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So you absolutely do not care, but go out of your way to talk about other people's business and just keep posting.

Thou does protest too loudly, me thinks!

You see, I am an atheist, most people do not know that.

It is not my place to judge others if they believe in the Tooth Fairy, God .. or whatever.

To me, the "radical atheists" are just as annoying as any bible thumper, perhaps more so, for they are thumping the "I do not believe!!" bible.

Can you see how silly that sounds?

So it's "annoying" to you if someone point out that believing in "pink unicorns" is basicly very dumb? Because if any adult really believes in heaven, hell, ghosts, God(s), afterlife, karma, nirvana, destiny etc then they surely have to be little bit "challenged" or severely brainwashed.

The less religious people there are in the world the better world we will eventually have (and no, i do not like Marx & Co. even a little).

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So it's "annoying" to you if someone point out that believing in "pink unicorns" is basicly very dumb? Because if any adult really believes in heaven, hell, ghosts, God(s), afterlife, karma, nirvana, destiny etc then they surely have to be little bit "challenged" or severely brainwashed.

The less religious people there are in the world the better world we will eventually have (and no, i do not like Marx & Co. even a little).

Religion: .................Giving people hope in a world torn apart .............by religion.....................coffee1.gif

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1) It is not a shrine but a hosthouse

2) As far people told me it is a home for spirits who lost the way to the level of merrit. What Thai's call bad spirits.

3) To make them staying in this home they feed and make them feel well.

4) Even this hosthouse stands on your ground it belongs only to the ghost.

Somethimes you see in front of houses coocked chicens, fruits and limonade (yes mostly the red), NOBODY even the most hungry and thursty Thai will tuch this.

What you do is a complete lack of respect to your wife and understanding.

After living a few years in THA you should know better, even if religion or way of life does not intrest you. at al.

In our home we have two home-temples - One the Buddist with a well know munk and one (a little lower) with the Chinees Buddist signs.

This are fully my partners domain and if I need to tuch (cleaning or put his chain on it) them I will always show respect even he is not home, not out respect for them but for my partner.

I' m a atheist 100% free of al this bla...bla and even not baptist, but have respect for peoples way to live there religion (not for the machinery behind it).

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As an atheist in a highly spiritual country I do my best to avoid religion. You can do whatever you believe in, just as long as it doesn't affect me. Yes, I find it sad that people feel the need to do certain things, but it's their time and their money. Looking at my own life, the only thing that annoys me is that my Mom occasionally pays 500thb for an hour of fortune telling. But, like I said: it's her money.

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Better to stop doing that, and not tell your wife about.

If she found out that you are doing that you will get in BIG trouble.

Food for merits can be consumed after retired by her, but not by other people.

If animal feeds from that food on the shrine is OK, but not given by people. Will be considered non respectful by religious people, and by your wife if she is too. Superstitions runs high in Buddhist religious people.

Any "bad luck" can be related with what happens with the merits.

Superstitions run high in all types of religions and people, not just Thai buddists. sportsmen, gamblers etc..

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So you absolutely do not care, but go out of your way to talk about other people's business and just keep posting.

Thou does protest too loudly, me thinks!

You see, I am an atheist, most people do not know that.

It is not my place to judge others if they believe in the Tooth Fairy, God .. or whatever.

To me, the "radical atheists" are just as annoying as any bible thumper, perhaps more so, for they are thumping the "I do not believe!!" bible.

Can you see how silly that sounds?

So it's "annoying" to you if someone point out that believing in "pink unicorns" is basicly very dumb? Because if any adult really believes in heaven, hell, ghosts, God(s), afterlife, karma, nirvana, destiny etc then they surely have to be little bit "challenged" or severely brainwashed.

The less religious people there are in the world the better world we will eventually have (and no, i do not like Marx & Co. even a little).

OK, for the last time .. let me "speak" more slowly and be more clear.

There are people in this world who are complete pains in the arse. They are a tribe of people who define themselves by what they do NOT do.

They do NOT believe in God, and spend countless hours ranting about it.

They do NOT eat meat, and if you meet them, within 30 seconds .. you will hear ALL about that!

They do NOT drive a car, and always want to know how we got here .. OH! You drive !!! Well, let me tell you La la La La.

They define themselves by what they do NOT do.

My favorite question for these people is, what DO you DO?

The answer is always the same, a completely narcissistic rant about how they maintain their diet, yoga, exercise routine ... as though we actually care.

Just want to let you know, there are a lot of people in this world who "need to suddenly check their phones" "use the bathroom" "tie thier shoe' ... "Check please" ...etc

When they see the "Holier than thou .. via what I do NOT do" lecturer enter the room.

All I know is this, getting back to the original thread.

I am an atheist. My wife is Buddhist. She is SO HAPPY in her religion, and in her daily routine. She smiles all the time! She loves Lord Buddha, she loves her King, and because I respect her and am invested in her happiness . she loves me too.

You know, to a Buddhist, you would fulfill a saying I invented:

"Every silver lining, needs a cloud .. thanks for showing up."

If we ever meet, and I introduce you to my wife, I strongly suggest any thoughts or feelings you have about her God or King .. would best be kept to yourself.


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OK, for the last time .. let me "speak" more slowly and be more clear.

There are people in this world who are complete pains in the arse. They are a tribe of people who define themselves by what they do NOT do.

They do NOT believe in God, and spend countless hours ranting about it.

They do NOT eat meat, and if you meet them, within 30 seconds .. you will hear ALL about that!

They do NOT drive a car, and always want to know how we got here .. OH! You drive !!! Well, let me tell you La la La La.

They define themselves by what they do NOT do.

My favorite question for these people is, what DO you DO?

The answer is always the same, a completely narcissistic rant about how they maintain their diet, yoga, exercise routine ... as though we actually care.

Just want to let you know, there are a lot of people in this world who "need to suddenly check their phones" "use the bathroom" "tie thier shoe' ... "Check please" ...etc

When they see the "Holier than thou .. via what I do NOT do" lecturer enter the room.

All I know is this, getting back to the original thread.

I am an atheist. My wife is Buddhist. She is SO HAPPY in her religion, and in her daily routine. She smiles all the time! She loves Lord Buddha, she loves her King, and because I respect her and am invested in her happiness . she loves me too.

You know, to a Buddhist, you would fulfill a saying I invented:

"Every silver lining, needs a cloud .. thanks for showing up."

If we ever meet, and I introduce you to my wife, I strongly suggest any thoughts or feelings you have about her God or King .. would best be kept to yourself.

When did i say that i go around saying anything to any religious people before they open their mouth? If someone starts talking about "pink unicorns" then they will get a "rant" from me regardless who they are. That includes your wife but if we were in Thailand i would not utter a single word about the king as i do like my freedom and prefer not to sit 5-50 years in a thai prison because of my thoughts. Have a discussion with your wife about buddhism, rebirth etc and ask her "what if she was born in Saudiarabia to arab parents, would she still be a buddhist or a muslim?".

The only reason (basicly) why there are buddhists, muslims, christians, jews, orthodox yadda yadda is because their parents are forcing (brainwashing) their children into something they have absolutely no clue about and make them believe "it's the real thing".

Eating meat, driving a car etc are actual things that exist and happens and i can't see how atheism has anything to do with those things and why atheists shoul be associated to "anti-those-things" or even "they do not do". You can't "not do" anything that does not exist or is void of something.

Not sure if Oscar Wilde really said this or not but it's very stricking about religious people: "Religion is like a blind man looking in a black room for a black cat that isn't there and finding it."

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OK, for the last time .. let me "speak" more slowly and be more clear.

There are people in this world who are complete pains in the arse. They are a tribe of people who define themselves by what they do NOT do.

They do NOT believe in God, and spend countless hours ranting about it.

They do NOT eat meat, and if you meet them, within 30 seconds .. you will hear ALL about that!

They do NOT drive a car, and always want to know how we got here .. OH! You drive !!! Well, let me tell you La la La La.

They define themselves by what they do NOT do.

My favorite question for these people is, what DO you DO?

The answer is always the same, a completely narcissistic rant about how they maintain their diet, yoga, exercise routine ... as though we actually care.

Just want to let you know, there are a lot of people in this world who "need to suddenly check their phones" "use the bathroom" "tie thier shoe' ... "Check please" ...etc

When they see the "Holier than thou .. via what I do NOT do" lecturer enter the room.

All I know is this, getting back to the original thread.

I am an atheist. My wife is Buddhist. She is SO HAPPY in her religion, and in her daily routine. She smiles all the time! She loves Lord Buddha, she loves her King, and because I respect her and am invested in her happiness . she loves me too.

You know, to a Buddhist, you would fulfill a saying I invented:

"Every silver lining, needs a cloud .. thanks for showing up."

If we ever meet, and I introduce you to my wife, I strongly suggest any thoughts or feelings you have about her God or King .. would best be kept to yourself.

When did i say that i go around saying anything to any religious people before they open their mouth? If someone starts talking about "pink unicorns" then they will get a "rant" from me regardless who they are. That includes your wife but if we were in Thailand i would not utter a single word about the king as i do like my freedom and prefer not to sit 5-50 years in a thai prison because of my thoughts. Have a discussion with your wife about buddhism, rebirth etc and ask her "what if she was born in Saudiarabia to arab parents, would she still be a buddhist or a muslim?".

The only reason (basicly) why there are buddhists, muslims, christians, jews, orthodox yadda yadda is because their parents are forcing (brainwashing) their children into something they have absolutely no clue about and make them believe "it's the real thing".

Eating meat, driving a car etc are actual things that exist and happens and i can't see how atheism has anything to do with those things and why atheists shoul be associated to "anti-those-things" or even "they do not do". You can't "not do" anything that does not exist or is void of something.

Not sure if Oscar Wilde really said this or not but it's very stricking about religious people: "Religion is like a blind man looking in a black room for a black cat that isn't there and finding it."

Excuse me? IF you were in Thailand? "...That includes your wife but if we were in Thailand i would not utter a single word about..."

You are on a Thailand centric website !!!!!!!!!!!!

You do not live in Thailand ??????????????

Now I understand it. You see, Thailand is a respect based culture, and Thai People are remarkably good at minding their own business. You are simply rude, and go out of your way to be so.

Stay where you are, where people put up with that sort of nonsense. You negative and condescending attitude is not welcomed on the Kingdom .. and no .. Keyboard Warrior .. you most certainly would NOT mouth off to my wife about her love for Lord Buddha.

I find you to be the very type of egocentric, rude and off putting types I make it my life's work to avoid. Our conversation is ended. If you want to puke up your ridiculous and self serving Bullcrap you will need to find someone else to play with.

If you ever do come to the Kingdom, please feel free to get up in your taxi driver's face about Lord Buddha or his King. Then you will learn a bit of Thai. Som Nam Na !

(PS: You do remember that I am an atheist yes? Why are you ranting at me? Now take two of the pink pills, and three of the green pills ... it is nap time for the OCD bi-polar "posting / ranting on the Thai site .. not in Thailand" crowd. Sweet dreams cupcake!)

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Excuse me? IF you were in Thailand? "...That includes your wife but if we were in Thailand i would not utter a single word about..."

You are on a Thailand centric website.

You do not live in Thailand.

Now I understand it. You see, Thailand is a respect based culture, and Thai People are remarkably good at minding their own business. You are simply rude, and go out of your way to be so.

Stay where you are, where people put up with that sort of nonsense. You rnegative and condescending attitude is not welcomed on the Kingdom .. and no .. Keyboard Warrior .. you most certainly would NOT mouth off to my wife about her love for Lord Buddha.

I find you to be the very type of egocentic, rude and off putting types I make it my life's work to avoid. Our conversation is ended. If you want to puke up your ridiculous and self serving Bullcrap you will need to find someone else to play with.

If you ever do come to the Kingdom, please feel free to get up in your taxi driver's face about Lord Buddha or his King. Then you will learn a bit of Thai. Som Nam Na !

It was a hypothetical remark that IF i ever meet you and your wife AND it was in Thailand then yadda yadda (guess logic is not your strong side). Never said anything about not being in Thailand right now (but i am) or not and that is besides the point. And no foreigner that doesn't have either PR or citizenship are living in Thailand, they are just longer or shorter stay tourists. And who made you the spokesman for who is welcome to Thailand and who isn't... egotrip much?

Not saying anything about the king in Thailand has nothing to do with fear or anything else from "Somchai X", it's the very real fear of ending up in jail because of your thoughts about said thing.

Buddha isn't a "God", stop calling him "Lord". It's especially stupid as you yourself proclaim to be an atheist.

And it's hilarious for you to even suggest that Thailand would be a "respect based culture". Respect is to be *earned* by person X not demanded by person X or "shown" out of fear of person X.

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Excuse me? IF you were in Thailand? "...That includes your wife but if we were in Thailand i would not utter a single word about..."

You are on a Thailand centric website.

You do not live in Thailand.

Now I understand it. You see, Thailand is a respect based culture, and Thai People are remarkably good at minding their own business. You are simply rude, and go out of your way to be so.

Stay where you are, where people put up with that sort of nonsense. You rnegative and condescending attitude is not welcomed on the Kingdom .. and no .. Keyboard Warrior .. you most certainly would NOT mouth off to my wife about her love for Lord Buddha.

I find you to be the very type of egocentic, rude and off putting types I make it my life's work to avoid. Our conversation is ended. If you want to puke up your ridiculous and self serving Bullcrap you will need to find someone else to play with.

If you ever do come to the Kingdom, please feel free to get up in your taxi driver's face about Lord Buddha or his King. Then you will learn a bit of Thai. Som Nam Na !

It was a hypothetical remark that IF i ever meet you and your wife AND it was in Thailand then yadda yadda (guess logic is not your strong side). Never said anything about not being in Thailand right now (but i am) or not and that is besides the point. And no foreigner that doesn't have either PR or citizenship are living in Thailand, they are just longer or shorter stay tourists. And who made you the spokesman for who is welcome to Thailand and who isn't... egotrip much?

Not saying anything about the king in Thailand has nothing to do with fear or anything else from "Somchai X", it's the very real fear of ending up in jail because of your thoughts about said thing.

Buddha isn't a "God", stop calling him "Lord". It's especially stupid as you yourself proclaim to be an atheist.

And it's hilarious for you to even suggest that Thailand would be a "respect based culture". Respect is to be *earned* by person X not demanded by person X or "shown" out of fear of person X.


Alrighty then!

A happy little posting about taking cake has come to this.

Really, I have no idea why people like you are here. Clearly you neither understand or enjoy the Thai culture.

Goodbye. I am not going to continue to be the tool you use to spout off.

I am so happy that we shall never meet. Could you possibly be more of a droning bore?

Just write your reply, and then add mine to it .. in advance "F off"

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Alrighty then!

A happy little posting about taking cake has come to this.

Really, I have no idea why people like you are here. Clearly you neither understand or enjoy the Thai culture.

Goodbye. I am not going to continue to be the tool you use to spout off.

I am so happy that we shall never meet. Could you possibly be more of a droning bore?

Just write your reply, and then add mine to it .. in advance "F off"

I guess ad hominem (your style) is the sign of a weak man.

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Op what you're doing screwing with your wife's head like this is an unforgivable sin. GET THIS THROUGH YA THICK HEAD, THE FOODS FOR THE SPIRITS RIGHT NOT FOR YA CHICKENS AND FISH!

A few years ago my wife came home to find me drilling an 1 1/4" hole through the center of our host house went ballistic and stormed out of the house, I was really scared for a while my romantic gesture had backfired and my love was going to leave me.

Anyway a few hours later she came back home still as enraged as when she left, thought I was gonna get stabbed up, but she said she'd just come back to pack her things... she was leaving me sad.png

I pleaded with her to give me one more chance and urged her to go look in the garden, when she saw what I had done her ice cold heart immediately melted and I had the best blowy of my life wub.png

Yes you probably guessed it by now, all my hard graft out in the garden was simply to plumb a Fanta pump into the center of the shrine, so the spirits would never go without sweet nectar.

Moral of the story: More Fanta, less serious wai.gif

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