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1 year after the coup: People's rights severely curtailed over the past year


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If the Junta is fairing so bad...WHY? is it that they are supported by a great majority of the actual Thai People...

Prayut Chan-o-cha is still delivering the exact things he outlined in the beginning, that he would do....he may have had one hell of a learning curve...but he is delivering...IMO.

What ever happens in this country is not the business of anyone but the Thai People....WE, are nothing more than guests of the Kingdom,if you really think about it....

Who exactly said the the great majority of Thai people support the Junta? The Junta favoured Polls, where nobody is allowed to be critical?

The Polls also said the Tories wouldn't win the UK General election by the majority they did.. polls are tools designed to manipulate statistics to what you want them to to portray.

The PM may well be delivering "some" of the things he outlined, but he's gone back on his word over many others, and will go back on his word about remaining PM beyond next Spring. wink.png

Yep... what you say may have merit about prolonging his stay as PM....but there are things we probably havent been privileged to, going on in the background.

He (The PM)must be gaining ground because now we see Taksin popping into the equation again from Sth Korea....why?...whats he worried about? and didnt he pass a comment on the junta that to me sounded like he was saying, they are going ok...but havent achieved much....He (Taksin) in my books realizes maybe, that this time someone is starting to make progress, for a better Thailand.....and he isnt part of it.

So I just take it as i see it unfolding...

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If the Junta is fairing so bad...WHY? is it that they are supported by a great majority of the actual Thai People...

Prayut Chan-o-cha is still delivering the exact things he outlined in the beginning, that he would do....he may have had one hell of a learning curve...but he is delivering...IMO.

What ever happens in this country is not the business of anyone but the Thai People....WE, are nothing more than guests of the Kingdom,if you really think about it....

A junta shill. You are telling everyone in Thailand is okay with the deposing of an elected government ?

Delivering what ? Bicycle paths? Closing down radio stations ? Threatening reports who report on slaver fishing vessels ? Please enlighten us as to what is being delivered ?

We are paying guests. We have legal rights and should be treated fairly. What is your point about guests ?

That the politics here in Thailand has NOTHING to do with us (Foreigners)...and should be left alone.

I made a comment...thats my opinion on it...what ever happens to Thailand Politics, is not going to be swayed by anybody's comments here on TVF.

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If the Junta is fairing so bad...WHY? is it that they are supported by a great majority of the actual Thai People...

Prayut Chan-o-cha is still delivering the exact things he outlined in the beginning, that he would do....he may have had one hell of a learning curve...but he is delivering...IMO.

What ever happens in this country is not the business of anyone but the Thai People....WE, are nothing more than guests of the Kingdom,if you really think about it....

A junta shill. You are telling everyone in Thailand is okay with the deposing of an elected government ?

Delivering what ? Bicycle paths? Closing down radio stations ? Threatening reports who report on slaver fishing vessels ? Please enlighten us as to what is being delivered ?

We are paying guests. We have legal rights and should be treated fairly. What is your point about guests ?

That the politics here in Thailand has NOTHING to do with us (Foreigners)...and should be left alone.

I made a comment...thats my opinion on it...what ever happens to Thailand Politics, is not going to be swayed by anybody's comments here on TVF.

Politics here in Thailand has nothing to do with us?

Where do you live? In a pink bubble, bouncing through space?

I live in Thailand and so all its politics has very much to do with me!

Right now, nothing in Thai -politics is going to be swayed by anyone, except those in power right now!

So again: what's your point?

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If the Junta is fairing so bad...WHY? is it that they are supported by a great majority of the actual Thai People...

Prayut Chan-o-cha is still delivering the exact things he outlined in the beginning, that he would do....he may have had one hell of a learning curve...but he is delivering...IMO.

What ever happens in this country is not the business of anyone but the Thai People....WE, are nothing more than guests of the Kingdom,if you really think about it....

A junta shill. You are telling everyone in Thailand is okay with the deposing of an elected government ?

Delivering what ? Bicycle paths? Closing down radio stations ? Threatening reports who report on slaver fishing vessels ? Please enlighten us as to what is being delivered ?

We are paying guests. We have legal rights and should be treated fairly. What is your point about guests ?

That the politics here in Thailand has NOTHING to do with us (Foreigners)...and should be left alone.

I made a comment...thats my opinion on it...what ever happens to Thailand Politics, is not going to be swayed by anybody's comments here on TVF.

I would disagree. As much as I find your opinion annoying, I would fight to allow you to make it. It is never useless to speak up. Opinion outside of Thailand carries more weight than that in the inside. The Thai government fears the outside world, not its populous . The fishing industry story showed us that.

The politics has to do with my business in Thailand, so your are wrong there, sorry

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"Indeed, some have warned that Thais might become so used to their rights and liberty being curbed under the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), that they start seeing it as normal."

It seems like it is an excepted fact and is the norm. Most Thais seem too afraid to talk about it, or they just do not care.

A corrupt or inept prime minister is better than an all powerful, completely above the law Junta any day.

Still cannot phathom westerners who supported this coup.

I am a westerner.

I cannot say I supported this coup. Because I know my place in Thailand.

But I admit that I was hoping for it to happen months before it did.

Because I was sick observing the 'chicken coup' created of this country by thieves cum politicians who could not divide the spoils.

And no!... I do not feel that Military rule is less qualified than the rule of thieving plutocrats. Frankly, - they are all lacking a collective brain.

But at least there is some semblance of order in the country. And no!... I was never stopped on any road by any military block...

What else a Farang can ask for in Thailand?

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yellowboat....this is my last comment on this ok?

I dont have a business here in Thailand so I probably look at it quite differently than you and others like you would (with Business concerns)....I now understand why you are so concerned, and why your opinions are posted....

Thats where we differ....simple. To you and all the Foreign Business owners located in Thailand, I hope everything turns out for the better for all of you.

For myself and wife, we can walk away when ever we wish to, if it doesnt turn out good in the end......

I suppose thats why we have differed on this....

Good luck.

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"Indeed, some have warned that Thais might become so used to their rights and liberty being curbed under the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), that they start seeing it as normal."

It seems like it is an excepted fact and is the norm. Most Thais seem too afraid to talk about it, or they just do not care.

A corrupt or inept prime minister is better than an all powerful, completely above the law Junta any day.

Still cannot phathom westerners who supported this coup.

I am a westerner.

I cannot say I supported this coup. Because I know my place in Thailand.

But I admit that I was hoping for it to happen months before it did.

Because I was sick observing the 'chicken coup' created of this country by thieves cum politicians who could not divide the spoils.

And no!... I do not feel that Military rule is less qualified than the rule of thieving plutocrats. Frankly, - they are all lacking a collective brain.

But at least there is some semblance of order in the country. And no!... I was never stopped on any road by any military block...

What else a Farang can ask for in Thailand?

"I cannot say I supported this coup. Because I know my place in Thailand." What does that mean ? What place is that ?

You did not support it, but you hoped it would happen earlier. Is that not the same thing as supporting it ?

It is not about you or being foreign. It is about basic rights. About voting rights. Thais had that taken away from them when the coup happened making universal suffrage a joke.

Hope farangs, unlike yourself, will expect Thailand's military to uphold free elections, freedom of speech and trials by civilian courts.

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"Indeed, some have warned that Thais might become so used to their rights and liberty being curbed under the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), that they start seeing it as normal."

It seems like it is an excepted fact and is the norm. Most Thais seem too afraid to talk about it, or they just do not care.

A corrupt or inept prime minister is better than an all powerful, completely above the law Junta any day.

Still cannot phathom westerners who supported this coup.

I am a westerner.

I cannot say I supported this coup. Because I know my place in Thailand.

But I admit that I was hoping for it to happen months before it did.

Because I was sick observing the 'chicken coup' created of this country by thieves cum politicians who could not divide the spoils.

And no!... I do not feel that Military rule is less qualified than the rule of thieving plutocrats. Frankly, - they are all lacking a collective brain.

But at least there is some semblance of order in the country. And no!... I was never stopped on any road by any military block...

What else a Farang can ask for in Thailand?

"I cannot say I supported this coup. Because I know my place in Thailand." What does that mean ? What place is that ?

You did not support it, but you hoped it would happen earlier. Is that not the same thing as supporting it ?

It is not about you or being foreign. It is about basic rights. About voting rights. Thais had that taken away from them when the coup happened making universal suffrage a joke.

Hope farangs, unlike yourself, will expect Thailand's military to uphold free elections, freedom of speech and trials by civilian courts.

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'HRW' need to get their own house in order before anyone can take them seriously.

They refused to release their report in Bangkok last year because it meant asking the Junta for permission and they refused to recognise their authority.

What a joke : since when did 'Human Rights' group support one political party or another ?. It is unethical to hide politics behind a 'Human Rights' banner.

The way I see it, I now have the right to walk around Bangkok without fear of being murdered by a terrorist with an M79.

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The way I see it, I now have the right to walk around Bangkok without fear of being murdered by a terrorist with an M79.

Walked those same streets as you during all three coups. Never had any fear. Using the terrible actions of a few to usurp power from an elected government is shameless. The violence card is overplayed by coup supporters.

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”

Benjamin Franklin

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The activists, read stirrers, have had their so called rights, to make trouble, curbed but I haven't noticed any of my rights or freedom to go wherever I want or do what I want in this country effected, nor do I see anyone around me having any problems with going about their normal business or going where they want and doing what they want.

I don't get stopped by the military wherever I go, nor by the police and I have moved around the country quite a bit in the last year.

Perhaps those who post agreeing that their rights have been curtailed could give some personal examples.

so in other words, you have already adapted to the new norm, ...

congratulations. whistling.gif

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The activists, read stirrers, have had their so called rights, to make trouble, curbed but I haven't noticed any of my rights or freedom to go wherever I want or do what I want in this country effected, nor do I see anyone around me having any problems with going about their normal business or going where they want and doing what they want.

I don't get stopped by the military wherever I go, nor by the police and I have moved around the country quite a bit in the last year.

Perhaps those who post agreeing that their rights have been curtailed could give some personal examples.

Go to the Paragon Mall, and sit outside with a sandwich reading "1984 " or " A Kingdom in crisis" and let us know what the food's like in your adjustment camp.

I think you're having a strawman argument, you are a farang, maybe with PR status, but the RTP or the RTA will only know that once you produce the proof, other than that, they will view you like any other farang within the Kingdom, and that is Persona Non Grata.

They're not interested in Farangs, go and get your wife to do the same thing and see who draws more attention. wink.png

reality is that if anything does ever happen to him, he will just return to New Zealand. Problem solved.

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I have lived here for over 12 years. I saw how censored the news was under the taksin and Ying governments. I don't think it is any worse now. Under Taksin I remember over 40 editors from the Bkk Post and Nation resigning all at one time, for that very reason. I would also like to know how free and democratic it is the have the riot squad remove the opposition party from parliament so that the ruling party can pass their illegal bills at 4 am in the morning?

just because Taksin, Ying and PTP keeps saying democracy doesn't mean that they ever ruled in a democratic way.

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Life seems to be going on as normal for me and everyone I know.

Except for people who want to speak about politics...

And those who want to chuck grenades at those saying the 'wrong" thing, like objecting to blatant government corruption.

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Life seems to be going on as normal for me and everyone I know.

Except for people who want to speak about politics...

And those who want to chuck grenades at those saying the 'wrong" thing, like objecting to blatant government corruption.

Agreed, the current government is terribly corrupt.

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How is the grenade throwing going on these days in the South? All over I presume?

Course not, as it's not in any Kool aid drinkers interests, as it's only terrorism and political violence if it's done by red shirts.

If brains were made of chocolate, there wouldn't be enough to fill a smartie. :D

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Life seems to be going on as normal for me and everyone I know.

Except for people who want to speak about politics...

And those who want to chuck grenades at those saying the 'wrong" thing, like objecting to blatant government corruption.

Agreed, the current government is terribly corrupt.

government and corruption go hand in hand like cheese and pickle, anyone who thinks it's not happening now is naive, they just ain't been caught out yet on the big things, but given time and good investigative opportunities, the corrupt in the current trough scoffers will be found.

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Thais have become victims to Pavlov conditioning.

Thirteen military coups since 1933 with attendent forced changes in the constitutions has conditioned Thais to expect loss of their rights and liberties as part of governance.

Yes, they have lost some rights in the pursuit of good governance, and it is a change for the better. Why? Because they have also gained some rights denied them under the Shinawatra faux-democracy. Rights like being able to go about your business without the threat of some moron using a grenade as political expression, the right to have government revenue spent on assets and services and not used for illogical electoral bribes, the right to not be intimidated by one political parties private militia, the right to expect criminals might be prosecuted even if they are red connected.

And the strange thing is, most Thais find the balance acceptable, and don't start slathering when someone rings their bell.

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You just have to shake your head at the white monkeys who find the curtailment of the native population's civil rights as cause for celebration. Just as long as you are OK, eh?

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Thais have become victims to Pavlov conditioning.

Thirteen military coups since 1933 with attendent forced changes in the constitutions has conditioned Thais to expect loss of their rights and liberties as part of governance.

Yes, they have lost some rights in the pursuit of good governance, and it is a change for the better. Why? Because they have also gained some rights denied them under the Shinawatra faux-democracy. Rights like being able to go about your business without the threat of some moron using a grenade as political expression, the right to have government revenue spent on assets and services and not used for illogical electoral bribes, the right to not be intimidated by one political parties private militia, the right to expect criminals might be prosecuted even if they are red connected.

And the strange thing is, most Thais find the balance acceptable, and don't start slathering when someone rings their bell.

90-95% of the country and the tourists within the country were able to go about their daily business without worrying about any sort of violence, you're once again sensationalising, it was a very small area within Bangkok that had a higher then normal risk of being attacked, stop being such a drama queen.

The strange thing is that most Thais didn't get the chance to find the balance as the election in 2014 was sabotaged by a MINORITY... talk about slathering?

They had the chance again in July, but the Junta coup prevented that.

Most Thais and Expats alike, never felt what you seemed to have felt, as in scared, and went about their daily business in major cities all over Thailand, so stop classing Bangkok as the whole of Thailand.

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The activists, read stirrers, have had their so called rights, to make trouble, curbed but I haven't noticed any of my rights or freedom to go wherever I want or do what I want in this country effected, nor do I see anyone around me having any problems with going about their normal business or going where they want and doing what they want.

I don't get stopped by the military wherever I go, nor by the police and I have moved around the country quite a bit in the last year.

Perhaps those who post agreeing that their rights have been curtailed could give some personal examples.

As a foreigner, you don't have any rights in Thailand and never have.

So nothing has changed.

You don't have the right to work in Thailand, vote in Thailand, own land in Thailand, live in Thailand .........

Thais, on the other hand, might like to vote occasionally, hold a political meeting, protest, etc.

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Oh ducky, you don't know that people were killed and injured outside Bangkok? And even if it were true, do you find a free-fire zone for political expression acceptable?

BTW I made 4 points. Did your brain jump out of gear after the first?

I'm well aware of Trat. and the deaths there.

It still doesn't diminish the part where 90-95% of the population went about their daily lives oblivious to the violence in Bangkok.

Do I find it acceptable there was violence ? nope, and I never said it was acceptable, I neither find it acceptable to dismiss the political violence down in the south either, and don't find it acceptable that terrorism within Thailand is only Terrorism if it's carried out by red shirts.

Violence against those whose opinions differ from others is condoned, there is no place for it, but sadly it happens, and it happens the world over.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't think I was to respond to all 4 of your points.. was it like a test or something?

Well you seem to think 5 - 10% of Thais being troubled by violence is acceptable, and only a few scattered deaths outside the capital. Personally i prefer the status quo, though peace in the south would be nice.

Try reading a wee bit harder I've highlighted in bold for you wink.png but I agree with you about the South, but not to worry, the PM has also stated this will be wrapped up in 2015 too and the insurgency will be over wink.png and if you've been following the violence in the past week, it doesn't look likely that the PM will resolve the Southern Issues before the years out.

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Bose microphone system.

A single attempt by one member, made public and quickly quashed. Compare that to G2G.

5555555 it was still an act of corruption and graft, doesn't matter if it was for 1,000 baht, or 100 million baht, it was still perpetrated by the current regime, and well you know it.

I don't care about the previous Governments Graft, that's being dealt with accordingly, you said it wouldn't happen with this one, I said it has happened with all governments, including the Military ones in the past, and it's naive to think it will not happen within this one.

I gave an example of an act of graft facilitated by this Junta, and all you can turn around and say .... it was a single attempt by one member.. it was still an act of corruption by a member of the Junta!!

Edited by Fat Haggis
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If the Junta is fairing so bad...WHY? is it that they are supported by a great majority of the actual Thai People...

Prayut Chan-o-cha is still delivering the exact things he outlined in the beginning, that he would do....he may have had one hell of a learning curve...but he is delivering...IMO.

What ever happens in this country is not the business of anyone but the Thai People....WE, are nothing more than guests of the Kingdom,if you really think about it....

A junta shill. You are telling everyone in Thailand is okay with the deposing of an elected government ?

Delivering what ? Bicycle paths? Closing down radio stations ? Threatening reports who report on slaver fishing vessels ? Please enlighten us as to what is being delivered ?

We are paying guests. We have legal rights and should be treated fairly. What is your point about guests ?

I am a little confused when you say that an elected government was deposed.

AFAIR there was NO elected government at the time. There was a caretaker government which was trying to stay in power but was limited in its power (as all caretaker governments are by law) but kept trying to break the law at the time. The military certainly did NOT depose the PTP caretaker government as that was done through the courts according to the law.

Yes the government are delivering bicycling paths.

Yes they are closing down radio stations who were breaking the law and were warned at least 3 times.

Yes they are cleaning up the corrupt police force.

Yes they ARE cracking down on corruption.

Perhaps they did crack down on reports of slavery on Thai fishing vessels but with freedom od the media and the press also comes responsibilities to report correctly the facts with NO bias either way.

When you are a guest in any country it is YOUR responsibility to become aware of the rules and laws of that country and to abide by them. The rights that you have are defined by the host country, not your home country, the UN, the USA or any other country BUT the host country. If you break those laws through ignorance or deliberately the host country has the right to arrest you, fine, jail you or both and it has the right to deport you.

If you don't like or agree with the host countries way of doing things that is up to you. If however you braek the host countries rules and laws then don't complain how you get treated. This applies to all countries and not just to Thailand.

If you play the game according to the host countries rules you will have no problem.

The point about being guests in Thailand is that unless you become a Thai citizen with full voting rights you do nor have the right to criticise the government, to speak out against the Royal Family nor to break any laws that YOU don't think should apply to you, simply because you are NOT a citizen of Thailand. The Thai (or any other government for that matter) HAS the right to say who can stay and what they can say or do and equally it has the right to cancel your visa and deport you should they wish to do so.

Edited by billd766
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If the Junta is fairing so bad...WHY? is it that they are supported by a great majority of the actual Thai People...

Prayut Chan-o-cha is still delivering the exact things he outlined in the beginning, that he would do....he may have had one hell of a learning curve...but he is delivering...IMO.

What ever happens in this country is not the business of anyone but the Thai People....WE, are nothing more than guests of the Kingdom,if you really think about it....

A junta shill. You are telling everyone in Thailand is okay with the deposing of an elected government ?

Delivering what ? Bicycle paths? Closing down radio stations ? Threatening reports who report on slaver fishing vessels ? Please enlighten us as to what is being delivered ?

We are paying guests. We have legal rights and should be treated fairly. What is your point about guests ?

I am a little confused when you say that an elected government was deposed.

AFAIR there was NO elected government at the time. There was a caretaker government which was trying to stay in power but was limited in its power (as all caretaker governments are by law) but kept trying to break the law at the time. The military certainly did NOT depose the PTP caretaker government as that was done through the courts according to the law.

Yes the government are delivering bicycling paths.

Yes they are closing down radio stations who were breaking the law and were warned at least 3 times.

Yes they are cleaning up the corrupt police force.

Yes they ARE cracking down on corruption.

Perhaps they did crack down on reports of slavery on Thai fishing vessels but with freedom od the media and the press also comes responsibilities to report correctly the facts with NO bias either way.

When you are a guest in any country it is YOUR responsibility to become aware of the rules and laws of that country and to abide by them. The rights that you have are defined by the host country, not your home country, the UN, the USA or any other country BUT the host country. If you break those laws through ignorance or deliberately the host country has the right to arrest you, fine, jail you or both and it has the right to deport you.

If you don't like or agree with the host countries way of doing things that is up to you. If however you braek the host countries rules and laws then don't complain how you get treated. This applies to all countries and not just to Thailand.

If you play the game according to the host countries rules you will have no problem.

How are they cracking down on the police force?cheesy.gif Did Khun Somyot just join last year or was he not performing his duties in 2006/10/14 take your pick? I presume he has come through the ranks like any policeman.

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If the Junta is fairing so bad...WHY? is it that they are supported by a great majority of the actual Thai People...

Prayut Chan-o-cha is still delivering the exact things he outlined in the beginning, that he would do....he may have had one hell of a learning curve...but he is delivering...IMO.

What ever happens in this country is not the business of anyone but the Thai People....WE, are nothing more than guests of the Kingdom,if you really think about it....

A junta shill. You are telling everyone in Thailand is okay with the deposing of an elected government ?

Delivering what ? Bicycle paths? Closing down radio stations ? Threatening reports who report on slaver fishing vessels ? Please enlighten us as to what is being delivered ?

We are paying guests. We have legal rights and should be treated fairly. What is your point about guests ?

I am a little confused when you say that an elected government was deposed.

AFAIR there was NO elected government at the time. There was a caretaker government which was trying to stay in power but was limited in its power (as all caretaker governments are by law) but kept trying to break the law at the time. The military certainly did NOT depose the PTP caretaker government as that was done through the courts according to the law.

Yes the government are delivering bicycling paths.

Yes they are closing down radio stations who were breaking the law and were warned at least 3 times.

Yes they are cleaning up the corrupt police force.

Yes they ARE cracking down on corruption.

Perhaps they did crack down on reports of slavery on Thai fishing vessels but with freedom od the media and the press also comes responsibilities to report correctly the facts with NO bias either way.

When you are a guest in any country it is YOUR responsibility to become aware of the rules and laws of that country and to abide by them. The rights that you have are defined by the host country, not your home country, the UN, the USA or any other country BUT the host country. If you break those laws through ignorance or deliberately the host country has the right to arrest you, fine, jail you or both and it has the right to deport you.

If you don't like or agree with the host countries way of doing things that is up to you. If however you braek the host countries rules and laws then don't complain how you get treated. This applies to all countries and not just to Thailand.

If you play the game according to the host countries rules you will have no problem.

The point about being guests in Thailand is that unless you become a Thai citizen with full voting rights you do nor have the right to criticise the government, to speak out against the Royal Family nor to break any laws that YOU don't think should apply to you, simply because you are NOT a citizen of Thailand. The Thai (or any other government for that matter) HAS the right to say who can stay and what they can say or do and equally it has the right to cancel your visa and deport you should they wish to do so.

My understanding was Yingluck was in office until the good general called for a coup. You are groping for some sort of legal language to sterilize the act of overthrow as would a government shill.

Police officers get paid around B7000 a month. How do you think they survive ? They run rackets. The systems of both law enforcement and the military are corrupt at the core.

What laws were the radio stations breaking ? Not playing enough propaganda ? offering an opposing view political point? Playing too much Micheal Jackson ?

The Thai fishing industry relies in slavery. Where is the liable on the part of the press ?

You go on and on about host country nonsense too like it is some big deal. Some of us have lived a few decades or years in many "host" countries. We have been married people from these host countries. You do have rights, and you can make comments. Of course you have the right to criticize if you pay taxes and participate in trade or society. Why would you not have that right. Again many of us have been working overseas our entire adult lives and do okay and do not need a lecture on being a guest. It sounds like you have not been overseas for very long.

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If the Junta is fairing so bad...WHY? is it that they are supported by a great majority of the actual Thai People...

Prayut Chan-o-cha is still delivering the exact things he outlined in the beginning, that he would do....he may have had one hell of a learning curve...but he is delivering...IMO.

What ever happens in this country is not the business of anyone but the Thai People....WE, are nothing more than guests of the Kingdom,if you really think about it....

A junta shill. You are telling everyone in Thailand is okay with the deposing of an elected government ?

Delivering what ? Bicycle paths? Closing down radio stations ? Threatening reports who report on slaver fishing vessels ? Please enlighten us as to what is being delivered ?

We are paying guests. We have legal rights and should be treated fairly. What is your point about guests ?

I am a little confused when you say that an elected government was deposed.

AFAIR there was NO elected government at the time. There was a caretaker government which was trying to stay in power but was limited in its power (as all caretaker governments are by law) but kept trying to break the law at the time. The military certainly did NOT depose the PTP caretaker government as that was done through the courts according to the law.

Yes the government are delivering bicycling paths.

Yes they are closing down radio stations who were breaking the law and were warned at least 3 times.

Yes they are cleaning up the corrupt police force.

Yes they ARE cracking down on corruption.

Perhaps they did crack down on reports of slavery on Thai fishing vessels but with freedom od the media and the press also comes responsibilities to report correctly the facts with NO bias either way.

When you are a guest in any country it is YOUR responsibility to become aware of the rules and laws of that country and to abide by them. The rights that you have are defined by the host country, not your home country, the UN, the USA or any other country BUT the host country. If you break those laws through ignorance or deliberately the host country has the right to arrest you, fine, jail you or both and it has the right to deport you.

If you don't like or agree with the host countries way of doing things that is up to you. If however you braek the host countries rules and laws then don't complain how you get treated. This applies to all countries and not just to Thailand.

If you play the game according to the host countries rules you will have no problem.

The point about being guests in Thailand is that unless you become a Thai citizen with full voting rights you do nor have the right to criticise the government, to speak out against the Royal Family nor to break any laws that YOU don't think should apply to you, simply because you are NOT a citizen of Thailand. The Thai (or any other government for that matter) HAS the right to say who can stay and what they can say or do and equally it has the right to cancel your visa and deport you should they wish to do so.

My understanding was Yingluck was in office until the good general called for a coup. You are groping for some sort of legal language to sterilize the act of overthrow as would a government shill.

Police officers get paid around B7000 a month. How do you think they survive ? They run rackets. The systems of both law enforcement and the military are corrupt at the core.

What laws were the radio stations breaking ? Not playing enough propaganda ? offering an opposing view political point? Playing too much Micheal Jackson ?

The Thai fishing industry relies in slavery. Where is the liable on the part of the press ?

You go on and on about host country nonsense too like it is some big deal. Some of us have lived a few decades or years in many "host" countries. We have been married people from these host countries. You do have rights, and you can make comments. Of course you have the right to criticize if you pay taxes and participate in trade or society. Why would you not have that right. Again many of us have been working overseas our entire adult lives and do okay and do not need a lecture on being a guest. It sounds like you have not been overseas for very long.

I am 71 and have lived and worked in 38 countries across the world in my 50 year working life so you are incorrect as usual but that is because you have no idea who I am or what I did until I retired.

I am also married to a lady from a host country with a dual citizen son of 11.

It seems as though you quote your "experience" as being unique whereas it isn't especially in Thailand as there are many people like you and me who have also worked overseas but unlike you they don't presume to decide what is right for the people of the country they are living in.

Your voice, my voice and every other foreign voice in Thailand means nothing to the Thai people. It is their voice and their choice to do with as THEY wish in Thailand. Not yours, not mine anybody elses, not the USA, UK, UN nor any other countries choice but Thailand.

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I am a little confused when you say that an elected government was deposed.

AFAIR there was NO elected government at the time. There was a caretaker government which was trying to stay in power but was limited in its power (as all caretaker governments are by law) but kept trying to break the law at the time. The military certainly did NOT depose the PTP caretaker government as that was done through the courts according to the law.

Yes the government are delivering bicycling paths.

Yes they are closing down radio stations who were breaking the law and were warned at least 3 times.

Yes they are cleaning up the corrupt police force.

Yes they ARE cracking down on corruption.

Perhaps they did crack down on reports of slavery on Thai fishing vessels but with freedom od the media and the press also comes responsibilities to report correctly the facts with NO bias either way.

When you are a guest in any country it is YOUR responsibility to become aware of the rules and laws of that country and to abide by them. The rights that you have are defined by the host country, not your home country, the UN, the USA or any other country BUT the host country. If you break those laws through ignorance or deliberately the host country has the right to arrest you, fine, jail you or both and it has the right to deport you.

If you don't like or agree with the host countries way of doing things that is up to you. If however you braek the host countries rules and laws then don't complain how you get treated. This applies to all countries and not just to Thailand.

If you play the game according to the host countries rules you will have no problem.

The point about being guests in Thailand is that unless you become a Thai citizen with full voting rights you do nor have the right to criticise the government, to speak out against the Royal Family nor to break any laws that YOU don't think should apply to you, simply because you are NOT a citizen of Thailand. The Thai (or any other government for that matter) HAS the right to say who can stay and what they can say or do and equally it has the right to cancel your visa and deport you should they wish to do so.

My understanding was Yingluck was in office until the good general called for a coup. You are groping for some sort of legal language to sterilize the act of overthrow as would a government shill.

Police officers get paid around B7000 a month. How do you think they survive ? They run rackets. The systems of both law enforcement and the military are corrupt at the core.

What laws were the radio stations breaking ? Not playing enough propaganda ? offering an opposing view political point? Playing too much Micheal Jackson ?

The Thai fishing industry relies in slavery. Where is the liable on the part of the press ?

You go on and on about host country nonsense too like it is some big deal. Some of us have lived a few decades or years in many "host" countries. We have been married people from these host countries. You do have rights, and you can make comments. Of course you have the right to criticize if you pay taxes and participate in trade or society. Why would you not have that right. Again many of us have been working overseas our entire adult lives and do okay and do not need a lecture on being a guest. It sounds like you have not been overseas for very long.

My understanding is that Ms. Yingluck was no longer in office since the 7th of May, 2014 with the coup being 'formalised' on the 22nd that month. Timelines seem to get hazy for some.


"A Thai court has found Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra guilty of abuse of power, forcing her from office and enraging her supporters who are planning mass protests."


"Thailand's caretaker prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, has stepped down after a court found her guilty of abusing her power – a decision likely to provoke further street protests after six months of violent political deadlock that has already left 25 people killed and scores injured."


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