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What would you do?

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This is just the logical next step after

training the farang to get the check

for the extended family meal. Does

anyone here doubt that the OP would

be ostracised if he refused to pay??

I doubt i would be ,but you are failing to grasp the point,i have money,they do not,i would do the same thing if i was in the same position back in the west,in all honesty what should i say,no you are not having a satang,you sort it out,how would i appear then,sometimes in life you have to pay for thing's possibly you would rather not,but in this instance,i think i am doing the right thing,also i am glad i do not share your rather cynical view of Thai people,or human beings in general.

Not sure why you felt the need to have a dig

but since you did, let me say that I'm glad I

don't share your gullibility or your aptitude

for choosing women.

My cynicism isn't based on perceptions of

Thai people as a whole because I know better.

My cynicism is based on what I've read

about the non stop dramas you've been

"kind" enough to inflict on the membership

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Well at least my posts consist of better subjects,than your last thread,about sour faced men pushing women along with there hands in the small of their backs,or some such gammon.

You mean like asking people what you

should do when your wife stops having

sex with you when she hits 40??

Life imitating art soap, I guess

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Jeez, what the hell is wrong with you, marko?

I mean, you open the door to invite comments on your personal life but, because you don't like what one or two respondents have to say, you chuck your toys and ask the mods to close the thread; a request they seem to have quite rightly denied

Honestly, you're like a big baby sometimes

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Tough one for sure. No one wants to be taken for a fool but neither does a caring person not want to help.

Most villages have a fund they raise for the family when someone dies. Every household contributes.In out village if the person who dies is from my moo then we give 100 baht if the person isnot from our moo but the village we give 20 baht. Depends how big the village is what the family will receive. Also if the family is poor friends and neighbours will give food or drinks,they get recognotion for this at the actual funeral.

I think you donot have a problem. Sounds like the 30,000 is so they can get things started I feel the costs will well exceed that. Looks to me like they just need the money to cover the first day.

Oh and good on you for doing it. I am sure they will respect you for it as do I.

Lets hope they stop at immediate family.

I thought every moo ban had some insurance fund that everyone paid into so everyone was assured of at least a basic funeral?

It's true.But you can't get this money immediately. So in this case I think his wife just want to pay for all preparations in advance. Money will back later(after funeral).

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This is just the logical next step after

training the farang to get the check

for the extended family meal. Does

anyone here doubt that the OP would

be ostracised if he refused to pay??

I doubt i would be ,but you are failing to grasp the point,i have money,they do not,i would do the same thing if i was in the same position back in the west,in all honesty what should i say,no you are not having a satang,you sort it out,how would i appear then,sometimes in life you have to pay for thing's possibly you would rather not,but in this instance,i think i am doing the right thing,also i am glad i do not share your rather cynical view of Thai people,or human beings in general.

You're doing right thing. Money is important. But some things you can't buy for money. Respect from your wife/family/villagers...And if your wife is good girl( I don't have any reasons not believe you) she'll never ask you to pay for funerals of some distant relatives.... It's just my guess..You asked this question because you're not sure if family of your wife considers you to being a member of family or an alien with money,do you? I don't like to give advices( not enough old for this!).But.. Do right things how you understand it and don't care very much about opinions of others.

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Jeez, what the hell is wrong with you, marko?

I mean, you open the door to invite comments on your personal life but, because you don't like what one or two respondents have to say, you chuck your toys and ask the mods to close the thread; a request they seem to have quite rightly denied

Honestly, you're like a big baby sometimes

I am striving to emulate you.

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Jeez, what the hell is wrong with you, marko?

I mean, you open the door to invite comments on your personal life but, because you don't like what one or two respondents have to say, you chuck your toys and ask the mods to close the thread; a request they seem to have quite rightly denied

Honestly, you're like a big baby sometimes

I am striving to emulate you.

Well, you're failing miserably


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I would pay nothing,

Most villages have a communal burial fund, everyone puts in a bit every month and that pays for the funerals.

Not a luxury one, just the basic with a couple of monks and a burning.

I'm always suspicious of them asking a foreigner to pay.

Quick way to make a bit of money in too many cases.

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