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We must completely trace how some of the news has emerge

When will they buy a new record. This one is broken.

rest of the worlds gone digital also


Even charitably acknowledging there may (MAY) be an element of validity in what he said, who but a child or a fool would blurt out such a churlish statement at this sensitive time?


This is just unbelievable!!! This Numbskull wants to find out why and how the news of this barbaric trade in humans came to light now! He thinks it might be political! Why has no one done anything before when it has been known about for years?, he asks.

Are you completely demented? It's because people in power over the years including you as Army chief looked the other way and failed those poor people. Don't go blaming others for your shortcomings. Accept your own responsibility and earn some respect! No-one respects a person who tries to blame others. "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."


On newsnow not one Thai newspaper has Mentioned the mass graves discovered inside Malaysia in Perlis(PB ) area.as a headline Yet nearly every other foreign newspaper carries the story. I went back three pages and could find anything , Strange

Not strange at all, its called Mr General prayut.

Thai people will only read what bullcrap he spouts and wants them to know about.

After all he wants them and the rest of the world to believe that this is the best paradise in the world....ask the TAT.



Thought as they are all Muslim brothers and sisters Malaysia would take the lot, after all any attack on islam is an attack on them all, so they keep telling us , doe s not matter what country they come from.............maybe it only works one way

Your tribal thinking is just as narrow minded as what you are accusing the Muslims of!!

They (the Rohingya) are human beings in dire need of help, no matter what God they call theirs!!


Who are these people that are spreading these horrific truths? Are they registered? Can we do something about the spreading of these blatant truths?



"... because the problem has been here for more than ten years," Gen. Prayuth said today."

More than 10 years and now they address the issues? Maybe it is because some economically powerful nations are starting to ask questions about human trafficking in Thailand? whistling.gif


Thought as they are all Muslim brothers and sisters Malaysia would take the lot, after all any attack on islam is an attack on them all, so they keep telling us , doe s not matter what country they come from.............maybe it only works one way

<deleted> you talking about "attack on islam"? We are talking about boat people. No one is attacking Islam.


Maybe it is just me, but I think, if would be more efficient to "scrutinize" a few other organisations.

Let's say...the police...the army...the navy...

But hey...what do I know!coffee1.gif


I suppose a cynic might say that this makes perfect sense to the good General - after all, in the Land of the Self-Centred, anyone who offers help to a foreigner must be suspect.................................


Any order to investigate military involvement ?

Stupid boy NKK, no porridge for you today !

Last month the military already declared that there was no Thai military involved in human trafficking. So now it remains that it is the fault of everyone else who is not Thai.


Dear General: How about starting with the GO's? Not the NGO's..... none of this could have been pulled off for over 10 years unless government and your military were in on it getting good sized slice of the pie. No matter how ignorant of the matter you may pretend to be, it just ain't cutting it.


"We must completely trace how some of the news has emerged, and what the backgrounds of these associations are, whether they are legally registered. If they are, they have to obey Thai laws, since they are now in Thailand. We have to find clarity about this."

In translation:

"News? News?!! That does it!! Get out, quick, before one of your fellow slaves testifies against an elite, or a member of the Thai Navy!"


So the prime minister of Thailandis attacking the victims of gruesome crimes and the few people in Thailand who has helped them? It is obvious that Thailand should not get out of tier 3 with this "prime minister" at the helm. Gen Prayuth turned out to be as disappointing as all the previous Thai Prime Ministers. Just same same.


Typically Thai reaction !!

This country is a RASSIST country !!

we are all aware of this,

so we should not support such things at all;

Maybee we also should direct adress our GVTs to act accordingly with their citicens !!


A post with cryptic references as to bringing HM the King into the discussion has been removed:

Any discussion of the Monarchy or members of the royal family in a political context will result in a ban. This includes vague comments that could be construed as referring to the Monarchy.

1) You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any one member of the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution.
By law, the Thai Royal Family are above politics. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family.
Discussion of the Lese Majeste law or Lese Majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family.
To breach these rules may result in immediate ban.
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What a sick administration this is - they will do anything to distract attention from the real "persons of influence" who control this evil trade...................

this oersons give them their job

and taking the BIG share of the bribe


Everyone and his dog is involved in this, thai, myanmar, malaysia, indonesia and maybe more countries. In the first instance, Myanmar cannot be blind to the movement of people accross its borders given the fact that travel within its regions are controlled. Thailand and Malaysia for being blind to the fact that thousands can cross into it. The dumb ministers in Malaysia were claiming that there were no migrant camps there until news broke of a camp with a mass grave at the border with Thailand. It is well known that for some exchange of cash, police and officials can conveniently look the other way especially if politicians are also involved.


Better check the military, police and immigration officers first, before going after humanitarian agencies. Bet none of the agency workers own a Mercedes, but sure seems a lot of Generals do!

There's probably a Benz dealer in BKK confusingly called "Generals Motors".


There's already been local, police and military people removed, transferred and maybe charge(?) because of human trafficking and the mass graves etc and people suggesting links to the rohingya regarding this. So the Junta tries to shift the focus away rom themselves by attacking aid organizations? If it came out there was a deeper involvement with the military - and I for one, wouldn't be too shocked if there was - the fall out could be catastrophic and he'll be really needing article 44 then. It would make the crime of "complacency" seem pretty minor wouldn't it!


On the one hand it looks as if Thailand are stopping Aid groups from helping these people, and in the next but one headline, the Thai Navy are sending 7 vessels to help them!

* I realise after reading the article that the PM is concerned that the Rohingyas may include some of the people that are actually involved in the smuggling/trafficking, but on first impressions from the headline I thought exactly the opposite!


Thought as they are all Muslim brothers and sisters Malaysia would take the lot, after all any attack on islam is an attack on them all, so they keep telling us , doe s not matter what country they come from.............maybe it only works one way

Your tribal thinking is just as narrow minded as what you are accusing the Muslims of!!

They (the Rohingya) are human beings in dire need of help, no matter what God they call theirs!!

Well muslim states are keen on telling u you insult one you insult them all so............ why arent their "brothers" helping then, personally I couldnt care less either way, just pointing out their hypocrisy.


Thought as they are all Muslim brothers and sisters Malaysia would take the lot, after all any attack on islam is an attack on them all, so they keep telling us , doe s not matter what country they come from.............maybe it only works one way

Your tribal thinking is just as narrow minded as what you are accusing the Muslims of!!

They (the Rohingya) are human beings in dire need of help, no matter what God they call theirs!!

Don't worry JOC, just a bit of Islamophobia creeping in. I am surprised it took this long actually because usually the rednecks on TV take over subjects such as this since they cannot differentiate poor hapless Rohingya farmers who are Muslim in name only from jihadists who are a perverted Muslim minority too well publicized.There have been and always will be fundamentalist extremists in every religion just as there have been and always will be folks who lump all under one banner and damn them all for it regardless of their huge cultural language history and racial differences.

As for the General, this is diversionary populist politics of the most cynical kind.


never underestimate the ability of these NGO's to have their hand in the pie as well. I have seen some of these organizations do some pretty sleazy and underhanded things too.

Is this anecdotal or real? What have you seen Allseeingeye?


On the one hand it looks as if Thailand are stopping Aid groups from helping these people, and in the next but one headline, the Thai Navy are sending 7 vessels to help them!

* I realise after reading the article that the PM is concerned that the Rohingyas may include some of the people that are actually involved in the smuggling/trafficking, but on first impressions from the headline I thought exactly the opposite!

It's cynical politics at work: Good cop. bad cop. 'Tough' for national consumption and 'compassionate' for international news agencies.


Thought as they are all Muslim brothers and sisters Malaysia would take the lot, after all any attack on islam is an attack on them all, so they keep telling us , doe s not matter what country they come from.............maybe it only works one way

Your tribal thinking is just as narrow minded as what you are accusing the Muslims of!!

They (the Rohingya) are human beings in dire need of help, no matter what God they call theirs!!

Well muslim states are keen on telling u you insult one you insult them all so............ why arent their "brothers" helping then, personally I couldnt care less either way, just pointing out their hypocrisy.

Well they are (even if a bit slow at it) Malaysia (Muslim) YES. Gambia (Muslim) YES, Indonesia (Muslim) YES Philippines (Christian).YES, New Zealand (Christian) YES, Australia (Christian) NO, Thailand (Buddhist) NO, And Myanmar where all this started (Buddhist) NO.


Thai junta chairman Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha said authorities are investigating Rohingya rights advocates in Thailand to determine whether they are linked to human trafficking operations.

wow, that is intimidation at it's best... I see how he rose to the top of the military heap... whistling.gif


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