockneys and the southern parts of England are very easy to understand.


I guess some people live in fear, and some don't.

I don't live in fear of anybody, either in this country or any other. if a person has no backbone to stand up

for themselves, then they will get trod on wherever they go.


What makes you think you have the right to not cooperate with the police?

It depends on their attitude to you, this applies whether it is the police or anybody else.

In saying that, I have never had a problem with Thai police. The British police and French

police on an odd occasion, but not the Thai police.


Worried they'll steal your lucky condom?

Maybe you could do with some luck where women are concerned, or maybe not.


Worried they'll steal your lucky condom?

Maybe you could do with some luck where women are concerned, or maybe not.

I've never had to resort to hiring someone in, so you tell me how I compare to most here?


Why? Did he have drugs in his system?

When was there last a credible report of this taking place, anyway?

I thought you lived in Bangkok, where have you been this past year?


But you seem afraid that the police will do something to your wallet or make you piss in a cup?

Yes, they might steal my lucky condom.


Worried they'll steal your lucky condom?

Maybe you could do with some luck where women are concerned, or maybe not.

I've never had to resort to hiring someone in, so you tell me how I compare to most here?

Is this not going a bit off topic, 'hiring someone in', do you mean taxis or what? About comparing you to most here, your life is no ones business

but your own, but now that you've asked me, you never mention anything about your wife or girlfriends, which almost every other poster does, not

that there's anything wrong with that.

But let me emphasis, It is not my intention to bring you down in any way, but you did ask.

I am coming to Bangkok on Thursday on business for a few days. I don't drink, but I would be happy to buy you one.


What is our place in LOS?

Just in case I have to know it and remain in it, or keep it.?

Permitting myself to be shaken down and abused by corrupt 'officials'?

The American perhaps forgets he is not at home, where police have to have just cause....BUT.

This appears to be an incident where police have stopped a western person yet do not have the ability to communicate with him.

That is wrong.

I don't think this is a case of an American forgetting he is not at home since he has lived on the area for over 25 years.

Seen on its own, without knowing anything about the ppl involved, it does have all the appearances of a brash American tourist wearing a ridiculous hat on his way to Soi Cowboy with a mate however, when you know it was taken by a very experienced foreign correspondent based in BKK with many years of experience living in the region and it happened while he was with son close to where they lived it takes on a slightly different context.

Yes, I read it too.

But his behaviour was confrontational and he kept asking why they had stopped him.

They have a right to do so.

After 25 years he should be more competent in Thai language.

My later point was the one I would like to emphasise.

25 years in Asia, not just Thailand. If he was able to speak the language of every country he had been based in that would be truly impressive.

There is no indication of the lvl of his Thai language skills here since his used English, maybe because he felt better able to express himself that way or that the video would have more impact. He did confirm that the policeman was speaking english before he started recording.


I've mentioned my wife a number of times, actually.

OK, that's fine, I just haven't noticed. Here's to our next debate, and happy posting.


there's not any suggestion of a shakedown in the video.

That's because the cop couldn't get a word in edgewise ...

ehhh.... how many words needed for a shakedown ? why are u defending a attempted crime ? please tell us , make it up as you go , we will listen to you... not.


​That tickled me actual and very true. I have a rather broad London accent but I can understand anyone with any accent from the UK , Scots , Irish (North and south) Welsh , Scousers ,Geordies ,Makums, Brummies , Carrot Crunchers even the Monkey Hangers and they can understand me, But go overseas and talk to People with English as a second language and its a whole different kettle of fish because they've been taught English properly. English with the letter H in it. Some even open their mouth when they speak and don't shorten every word and say Haven't instead of aint.

I see in these peoples faces they generally have no idea what i am prattling on about. Malaysia was the worst because you expect them to understand you and they don't. I've lost count the amount of times I've almost had a Rage Aneurysm when on the phone to Pizza Huts Home delivery receptionists "what is your first name" "Dave" "Dive?" 'yes my first name is Dive".and it get worse as it goes on . I'll learn to speak English properly one day hopefully

You mean you can understand Scousers?? That's the worst accent I've ever heard, while the Cockneys and the southern parts of England are very easy to understand.

"except in Britain where they speak something nobody understands"

​Normally you're better off if you cant Understand what a scouser is saying

Ive heard it said that Scousers were Irishman who couldn't swim ? biggrin.png


Yes, I read it too.

But his behaviour was confrontational and he kept asking why they had stopped him.

They have a right to do so.

After 25 years he should be more competent in Thai language.

My later point was the one I would like to emphasise.

Stop spreading misinformation.

They (RTP) do not have any kind of right to stop anyone walking on the street without good reason. It quite obvious from the video that they didn't have a good reason. Furthermore the "confrontational" (your words) guy has every right to be just that to the police for stopping them.

And thai language skills have nothing to do with this video.


But you seem afraid that the police will do something to your wallet or make you piss in a cup?

I don't think it's fear of anything- it's that people have a right to walk down the street without being stopped, questioned and searched without reasonable cause. Trying to shift the narrative into it being about paranoia and fear is pretty disingenuous.

Simple question: do you believe every police stop and search in Bangkok that foreigners go through is done with the genuine aim of uncovering crime with no other motive attached?


These two foreigners are two morons in my book. Do you know what happens if you stay speaking Japanese to two cops in NYC who have stopped you to see your papers? They will tell you: speak English you ass&$;:/! These two are lucky the officers were too mild and polite!

At the beginning of the film, I was hoping the foreigners would get off light...

By the end of the film I was hoping the BiB would smack the guy in the mouth...

Looks like the BiB went into brain-freeze when the foreigner did his Tasmanian Devil impression...


But you seem afraid that the police will do something to your wallet or make you piss in a cup?

I don't think it's fear of anything- it's that people have a right to walk down the street without being stopped, questioned and searched without reasonable cause. Trying to shift the narrative into it being about paranoia and fear is pretty disingenuous.

Simple question: do you believe every police stop and search in Bangkok that foreigners go through is done with the genuine aim of uncovering crime with no other motive attached?

My answer to your simple question is "no".

But I would also give the same answer to stop & searches carried out by the police in most countries. It seems palpably obvious that many American police officers stop and search (and shoot!) black youths without "reasonable cause" other than they are black and in a 'high crime' neighbourhood. There can be no doubt that "farang" drug dealers exist in Bangkok. I knew one who lived on soi 22 and openly dealt cocaine and other drugs in the bars and clubs in the area. Now maybe I'm giving them far too much benefit of the doubt, but if they are looking to catch farang drug dealers (or users) in the area, and they see someone vaguely meeting the description (i.e. farang!), a stop and search, carried out politely and respectfully, can be justified. Are they all justified? Probably not? Are there corrupt, xenophobic or racist Thai police officers? Of course, just as there are in all countries. Fortunately the outrageous on-the-spot piss tests have stopped, but police stop & searches (and ID checks) have been going on for as long as I've lived here (10 years) and I doubt they will stop, or be stopped.

I don't condone their action and I'd hate to be stopped myself, but sometimes the hysteria and boiled up anger over it is bordering on the ridiculous!


The American should have quit while he was ahead and carried on walking when the cop told him to 'Go home'.

He got the cop to back down from the attempted shakedown, so why not just shut up and get yourself out of a dangerous situation rather than potentially escalate things.


Have to agree with , if this was an American city, the guy would likely be cuffed face down on the pavement in no time flat for talking as aggressively and confrontationally to officers as he did.

That doesn't make it right, of course, but there's not any suggestion of a shakedown in the video.

In less visible and public circumstances I'd say the American, by challenging the authority of RTP officers, would have run the serious risk of having his phone smashed, being roughed up a little and spending a few days at the King's pleasure, with a large contribution to the RTP's welfare fund at the end of it.

He got lucky, IMO.

If he had been in America he would have indeed very possibly been tased and cuffed on the pavement.

But that just shows what an out of control bunch of thugs a lot of the police in the US are.


The American should have quit while he was ahead and carried on walking when the cop told him to 'Go home'.

He got the cop to back down from the attempted shakedown, so why not just shut up and get yourself out of a dangerous situation rather than potentially escalate things.

To a journalist i would guess an opportunity like this is like manna from heaven though i am sure he would have preferred a proper cameraman rather than having his son involved. I am sure he has been in worse situations and, being the bureau chief for an international news agency owned by the US federal government, he probably has a few ppl he can call on if things get sticky. Richard Barrow must be kicking himself given the number of times he has tried to get stopped.

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