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Poll: Most Thais suggest tough action & regional cooperation against Rohingya trade

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Poll: Most Thais suggest tough action & regional cooperation against Rohingya trade

BANGKOK, 10 May 2015 (NNT) – A latest survey by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University has found that the discovery of graves of Rohingya people in the Southern province of Songkhla had stirred shock and compassion among Thai people to the point that tough actions against wrongdoers had been recommended.

The survey focused on main topics namely Thai people’s reaction to the report of the plight of Rohingya people, their view of the country’s image and their suggestions on the matter.

When asked how they feel upon learning about the plight of Rohingya people, the majority of the respondents admitted that they were sad and sympathetic to the Rohingya people undergoing hardships in foreign countries and wish that authorities bring the culprits to justice as soon as possible.

With regard to the matter’s repercussions on the country, most of the respondents said the reports on the Rohingya people’s misfortunes would unavoidably affect the country’s image.

As for suggestions regarding the problem, the respondents are of the opinion that the government should issue short-term and long-term solutions and closely cooperate with neighboring countries to address the problem. More than half of them also suggested that the government handle the issue through Section 44 so that the problem can be solved without delay.

The results of the poll were compiled from the answers of 1,386 people across the country between May 4 and 9.

-- NNT 2015-05-10 footer_n.gif

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Why is there no numbers attached to this poll? This is one I would really like to see the percentages of peoples responses.

I can only assume by the absence of these numbers that only a small percentage of the people new what the hell the pollster was talking about, or even cared.

Edited by dcutman
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BANGKOK, 10 May 2015 (NNT) – Another survey by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University has found that the majority of Thais are satisfied with the date for Summer Solstice, while a 24.7% would like the government to use Article 44 to change the date.

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This is not something new. They should read the Reuters report, from 2013! This tells you exactly who is behind the trade. But the truth always hurts. Thais never accept blame ever.

Reuters US, 17JUL2013: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/17/us-myanmar-exodus-specialreport-idUSBRE96G02520130717

Reuters UK, 05DEC2013: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/12/05/uk-thailand-rohingya-special-report-idUKBRE9B400920131205

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Another BS poll, all show, no substance and this time even no numbers!bah.gif

The results of the poll were compiled from the answers of 1,386 people across the country between May 4 and 9.

That would at least imply that 694 (the majority if the sample was 1,386) Thais out of the number given above would show concern.

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Another BS poll, all show, no substance and this time even no numbers!bah.gif

The results of the poll were compiled from the answers of 1,386 people across the country between May 4 and 9.

That would at least imply that 694 (the majority if the sample was 1,386) Thais out of the number given above would show concern.
Soooo...1.386, 4 and 9 were the only numbers mentioned?
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This is not something new. They should read the Reuters report, from 2013! This tells you exactly who is behind the trade. But the truth always hurts. Thais never accept blame ever.

Reuters US, 17JUL2013: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/17/us-myanmar-exodus-specialreport-idUSBRE96G02520130717

Reuters UK, 05DEC2013: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/12/05/uk-thailand-rohingya-special-report-idUKBRE9B400920131205

Thanks for the links and I have read both reports which I have to say make a very, very sad reading. Unfortunately these reports are in English a language that doesn’t go down to well when it comes to the majority of us Thai. Even a large number of people that say they speak/read English would fail to comprehend what was written in the reports and in my experience would have given up after the first two sentences because they know they would make it to the end of the reports.

However I can read and clearly understand what is said in the Reuters articles and I am, trust me, really shocked and upset about it and the people I have spoken too. Most people in the region of Thailand I live don’t have the access to the information that is given to foreigners be it the lack of education they got, or the access to modern technology that would enable them to look across our borders and not depending on sources, that to put it mildly, only want them to see, hear and read what they think they should know.

But the reports also indicate to me that the problems caused by human trafficking aren’t masterminded from Bangkok as most commentators here on the forum imply when commenting on articles that refer to the problems. It involves four countries where abuse takes place including officials there and that without doubt needs to be looked into and to be stopped.

From the position I am looking at it now it shows that Thai authorities take actions and it would be good to see what the results are in the time to come. I hope that everybody that has been involved in the trade of humans will be held responsible and has to give account of the deeds committed.

There is still one question that needs to be answered and that is why was no action taken prior to this month and why didn’t previous governments look closer at the south. In your second link to Reuters also is the answer given for that riddle “besieged by a political crisis and violent street protests”. Due to the political unrests for over a decade and our attempts to bash each others heads in, we have failed to see the misery that would cause to people that deserved our attention and help and made us blind for the suffering it would cause; not an excuse but a rational explanation.

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Another BS poll, all show, no substance and this time even no numbers!bah.gif

The results of the poll were compiled from the answers of 1,386 people across the country between May 4 and 9.

That would at least imply that 694 (the majority if the sample was 1,386) Thais out of the number given above would show concern.
Soooo...1.386, 4 and 9 were the only numbers mentioned?

Divide 1,386 by 2 and add 1 to the result which gives you the majority or to put it into a different expression over 50%.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This is not something new. They should read the Reuters report, from 2013! This tells you exactly who is behind the trade. But the truth always hurts. Thais never accept blame ever.

Just did Thanks for that

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So it would seem then that without the discovery of the graves, the Thai people would not decided against the actions of the wrongdoers.

Of course the wrongdoers are not Thais and the Thai constitutions (when they are in effect) only protect Thai people.

National ambilivance to the suffering of nonThais comes to mind.

Hardly what I would call a model Buddhist country.

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Yeah well a very sad reality and first to blame are the Government and People of Myanmar, because it is them who are treating the People as crap. And then of course come the worst scumbags in to the Game, the People who are making millions from the misery of others, and there is no difference no matter what position or Office the beneficiary is holding. You profit from it you are the most lousy of person possible walking this planet.

The question are why the ones cought profiting from dirty money are just send to inactive posts? They should be put in Jail right away. But here stays the problem as they are untouchables and this has lead to the situation that the Country is since 2010 a failed state.

The rich and powerful just run away even after murders and killings and never heard about it, because Money can buy everything in the Country.

What is needed are an overhaul from the Top down, stop the crap to break your Kids in the age of 3 years, I have witnessed it personally that by that age they are broken and they will stay mentally in that age forever.

Overhaul the lousy education system and teachers who do not comply with it - just kick them out of it!

Overhaul the complete judicary system including the police and prosecution, pay a decend wage for them so they do not need to take briberies.

And last but not least change the name back to Siam. Because Thailand has become a cancer in all parts of Life which looks like there is no cure for it available. Everything wrong are just covered up by the Face which in the end is nothing as a face gohook, acting like Kids even if it is clear that a wrong was done we will never admit it. And that is the real problem of all! Will the Thais wake up after being placed on the same level with Korea North, Syria? I guess not, it will come out as always before just dont touch it and by magic it will go away! This time it will not.

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This is not something new. They should read the Reuters report, from 2013! This tells you exactly who is behind the trade. But the truth always hurts. Thais never accept blame ever.

Reuters US, 17JUL2013: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/17/us-myanmar-exodus-specialreport-idUSBRE96G02520130717

Reuters UK, 05DEC2013: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/12/05/uk-thailand-rohingya-special-report-idUKBRE9B400920131205

Reuters clearly defined the problem over two years ago, and the junta, like the others before -- ignored it...until too many were sickened by mass graves, tortured children, fishing and canning slaves and worse... These slavers are subhuman monsters.

There is no way these human monsters believe in reincarnation. If they did, they would be terrified of what they have done.

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No disrespect but i have to suggest that if the average Thai was asked ' who or what are Rohingya ? ' and no other information given the answer would be

Arai Na ?

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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