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Mitsubishi Pump service agents in Roi-et or Mukdahan

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I have this Mitsubishi WP305 QS pump.

When it starts to pump the flow is good, then it gradually decreases to a very poor flow.

I need to take it to someplace to get it overhalled and the presure switch replaced.

I can't find any repair manuals for the pump on the internet.

Is there a shop that you know of in Roi-et or Mukdahan that will look at this pump?


Are you sure it is not a problem on the supply side of the pump that is causing the low flow. Pumps themselves don't normally loose flow like you describe.


Are you sure it is not a problem on the supply side of the pump that is causing the low flow. Pumps themselves don't normally loose flow like you describe.

It could just have been that. You could be correct.

Came home one day to find this pump (on the bore), madly grinding away with no incoming water.

Because it hadn't filled the tank, and the float switch was connected wrongly, the house pump was madly grinding away with no water as well.

Sorted out a few problems and sent the bore pump for complete check, or what ever they do when you ask for a complete check, and they replaced the pressure senser spring and stuffed up the phillips head screw to adjust the pressure.

Put the pump back on the bore, and it started off pumping, like I said and then not much flow.

We had this new Lucky Star jet pump, so connected it up and all is fine.

I just wanted someone to have a look at the pump and see that it is OK, as it was running for a while with no water.

I wanted to try and find a Mitsu agent so that they could check it out.

So the trouble could have been something stuffed up with the flow to the input to the pump, but I don't have confidence in the pump at the moment and wanted it checked.

To get documentation on this Mitsu pump, some mob want a few thousand baht for the manual and I can't seem to find a download manual on the Mitsubishi site.

May be you know where around the area I can pick up a pressure switch for the Mitsubishi and a pressure tester that you hook up to the tap so I can check the pressure?


are you pumping from a storeage tank,or from a water supply line?

I was pumping from a bore about 10 m depth.

The other pump I replaced this one with is working fine, but it is a jet pump and has twin piping which was all new that I made up before I installed it.

So, as someone else has suggested, it could have been that the flow to the pump was faulty, like something has happened to the old water inlet pipe and air is getting in, I don't know.


The house pump from the storage tank is now set up with a fload switch in the tank, so that if the tank is low on water the house pump won't start.

The house pump operates when you turn on a tap and stops when you turn off the tap.

The bore pump operates from a ball and valve pressure thingy and cuts the water out when the tank is full and turns the pump on when the ball and valve thingy opens the valve.

How do I stop the bore pump running if it is turned on and runs out of water incoming?

It has a thermal overload, but from what I have read on the forum, once the overload trips and the pump cools down, it starts again with no water.


I own a Mitsubishi WP305 QS water pump at my home in Buriram province. On the Mitsubishi water pump web site for household water pumps in Thailand it may list the authorized warranty repair stations for Mitsubishi water pumps. I have obtained competent Mitsubishi water pump repairs at my home, as well as at the Buriram water pump specilaists when I phoned Mr. Pichai the bi-lingual owner of Ruangsangthai. He is actually in Bangkok this weekend at an event sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric. He told me his family has been selling and repairing Mitsubishi water pumps for 30 years in Buriram. I'll take a wager whichever independent family owned "water pump shop" in Roi-et or Mukdahan is the authorized Mitsubishi Water pump repair center owner, that person is in Bangkok this weekend. I will ask Mr. Pichai sometime next week what shop he would recommend in Roi - et or Mukdahan for genuine Mitsubishi water pump parts and repairs. The sales manager of all Mitsubishi water pumps for Thailand has been to Buriram and I noted he spent real time with "Kat" and the team of water pump repair technicians of that shop. Perhaps he also visited similar Mitsubishi repair centers in Roi - et and Mukdahan. The only time my Mitsubishi WP305 QS water pump was taken to the Buriram repair center, the water pump repair team of Ruangsangthai had brought a free loaner Hitachi water pump to my home so I had no break in water pumping service.




You should be able to find a pressure switch at one of the building supply stores. I recently bought one at Do Home (Ubon Watsado) here. Check the pipe size of the existing one so you know what size to buy or take the old one with you.

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