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Clinton received sensitive info on private email account

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Clinton received sensitive info on private email account
LISA LERER, Associated Press
MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press
JACK GILLUM, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton received information on her private email account about the deadly attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi that was later classified "secret" at the request of the FBI, according to documents released Friday, underscoring lingering questions about how responsibly she handled sensitive information on a home server.

The nearly 900 pages of her correspondence released by the State Department also contained several messages that were deemed sensitive but unclassified, detailed her daily schedule and contained information — censored in the documents as released — about the CIA that the government is barred from publicly disclosing.

Taken together, the correspondence provides examples of material considered to be sensitive that Clinton, the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, received on the account run out of her home. She has said the private server had "numerous safeguards."

Clinton's decision while secretary of state to opt out of a State Department email account has become a political problem for her, as the Republican-led House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks has used the disclosures of her email usage to paint her as secretive and above standard scrutiny.

Clinton, campaigning in the early primary voting state of New Hampshire, said Friday she was aware that the FBI now wanted some of the email to be classified, "but that doesn't change the fact all of the information in the emails was handled appropriately."

Asked if she was concerned it was on a private server, she replied, "No."

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said, "It was not classified at the time. The occurrence of subsequent upgrade does not mean anyone did anything wrong."

It's not clear if Clinton's "homebrew" computer system used encryption software to communicate securely with government email services. That would have protected her communications from the prying eyes of foreign spies, hackers, or anyone interested on the Internet.

Last year, Clinton gave the State Department 55,000 pages of emails that she said pertained to her work as secretary sent from her personal address. Only messages related to the 2012 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were released by the department on Friday. The 296 emails had already been turned over to the House Benghazi committee.

A Nov. 18, 2012, message about arrests in Libya was not classified at the time, meaning no laws were violated, but was upgraded from "unclassified" to "secret" on Friday at the request of the FBI to redact information that could contain information damaging to national security or foreign relations.

Twenty-three words were redacted from the message, which detailed reports of arrests in Libya of people who might have connections to the attack, Harf said.

The redacted portion appears to relate to people who provided information about the alleged suspects to the Libyans. That part of the email had been categorized by the State Department as "NOFORN," meaning that foreign nationals weren't allowed to read it, including close U.S. allies.

The message, originally from Bill Roebuck, then director of the Office of Maghreb Affairs, was forwarded to Clinton by her deputy chief of staff, Jake Sullivan, with the comment: "fyi."

No other redactions were made to the collection of Benghazi-related emails for classification reasons, officials said. They added that the Justice Department had not raised classification concerns about the now-redacted 1 1/2 lines in the Nov. 18 email when the documents were turned over to the Benghazi committee. The committee retains an unredacted copy of the email, the officials said.

Committee chairman Trey Gowdy, a Republican, said that the released emails were incomplete, adding that it "strains credibility" to view them as a thorough record of as well as chit-chat about shopping between Clinton and top aide Huma Abedin.


Associated Press writers Matthew Daly, Stephen Braun and Eileen Sullivan in Washington and Ken Thomas in Hampton, New Hampshire, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-05-23

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"...all of the information in the emails was handled appropriately."

Appropriately is the new illegally.

"She has said the private server had "numerous safeguards."

Yes, to safeguard it from the government and people to which the contents belonged.

The question is only "Are the Dems going to give her a pass for being a sneak and a crook"?



Day by day further revelations make it totally preprosperous that she is POTUS material thumbsup.gif

In addition, "It must be stressed repeatedly – as the mainstream media will be extremely reluctant to do – that absolutely none of this information was provided voluntarily by Hillary Clinton or the Obama Administration. Every last drop of it was cudgeled out of them with Freedom of Information Act lawsuits and congressional investigations, over a span of years."



What are the odds that HRC will have to decline running for POTUS as these further emails come to light?

I'd give her to Labor Day before she has to throw in the towel.


I started predicting several months ago on this forum that she would either drop out or that the Dems would dump her. When we see the liberal media panning her and pumping someone else we'll know her days are numbered.

She can't wage a campaign when everywhere she goes questions are about scandals instead of her platform.

For a while I thought it might be Elizabeth Warren but I sure hope not. Warren is left far beyond mainstream left.


I started predicting several months ago on this forum that she would either drop out or that the Dems would dump her. When we see the liberal media panning her and pumping someone else we'll know her days are numbered.

She can't wage a campaign when everywhere she goes questions are about scandals instead of her platform.

For a while I thought it might be Elizabeth Warren but I sure hope not. Warren is left far beyond mainstream left.

With the introduction of Carly Fiorina into the race, it spotlights HRC's obvious weaknesses as well.

The Dems have a problem - they're stuck with 'ol Piano Legs thru thick & thin.


I think Carly Fiorina could run the table on all of these guys and Hillary. Some fresh blood is badly needed. Carly could probably get all of the attention and pull some Dem women.


I started predicting several months ago on this forum that she would either drop out or that the Dems would dump her. When we see the liberal media panning her and pumping someone else we'll know her days are numbered.

She can't wage a campaign when everywhere she goes questions are about scandals instead of her platform.

For a while I thought it might be Elizabeth Warren but I sure hope not. Warren is left far beyond mainstream left.

It shall be Bernie Sanders who is a front yes for the Koch Brothers and Rothchilds running for President as a Democratic

Bernie Sanders is fooling the people claiming to be a Socialist

But his grandfather was a Rothchild


I wonder whether the redacted bits included the prior knowledge the administration had of a threat to attack the embassy in Benghazi? And just who decided to blame the subsequent attack on a crappy film about Mohammad. Of course if such evidence existed it would never see the light of day, unlike exchanges concerning hummus recipes with Huma Abedin.


Read this:


Ed Henry Highlights Explosive New Information Revealed In Hillary Clinton’s Emails

That same Times article reports perhaps a more startling revelation — Hillary knew from day one that blaming the attack on a video was bogus — but does anyone remember her saying so publicly as the Obama administration spun the video motive?


Good luck with Fiornia, you'll need more than this from the Washington Post......

"With a series of GOP candidates bailing on the Iowa straw poll (e.g., Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham) the debates may take on out-size importance in the run-up to the first contests. If Fiorina can get in the initial debates, she is likely to do well and remain for a time, at least, in the field. It’s hard to see what the problem is if other pols think they can’t do at least as well as a non-lifetime politician. And maybe that is her point: She is likely to do better than some professional pols seeking the presidency.

"There are lots of ways to prepare for a presidential run, and one of those may be to have a success story, a no-complaining rule, aggressive jabs and a strong foundation on the issues. The rest of the field should not take her lightly."

I Fiornia is elected, this country will look like Hewlett-Packards stock price after she became CEO, as she laid off

30,000 US workers and the company ended up with more worker world wide, before being forced out of HP.

Being center left, I look for Jeb or others, to demolish her, she does kinda, have that Sarah Palin look though!


Read this:


Ed Henry Highlights Explosive New Information Revealed In Hillary Clinton’s Emails

That same Times article reports perhaps a more startling revelation — Hillary knew from day one that blaming the attack on a video was bogus — but does anyone remember her saying so publicly as the Obama administration spun the video motive?

Who are you to attack Hillary the liar and drunk?

Respect the old and feeble also


When are the Repubs going to realize that everyone that gives a hoot about Hillary's shortcomings in Benghazi are already going to vote Republican anyway?

Embassies get attacked. Diplomats lose their lives. Security is inadequate to prevent every threat ever thought up by our enemies. It happens with both parties in office. In fact, I think it's happened more with Repubs in office, but I'm sure someone can come up with some skewed results to show it's always the Dems' fault. The only ones who don't accept that reality, are the right wingers who desperately need to get something on her.

Here are the Repubs, like a dog with a bone, looking meaner, more desperate, and more like bullies every day. Meanwhile the next finance debacle is right around the corner (God knows what the trigger will be- but I'd bet dollars to donuts it's because of safeguards removed by the Repubs in return for special interest donations), the wealth gap continues to piss off the masses and Bush's adventures in the Middle East are proceeding exactly like every expert (except maybe Cheney and Wolfowitz) predicted they would before we went in, only we're $$ trillions poorer.

And the Repubs pinning their hopes on where she received her emails. Good luck with that.

There's quite a few reasons I hope she isn't elected. But email ain't even on the list.


900 pages of another top women politician with damaging results. Is this a sign that women should not be in politics. I hope i see a good lady with moral and social values to gain my respect and the voters approval. Honorable lady please step up and prove me right!


Even Fox are struggling to make a news story out of this.

They cut to the State Dept. yesterday who said quite clearly that none of the emails were classified at the time.

The FBI classified one on Friday based on new information.

So they cut away again while someone quickly retyped their banner to say "Now-classified" instead of "Classified".

It's a mail dump about dinner dates and other trivia.

As usual the right wing nuts are salivating over nothing.


It's a tinfoil hat, tea party nutters, koolaid swilling, freakout!!!

Anything negative coming from the HRC camp is fantastic news for the GOP. When you got nothing... The pathetic, nomination clown car (full of losers) is getting more jammed packed every day. Jeb Bush did an excellent job shooting himself in the foot last week. Yea Jeb, bro George's Iraq war was wonderful. The worst President in the history of the United States and you want to follow in his lame footsteps. Scott Walker? Really? Walker was almost impeached in his own state. Cruz? No. Rand Paul is dumber than a...oh pick something. Carson? Nope, he's black. Fiorina ran HP into the ground, being female is not a qualification for Prez (especially for a Republican). Huckabee, Jesus Christ. Santorum couldn't get elected dog catcher. Perry, Jindal, Graham. cheesy.gif

The Republicans have absolutely nothing, not a single electable candidate. They're so far out in right field, Bill Kristol couldn't justify a vote for them.

When you've got no candidates that can possibly win the Presidency, you tear down the opposition. Hillary and emails...come on. That's never going to fly even with Fox Spews floating tons of gas under it. This week's scandal is DOA.



It's a tinfoil hat, tea party nutters, koolaid swilling, freakout!!!

Anything negative coming from the HRC camp is fantastic news for the GOP. When you got nothing... The pathetic, nomination clown car (full of losers) is getting more jammed packed every day. Jeb Bush did an excellent job shooting himself in the foot last week. Yea Jeb, bro George's Iraq war was wonderful. The worst President in the history of the United States and you want to follow in his lame footsteps. Scott Walker? Really? Walker was almost impeached in his own state. Cruz? No. Rand Paul is dumber than a...oh pick something. Carson? Nope, he's black. Fiorina ran HP into the ground, being female is not a qualification for Prez (especially for a Republican). Huckabee, Jesus Christ. Santorum couldn't get elected dog catcher. Perry, Jindal, Graham. cheesy.gif

The Republicans have absolutely nothing, not a single electable candidate. They're so far out in right field, Bill Kristol couldn't justify a vote for them.

When you've got no candidates that can possibly win the Presidency, you tear down the opposition. Hillary and emails...come on. That's never going to fly even with Fox Spews floating tons of gas under it. This week's scandal is DOA.


Your standard character assassination post missed one potential candidate.


A Hillary Clinton Match-Up With Marco Rubio Is a Scary Thought for Democrats
MAY 22, 2015
WASHINGTON — They use words like “historic” and “charismatic,” phrases like “great potential” and “million-dollar smile.” They notice audience members moved to tears by an American-dream-come-true success story. When they look at the cold, hard political math, they get uneasy.
From the article, one Democratic party operative described Rubio thusly:
“Young women swoon, old women pass out, and toilets flush themselves.”

“Young women swoon, old women pass out, and toilets flush themselves.”

I wonder if the Dems will ask for his birth certificate. Turnabout is fair play, after all...

But on a serious note, I don't see a Rubio nomination, much less a win. Just too many in that party that won't be able to stand to see a Hispanic president- and it will show.

Regardless of how qualified the guy is (and I'm not passing any judgment there)


“Young women swoon, old women pass out, and toilets flush themselves.”

I wonder if the Dems will ask for his birth certificate. Turnabout is fair play, after all...

But on a serious note, I don't see a Rubio nomination, much less a win. Just too many in that party that won't be able to stand to see a Hispanic president- and it will show.

Regardless of how qualified the guy is (and I'm not passing any judgment there)

I would bet if the Democrats want his birth certificate, it won't take five years for him to find it.


I wonder if the Dems will ask for his birth certificate. Turnabout is fair play, after all...

I would bet if the Democrats want his birth certificate, it won't take five years for him to find it.

That's what I'm talking about. That's exactly why Rubio can't win as a Republican candidate. When asked to put their party loyalty above their racism, a lot of them just won't be able to.


In most companies you must use the company email address, not only to ensure that everything is transparent, what happens if she gets an heart attack than someone must be able to jump in and read her emails....a bit difficult if it is on a private server.

And quickly delete some old emails is very strange


In most companies you must use the company email address, not only to ensure that everything is transparent, what happens if she gets an heart attack than someone must be able to jump in and read her emails....a bit difficult if it is on a private server.

And quickly delete some old emails is very strange

My problem is stopping people using their work email for personal messages!


It's a tinfoil hat, tea party nutters, koolaid swilling, freakout!!!

Anything negative coming from the HRC camp is fantastic news for the GOP. When you got nothing... The pathetic, nomination clown car (full of losers) is getting more jammed packed every day. Jeb Bush did an excellent job shooting himself in the foot last week. Yea Jeb, bro George's Iraq war was wonderful. The worst President in the history of the United States and you want to follow in his lame footsteps. Scott Walker? Really? Walker was almost impeached in his own state. Cruz? No. Rand Paul is dumber than a...oh pick something. Carson? Nope, he's black. Fiorina ran HP into the ground, being female is not a qualification for Prez (especially for a Republican). Huckabee, Jesus Christ. Santorum couldn't get elected dog catcher. Perry, Jindal, Graham. cheesy.gif

The Republicans have absolutely nothing, not a single electable candidate. They're so far out in right field, Bill Kristol couldn't justify a vote for them.

When you've got no candidates that can possibly win the Presidency, you tear down the opposition. Hillary and emails...come on. That's never going to fly even with Fox Spews floating tons of gas under it. This week's scandal is DOA.


Your standard character assassination post missed one potential candidate.


A Hillary Clinton Match-Up With Marco Rubio Is a Scary Thought for Democrats
MAY 22, 2015
WASHINGTON — They use words like “historic” and “charismatic,” phrases like “great potential” and “million-dollar smile.” They notice audience members moved to tears by an American-dream-come-true success story. When they look at the cold, hard political math, they get uneasy.
From the article, one Democratic party operative described Rubio thusly:
“Young women swoon, old women pass out, and toilets flush themselves.”

I did forget to character assassinate poor Marco, my apologies. That's probably his biggest problem, everyone forgets him. He's got a chance though. He's going to have to go far right to get the nomination, which is way out of the mainstream of the general public. His tax plan to give modest tax cuts to the middle class, big tax cuts to the rich and spend on the poor just doesn't work. He's also a terrible politician. He couldn't get any fellow Republicans to support his immigration plan so he just dropped it. He's a light weight. He'll crumble easily.

The democrats are not afraid of Rubio and his chances of being the nominee are small. It doesn't make any difference who the Republicans prop up there. They don't really have a prayer. If Rubio is the hail mary? I don't see any possible way he inspires a youth movement beyond Liberty University.

Republicans will continue to believe what they want to believe. They hate Hillary almost as much as the hate Obama. They will be bewildered the day after the election, as usual. They only watch Fox News and Fox told them they were going to win.

I expect the democrats to take back the senate in a crushing defeat for far right conservatism. It's a long time till the election and a lot could happen. There's a lot of crap the Republicans have to spew about HRC but they've already shot their wad...Benghazi. The demographics are going to be too much for the GOP to overcome. They've alienated everyone except the old white men and there ain't near enough of them to elect a Republican President.


And the clown car rolls on...lol. The repubs in the running for pres. couldn't and shouldn't get elected to dog catcher in a one dog town. Perhaps Bengasi wouldn't have happened at all if the repubs hadn't cut the funding for the State Dept. Then they could have had the protection they should have had. Bengasi, beating a dead horse. There are many, many real reasons Hillary shouldn't be pres. She is a neocon/neoliberal and a tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters. She hasn't kept her mouth shut on TPP and the fast tract that will be needed to screw the American worker even more for no reason. I'm for Sanders all the way, and no he is not a front for the Koch (John Birch Society) brothers. In fact if he by some chance got in, he would more than likely try to put them out of the business of buying our (used to be our) government. I'm hoping Hillary self destructs before the primary. Any Demo can beat the bat-shit crazy clown car.


"...all of the information in the emails was handled appropriately."

Appropriately is the new illegally.

"She has said the private server had "numerous safeguards."

Yes, to safeguard it from the government and people to which the contents belonged.

The question is only "Are the Dems going to give her a pass for being a sneak and a crook"?


Are the Dems going to give her a pass for being a sneak and a crook"?

Of course. She would have to be caught in the act of doing a criminal act to be deprived of the nomination. There are no charismatic alternatives in the Dem Party at present.

I'd like to see an independent come in and wipe the floor with both parties, but that is unlikely.


And the clown car rolls on...lol. The repubs in the running for pres. couldn't and shouldn't get elected to dog catcher in a one dog town. Perhaps Bengasi wouldn't have happened at all if the repubs hadn't cut the funding for the State Dept. Then they could have had the protection they should have had. Bengasi, beating a dead horse. There are many, many real reasons Hillary shouldn't be pres. She is a neocon/neoliberal and a tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters. She hasn't kept her mouth shut on TPP and the fast tract that will be needed to screw the American worker even more for no reason. I'm for Sanders all the way, and no he is not a front for the Koch (John Birch Society) brothers. In fact if he by some chance got in, he would more than likely try to put them out of the business of buying our (used to be our) government. I'm hoping Hillary self destructs before the primary. Any Demo can beat the bat-shit crazy clown car.

The reason they died wasn't lack of protection. It was because SOMEONE stopped the CIA boys going to rescue them. No one in the govt. is saying who that was.


There was nobody to go rescue them, very simple. Nobody stopped the CIA mercs from rescuing them, they had a few problems of their own and there weren't enough of them or time. The Repubs cut the funding, and specifically the funding for security for the State Dept. On the other hand, the Ambassador should have never been there in the first place. Still beating that poor 'ol dead horse. Like I've said many times, Hillary is a piss poor choice for pres. OK, better by about 1/10th than the clown car and I truly hope something finally does come up to stop her. I'm afraid there is no smoking gun in the emails either, but damned stupid on her part. I'm tired of voting for the lessor of 2 evils.


Do republicans really think they are going to beat Hillary with this kind of stuff?

Well, they will have to do better than that.

Probably over 90 percent of potential voters who already decided democrat vs. republican, regardless of the nominee except an extremist on either side.

The rest are mostly going to vote based on pocketbook issues.

Don't wake up, it's fine with me .... you lose.

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