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NRC's term 'won't be extended'

BANGKOK: -- Key charter drafter says PM won't change interim constitution to say NRC if charter draft is rejected next year

A KEY constitution drafter has ruled out the possibility of the provisional charter being amended to extend the National Reform Council's term even if the charter draft is voted down by the NRC.

Paiboon Nititawan, a member of the NRC and the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC), said that such a move would change the principles underpinning the charter.

The interim charter, in effect since the coup in May last year, requires that the NRC and the CDC must be dissolved if the draft constitution is rejected.

Paiboon was responding to reports that some NRC members had said they would vote against the charter draft even before the provisional charter is amended.

The move is seen by critics as an attempt to allow reformers continue carrying out their duty even after they vote down the charter.

He said Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha was unlikely to approve the move - and would only allow the charter to be amended so that a public referendum can be held.

He said if the NRC rejects the charter draft, they must tell the public why.

"The NRC should not abuse its power. Once a public referendum is held, the people are the judges,'' he said. Paiboon suggested that television debates be held to allow all sectors of the public to give their opinions about the charter draft.

Democrat Party member Poomsan Seniwong na Ayudhaya urged the CDC to focus on checks and balances because the weak checks-and-balances system was the root of the country's political woes.

"The CDC stresses only changing the election system or designing new agencies which would not help solve our problems. We need a strong checks mechanism," he said.

He said the CDC must change its perception that all politicians are seen in a bad light. "CDC members have never been in the political system and believe that all political problems are caused by politicians,'' he said.

Democrat Party spokesman Ramet Rattanachaweng urged the government to amend Article 46 of provisional charter to ensure the public is well informed about the charter draft.

Calls to review many articles

Opponents and supporters of the charter draft must be allowed to present their differences. Many sectors of society have called on the CDC to review many provisions in the draft.

"CDC chairman Borwornsak Uwanno should not act like a glass full of water otherwise suggestions would be useless. This charter is imposed on the whole country,'' he said. In Khon Kaen, Borwornsak said that the new constitution was written for all 64.5 million people in the country, and not just a little over 1,000 politicians.

"This constitution is written after the sufferings that led Thai people to protest for over eight years. Some 130 people were killed and 3,300 people were injured. The country's economy was severely damaged as a result," Borwornsak said.

"Next there will be referendum to hear the people's voice. The people, and not politicians, have the final say whether to approve this draft constitution," he said.

The CDC and NRC held a seminar at a hotel in Khon Kaen yesterday about the new constitution. Hundreds of people from northeastern provinces attended the event.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/NRCs-term-wont-be-extended-30260813.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-24


So many issues here.

I'll take one: "The NRC should not abuse its power."

Admittedly the NRC/CDC/NLA 1,000 Junta-appointed members do not reflect the judgement of the 30 million Thai electorate. The existence of the NRC/CDC/NLA in themselves are the result of abuse of military power in violation of the 1997 and 2007 Constitutions. So its nonsensible to worry about whether any actions of the NLA/NRC/CDC might become an abuse of power.

Theoretically, if ultimately the 1997 Constitution is reinstated in full, the 2006 and 2014 Coup members as well as members of the two interim coup-appointed governments could be tried for abuse of power. General Prayut might consider an end-game strategy of negotiating amnesty from the next elected government. Now that would be irony for current anti-amnesty proponents.

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