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Perv schoolmaster Jeremy Forrest plans to teach in Thailand when he's released early from jail

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So according to some posters it's OK as long as the "child" is over the legal age of consent, and even that is debatable as "the maturity of the child" should be taken into account.

Therefore logically sex with an 13 year old is OK if you are in Argentina and in some other countries it's as young as 12!

Sorry, but in my world it's PAEDOPHILIA!

"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a 'psychiatric disorder' in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger". The key wording here is 'prepubescent. Not excusing this man's actions in the slightest, but he is not a 'pedophile'. None the less, Thailand is really not the place for him bah.gif

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A very grey Area indeed - 15 years old over here is basically a consenting adult. Many thai families wouldnt even bat an eyelid when the same behaviour goes on here. In fact its normal here, and people have been marrying and having sex after the age of 15 or 16 since the beginning of time. However its illegal in the UK but they probably did love each other, she certainly wasnt exploited as she chose to do it. however she may well have exploited the teacher to get her payout and her name in the mirror. who knows!

When i was in school in the UK - my best friend was 15 years old and she had a 25 year old boyfriend - also her parents completely allowed it to happen, they ended up living together, she got pregnant, they married, they lived happily ever after. Was he a pedo? absolutely not. he was a normal guy who respected her and treated her like an adult. which is why her parents accepted it.

just sayin! Grey area at the age of 15 - girls Western generally mature a lot more.

However i have seen thai 15 year olds here that look like 8 year olds and act like 5 year olds - thats feels wrong but to Thais seemingly not. 22 year olds all date 14 year old girls here, and it seems accepted.

This guy is a convicted pedo lets not forget that. Make as many excuses as you want but Thailand, and the children of Thailand, do not need this scumbag

No he isn't (unless you read the Daily Mail or The Sun!). He was convicted of child abduction and five charges of sexual activity with a child.


Sorry. Being a qualified teacher does not make u a better teacher. Knowing the material and knowing how to communicate it to students who dont soeak ur language are worlds apart. Iv been teaching in asia 19 yrs now. I have met my fair share of qualified and unqualified. Im gonna say it is 50 50 on both sides. i know plenty qualified teahcers who have nobidea what to do in a thai classroom. Language barrier is a bitch my friend.


Sex with a child makes u a pedo by definition. What u arguing. U defending this man in any way? U say he is not a pedo but he had sex with a child. I dont get what ur saying


Having a criminal record and being convicted to a jailterm is enough to be barred from entering Thailand. One call to Thai immigration and he can be barred from entry or expelled if he is already in the country.


What a difference 40 years can make, I knew a teacher who married a girl who he taught in the early 70's, both went on to very successful carriers in education.

Nobody said anything disapproving, even his MIL2B approved.


A very grey Area indeed - 15 years old over here is basically a consenting adult. Many thai families wouldnt even bat an eyelid when the same behaviour goes on here. In fact its normal here, and people have been marrying and having sex after the age of 15 or 16 since the beginning of time. However its illegal in the UK but they probably did love each other, she certainly wasnt exploited as she chose to do it. however she may well have exploited the teacher to get her payout and her name in the mirror. who knows!

When i was in school in the UK - my best friend was 15 years old and she had a 25 year old boyfriend - also her parents completely allowed it to happen, they ended up living together, she got pregnant, they married, they lived happily ever after. Was he a pedo? absolutely not. he was a normal guy who respected her and treated her like an adult. which is why her parents accepted it.

just sayin! Grey area at the age of 15 - girls Western generally mature a lot more.

However i have seen thai 15 year olds here that look like 8 year olds and act like 5 year olds - thats feels wrong but to Thais seemingly not. 22 year olds all date 14 year old girls here, and it seems accepted.

This guy is a convicted pedo lets not forget that. Make as many excuses as you want but Thailand, and the children of Thailand, do not need this scumbag

No he isn't (unless you read the Daily Mail or The Sun!). He was convicted of child abduction and five charges of sexual activity with a child.

You can play the PC card if you want but to me he is scum nd should be put down


There are indeed many sick people here. "... should be put down". That's murder, and that's ok with you?


Shit happens. One of my best pals in school and our star athlete, returned to the school as a teacher. He had an affair with a student and was caught. It was consensual. I would never call him a pedophile.

So i will do it for you: he is a pedophile


"Perv schoolmaster"..... Nice one Litebeer, for dragging this forum into the realms of British gutter press, articles drafted on back of beermats.

Just what I was thinking.

Hardly Thai news as well.

What about rehabilitation?

Pedophilia is having sex with children pre pubescent I thought.

Still congratulations on ruining this guys chances of working in Thailand.

It is always wrong to start a relationship with 1 of your students and yes it is great he can never teach again, shouldn't be allowed a passport too.


There are indeed many sick people here. "... should be put down". That's murder, and that's ok with you?

You would put a rabid dog down and others to protect the majority of the population. Put them down yes or alternativly hve them come and live with you and your chhildren or grand children. You would be ok with that wouldnt you?


A very grey Area indeed - 15 years old over here is basically a consenting adult. Many thai families wouldnt even bat an eyelid when the same behaviour goes on here. In fact its normal here, and people have been marrying and having sex after the age of 15 or 16 since the beginning of time. However its illegal in the UK but they probably did love each other, she certainly wasnt exploited as she chose to do it. however she may well have exploited the teacher to get her payout and her name in the mirror. who knows!

When i was in school in the UK - my best friend was 15 years old and she had a 25 year old boyfriend - also her parents completely allowed it to happen, they ended up living together, she got pregnant, they married, they lived happily ever after. Was he a pedo? absolutely not. he was a normal guy who respected her and treated her like an adult. which is why her parents accepted it.

just sayin! Grey area at the age of 15 - girls Western generally mature a lot more.

However i have seen thai 15 year olds here that look like 8 year olds and act like 5 year olds - thats feels wrong but to Thais seemingly not. 22 year olds all date 14 year old girls here, and it seems accepted.

He was a pedo and her parents are missing parental skills.


Sex with a child makes u a pedo by definition. What u arguing. U defending this man in any way? U say he is not a pedo but he had sex with a child. I dont get what ur saying

No it's not. Why are you arguing? People have quoted the accepted definition for what it is. You can call him a pervert, statutory rapist, child sex offender or whatever but calling him a pedo is just stupid and wrong because that term means a sexual attraction to a pre-pubescent person. Stop being ignorant and argumentative for no reason, Calling you out for incorrect usage of a word does not mean anyone condones the act oing sex with a minor. Of course Pedophilia is not actually an act at all. The attraction makes you a pedophile. Whether someone acts on this attraction determines whether they commit whatever crime fits the case.


Many years ago, my husband was a teacher at a school on the Frankston line (Victoria for the non Aussies). It was mini-skirt days and a lot of the girls used to sit with their legs wide open, in the front row and look him straight in the eye. A sort of a dare. Same in the trams. I'm not excusing this man at all, but the girls today are far more wide awake and AWARE and older in the head. The 15 year old of today is the equivalent of the 19-20 year old of my days.


There are indeed many sick people here. "... should be put down". That's murder, and that's ok with you?

You would put a rabid dog down and others to protect the majority of the population. Put them down yes or alternativly hve them come and live with you and your chhildren or grand children. You would be ok with that wouldnt you?

I know Muslim fundamentalists kill people that don't act according to their faith. Are you one of those?


Obviously a passionate couple. The most disturbing thing about this story is society's hysterical reaction to it. Lives needlessly ruined by the torch and pitchfork PC crowd.


a little compassion... I believe it was a 'love affair' and consensual (though VERY foolish)... I think to destroy his whole life or 'castrate' as some vile posters have posted is in line with their posts on other subjects

hope he finds his way and can sort his life out after a foolish and stupid mistake


She was only a few weeks short of 16,hardly pedophilia and to look at her you would easily think she was 19 , also she was hardly abducted as they were in love and she was in love with him,these things happen,I feel sorry for both of them


She was only a few weeks short of 16,hardly pedophilia and to look at her you would easily think she was 19 , also she was hardly abducted as they were in love and she was in love with him,these things happen,I feel sorry for both of them

exactly, stupid and foolish, but haven't we all been at some point? it was CONSENSUAL and happens daily here (not that that condones it) good luck to them both


Hang all the slimy,maggot Rock spiders by the nuts until they drop, then put them in Jail for life with lifers who will make them their Bitch,,,,,that is the right way to treat them ,, for F,,,k sake don't let them in to Thailand or let them teach in Thailand I Know what it feels like, my daughter has been violated by a rock spider,they do not deserve to live sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif


Hang all the slimy,maggot Rock spiders by the nuts until they drop, then put them in Jail for life with lifers who will make them their Bitch,,,,,that is the right way to treat them ,, for F,,,k sake don't let them in to Thailand or let them teach in Thailand I Know what it feels like, my daughter has been violated by a rock spider,they do not deserve to live sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif

I believe the Islamic State might have the type of punishments you're after! crazy.gif


Hang all the slimy,maggot Rock spiders by the nuts until they drop, then put them in Jail for life with lifers who will make them their Bitch,,,,,that is the right way to treat them ,, for F,,,k sake don't let them in to Thailand or let them teach in Thailand I Know what it feels like, my daughter has been violated by a rock spider,they do not deserve to live sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif

I believe the Islamic State might have the type of punishments you're after! crazy.gif

I much doubt it they like them very young. Now if you were a homosexual,that's s different thing, let's hope they never get to boys town 555


She was only a few weeks short of 16,hardly pedophilia and to look at her you would easily think she was 19 , also she was hardly abducted as they were in love and she was in love with him,these things happen,I feel sorry for both of them

exactly, stupid and foolish, but haven't we all been at some point? it was CONSENSUAL and happens daily here (not that that condones it) good luck to them both

It is very complex, but the "statutory rape" label and the associated laws, means that she was not old enough to consent, so technically it wasn't consensual - even though it was actually that in terms of logic.

The problem is this, and I'm mainly saying this in regards to the calls for mutilation and lynching etc., is that you as an individual could be guilty of statutory rape, if the girl looks 18 y/o, and tells you she's 18 y/o, but she's actually fifteen-and-a-half. It would still be against the law, even though you had no intention of breaking laws.This is clearly a tough problem for police, yet we have to have legal ages and so there is no way around it really.

On the guy in the OP, he wasn't just some dizzy young guy who fell in love with a 15 y/o girl. He was her teacher, and his professional ethics should have made him behave differently, until she was a bit older, and when she was no longer his pupil, then they could have been together. They say true love can wait forever, well how about 12 months or so.


So did he only abuse a 15 year old girl or did he sexually abuse kids? Kids is like 12 year olds not yet in puberty .

Not that it makes any difference , he is obviously not a teacher you would want in the class room.

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