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Phuket jet-ski operator found hanging at his home

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As much as it sad when someone takes his life I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off.

Those on a shoestring budget saving months or years for a dream holiday to Los being struck with a 40-50k or so claim by the operators who either had to cut short their holidays or make the embarrassing call back home for urgent need of cash.

People in this line of work committing suicide is often related to foul play. Things like gambling debt, cheating on their partners and getting caught etc.

I can't bring myself to feeling sorry for him.

Why defame the dead? Easy I suppose because they cannot defend themselves. I was trying to think of words to describe this behaviour and these two spring to mind, apathetic and callous. Mean anything? How is it that you are so knowledgeable of his past? Or are you, like many others on here, assuming, applying rumour or the best of then all, resorting to the adage of "Guilt by Association." I'd hate to think what you would write it this was a foreigner.

So do you feel special when denigrating the dead? Someone I'd say you never knew but attempt to justify your maligning of him by, as you put it, "That I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off." Maybe if you did stop to think then you would not write such an insulting post. I would really like to you to provide the evidence to justify your allegations, otherwise just stick to the facts.

What do you know about matters such as these being related to "Foul Play?" None of us have any inside knowledge, and are only relying on what the media presents in their reporting's. In this instance it has been reported that police stated that there was no foul play, assault or robbery but there were three letters, which indicated he was depressed and that he was sorry for leaving everyone he loved in this manner. His depressed stated was also confirmed by neighbours. Police also described the scene and not being there but having attended many similar incidents whilst a police officer, I can tell you that if what they discovered, if as stated, then it is consistent with suicide by hanging.

I know you made no mention of this but if police want to investigate further before ruling on suicide, I can't see any problem in that. This is normal practice in such an incident and maybe police are now being more diligent, only time will tell. I cannot see anything to suggest they have any ulterior motives for doing so, so why is it that, at this time, their findings can't be accepted. We should wait and see if someone or something comes forward to suggest otherwise or is it the norm to denigrate, offer assumptions, theories or any other form of rubbish that will propagate one's misguided beliefs.

So it's sad when someone takes their life but you can't bring yourself to feel sorrow for him. Why the contradictions? Unlike yourself, I feel for someone who takes his own life, as, in most case, they needed help and had no one to turn to. Then there are those family members he left behind, don't you think they may suffer as a consequence. These are the unknown factors but in your haste to decry this person, you have either brushed over them or just plain do not care. Unlike you I can find sorrow and it is for you. I cannot understand how you are able to judge others without just cause. Maybe it's an affliction, and clearly, one you could do without.

whats so special about dead people? Just being objective here. Do sins of people become lessened when they die? Oh how dare someone speak of the dead in this way. I suggest you grow up and get a dose of reality injected. If u read my post carefully I did not use specific words relating to this individual. Just an observation on how low life some of these jet ski operators are. When you sleep with the dogs u catch fleas. He caught a deadly one!!! <removed>.

I grew up years ago, just waiting for you to catch up. And I need a dose of reality to be injected because I had the hide to question you about respect and speaking ill of the dead.? Obviously, you have a problem in showing respect, which is highlighted by the manner in which you pontificate your point of view.

So, according to you, there is no specific reference made of the deceased, then who are you referring to here and I quote? "As much as it sad when someone takes his life I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off" and "I can't bring myself to feel sorry for him" All singular pronouns in case you are unaware.

So, despite the post being about one person and your use of singular pronouns, these are not referencing the deceased but just your observations on how low life some of these Jet Ski Operators are? How you can proffer such rot when there is clearly no reference to that or even a description, as you now offer, just the words you initially selected, which by their use, one would find it hard not to conclude that you were not making reference to the deceased.

As you have trouble answering other questions maybe you can answer this. Why, when there was nothing to suggest this person was anything other then some lost soul who possibly took his own life, for whatever reason, we will never know, have you posted in such a derogatory manner, as you so put it, about others and not the deceased. No need for it really, has nothing to do with the original post but then maybe you will come up with some other rubbish to warrant your doing so.

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Your post is a bit...a bit............sanctimonious.

It also kinda proves that idiots always think that they're the smartest ones in the room..............cheesy.gif

I was always taught to avoid fools and pretenders, I am still trying to work you out but go your hardest, whatever you call me will not see me lower myself to you level. No, not the smartest nor do I think I am but if you must ride high with your insults. feel free to do so. It only highlight your skills, sorry, I meant the lack of.


I know depression is really bad if you cant snap out of it theres only one way out I know from experience what depression can do .

Apparently you don't know. You are still alive.


I cannot imagine what he was thinking to take his life in this way. No one should think ill of the dead, especially in a derogatory manner. It didn't take long for the just to blow their trumpets.

I'm sorry but I disagree, if someone is a dirtbag alive why isn't he/she a dirtbag when they die. Why shouldn't you speak ill of the dead? I'm not saying this guy was a dirtbag, just replying to your comment.

What are you disagreeing with? I understand you are replying to my post but I don't understand that in one breath you are saying if someone is a dirt bag alive, then they are dirt bag when they die, yet you are not suggesting this guy was a dirt bag. Then what are you saying? If one has to speak ill of the dead then it shows their inability to respect anything, living or otherwise, regardless of their predisposition, and it may well be that they would find it hard to show respect for themselves. And I'm just replying to and questioning you comment.

I think its obvious that my reply is to your statement that you shouldn't speak ill of the dead, it shouldn't be that difficult than work out, maybe I'm writing too fast for you


Well, kind of sad...

Depression is not an easy thing to go through in life...

Just hopefully not related to not being able to recuperate from some bad farang a 500,000 bahts damage to one of his jet-skis....


I often wonder about Thai suicides and if they are related to corruption. Surely it cannot be healthy to have to cheat and treat good people like shit day in day out just to make a living ?

They can still make a good living, without ripping honest people off....they just see an easy way to make more money, and they become greedy.

Google Jet-ski scams on YouTube, THEN feel sorry for them if you can!


As much as it sad when someone takes his life I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off.

Those on a shoestring budget saving months or years for a dream holiday to Los being struck with a 40-50k or so claim by the operators who either had to cut short their holidays or make the embarrassing call back home for urgent need of cash.

People in this line of work committing suicide is often related to foul play. Things like gambling debt, cheating on their partners and getting caught etc.

I can't bring myself to feeling sorry for him.

Why defame the dead? Easy I suppose because they cannot defend themselves. I was trying to think of words to describe this behaviour and these two spring to mind, apathetic and callous. Mean anything? How is it that you are so knowledgeable of his past? Or are you, like many others on here, assuming, applying rumour or the best of then all, resorting to the adage of "Guilt by Association." I'd hate to think what you would write it this was a foreigner.

So do you feel special when denigrating the dead? Someone I'd say you never knew but attempt to justify your maligning of him by, as you put it, "That I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off." Maybe if you did stop to think then you would not write such an insulting post. I would really like to you to provide the evidence to justify your allegations, otherwise just stick to the facts.

What do you know about matters such as these being related to "Foul Play?" None of us have any inside knowledge, and are only relying on what the media presents in their reporting's. In this instance it has been reported that police stated that there was no foul play, assault or robbery but there were three letters, which indicated he was depressed and that he was sorry for leaving everyone he loved in this manner. His depressed stated was also confirmed by neighbours. Police also described the scene and not being there but having attended many similar incidents whilst a police officer, I can tell you that if what they discovered, if as stated, then it is consistent with suicide by hanging.

I know you made no mention of this but if police want to investigate further before ruling on suicide, I can't see any problem in that. This is normal practice in such an incident and maybe police are now being more diligent, only time will tell. I cannot see anything to suggest they have any ulterior motives for doing so, so why is it that, at this time, their findings can't be accepted. We should wait and see if someone or something comes forward to suggest otherwise or is it the norm to denigrate, offer assumptions, theories or any other form of rubbish that will propagate one's misguided beliefs.

So it's sad when someone takes their life but you can't bring yourself to feel sorrow for him. Why the contradictions? Unlike yourself, I feel for someone who takes his own life, as, in most case, they needed help and had no one to turn to. Then there are those family members he left behind, don't you think they may suffer as a consequence. These are the unknown factors but in your haste to decry this person, you have either brushed over them or just plain do not care. Unlike you I can find sorrow and it is for you. I cannot understand how you are able to judge others without just cause. Maybe it's an affliction, and clearly, one you could do without.

whats so special about dead people? Just being objective here. Do sins of people become lessened when they die? Oh how dare someone speak of the dead in this way. I suggest you grow up and get a dose of reality injected. If u read my post carefully I did not use specific words relating to this individual. Just an observation on how low life some of these jet ski operators are. When you sleep with the dogs u catch fleas. He caught a deadly one!!! <removed>.

I grew up years ago, just waiting for you to catch up. And I need a dose of reality to be injected because I had the hide to question you about respect and speaking ill of the dead.? Obviously, you have a problem in showing respect, which is highlighted by the manner in which you pontificate your point of view.

So, according to you, there is no specific reference made of the deceased, then who are you referring to here and I quote? "As much as it sad when someone takes his life I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off" and "I can't bring myself to feel sorry for him" All singular pronouns in case you are unaware.

So, despite the post being about one person and your use of singular pronouns, these are not referencing the deceased but just your observations on how low life some of these Jet Ski Operators are? How you can proffer such rot when there is clearly no reference to that or even a description, as you now offer, just the words you initially selected, which by their use, one would find it hard not to conclude that you were not making reference to the deceased.

As you have trouble answering other questions maybe you can answer this. Why, when there was nothing to suggest this person was anything other then some lost soul who possibly took his own life, for whatever reason, we will never know, have you posted in such a derogatory manner, as you so put it, about others and not the deceased. No need for it really, has nothing to do with the original post but then maybe you will come up with some other rubbish to warrant your doing so.

I am absolutely certain that the deceased individual cares a lot less about some TV posts about him than you do..

Jai yen yen


Good news at last. Now if the rest of the other 989 operators left, can join him in an eternal reunion, this will indeed be a joyous day.

What an absolute pr@#k you are, you know nothing about this man who took his own life, I'll be hoping you have a fatal car accident over the nd and I'll be laughing at the loved ones you've left behind who are distraught.
What? You sound just as bad as him, read your own reply, and tell me that's a good reply....be honest.

No one should think ill of the dead, especially in a derogatory manner.

What the hell is this all about? We hear this garbage so often, it's like the similarly mindless claim that "everyone is beautiful."

So you're a selfish religious person who lies about or avoids the truth about dead people just so you can get your little plot of Heaven for yourself?

Or you're not superstitious, but have some kind of twisted, albeit popular lowest common denominator moral attitude because of the sanctity of human life?

How about all the decent, good people that have suffered at the hands of bad folks who are now dead? We must care more about the feelings of rotten criminals and their families than their victims and their own families?

I realize the poster who I quoted didn't exactly say this, but his statement has the implication.

Sure, we don't know if this was a good guy or not, so usually we might give the benefit of the doubt, however what jet ski businessmen in Thailand remotely gave a toss about your well-being?

RIP to this guy I say, unless he happened to be the piece of excrement he most likely was according to overwhelming and oft-documented experience and evidence, in which case his soul can go rot or he can enjoy his new life reincarnated as a seawater-borne parasite.


I cannot imagine what he was thinking to take his life in this way. No one should think ill of the dead, especially in a derogatory manner. It didn't take long for the just to blow their trumpets.

You are right but none of his scam victims will miss him.


One less dirty scammer. Karma caught up with this guy. I have no bad feelings. they all deserve it.

Agree 100%, his conscience finally caught up with him.


Probably it was getting harder and harder to extort money from tourist because of the recent and on going crack down on these guys. This probably was the cause of his depression.

Speculation on your part,but i would say living alone and thinking about the ex had something to do with it.


I guess the (jet-ski linked to suicide) report was designed to extract the most vitriol from TFV posters, and it worked. Pretty sad, really.

You beat me to it ST.Sick effort by TVF to drum up business using a suicide.


Doubt there'll be many bleeding hearts for these types. Even if he was one of the honest ones it'll matter not to any of those extorted by other jet ski crooks Over the years

Not sure why his occupation was mentioned.It doesn't seem relevant.

It wouldn't have worked for TVF if jetski wasn't mentioned.It's all about sucking the dills in and others countering their sickness.


No one should think ill of the dead, especially in a derogatory manner.

Does that also apply to Pol Pot, Myra Hindley, Josef Mengeles etc. etc. etc.

I've always found that maxim the height of hypocrisy.....

I think you'll find that there is a difference between those tried and found guilty of terrible crimes and those not even accused of anything. Check the definition of hypocrisy.

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