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I was interested in finding out more about BUPA health insurance,

My health insurance will not cover me while visiting Thailand

And if I decide to move to Thailand I'd need some insurance whenever I visit the US or another country

I've seen BUPA mentioned throughout the forum. Several members are signed up with BUPA.

But didn't find anyone on the forum who had actually tried to file a claim with them

So I went out on the net to see what reviews i could find

Heres some reviews of BUPA


Not many opinions but not many good reviews.

Has anyone had any experience with a company they can recommend..or not recommend?


I looked at BUPA and decided to go with LMG, which sells traveller's insurance (inbound). Tony Dabbs recommended this one and it looked like the one that had the most comprehensive coverage (more than just medical). While it is not perfect (it does not cover you much for burglary, it does for clothes and camera, which is like many insurance policies nowadays [excluding computers and more expensive electronic items,...]). It has more than medical coverage: personal liability, personal accident, baggage loss, cancellation, flight delay, loss of passports/money (with sometimes a $30 deductible for burglary, losses,..., though, but that's quite standard),... Ask Tony for more info and detail (4 pages worth) at [email protected]. I did not find the policy too screwy, but at least it covers you if you are injured on a tuk-tuk or a motorcycle (some don't or partly). For the record, just a medical insurance was not enough for me, but it could be good for someone else. For the record, the medical coverage alone was competitive. I also found the cost of BUPA to be a bit high for what they offered. LMG looks on paper a better deal ($150 to $250 for 4 months [max. 6 months]). On the other hand, have not had any claims using it, so ... it is hard to say before the fact.


I have had health insurance with NZI/Interglobal for the past few years. Initially there were some service issues with respect to in-patient claim approvals which resulted in longish (2 to 4 hours) wait to check out of hospital. This was apparently a situation particular to the hospital we used and has since been corrected. Recent experience has been excellent.

I have found the pricing to be quite competitive for what is provided, but there are some limitations to coverage which make it less than really ideal. I have made several comparisons of health insurance products available from local insurers, and all of them have drawbacks. Most products on offer here have various internal limits, exclusions and limitations which pass much of the risk of a catastrophic medical situation back to the insured, while at the same time offering coverage with low or no deductibles or co-payments. Seems they prefer to trade baht on small outpatient claims rather than to provide real risk transfer for major illnesses.

That said, NZI/Interglobal's plans are better than many. But I suggest you look around.

One small suggestion: Consider avoiding purchasing medical insurance from a life insurance company. The only way they can offer coverage is by attaching the medical rider to a life insurance policy. This means that some of your premium is going to purchase life insurance. Fine if you want it, but a waste if you are looking for just medical cover. Life insurance rates in Thailand are not favorable when compared with rates used in many western countries. I think that western actuarial tables are generated using somewhat longer lifespan assumptions.


The insurance agent I dealt with recommended NSI (now LMG) over BUPA. He told me they offer more coverage for less money. I am 61 years old and my annual premium is about 20,000 baht per year. I have the Executive package with a rider that is about as expensive as the basic package. The rider is supposed to cover whatever the Executive package doesn't. The policy pays a maximum of 1,250,000 baht per occurrence. I have had one claim. Last fall I had acute appendicitis and the hospital bill was 48,000 baht. The policy paid all but 15 baht. I don't know what the 15 baht was but I didn't complain. :o


I've had BUPA for years, quite happy with them. Last month they paid 44,000B our of 48,000B for my cataract surgery and intra-ocular lens implantation. I was actually surprised they covered that much, as I elected to have the surgery at Rutnin, the most expensive eye hospital in the country.

I've had BUPA for years, quite happy with them. Last month they paid 44,000B our of 48,000B for my cataract surgery and intra-ocular lens implantation. I was actually surprised they covered that much, as I elected to have the surgery at Rutnin, the most expensive eye hospital in the country.

What plan level ?


I've had BUPA for years, quite happy with them. Last month they paid 44,000B our of 48,000B for my cataract surgery and intra-ocular lens implantation. I was actually surprised they covered that much, as I elected to have the surgery at Rutnin, the most expensive eye hospital in the country.

What plan level ?



Dear egeefay,

I was put on BUPA as part of a contract when I was in the Middle East, the cover started in July, and was paid annually by my employer. In November I chipped a tooth, had a crown done and they paid up. In December I had outpatient's treatment at their recommended hospital, cost of £20. In the same way I completed the form and sent it off.

During that year I sent several other reminders but was not sent the money. I was returning to the UK and was going to Brighton where their office is so I thought I would then wait.

I contacted them when I was in the UK and they told me that they had received my claim form on time but that it was their policy not to pay up as I was not then a member of BUPA.

Is their policy that they don't pay you when you're a member, wait for you to lapse membership and then blame you for lapsing membership?

I had at the time been considering maintaining BUPA as a lifetime insurance but once they didn't pay up I didn't continue.

Based on the replies to your post I am just in an unlucky minority, but there you go! Maybe they considered at £20 and lapsed membership it wasn't worth their while being honest.

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill Z

The insurance agent I dealt with recommended NSI (now LMG) over BUPA. He told me they offer more coverage for less money. I am 61 years old and my annual premium is about 20,000 baht per year. I have the Executive package with a rider that is about as expensive as the basic package. The rider is supposed to cover whatever the Executive package doesn't. The policy pays a maximum of 1,250,000 baht per occurrence. I have had one claim. Last fall I had acute appendicitis and the hospital bill was 48,000 baht. The policy paid all but 15 baht. I don't know what the 15 baht was but I didn't complain. :o

Sounds like a good policy, do you have a website address for them?


The insurance agent I dealt with recommended NSI (now LMG) over BUPA. He told me they offer more coverage for less money. I am 61 years old and my annual premium is about 20,000 baht per year. I have the Executive package with a rider that is about as expensive as the basic package. The rider is supposed to cover whatever the Executive package doesn't. The policy pays a maximum of 1,250,000 baht per occurrence. I have had one claim. Last fall I had acute appendicitis and the hospital bill was 48,000 baht. The policy paid all but 15 baht. I don't know what the 15 baht was but I didn't complain. :o

Sounds like a good policy, do you have a website address for them?

Their WEBsite is not functional, but the firms seems solid though. I renewed my policy last month, age 60, payed 50.000 but for one of their top packages (I hope) lifetime garantee.

Their email does work

[email protected]



I've had BUPA for years, quite happy with them. Last month they paid 44,000B our of 48,000B for my cataract surgery and intra-ocular lens implantation. I was actually surprised they covered that much, as I elected to have the surgery at Rutnin, the most expensive eye hospital in the country.

What plan level ?

We have had Bupa going on four years now. We are at the Emerald level with out patient coverage. The cost for my wife, myself, and our son who is 9 years old is 60,000 baht per year.

I'm thinking about dropping the outpatient coverage and upgrading to platinum. What do you think?


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