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Siem Reap


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You can easily spend 4 days or more seeing the temples. Angkor Wat, Bayon, Banteay Srei, Tap Phrum etc etc...there is much more to it than just Angkor Wat (in itself worth more than a day). There are also some good sights out on the Tonle Sap lake.

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I was there a few days ago. Spent one day touring Angkor Wat but that was enough with the heat. I would have liked to spent another day but that was enough. Nothing in the town to recommend.

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About 30 kms out of town is a working silk factory which takes you thro' all stages of production from leaves to spinning/weaving. A tuk-tuk ferried the 4 of us - the driver waited for us (2 hours) for a total of a few $$. The tour was free. We loved the town - Beer Street became our focal point.

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"Is there enough to see in Siem Reap?"

You have read up about it I presume (Sheryl has covered the bases as I assume you haven't).

Angkor Wat 2 days

Four days on PUB Street drinking Angkor Beer for 20 baht a bottel.burp.gif

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There's the Angkor Museum, the War Museum, the Landmine Museum, Cambodia's Believe it or Not, the modern wats (much neglected by tourists but still quite lovely), Angkor Wat, day trips to Koh Ker, Phnom Kulen, Beng Melea, Preah Vihear, Banteay Chhmar, Sambor Prei Kuk, the mini-Angkor Wat, Angkor Wat themed mini-golf, night markets, the central market, and quite a bit more that I've forgotten to include. 4 days is enough to scratch the surface of Siem Reap... that's all.

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There's the Angkor Museum, the War Museum, the Landmine Museum, Cambodia's Believe it or Not, the modern wats (much neglected by tourists but still quite lovely), Angkor Wat, day trips to Koh Ker, Phnom Kulen, Beng Melea, Preah Vihear, Banteay Chhmar, Sambor Prei Kuk, the mini-Angkor Wat, Angkor Wat themed mini-golf, night markets, the central market, and quite a bit more that I've forgotten to include. 4 days is enough to scratch the surface of Siem Reap... that's all.

Your experience and helpful posts are invaluable!

...and then I saw this, "Angkor Wat themed mini-golf"...

I would like to avoid - would a 100km radius do?


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There's the Angkor Museum, the War Museum, the Landmine Museum, Cambodia's Believe it or Not, the modern wats (much neglected by tourists but still quite lovely), Angkor Wat, day trips to Koh Ker, Phnom Kulen, Beng Melea, Preah Vihear, Banteay Chhmar, Sambor Prei Kuk, the mini-Angkor Wat, Angkor Wat themed mini-golf, night markets, the central market, and quite a bit more that I've forgotten to include. 4 days is enough to scratch the surface of Siem Reap... that's all.

Your experience and helpful posts are invaluable!

...and then I saw this, "Angkor Wat themed mini-golf"...

I would like to avoid - would a 100km radius do?


It's actually really good fun. Owned by a local and they throw in a free beer and it costs next to nothing... :-)

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I can also vouch for the mini golf at "Angkor Put". Good clean fun with a lazy beer and some cool old music too. They gave our tuk tuk driver a free round as well so everyone was happy.

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"Is there enough to see in Siem Reap?"

You have read up about it I presume (Sheryl has covered the bases as I assume you haven't).

Angkor Wat 2 days

Four days on PUB Street drinking Angkor Beer for 20 baht a bottel.burp.gif

Dream on - the exchange rate isn't getting near 40 !! tongue.png

17 Baht a beer.........................

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Just a couple to throw in:-

Phare Cambodian circus - excellent. It's not a circis, but the show is staged in a tent.

Kompong Phluk - the Tonle Sap is worth a visit (may be a bit dry at the moment?)

Take a day out to Battambang and go on the bamboo railway and see some different temples.

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"Is there enough to see in Siem Reap?"

You have read up about it I presume (Sheryl has covered the bases as I assume you haven't).

Angkor Wat 2 days

Four days on PUB Street drinking Angkor Beer for 20 baht a bottel.burp.gif

Dream on - the exchange rate isn't getting near 40 !! tongue.png

17 Baht a beer.........................

33.70 at the moment and yours is 51.69 and dropping like a stone.clap2.gif

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"Is there enough to see in Siem Reap?"

You have read up about it I presume (Sheryl has covered the bases as I assume you haven't).

Angkor Wat 2 days

Four days on PUB Street drinking Angkor Beer for 20 baht a bottel.burp.gif

Dream on - the exchange rate isn't getting near 40 !! tongue.png

17 Baht a beer.........................

33.70 at the moment and yours is 51.69 and dropping like a stone.clap2.gif

If it hits 40... I'm going to move to Thailand... That would be 33% more bang per buck than I got last time I lived in Thailand...

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