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Three Thais arrested in connection to shooting of Australian

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Welll he asked for it if you ask me. An affair with a married girl , that means big trouble in Thailand.

Ha! My wife never ceases to remind me that any affair means big trouble. That warning is sometimes followed by an Internet photo of severed male pieces parts! Yikes! Glad I am a natural at sleeping on my belly.

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>>A source from the provincial police office said the Australian man lives with his Thai girlfriend in Mueag Surat district but he also has long-term affair with a caddy girl, who is married to a Thai man. << Quote

If you are that stupid, you almost deserve to get injured!!

The only remaining question is, who ordered the hit? A jealous wife or a jealous husband??

Apparently he did everything in the book to get into trouble in Thailand....

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What a messed up country!!

Where you can hire a 18 year old student to kill someone completely unknown to him.........>>He said he spotted the car and he opened fire at the driver immediately. When he was about to fire for the second time to finish off his target, he realized that his target is a foreigner.<<

To my fellow posters be careful, and stay safe out there. Too many lunatics here!!

Yea. 60% are Thais and the other 40% are foreigners.

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i of course, run a full background check and carry out 6 months surveilance on every girl i bone, heaven forbid i chose 1 that might be married and didnt think to tell me.........they wouldnt lie, would they???

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i of course, run a full background check and carry out 6 months surveilance on every girl i bone, heaven forbid i chose 1 that might be married and didnt think to tell me.........they wouldnt lie, would they???

You "forgot" a minor detail!!

The cheating farang was living with another Thai lady, and with my experience there is no way, she was just accepting that!! So he had to tell a few porkies...............

Infidelity is not worth the headache, it is causing.

Besides, sex is so easy accessible here, that it almost becomes "not sexy" ...................

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I feel for the kid. God knows many of us did some crazy stuff when we were 18, but most of us were lucky enough to have some parental guidance, a few friends that looked out for us or something to gives us that wake up call before being easily led or going to far, like playing sport or the prospect of a career. We must remember that this kid is a victim too. He was obviously manipulated by an elder, though he carried out the crime and must be punished. I hope someone cares enough about him to try and help him find some happiness and contentment in his life at some point in the future.

I hope too that the Thai lady and her husband can repair their marriage after what sounds like they became victims of the proverbial Indecent Proposal, for those of you that have seen the film.

As for the Australian guy, I hope he makes a recovery and mentally grows from this to realise that although poor people are often easily bought to satisfies one's selfish desires, it is morally reprehensible and has the potential to cause a lot of pain and suffering.

KennyPowers, truly liked your reply and every word of it. very well said.

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"95% of the women here that have Farang boyfriends are either married or have Thai boyfriends , it's the norm here to have a Gik"

Anyone who has basic knowledge of statistics knows your 95% is based on what is called "biased (non-random) sample space error"

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Interesting reply really because how many falaangs would like to see their wife's ' on the side ' man dead biggrin.png it can work both ways even though I do not condone the Thai guy ordering his execution I can sort of imagine his rage, jealousy and dispair when he did this as it would seem quite obvious he would get caught for it....

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On TV there seems to higher than normal amount of "challenged" people as they are actually defending a murder attempt against man because he was having an affair with another mans wife.

A normal man who found out that his wife was cheating on him would do one or several of the following things: divorce, screw someone else or forgive.

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The Aussie was playing with fire by cheating on his partner and got burnt, no sympathy from me. As for the caddy, she was getting paid, so for her it was a business arrangement. The young bloke who shot him deserves jail for trying to murder someone. What a mess, just to get your rocks off.

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So, if the target had been a Thai, all would have been ok with the kid? Bizzare.

And, what is a caddy girl, if I may ask? I am guessing it has nothing to do with golf.

A caddy girl in Thailand is the 19th hole, but when you are finished you should pack up your balls and shaft club a until you play the next 18 holes 19 holes.

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>>A source from the provincial police office said the Australian man lives with his Thai girlfriend in Mueag Surat district but he also has long-term affair with a caddy girl, who is married to a Thai man. << Quote

If you are that stupid, you almost deserve to get injured!!

The only remaining question is, who ordered the hit? A jealous wife or a jealous husband??

Exactely, the killer student certainly deserves a harsh sentence to teach him that there is no valid reason to kill someone.

But whoever gave the order is as guilty as well.

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"debt of gratitude" straight out of the mafia rule book

Sămnʉ́kbunkun and Gàdtanyuu. They're inherent to the Thai culture. Not ' straight out of the mafia rule book', which at best is complete ignorance of the culture you life in. Try digging a litter deeper instead of making ignorant comments about a culture you don't understand. But, can it result in stupidity like this: guess so!

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>>A source from the provincial police office said the Australian man lives with his Thai girlfriend in Mueag Surat district but he also has long-term affair with a caddy girl, who is married to a Thai man. << Quote

If you are that stupid, you almost deserve to get injured!!

The only remaining question is, who ordered the hit? A jealous wife or a jealous husband??

My wife once made a comment about a Thai guy she worked with who had a wife and a gig. He worked in Lamphun province but his family was elsewhere, and he had a gig locally where he worked (a female 'friend' for those who don't know). Her comment to me was, "He's a man, he has needs."

I doubt if my wife would ever use that same sentence to describe me even though since menopause, sex has become naught but a distance memory. But if I ever did decide to have a female 'friend', I'd darn sure remember that comment and bring it to her attention. And whether it was either the caddy girl or his wife, I'd say it doesn't matter. Attempted murder needs to be dealt with. I've told my family that if I'm ever murdered to take all the resources I've left at their disposal to find out who was responsible. It's a good idea to freeze your foreign assets in case of a murder until they (police or private investigators) have cleared your Thai beneficiaries, if you get my drift.

Edited by connda
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Welll he asked for it if you ask me. An affair with a married girl , that means big trouble in Thailand.

Yep, that's right.

Blame the victim again.

In a society where the women are more likely to be having affairs then the men, where gigs and mia nois are a cultural reality, your comment comes off as...quite farang.

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"debt of gratitude" straight out of the mafia rule book

Sămnʉ́kbunkun and Gàdtanyuu. They're inherent to the Thai culture. Not ' straight out of the mafia rule book', which at best is complete ignorance of the culture you life in. Try digging a litter deeper instead of making ignorant comments about a culture you don't understand. But, can it result in stupidity like this: guess so!

connda, you seem to be saying there is no Thai mafia. My view is that what this young man did was more influenced by Thai mafia culture than any traditional Thai culture. I do not believe they are one and the same. As far as I can tell, surangw has not responded to your criticism of his comment but I think your comment was unnecessary and definitely should not have used the word "ignorant". Sorry about that. However, I hope I understand your last sentence correctly. You seem to be saying that "culture" can cause stupidity like this. I will not comment further on what culture but believe that those who requested the "debt of gratitude" are just as guilty as the man who fired the gun and hope all will be convicted. It seems there should be enough evidence to convict available from the information on the original posting but perhaps there may be another twist in the tale.

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Those who ordered the " hit " so to speak will be dealt with far more severely than the young kid who carried it out, and rightly so.

That forms part of any judgement in Thai law.It was included specifically where people of influence were ordering these type of reprisals over land and business disputes.

The youngster will actually get off light as a rule because of his young age, and the pressure from the older guys who should have known better and have either pressured or coerced him to do it.

On the subject of " mafias " these are well documented and alive and well in Thailand with no shortage of recruits.

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Should have stoped at the eighth hole, who knows? Maybe the kid was not even trying to shoot this guy? Or maybe this never even happend as the news present it? I find it hard to believe anything that the newspapers put out in Thailand. Or anywhere for that matter.

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>>A source from the provincial police office said the Australian man lives with his Thai girlfriend in Mueag Surat district but he also has long-term affair with a caddy girl, who is married to a Thai man. << Quote

If you are that stupid, you almost deserve to get injured!!

The only remaining question is, who ordered the hit? A jealous wife or a jealous husband??

Victim blaming! Infidelity is legal, contract killings are not.

Not a matter of legality, but rather a matter of fact: jealousy has possibly been the leading cause of murder in human history. All the laws in the world won't protect you once you're dead.

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Sorry but there are no victims just stupidty. The caddy is guilty for screwing and taking the Aussie's money so they had a broken marriage to start with. The Thai guy for ordering to kill someone is a crime and my guess is no angel himself. Does that solution really repair/fix their relationship? Highly doubt it. The Aussie's GF or an innocent bysander could have been behind that wheel? The kid has no moral fiber in him to kill someone and didn't know who or why for his action. And the Aussie guy is just stupid as he should have known the dangers of Thai society who kill/harm for little justification...

Another example of emotion over reasoning leads to a bad outcome....there are a lot of stupid people and they're all around us...

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