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Thai cops shoot out tire to stop drunk, high taxi driver


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Would his driving license be revoked? Hate to think I had boarded his taxi some time in the future...

What licence?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif The one he got in a cracker. Don't worry they are going to make the tests harder soon. giggle.gif

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Never a dull moment when taxi drivers are concerned eh? The meter saga has died down. Now when we get in a taxi, we need to have more time to survey whether he's drunk, on drugs, or both. Then make sure he turns on the meter, doesn't overcharge, goes the right way. We need to go to college to learn all this shit....

You mean learn at a college in Thailand????

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Noticed tire did he use a RPG? or did tire get scared and fall off axle? I rode with that guy before drove me to Pattaya for free guess he was too stoned to read meter, he did stop a lot at street vendors for food though.

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I never thought I would read the term "full cowboy" in a news article here! Sure is easier to understand than some of the stuff that is written.

It's also nice to see some firm action by the boys.

You never go full cowboy !!

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I never thought I would read the term "full cowboy" in a news article here! Sure is easier to understand than some of the stuff that is written.

It's also nice to see some firm action by the boys.

You never go full cowboy !!

but when you do, you get a soi named after you.

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With the Thai Polices shooting skills, he was extremely lucky not to get killed!!

They were probably aiming for his head, but hit the tires by a mistake.................coffee1.gif

In the US him were dead already with 16 or more bullets in the Body!!!

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With the Thai Polices shooting skills, he was extremely lucky not to get killed!!

They were probably aiming for his head, but hit the tires by a mistake.................coffee1.gif

And you know this because:

a) You have attended the training given to RTP

B) You have been shot at by the RTP. (Obviously they missed)

c) You have been witness to numerous chase and shootouts involving the RTP.

Just wondering why bash when I believe you actually have no idea how good or bad they shoot.

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As many are commenting on the loss of wheel nuts as a result of tyres being shot out, have you thought that maybe he may have hit a kerb after the tyre was blown??

Secondly, why did the BIB need to shoot out the tyre anyway, considering he had already hit a kerb and lost one tyre. would he have been that difficult to catch in reality, only riding on 3 wheels, or was it a case of 3 wheels on my wagon and I'm still rolling along ........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vLhcg_FU9g

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A drunk and high taxi driver must be a first for here a good life changing 500 Baht fine will be a blow to him that will also set a fine example to any other Taxi driver who would consider ever doing such a naughty thing as drinking and driving.

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Shooting out his tires is a reckless, dangerous practice banned by most countries unless driver/rider represents a clear danger to others or had already engaged in violent behavior.

sped through a police checkpoint - Check!

injured one officer in the process - Check!

rammed a police car - Check!

a clear danger to others - Check!

engaged in violent behaviour - Check!

What's the problem? rolleyes.gif

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Just thinking . . . what if YOU were driving on the other side of this taxi when these expert marksmen opened fire on the cab, missed, then hit YOU in the head?

You REALLY think this was the RIGHT way to handle this situation?!?



Bullets are cheaper than importing "stingers"

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With the Thai Polices shooting skills, he was extremely lucky not to get killed!!

They were probably aiming for his head, but hit the tires by a mistake.................coffee1.gif

I think you forget that Chalerm's son is running the police shooting training school; you know, the son who murdered a policeman in a crowded nightclub but no witnesses dared come forward?

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That worries me. A Thai cop who can shoot straight. I always felt safe when a Thai cop pulls his gun by simply standing in front of him.

That's like me on the tee.

Stand in the middle of the fairway and you are as safe as houses.

I really don't understand golf at all, but why would you start blazing away with a pistol when you're playing? :) Edited by JAG
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Shooting out his tires is a reckless, dangerous practice banned by most countries unless driver/rider represents a clear danger to others or had already engaged in violent behavior.

sped through a police checkpoint - Check!

injured one officer in the process - Check!

rammed a police car - Check!

a clear danger to others - Check!

engaged in violent behaviour - Check!

What's the problem? rolleyes.gif

Bullets missing taxi and hitting bystanders - check.

Bullets ricocheting off car or road and hitting bystanders. - check.

Taxi crashing and hitting bystanders - check.

Its not as if, with one wheel out already he was going very far or fast was it?

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