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Chinese Tourist Rudeness - the legend continues


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Here comes the mystery: I find Chinese people more obnoxious or ill-mannered in Asia, particularly in Thailand, compared to Germany for example.

I rarely felt that the same way about the Chinese here. In Germany, they would run around and take pictures, but I wouldn't say they go complete berserk like they do here in Thailand. I could often hear some Chinese chatter but it was never intrusive in trains. Chinese students are alright too in Germany.

Chinese folk traveling to Europe had to qualify for visas. They had to show economic means to support themselves in Europe, and a reason to believe they would return to China. And they had to buy an expensive long distance airplane ticket and stay in expensive Euro priced hotels.

Chinese folks coming to Thailand have no such visa requirement, and can get dirt cheap air fare and rooms for $10 a night.

It's like the difference between the crowd at Wimbledon and the mob in the cheap seats at a Man United match. I don't think they'd mix very well, either. But I wouldn't call either one "animals".

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The inconsiderate and rude Chinese are everywhere in Asia. I traveled to almost all the Asian countries. Many locals in these countries don't quite accept these Chinese behaviors but most Governments welcome time like royalties because they come in droves and are spenders. The Koreans are not much better. The best behaviors are the Japanese.

The issue is that most Asian cultures does not speak out against someone when they finds a behavior unacceptable. Whereas Westerners are more vocal.

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Well you would have to understand if its the way they do things in China ( I haven't been) and know if it was "normal" for them.............with a population of billions it probably is "everyman for himself" ( or woman)

This is just not true. I have lived in China and been back and forth for many years, the people have changed.

My observation is its all "new" money. In other words a lot of the people have accumulated huge wealth and in a very short space of time 1 generation jumps from poor to rich. In short they do not know how to behave. They want respect because they believe (as Thai people do) in a BS class system where more money puts you top of the tree irrespective of how you earned your money. So, they shove their way around thinking that they have a position of importance..

The reality is that most people look down on idiots like this. They have no class or sense of decency. My advice if you come across inappropriate behaviour is tell them straight that they are behaving badly in public,, I do and I will keep doing so..

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Chinese people are being taught in their school-system that they do NOT descended from, like the rest of the world, Homo Sapiens who wandered out of Africa for 70.000 years ago.

No Chinese people are being taught that they descend from Homo Erectus that lived in China since 500.000 years back....

So Chinese people are special people (of course). So bow before the new master-people of the world....

I think we already have had a couple of these groups tried this before, or????


Edited by glegolo
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Who do the Thais look up to?

Taller people....................coffee1.gif


Enough Chinese bashing already..especially when you think what that race has contributed to the world over the years,....

many many things ....but the four greatest impact on the world---

The Chinese invented paper in about 60AD.

They invented printing before the year 650.

There is evidence they had also invented gunpowder before 1044AD, and the iron compass around the time of Christ.

I wonder when do you think they'll get around to the knife & fork?

Edited by sanuk711
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"The Chinese invented paper in about 60AD.
They invented printing before the year 650.
There is evidence they had also invented gunpowder before 1044AD, and the iron compass around the time of Christ."

and who with did they share these inventions? No one. Other countries re-invented them.

There are many countries that invented things chronologically before they were globally spread but they were in a vacuum. There were very few inventions that China actually shared with the world.

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I'm living in a large hotel in the States for a few months. Chinese tourists make up the majority of the guests, arriving daily on tour busses the size of the Space Shuttle, and descending on the front desk clerks like hyenas on two freshly downed, but still breathing, gazelles.

They group, oblivious to external stimuli, in the middle of any and every passage or doorway, chattering or taking photos of anything from the bus, to the lobby, to the desk clerks pulling out their own hair.

It's a better watch than anything on television.

On the other hand, when I want to pass through their clans, I smile and say excuse me, and they all become alert and smile and make little bows and graciously stand aside. Most speak English enough to say, sorry, good morning. Some speak it well.

That last paragraph is where I note a significant difference between Chinese behavior in the States, versus when they visit Thailand.

I gather there is a wee bit of animosity between Thais and Chinese.

You might be seeing a "better" quality Chinese tourist in the USA than in Thailand. Travel and visiting in the USA is much more expenseive than in Thailand. Think of the kind of Chinese tourist who would visit the USA if they could simply drive there!


I think you're right, but it's probably a bit of both.

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Well you would have to understand if its the way they do things in China ( I haven't been) and know if it was "normal" for them.............with a population of billions it probably is "everyman for himself" ( or woman)

I remember the first time I caught an internal flight in China, early 90"s. Not too many Westerners about where I was. People came up and stared at me sitting in the lounge. Literally came within inches of my face for a good luck. When it was time to board, even though you have a numbered seat it was everyone for themselves - running, barging, shoving and some carrying suitcases because they didn't trust to check them in. On the plane the flight attendants were notoriously rude. Never smiled or made eye contact. Snacks were literally thrown at you and the person in the aisle seat was expected to pass the drinks across.

A nation of queue jumpers for sure - but same in India, other SE Asian countries and even Germany. (Yes, Germans will walk to the front of a queue and push in given half a chance).

Thais are also bad with elevators - all try to pile in before those exiting have a chance to vacate; and stand in front of the door concentrating on their iPhone and oblivious to anything else.

East Europeans, in my experience have very similar "manners" to the Chinese, and will simply walk through you if you let them.

I gave up being gracious a long time ago,

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Standing in a nice, orderly queue at Lotus, 2 Chinese women walked straight up and put their basket on the till counter....trouble is, the staff served them first, didn't tell them them others were waiting! I just put my basket on the floor by the till and walked out, can't be bothered with that sh*t.

Very similar at my Lotus a while back. Got to the checkout and there was a basket sitting on the top. I thought it belonged to the lady that was going through. No it beloged to a lady that had walked off as not finished her shopping yet. I love these situations. Picked her basket up and dropped it on the floor. Then when she came back she was looking at the till I was at and the next one along , couldn't think where her shopping was.. she might of been chinese , might not of been, but I feel better now.

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The inconsiderate and rude Chinese are everywhere in Asia. I traveled to almost all the Asian countries. Many locals in these countries don't quite accept these Chinese behaviors but most Governments welcome time like royalties because they come in droves and are spenders. The Koreans are not much better. The best behaviors are the Japanese.

The issue is that most Asian cultures does not speak out against someone when they finds a behavior unacceptable. Whereas Westerners are more vocal.

I was in a very large and snaking queue for immigration at a Japanese airport recently. They had some police there trying to keep things moving and orderly. Several people were lifting the lane ropes and trying to cut across to jump higher in the queue. All were Koreans. A Scandinavian guy took exception and said something. One of the Korean walked up close to him and eyeballed him for a couple of minutes before pushing further in front. Scum.

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Well you would have to understand if its the way they do things in China ( I haven't been) and know if it was "normal" for them.............with a population of billions it probably is "everyman for himself" ( or woman)

Having lived in China for many years.....the subjects being discussed are the habit it China. A Chinese restaurant will leave you deaf when you leave for the first ten minutes...the noise is so bad......the floors (as they throw bones etc. on the floors when they eat ) look like a food fight went on;;;;;and Chinese elevators in a busy building are hilarious to watch........it is true most of the time they do not wait for the passengers to get out before trying to cram in, and it is always interesting to see who will get off so the doors will close due to the elevator being to crowded and won't move due to the weight.....after many years of living in Beijing one particular friend always approached getting off the subway as a game,he would lock his hands across his chest ,stick his elbows out to the sides and then when the doors opened he would walk forward.......moving a large number of people out of his way(he was a big guy) but many passengers were right behind him able to get off without being pushed back. It was interesting to watch....

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I am so proud to be a TV member. I love that we have such a close nit community of racist losers that are allowed to spout off any garbage against any other culture as long as it isn't Thai bashing.

I wish there was an app that would delete my entire account and every single post I have made on these forums. I am ashamed to be a member of a community that allows this garbage to continue for 3 pages.

...and then you turn right around and troll another post! Hilarious!!!! 5555555555

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I am so proud to be a TV member. I love that we have such a close nit community of racist losers that are allowed to spout off any garbage against any other culture as long as it isn't Thai bashing.

I wish there was an app that would delete my entire account and every single post I have made on these forums. I am ashamed to be a member of a community that allows this garbage to continue for 3 pages.

It's a fine line we walk, between removing posts and letting them go. This post seems to discuss people's personal experiences as opposed to just out and out bashing of a nationality. Though there are some posts like that and they have been removed.

Yes, we're more sensitive to Thai "bashing". For a variety of reasons. But this is a problem with anonymous internet forums. We do our best and many members here have expressed their concerns via the report button. We appreciate the heads up.

I'll try watching this thread for a bit. If it really goes off, we'll close it. Unfortunately, our news forum has many topics about the Chinese here and their poor behavior. It is a fact and one the Chinese government has even recognized.


For Chinese Tourists Behaving Badly, A Government Blacklist

Please, no comments on moderation. If you would like to discuss this in more detail, PM one of the moderators.


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Chinese seem to treat Thailand is a place to abuse and use. Treat the locals like shit, be as rude and obnoxious as possible.

And yet, and yet, TAT and the General proudly proclaim six million of them are on their way, oblivious to the fact their Thai countrymen despise them.

Who do the Thais look up to?

Don't really know......coffee1.gif

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Standing in a nice, orderly queue at Lotus, 2 Chinese women walked straight up and put their basket on the till counter....trouble is, the staff served them first, didn't tell them them others were waiting! I just put my basket on the floor by the till and walked out, can't be bothered with that sh*t.

I find this a common failure of Thai retail management. The store loses money because the check-out clerk serves the queue breakers. The check-out clerk doesn't care ... they don't understand ... the managers should train them.

On occasion, I have seen a check-out clerk refusing a queue breaker ... so proper training works.

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Standing in a nice, orderly queue at Lotus, 2 Chinese women walked straight up and put their basket on the till counter....trouble is, the staff served them first, didn't tell them them others were waiting! I just put my basket on the floor by the till and walked out, can't be bothered with that sh*t.

This would annoy me as well. I think your action was appropriate but I also wonder if it'd be helpful to tell the offending clerk with a smile why you are leaving your basket on the floor.

She might otherwise just think "look at how impolite that falang was".

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Standing in a nice, orderly queue at Lotus, 2 Chinese women walked straight up and put their basket on the till counter....trouble is, the staff served them first, didn't tell them them others were waiting! I just put my basket on the floor by the till and walked out, can't be bothered with that sh*t.

I find this a common failure of Thai retail management. The store loses money because the check-out clerk serves the queue breakers. The check-out clerk doesn't care ... they don't understand ... the managers should train them.

On occasion, I have seen a check-out clerk refusing a queue breaker ... so proper training works.

Not really the check-out persons problem. Should they "get involved"? Queuing is alien in some cultures. Hated going to the bank in Mid East.

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I am amazed at the change in Thai Immigration. Western tourists, who spend money and respect Thai culture, customs, religion and people are now being discouraged to come here or stay here, .. but the red carpet has been rolled out to Russians and chinese, both of which show no respect for anything Thai and do not even like Thai people, ... plus they frequent their own restaurants, hotels and tour companies, ...so little real benefit goes to the Thai people or economy!

Wake up Thailand! Devalue the baht and make Westerners feel welcome again! Your exports will do better and your revenue from tourism will soar once m

Edited by Vallon66
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I am amazed at the change in Thai Immigration. Western tourists, who spend money and respect Thai culture, customs, religion and people are now being discouraged to come here or stay here, .. but the red carpet has been rolled out to Russians and chinese, both of which show no respect for anything Thai and do not even like Thai people, ... plus they frequent their own restaurants, hotels and tour companies, ...so little real benefit goes to the Thai people or economy!

Wake up Thailand! Devalue the baht and make Westerners feel welcome again! Your exports will do better and your revenue from tourism will soar once more

Honest post, Completely aaccurate.

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I am amazed at the change in Thai Immigration. Western tourists, who spend money and respect Thai culture, customs, religion and people are now being discouraged to come here or stay here, .. but the red carpet has been rolled out to Russians and chinese, both of which show no respect for anything Thai and do not even like Thai people, ... plus they frequent their own restaurants, hotels and tour companies, ...so little real benefit goes to the Thai people or economy!

Wake up Thailand! Devalue the baht and make Westerners feel welcome again! Your exports will do better and your revenue from tourism will soar once more

Honest post, Completely aaccurate.

Total racist BS.

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We were waiting in this line which was for seniors or people with disabilities last week. I didn't mind it so much as I had an ebook reader with me. The line was, however, painfully slow and of all things we we got up to the register counter since I left a small space for shoppers to get through the line, the lady behind me spoke with the Missus who was standing before me. The Missus spoke to the person in English and then I indicated as best as possible we were together and standing in line.

Now this lady apparently misunderstood me and smiled and tried to step in between me and the Missus. Without thinking I grabbed her arm and moved it back. The lady realized her error and just laughed.

I never have any hesitation to let someone in front of me who has a few items while I have a full cart but that was not the case this time. We were only buying two liters of milk.

The Missus and I got a good laugh after we finished paying.


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I think it is a by-product of economic dominance. The Chinese are fast becoming, if they have not already become, the top economic power in the world. Just look how obnoxiuos Americans acted when they were at the top; then, remember if you can, the insufferable boors the Brits were when they were the economic hegemons of the world.

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We were waiting in this line which was for seniors or people with disabilities last week. I didn't mind it so much as I had an ebook reader with me. The line was, however, painfully slow and of all things we we got up to the register counter since I left a small space for shoppers to get through the line, the lady behind me spoke with the Missus who was standing before me. The Missus spoke to the person in English and then I indicated as best as possible we were together and standing in line.

Now this lady apparently misunderstood me and smiled and tried to step in between me and the Missus. Without thinking I grabbed her arm and moved it back. The lady realized her error and just laughed.

I never have any hesitation to let someone in front of me who has a few items while I have a full cart but that was not the case this time. We were only buying two liters of milk.

The Missus and I got a good laugh after we finished paying.

attachicon.gifque jumpoing.JPG

Immigration queues are always a wonderful experience. Could complain about most countries I have visited. Three hours in queue and another plane lands, families go to the front. AAAArgh. Never had a problem in a Thai airport.

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I think it is partly due to where they come from in China. Have a look at arrivals and many of these charter planes are from places most people have never heard of and never heard of airlines too. Maybe they are first timeout of the country but they are definitely not an advert to go and visit regional China. Chinese who emigrate outside of China adapt certainly in London and Australia they seem different except many still are cruel and do not respect animals but then there are sadly very few animal rights in China. On that subject how many human rights are there. In ocer 30 years the Chinese government have not told the world what happened to the student who stood in front of the tank in Tiananamen Square. China is not a developed country in many ways like the Europe still detaining people that do not conform to their system but sadly Western governments do little to protest as their public want cheap products. Anoter 50 years China will rule the world they already told a US plane to go away on their man made island that other countries claim. China is large enough and now has money to buy arms.

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You forgot hotel breakfast buffets.

i was in new Orleans la in a in a 5 star hotel buffet conga line when two Chinese women tried to crash the line , started pushing and shouting insults , well that lasted all of 2 minutes , after each one was slapped at least 3 times by fellow line people they ran to the front desk and asked for the police because they were assaulted . almost 1 hour later after eating we returned to the lobby to start sight-seeing we found that the two Chinese women were on the floor wailing and pounding the floor tile . two police men stood by them shaking their heads as their families were having no luck in getting them off the floor or to shut up . i lived in china for many years , this is a common sight . if you have powerful people in your family as many do , you start to think you can do anything . poor education , no toilet training , and a void in the brain where manners are stored make for a perfect storm of the tourist from hell .

Edited by mikiea
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Standing in a nice, orderly queue at Lotus, 2 Chinese women walked straight up and put their basket on the till counter....trouble is, the staff served them first, didn't tell them them others were waiting! I just put my basket on the floor by the till and walked out, can't be bothered with that sh*t.

If you hadn't bothered to notice, Thais are non-confrontational. It is a rare Thai who would say anything. Chinese exploit this as a weakness. I like it about Thais and honor it. You are in their culture.

I had a difficult time leaving Suvarnabhumi as a load of Chinese were entering. I had to batter my way through them as they would never move over to make room for one person.

A middle-aged woman entering a Baht bus w a group just shoved me to edge of the seat.

Eating dinner, with a group of Chinese eating at the adjacent table, as they emptied the dishes of food they put the empty plates on my table.

Thailand is getting the lower rung of Chinese because an inexpensive trip. As opposed to,say , France.

Remember when they had the Beijing Olympics and the government told the people to not be rude? It's the common person's MO.

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The inconsiderate and rude Chinese are everywhere in Asia. I traveled to almost all the Asian countries. Many locals in these countries don't quite accept these Chinese behaviors but most Governments welcome time like royalties because they come in droves and are spenders. The Koreans are not much better. The best behaviors are the Japanese.

The issue is that most Asian cultures does not speak out against someone when they finds a behavior unacceptable. Whereas Westerners are more vocal.

Asian cultures does not speak out against someone when they find an unacceptable behaviour ?? Try telling that to the Hong Kong citizens, for crying out loud, where do you think the name Locusts first started from ? Because of goods sales tax and import taxes , things are cheaper in Hong Kong than China ,so alot of zero charge group tours from China to Hong Kong and you should listen to how the locals complain about their cousins from China!!!

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Its quite a dilema isnt it? I mean Chinese culture is very rich, they have always looked to be honorable and well disciplined race, with etiquete and wisdom. yet somewhere along the last few centuries Consumerism and Capitalism has destroyed them. (Much the same as British culture i guess - i mean Chavs and a terrible spoken English and Brits misbehaving on holiday - its exactly the same) what happened to these 2 great nations?

One thing i know about the Chinese, many are lower educated and have suddenly become rich, perhaps factory owners or have made a fortune on ebay. So now they have climbed up the financial ladder and are showing off. treating everyone as if they are beneath them because they have enough money to travel next door and stay in a 3 star hotel LOL.

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Who do the Thais look up to?

Taller people....................coffee1.gif


Enough Chinese bashing already..especially when you think what that race has contributed to the world over the years,....

many many things ....but the four greatest impact on the world---

The Chinese invented paper in about 60AD.

They invented printing before the year 650.

There is evidence they had also invented gunpowder before 1044AD, and the iron compass around the time of Christ.

I wonder when do you think they'll get around to the knife & fork?

or table manners to go with the knife and fork,

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