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There is so much to discuss however, be it article 44 or talking about the Thai 'constitutional monarchy', it's impossible.

How can Thailand be democratic if the Thai population are silenced?.


Pity the person being interviewed new something about Democracy , firstly he wouldn't be being interviewed if he did, the rest is hidden behind section 44 or history. coffee1.gif


Yes, the General loves democracy the way a condo developer loves the piney woods.

We all know this current situation isn't about democracy. It's about grabbing control, and maintaining control until things can be sorted out. And that includes maintaining democratic institutions in a secondary position in Thailand.


It interesting to watch the general's body language during his replies.He avoids eye contact with the interviewer, twists and twitches his eyes when he speaks about democracy and moves uncomfortably about.

It would be interesting to have that analyzed by a professional interrogator.


Two pathetic old men, Mr P and Mr T, fighting for the media-attention to give their version of the "truth".

No wonder the sheep are confused,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,coffee1.gif


Considering the urgency of the agenda, i find the PM's interview rathr chilling....he doesn't really say a thing about democracy...only those who disagree with his POV


Dont worry about what people say just watch their actions , democracy is a dead duck in Thailand

Agree, the last lot were rubbish, but at least they were accountable rubbish.


So he hasn't executed anyone, because he forgives them, as they are all Thai?

This is very confusing..

Not confusing at all just condescending!

Ah the look on his face when he was asked the question he must have been thinking if these poor Thai people would just continue to bow down to use Elite Chinese Thai we would not have any problems but I forgive them!


I have never been against democracy

So under what justification did you commit an act of treason that effectively demolished the little democracy that was in place?

In the video he states; "I have been in the military all my life under a democratic system." He's either completely stupid or delusional or both. There's NOTHING democratic about how Thailand has been run for decades for as soon as the ruling elite don't like the outcome of an election where they feel they are about to lose power and money they roll in the military to take over.

I've listened to some delusional narcissistic BS in my time but this guy wins the award for Outright Idiotic Dictator of the Year hands down.

Yes we all appreciate that Thailand has it's problems but the underlying issue remains ... whilst corruption continues to fester like a cancer the ruling elite will do anything it takes to ensure power and money remains in their hands. This effectively removes any possibility of democracy prevailing now or in the future.


Democraty is an illusion . There is no real democraty back home in the west too .

PM Prayuth is doing a better job than the past governments. His intention is to stay on at least until the pass over , when he ( who shall not be named ) leaves this world .


If one compares the two interviews, the man in exile wins hands down.

Not saying I am in favor of either of them.

But, the man in power now has a time bomb ticking.

I think he will be taken out if he continues down his current path.

The boys in the USA or internally.

If they pass a criminal sentence on Yingluk, - he is going to have major problems from many areas of the world and from within Thailand. He will most likely have a coup within his own coup!


Democraty is an illusion . There is no real democraty back home in the west too .

PM Prayuth is doing a better job than the past governments. His intention is to stay on at least until the pass over , when he ( who shall not be named ) leaves this world .

"his" intention???


At least now it's much better then the so called "democracy" from previous government, the thai military have Thailand in their heart, the previous police mafia dominated "government" only had money and corruption at their best interest.

In last decade, nothing has been done as much as in the last 1 year.

As long as this man stay in power, Thailand will progress.


What utter nonsense people spout. We do not have democracy in our own countries. Just criminal cabals looting the country in plain sight providing a circus called elections. Two wings of the same corporate bird. The Occupy movement were clubbed like baby seals. Protesters are corralled into 'Free Speech Zones'.

Non-Thais should pipe down and let the PM keep improving the country as he is doing. wai2.gif


“I was the only one that could deal with the problems facing Thailand at this time, under the legal system of this country.”

A pity that the interview was dubbed with an English translator voice which made it impossible to hear exactly what our PM had to say when he pointed to the problems that the country faced when the coup took place. The translation given above confused me a bit when looking at the constitution that was in place when the coup took place.

Maybe some of the forum members can help me out on that.


Democratic elections leading to elected politicians robbing the country, has nothing to do with democracy!


Dont get the illusion of the fake democracy from the west.

Yes it is really fake and the sad part is the people there do not realize it. Everybody is so busy surviving they do not have time to study life around them and the selection of alternatives is so limited. Its a 2 party system and unfortunately big business has them both in their pocket.

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