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Corruption at all schools

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Of course there are features in life a Thai wouldn't be caught dead doing. And then others, like beating women and losing the family savings betting on Beta Fish that are justifiable. So sure, we all live by rules, stoning women and beheading a guy cause he had a snack on Ramadan are all okay, somewhere in the World.


Thais are good for confessing, even for apologizing. But when you're Farang (not Thai) it seems you have less reason for being counted in. Especially when you're not spending money like a drunken sailor. Just an opinion.

You really think Thai people think that spousal abuse and gambling are acceptable? Thai people aren't any different than any other human, they do things that are wrong and know it. They don't believe that any of those things are appropriate.

Comparing an indigenous culture from South America that kills unwanted babies to Thai people who may or may not bend the rules for their own gain are quite different.

Though you are right cultures have practices that are accepted locally but not globally. None of the examples given in this thread are accepted by Thais. People get arrested for corruption all the time and local people often complain about corruption with their friends. One university professor here lost her title and position because of her ineptness and corruption. The difference is that it isn't Thai custom to protest every little thing and talk in outrage. Sometimes that bothers me when people don't stop things that they know are wrong, but that will change in time.

Some people find they relate better to other cultures. It is clear that you have a connection with Mexico but Asia in a whole is antithetical to you. However, what you seem to be doing is stating that it is us (the local culture) that are wrong and not understanding that it is your perspective that needs to change not these cultures.

There are many qualified and highly ethical teachers living in China, Thailand etc. that don't fight every step of the way. I don't need to be corrupt to work in a corrupt system. I just learn how to live without conflict.

As for grading, I typically use whatever lowest grade the school allows and tell the students flat out that is a F to me. Though they pass they are the lowest and really need to get extra help from me. Not everyone has to get an A to pass. I make an A even harder to get. My last school a 50% was passing and that was the lowest.

I love your example of how a student failed over and over. You do realize that you are the one that failed right and not the student? I had students that were mentally disabled and really had an impossible time passing any standard exam, so I scaffolded it to meet their abilities and they passed. The students still proved to have the knowledge but the manner of the assessment was different.

For example if you are teaching a story, having students with lower language skills to a story board drawing pictures and writing a brief description 1-2 words up to a sentence would still convey their knowledge of basic plot.

Did you use a rubric and give it to the students to let them know exactly what you were grading them on. Did you grade them on things that you didn't cover in class? Things that you assumed should be basic knowledge?

Really sounds like you failed here and are blaming everyone but yourself.

FYI the reason that I just quote from the text rather than use the quote function is that it is blocky and takes up too much room. I find it aesthetically unpleasing. It isn't because I don't know how to do it.

This is an excellent post. We have to remember that it is not always the student's fault that they fail; sometimes it is ours. This is why we need to reflect on our lessons, and not decide that students are at fault. Continually teaching the same things in the same way will not help students who fail pass a test; we need to change what we do to help them. Some students are beyond it, but most can learn something. If they don't, then WE are to blame

Edited by nellyp
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I say female.........they start off by being bitter because there are very few fields that they can dominate in. Also, many female teachers have declared themselves to be lesbians after their marriages ended in divorce. Females are able to get away with discriminatory practices that men have never been able to get away with. I've seen some schools that were entirely female staff, and that included the custodian. I've also witnessed female teachers being physically aggressive with male students, and again, male teachers would never get away with it. So if you consider corruption: nepotism, discrimination, and generally flouting the law; the females get my vote.

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