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Have been here three years now,seen a couple of accidents,but this was awful,must have happened a minute or so before i passed,as i approached what looked like a bag of rags,lay in the road,in the fast lane,some guys 2or 3,were there,madly waving their arms,car were parked on the other side,with hazards flashing,as i passed,well a motorbike rider was lying on the road,in the fast lane,the bike ,no more than mangled wreckage was on the left shoulder,i tried not to look,and i wish i had not,half his brains were strewn across the road,his left leg almost severed,was twisted so his foot was up around his hip,it must have happened only a minute before,the car was further on the front end totalled,i did not stop,plenty of others had,no sign of police /ambulance,the guy must have been dead,looks like he zipped out without looking as usual,and the car could do nothing,i was tired by then having driven 500 plus ks,but i stopped up the road,for a breath of air,and a ciggie,if only he had been wearing a helmet,he may have lived,i slowed down after that,it was another hell drive from Koh chang back to Petchabun province,the usual suspects bmws,mercs ect,flying past,weaving in and out at 190km ph,it really put me off going on a long trip again,as i thought,if i had not stopped at the servo for a drink and a pee,maybe it would have been me he pulled out in front of,not saying i know that definately happened,but,it was near a unofficial u turn thingy,upset me a bit,quite a bit.


One major reason for having a dashcam is the number of loony motorcyclists who zoom out of side roads with na'er a glance. No, not to post on Youtube but to be that independent witness to you not doing anything wrong.

Cheap as chips now, several threads here on the good, bad and downright awful.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Happened to me yesterday driving up the soi and a bike just zoomed out in front of me didnt even look ,lucky i was not going fast , most m/cycle riders here if they had another brain cell they would be a plant.


Happened to me yesterday driving up the soi and a bike just zoomed out in front of me didnt even look ,lucky i was not going fast , most m/cycle riders here if they had another brain cell they would be a plant.

or an amoeba


... half his brains were strewn across the road ... if only he had been wearing a helmet ...

I mentioned the benefit of wearing a crash helmet in another thread earlier this week and was promptly informed that most Thai helmets are cheap Chinese made and useless.

Anyway, I wasn't arguing. I'd still rather adorn a cheap Chinese helmet than nothing and so do the Thais that wear them.


Accidents like that occur everyday. You just have to watch out for yourself, you can't help the Thai's when their own government and police fail to do anything to improve their behavior.

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