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Bay of Bengal migrant crisis: the boats and the numbers

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If thousands of migrant are allowed to starve to death on boats in the Bay

of Bengal, the countries of SE Asia will take a hit they will never recover

from. Basically seen as heartless bastards, not an easy label to recover


Europe has similar problems with the boat people there is no easy answere.

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If thousands of migrant are allowed to starve to death on boats in the Bay

of Bengal, the countries of SE Asia will take a hit they will never recover

from. Basically seen as heartless bastards, not an easy label to recover


Sounds familiar could be a quote for a certain English speaking European country who doesn't want to take any more 'immigrants'?

Does said English speaking country get any aid to support illegal immigrants or does it have to borrow money and supply aid to other countries?

NOT a like for like comparison DG.


If I were the PM of Thailand I would step up to the plate He is in the position to change how the western world views the coup and his leadership. If I were him I would get on the line to Washington DC State department and request assistance in setting up shelters for these people also have the UN send in aid to help. With UN peace keeping forces to help control this influx of people. By doing that the US would be hard pressed to say NO. It would be the biggest political coup that he could ever hope for and it falling right in his lap. One word from him asking for help not only would it flow but with it thousands of, no make that millions of US dollars would flow in to Thailand the PM's face would be plastered all over the media maybe even a nobel peace prize too. But the time is now if you wait some one else will do it.

While I understand the principal behind your thoughts, until Muslims can be trusted I would refuse entry.

In the South over 6000 men women and children have been murdered by these animals, including a 9 year old boy beheaded a few weeks ago.

Half the Islamic world seem to want to move into non Islamic countries, then they make trouble for the rest of us.

Please do not insult the animal kingdom. Animals are predictable and kill only for food or survival. They certainly do not kill for misguided fanatical beliefs.


Thailand is doing the right thing here. Provide food, water, fuel & medicine and send them on their way.

If thailand accepted them and started providing housing, shelter food, assistance etc ....

how do you think that would work with a Buddhist country already stretched to the brink with families getting less than $1 a day. ???

Also, word gets out that thailand is taking them in then the flood gates would open .... you would not see 1,000's but 100's of thousand jump on boats.

Many on TV just comment and don't know the facts about these people ... or the history ....they are not oriental Asian, they are Bengali migrants, they are muslims, they are muslim radical that dislike Buddhists & Christians.

They are not welcome and I understand why.... unlike many misinformed TV posters here.


The World Population is heading for 8 Billion people ,as a result, ethnicity & religion will force people to start rejecting the inclusion of outsiders and incomers as they are seen as a threat to their way of life, The wealthy are only tolerated as long as they stay wealthy, that doesn't mean they are liked , As 'farang' we well know that.


a never ending migrant crisis what is it about their countries of origin are they so bad that people have to leave this appears to be an Asian crisis that should be sorted one must look at the origin not at the outcome .


If thousands of migrant are allowed to starve to death on boats in the Bay

of Bengal, the countries of SE Asia will take a hit they will never recover

from. Basically seen as heartless bastards, not an easy label to recover


Waellll, let's be honest. That never deterred other countries investing in/holidaying here. Did it.


If I were the PM of Thailand I would step up to the plate He is in the position to change how the western world views the coup and his leadership. If I were him I would get on the line to Washington DC State department and request assistance in setting up shelters for these people also have the UN send in aid to help. With UN peace keeping forces to help control this influx of people. By doing that the US would be hard pressed to say NO. It would be the biggest political coup that he could ever hope for and it falling right in his lap. One word from him asking for help not only would it flow but with it thousands of, no make that millions of US dollars would flow in to Thailand the PM's face would be plastered all over the media maybe even a nobel peace prize too. But the time is now if you wait some one else will do it.

While I understand the principal behind your thoughts, until Muslims can be trusted I would refuse entry.

In the South over 6000 men women and children have been murdered by these animals, including a 9 year old boy beheaded a few weeks ago.

Half the Islamic world seem to want to move into non Islamic countries, then they make trouble for the rest of us.

Amen...and I believe this is exactly the thai govt's thinking

The last thing they need is a few tens of thousands of muslims making themselves at home in the deep south and in a generation or two joining the autonomist rebellion.

So am I to understand that all Muslims are dangerous trouble makers and don't deserve any opportunity for a better life? Let's ignore how Christians have treated Muslims over the centuries. Let's ignore the millions that had to flee Europe for the new world due to persecution for their unacceptable beliefs - time seems to have sorted all that out. I wonder how you can makes sense of the way these people are treated in their own country (Myanmar) and how they are discriminated against. I wonder how you can sleep well knowing the complicity of a government in the abuse and murder of people who only want a chance for a better life.


' I wonder how you can sleep well knowing the complicity of a government in the abuse and murder of people who only want a chance for a better life.'

I sleep quite well thank you knowing there are no muslim extremists in my soi planting bombs to kill innocent school children.

Keep that in their own country thanks.


How pathetic when some of our TV member brings religion and politics on such posting . These people on the sea are floating without food and water and will die probably out of hunger or sickness. All of them sailed in search of better life. If we can not help these people lets not at least be mean to them by writing harsh and stupid comments. May god save them

Seems like your thinking outside the box.

May God save them for the fishes.


If I were the PM of Thailand I would step up to the plate He is in the position to change how the western world views the coup and his leadership. If I were him I would get on the line to Washington DC State department and request assistance in setting up shelters for these people also have the UN send in aid to help. With UN peace keeping forces to help control this influx of people. By doing that the US would be hard pressed to say NO. It would be the biggest political coup that he could ever hope for and it falling right in his lap. One word from him asking for help not only would it flow but with it thousands of, no make that millions of US dollars would flow in to Thailand the PM's face would be plastered all over the media maybe even a nobel peace prize too. But the time is now if you wait some one else will do it.

Very good suggestion, but unfortunately, there are 2 words in your post that makes it very unlikely to happen i.e. "request assistance". That would suggest that Thailand is unable to cope, and that is something that"face" will not allow.

Also, bear in mind that the PM considers this not a Thai problem at all, but Thailand is merely a

"transit camp" stuck in the middle.


If I were the PM of Thailand I would step up to the plate He is in the position to change how the western world views the coup and his leadership. If I were him I would get on the line to Washington DC State department and request assistance in setting up shelters for these people also have the UN send in aid to help. With UN peace keeping forces to help control this influx of people. By doing that the US would be hard pressed to say NO. It would be the biggest political coup that he could ever hope for and it falling right in his lap. One word from him asking for help not only would it flow but with it thousands of, no make that millions of US dollars would flow in to Thailand the PM's face would be plastered all over the media maybe even a nobel peace prize too. But the time is now if you wait some one else will do it.

While I understand the principal behind your thoughts, until Muslims can be trusted I would refuse entry.

In the South over 6000 men women and children have been murdered by these animals, including a 9 year old boy beheaded a few weeks ago.

Half the Islamic world seem to want to move into non Islamic countries, then they make trouble for the rest of us.

Amen...and I believe this is exactly the thai govt's thinking

The last thing they need is a few tens of thousands of muslims making themselves at home in the deep south and in a generation or two joining the autonomist rebellion.

So am I to understand that all Muslims are dangerous trouble makers and don't deserve any opportunity for a better life? Let's ignore how Christians have treated Muslims over the centuries. Let's ignore the millions that had to flee Europe for the new world due to persecution for their unacceptable beliefs - time seems to have sorted all that out. I wonder how you can makes sense of the way these people are treated in their own country (Myanmar) and how they are discriminated against. I wonder how you can sleep well knowing the complicity of a government in the abuse and murder of people who only want a chance for a better life.

Sorry, but we are talking about NOW, not centuries ago, and I think that religion has been a prime factor in many war and horrendous loss of life over the decades. Consequently, although I agree with your statement about the way that Muslims have been persecuted, I think that to a certain extent, they have brought it all on their own heads for a number of reasons, the prime one being (whether true, or a misrepresentation of the "facts") that all Muslims are duty bound to try to convince the rest of the World to become Muslims,and any "non-believers" i.e infidels. should be killed. Also, criticism of their beliefs are not allowed, and they refuse to integrate into the community, but want their own community, want pork products taken off the shelves of OUR supermarkets etc etc etc. In other words, they want to move into a country and then steadily take it over and convert everyone to Islam - that is their mission in life, and the result is always the same - TROUBLE!

Whether you look at the Middle East, the deep South of Thailand, or the streets of Birmingham, UK, wherever there are Muslims, there is unrest, albeit in varying degrees, but the fact remains that Muslims can not live "hand in hand" with people of other religions, because you will always find militants/extremists among their ranks. and you know what happens when you put a bad apple in a barrel of good apples!

Back to topic, these people have been, and are being appallingly treated, and I would suggest if they, as Muslims, are treated so badly by other Muslims, and consequently have to flee their own country for fear of their lives, then perhaps it is time for them to "see the light", and convert to a more moderate religion, where perhaps they would be treated with more sympathy, and their needs given more consideration.


Does anyone remember where the Vietnamese "boat people" went? It was not to Asian countries. The countries that stepped up (other than the U.S. which had no moral option to do otherwise) did so on the on humanitarian grounds. Do you seriously think that they would not do the same again in this case? It's fun to be negative and cynical but the world is not made up of xenophobic Asian countries. The rules of the global game are that Thailand MUST ask for help or none will be sent. The only reason they are hesitating is that it will expose the extent of their duplicity to the world.

No - it's "face" and "Thainess" - have you ever known Thailand ask another country for anything?


Thailand is doing the right thing here. Provide food, water, fuel & medicine and send them on their way.

If thailand accepted them and started providing housing, shelter food, assistance etc ....

how do you think that would work with a Buddhist country already stretched to the brink with families getting less than $1 a day. ???

Also, word gets out that thailand is taking them in then the flood gates would open .... you would not see 1,000's but 100's of thousand jump on boats.

Many on TV just comment and don't know the facts about these people ... or the history ....they are not oriental Asian, they are Bengali migrants, they are muslims, they are muslim radical that dislike Buddhists & Christians.

They are not welcome and I understand why.... unlike many misinformed TV posters here.

I am surprised that nobody mentioned the B word

B for Bangladesh...because that's where these people originated.

They migrated eastwards during the British rule.

Bangladesh is known to push the boats back at gunpoint...go to youtube.

Also...isn't if fair for MUSLIM countries to accept them?

Why always it has to be non-muslim countries that are asked for help?

Enough of this madness.

We don't have to solve the muslim world's demographic problems

Turkeys don't vote for Christmas

"Also...isn't if fair for MUSLIM countries to accept them?

Why always it has to be non-muslim countries that are asked for help?"

Well spotted! I hadn't noticed before, but you are SO right! All this talk of United Nations, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and not one mention of any country from the Middle East, which I believe is their spiritual home, and where their religion started!


Europe has similar problems with the boat people there is no easy answere.

It was reported by the BBC just yesterday that the masses currently making their way to Europe from the Middle east include jihadists in their midst who are bonded to pay 50% of their salary to ISIS. Not really apples for apples. Is it.


If I were the PM of Thailand I would step up to the plate He is in the position to change how the western world views the coup and his leadership. If I were him I would get on the line to Washington DC State department and request assistance in setting up shelters for these people also have the UN send in aid to help. With UN peace keeping forces to help control this influx of people. By doing that the US would be hard pressed to say NO. It would be the biggest political coup that he could ever hope for and it falling right in his lap. One word from him asking for help not only would it flow but with it thousands of, no make that millions of US dollars would flow in to Thailand the PM's face would be plastered all over the media maybe even a nobel peace prize too. But the time is now if you wait some one else will do it.

Send them to the US, EU, UK, and Sweden. Undocumented? No problem.

Thailand. As much as I complain about immigration, at least they have a policy that they stick to.

If your liberal and think that something needs to be done, try intervention in the refugees home countries. This isn't a Thai problem. It's a global problem that starts in the counties that people are fleeing.


Shame on Thailand for offering no humanitarian help for these poor people!

what rubbish ... Thailand has done the correct thing. Given them food, water & fuel & hopefully sent them on their merry way ...... .

You as many other people here don't understand the true situation ... I've been to Myanmar , I've seen there camps and villages and seen what destruction they can do to Buddhist houses and Christian houses .... they burn them down and kill the families inside.

You bleating hearts people don't understand the reality of all of this ... some of these people are extreme radicals and they will stop at nothing to get something.

You say Thailand hasn't done good. What if Thailand set up a camp for these muslims / Bangalies ?

That would cause all sorts of problems with Thailand being a Buddhists nation not to mention it would open the flood gates for another 100,000 to come immediately ....

Your comment is just talk, you don't really have a clue about the real happenings in Burma.

Thailand has done everything right? What a nonsense. Human traffickers in Thailand have set up the infrastructure to extort, rape, torture and sell these people into slavery. Now that this scam/crime against humanity is exposed Thailand doesn't want them anymore. Yeah right, human trafficking rings with the cooperation of the THAI authorities cannot make money and exploit them anymore. Thailand is as much responsible as the people in Myanmar who put them onto the boats. Concentration-like camps in the jungles and mass graves are being dug up as we speak. Its an atrocity and the Thais and Malays are 100% responsible.

Well said SoilSpoil and ronwparker. Nice to see some humanity expressed here instead of being overwhelmed by the bitter bigotry of posters like Steven100 who here and on other forum loves to vent his spleen and paranoid alarmist hate speech and waving big sticks in the faces of people who face death trying to find a better life for their kids and families.Choice of words so crass and thoughtless "sent them on their merry way" Merry?? They're all so happy aren't they? Where to? where to? Great speech from one so deluded who sets himself up as an authority and who applauds others on TV who approve of the drowning of hapless people."Floodgates for another 100,000 to come" All paranoia and insecurity and NOT ever one thought or suggestion of a solution to an increasing daily tragedy except get rid.Too many bullies on TVF.


How pathetic when some of our TV member brings religion and politics on such posting . These people on the sea are floating without food and water and will die probably out of hunger or sickness. All of them sailed in search of better life. If we can not help these people lets not at least be mean to them by writing harsh and stupid comments. May god save them

Seems like your thinking outside the box.

May God save them for the fishes.

Another disgusting remark from a genocidal thinker who thinks he's funny. Are you a loner? I would be surprised if someone with a family and children would think, let alone say on a public forum that someone else's family and children would make good bait. An appalling quality of reprobates seem to inhabit TVF. I think the bitter rantings on here come from people whose lives didn't work out how they expected and consequently blame everyone else for their situations.


I am Australian & we have seen these so called boat people arriving for decades. The cost to the Australian people is astronomical. The current government doesn't turn them away but houses them offshore until there refuge status can be proved. All at cost to public. Many of these people pay to be transported via boat to countries looking to start in a affluent place. We have seen so called refugees wearing designer clothes & jewelery saying they are poor & have been persecuted in there own country. You may not like my opinion but the boats need to be stopped or sent back to where they come from. They can apply for entry visa's just like we do to enter another country. Do it legally.

Yes and we know how well Australians have treated their own indigenous people in the past,they were sport and were shot like dogs (documented). The same White Australian policy continued in it's treatment of boat people housed on Nauru Island in isolation not much different in spirit to the Jews who were ghettoized in Poland in WW2. The result? Suicides self harm illness mental affliction and no prospects, and all you can think of how much it have cost you in $$. Your posting is all hearsay and rhetoric.You omit a lot." Affluent place?" How about a safer place. "We have seen...refugees wearing designer clothing"... have you really? Or did you just hear about that? Or just remember that from somewhere that may not even be true? All anecdote and no facts.It is not as simple for people to apply for visa's as for you and me with some semblance of education, money and years to sit for processing. If you were in their shoes you would try the same for the sake of your family. You are right on one point though. It's true, I don't like your opinion. I wonder with all your worldly wisdom you could ever reach the level of Tan Le !

170px-TanTTLe.jpgTan Le entered Australia as a refugee in 1982 and was named Young Australian of the Year in 1998.


If I were the PM of Thailand I would step up to the plate He is in the position to change how the western world views the coup and his leadership. If I were him I would get on the line to Washington DC State department and request assistance in setting up shelters for these people also have the UN send in aid to help. With UN peace keeping forces to help control this influx of people. By doing that the US would be hard pressed to say NO. It would be the biggest political coup that he could ever hope for and it falling right in his lap. One word from him asking for help not only would it flow but with it thousands of, no make that millions of US dollars would flow in to Thailand the PM's face would be plastered all over the media maybe even a nobel peace prize too. But the time is now if you wait some one else will do it.

Send them to the US, EU, UK, and Sweden. Undocumented? No problem.

Thailand. As much as I complain about immigration, at least they have a policy that they stick to.

If your liberal and think that something needs to be done, try intervention in the refugees home countries. This isn't a Thai problem. It's a global problem that starts in the counties that people are fleeing.

I agree that it is a global problem, and yes, the problem doesn't start in Thailand. However, as far as I know, Thailand would come under the same umbrella, or is Thailand a globe/world all on its own? Perhaps the refugee camps and graves discovered in Southern Thailand aren't Thailand's problem? If so, whose problem is it?

Are you also saying that Thailand is not complicit in this problem by allowing the people smuggling to go "unnoticed" for years? If so, why have so many police officers been transferred to other districts while investigations are being made?

However, these people are Muslims, and I think that the South of Thailand has already seen what happens wherever Muslims are present, and wanting to force their religion on to non Muslims. So instead of your suggestion of sending them to the US,UK etc, why not send them to other predominantly Muslim countries? I don't see any Middle Eastern countries offering to take care of them!


If I were the PM of Thailand I would step up to the plate He is in the position to change how the western world views the coup and his leadership. If I were him I would get on the line to Washington DC State department and request assistance in setting up shelters for these people also have the UN send in aid to help. With UN peace keeping forces to help control this influx of people. By doing that the US would be hard pressed to say NO. It would be the biggest political coup that he could ever hope for and it falling right in his lap. One word from him asking for help not only would it flow but with it thousands of, no make that millions of US dollars would flow in to Thailand the PM's face would be plastered all over the media maybe even a nobel peace prize too. But the time is now if you wait some one else will do it.

It's just not in the DNA they know only to lie, cheat, exploit, steal, blame others and take no responsibility.

Lie, cheat, exploit, steal, blame.

Sounds kind of like the Bush administration.


I re post from another forum:

CNN shows boatloads of men women and children packed like sardines, 40% of the children between the ages of 1 and 5, many sick some like skeletons from malnutrition.

The background according to CNN is they have been forced out of their villages, their houses burned, the Myanmar govt. denies them recognition of any sort including citizenship medical aid and food. This has now turned into a genocide aided and abetted by the joint governments of Thailand Malaysia and Indonesia denying them landings of any sort, so you cannot return them to where they have come from when they have effectively been evicted from their own country.The Myanmar govt. will not even discuss the problem if anyone even mentions the name Rohingya. CNN tried to re find these boats but could not.

I have no regrets for any of my earlier postings in their support and feel pretty aggrieved by the ignorance of some TV members who posted so many inhumane and nasty comments like they should become fish food, or they are on boats because they know there are benefits available in other countries and have designer jeans etc to attempt to lump together and blacken any refugee group as all the same.There certainly is a difference between these people and visa queue jumpers.

  • 2 weeks later...

Linzz, we want to help these poor souls and we will help them. But we all understand that it's not the international communities problem just because these economic and illegal migrants want to relocate wherever they choose.

Everyone is against letting them in because it sends the wrong message ... letting them in will only have thousands more come .......surely you can see that as being irresponsible for any country.

Lets be humanitarians ... we provide food ... lots of it !! ... water & medicine , take care of the weak and frail.

Then when they are stronger after a few days we help them to continue back to their loved ones in Myanmar, Bangladesh or India.

We cannot force them to stay at sea ... if they don't want to go back to their loved one then thats their choice. The world will not be held accountable to these illegal migrant just because they seek a better life ... many people in the world seek a better life but they are not expecting the international community to jump up and offer and pay for everything.

These people do have a place to go back to ... you say they don't but everyone know they are economically suppressed, which I agree ... they need help to create farm land and shops and make a living. If they are persecuted in Myanmar then go to Bangladesh or wherever they were born, if they aren't safe in Bangladesh then go to another nearby country .. near where they originated from .. not Indonesia or Malaysia or Thailand , these countries have enough problems of their own to deal with.

We must take care of these poor people and send them back ... this is the humane answer and the best thing to do.

The world wants it this way and thats what will happen.. or they can go to Gambia ? but I guess thats not good enough ??


Well said SoilSpoil and ronwparker. Nice to see some humanity expressed here instead of being overwhelmed by the bitter bigotry of posters like Steven100 who here and on other forum loves to vent his spleen and paranoid alarmist hate speech and waving big sticks in the faces of people who face death trying to find a better life for their kids and families.Choice of words so crass and thoughtless "sent them on their merry way" Merry?? They're all so happy aren't they? Where to? where to? Great speech from one so deluded who sets himself up as an authority and who applauds others on TV who approve of the drowning of hapless people."Floodgates for another 100,000 to come" All paranoia and insecurity and NOT ever one thought or suggestion of a solution to an increasing daily tragedy except get rid.Too many bullies on TVF.

When will acknowledge that it is soft-hearts like you that encourage people to get on unsea-worthy boats to drown. If safe haven was refused and all illegal immigrants returned to their country of origin, there would be no impetus to try. the money saved could be used to improve conditions in their homeland.

If you had a million dollars and gave a million people a dollar each, what have you achieved? What is to be gained by allowing millions of illegal immigrants to drag our society down to the level of theirs?

BTW the floodgates opening was EXACTLY what happened in Oz until they were denied entry, and what is happening in the Med right now.


Linzz, we want to help these poor souls and we will help them. But we all understand that it's not the international communities problem just because these economic and illegal migrants want to relocate wherever they choose.

Everyone is against letting them in because it sends the wrong message ... letting them in will only have thousands more come .......surely you can see that as being irresponsible for any country.

Lets be humanitarians ... we provide food ... lots of it !! ... water & medicine , take care of the weak and frail.

Then when they are stronger after a few days we help them to continue back to their loved ones in Myanmar, Bangladesh or India.

We cannot force them to stay at sea ... if they don't want to go back to their loved one then thats their choice. The world will not be held accountable to these illegal migrant just because they seek a better life ... many people in the world seek a better life but they are not expecting the international community to jump up and offer and pay for everything.

These people do have a place to go back to ... you say they don't but everyone know they are economically suppressed, which I agree ... they need help to create farm land and shops and make a living. If they are persecuted in Myanmar then go to Bangladesh or wherever they were born, if they aren't safe in Bangladesh then go to another nearby country .. near where they originated from .. not Indonesia or Malaysia or Thailand , these countries have enough problems of their own to deal with.

We must take care of these poor people and send them back ... this is the humane answer and the best thing to do.

The world wants it this way and thats what will happen.. or they can go to Gambia ? but I guess thats not good enough ??


" But we all understand that it's not the international communities problem"

Yes it is, it involves many countries now so it is an international problem because they are rejected by many countries and they have no home any longer.

It is now a shared problem.

"just because these economic and illegal migrants want to relocate wherever they choose."

They don't choose because choice has been taken away from them.

" if they don't want to go back to their loved one then thats their choice"

Again they have no choice because the Burmese government don't want them to return.

" many people in the world seek a better life but they are not expecting the international community to jump up and offer and pay for everything."

​I never saw anywhere that they expect anyone to pay for them, they are not freeloaders. You don't seem to understand they have been evicted from their own country and/or forced onto boats at knife point in order to be held to ransom. The Burmese government and even some Thai officials are complicit in that. That's why the camps were in Southern Thailand and Northern Malaysia. And many killed when they were not able to pay up. This is a genocide.

"after a few days we help them to continue back to their loved ones in Myanmar, Bangladesh or India."

Again no one wants them in any of those countries. You want them to return to ghetto prison camps in those countries? Because that's all they have in Myanmar and Bangladesh.

" if they aren't safe in Bangladesh then go to another nearby country "

You just said it was not an international communities problem.

"not Indonesia or Malaysia or Thailand , these countries have enough problems of their own to deal with."

Every country has problems. These 3 countries are in a better economic position to help than any others you name, especially Malaysia

"and send them back ... this is the humane answer and the best thing to do."

Again you keep saying this endlessly and I keep having to ask, what to?

"or they can go to Gambia ? but I guess thats not good enough ??"

Better than drowning or being killed by traffickers. But it does not solve the problem in Myanmar

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