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Three Thais arrested in connection to shooting of Australian

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I feel for the kid. God knows many of us did some crazy stuff when we were 18, but most of us were lucky enough to have some parental guidance, a few friends that looked out for us or something to gives us that wake up call before being easily led or going to far, like playing sport or the prospect of a career. We must remember that this kid is a victim too. He was obviously manipulated by an elder, though he carried out the crime and must be punished. I hope someone cares enough about him to try and help him find some happiness and contentment in his life at some point in the future.

I hope too that the Thai lady and her husband can repair their marriage after what sounds like they became victims of the proverbial Indecent Proposal, for those of you that have seen the film.

As for the Australian guy, I hope he makes a recovery and mentally grows from this to realise that although poor people are often easily bought to satisfies one's selfish desires, it is morally reprehensible and has the potential to cause a lot of pain and suffering.

Haha, wow. This has got to be a troll. Nice job.


I feel for the kid. God knows many of us did some crazy stuff when we were 18, but most of us were lucky enough to have some parental guidance, a few friends that looked out for us or something to gives us that wake up call before being easily led or going to far, like playing sport or the prospect of a career. We must remember that this kid is a victim too. He was obviously manipulated by an elder, though he carried out the crime and must be punished. I hope someone cares enough about him to try and help him find some happiness and contentment in his life at some point in the future.

I hope too that the Thai lady and her husband can repair their marriage after what sounds like they became victims of the proverbial Indecent Proposal, for those of you that have seen the film.

As for the Australian guy, I hope he makes a recovery and mentally grows from this to realise that although poor people are often easily bought to satisfies one's selfish desires, it is morally reprehensible and has the potential to cause a lot of pain and suffering.

Are you by any chance a marriage counselor?


I feel for the kid. God knows many of us did some crazy stuff when we were 18, but most of us were lucky enough to have some parental guidance, a few friends that looked out for us or something to gives us that wake up call before being easily led or going to far, like playing sport or the prospect of a career. We must remember that this kid is a victim too. He was obviously manipulated by an elder, though he carried out the crime and must be punished. I hope someone cares enough about him to try and help him find some happiness and contentment in his life at some point in the future.

I hope too that the Thai lady and her husband can repair their marriage after what sounds like they became victims of the proverbial Indecent Proposal, for those of you that have seen the film.

As for the Australian guy, I hope he makes a recovery and mentally grows from this to realise that although poor people are often easily bought to satisfies one's selfish desires, it is morally reprehensible and has the potential to cause a lot of pain and suffering.

In Indecent Proposition the price was $1 million. I'm quite sure that the opening bid was far less than B1 million and it wasn't the farang making it.

I used to do a lot of solo bike tours around the country, riding in the morning and then stopping somewhere when it got too hot. Although I am assured I am devastatingly handsome and more eloquent than Shakespeare, it still doesn't explain why more days than not I was asked if I wanted a girl for the night LONG before I got to a bar, and sometimes by her parents. There was nothing subtle about the offers, and the prices were quite reasonable.


>>A source from the provincial police office said the Australian man lives with his Thai girlfriend in Mueag Surat district but he also has long-term affair with a caddy girl, who is married to a Thai man. << Quote

If you are that stupid, you almost deserve to get injured!!

The only remaining question is, who ordered the hit? A jealous wife or a jealous husband??

Victim blaming! Infidelity is legal, contract killings are not.

I am blaming the victim for the lack of common sense, not for his infidelity...........

If you know just a little about Thailand, you would know, that dating a woman, married to a Thai man is asking for trouble!!

If you have a Thai partner and are paying allowance to another lady, you are asking for trouble!!

Survival 101 Thailand.............

You what they say about common sense JOC, it's not that common. Apparently, it seems, amongst western men in Thailand when it come to Thai women.


I feel for the kid. God knows many of us did some crazy stuff when we were 18, but most of us were lucky enough to have some parental guidance, a few friends that looked out for us or something to gives us that wake up call before being easily led or going to far, like playing sport or the prospect of a career. We must remember that this kid is a victim too. He was obviously manipulated by an elder, though he carried out the crime and must be punished. I hope someone cares enough about him to try and help him find some happiness and contentment in his life at some point in the future.

I hope too that the Thai lady and her husband can repair their marriage after what sounds like they became victims of the proverbial Indecent Proposal, for those of you that have seen the film.

As for the Australian guy, I hope he makes a recovery and mentally grows from this to realise that although poor people are often easily bought to satisfies one's selfish desires, it is morally reprehensible and has the potential to cause a lot of pain and suffering.

Please tell me what kind of hallucillogen you are taking, I want some too... crazy.gif


What a messed up country!!

Where you can hire a 18 year old student to kill someone completely unknown to him.........


No, the kid was not a professional assassin, he was pressured into doing it due to some sort of 'debt.' He was not hired.

Interesting, though, why he freaked out when he saw the guy was a farang.

Sounds like the excuse that came to mind, not an explanation for his actions or even indecisiveness.

Sounds like what he is trying to say that because he was a foreigner he did not intend to kill him. Therefore it would not be attempted murder, or at least not attempted murder of a foreigner, which would be worse than a local. Might be a smart move on his part.


There appears to be more to this case than meets the eye.

The old Australian guy was playing a dangerous game and I don`t mean golf. The old guy as well as many others believe, that by plying money into something there will not be any consequences.

Over my many years of living in Thailand I have learned never to get involved here, to keep my head down and keep a low profile. In the local community where I live, over the years there have been many opportunities to become involved with married women, but I avoid them like the plague, the same as I would in my own country.

Getting involved in other people`s dramas and crossing the taboo lines is a bad idea, it`s all down to common sense and thinking above the waist, not below it.


"A source from the provincial police office said the Australian man lives with his Thai girlfriend in Mueag Surat district but he also has long-term affair with a caddy girl, who is married to a Thai man. The Australian man is known to have been giving monthly allowance to the caddy, whom police will soon interrogate, the source added."

What intrigues me is how the police, as reported, got the above information. It would appear that the source of the information is highly relevant to solving the crime.


Welll he asked for it if you ask me. An affair with a married girl , that means big trouble in Thailand.

95 % of the women here that have Farang boyfriends are either married or have Thai boyfriends , it's the norm here to have a Gik .


Quite amazing that an 18yo is not considered an adult.

After our lads returned to Australia from the Vietnam war, it was agreed that if an 18yo could go and fight and sometimes be killed for his country, then he was adult enough to drink alcohol and be considered truly an adult.

So why the difference here? Late maturing??


At 64 this guy should have known better what ever happened to a good old fashioned hiding,

Hiding...is what got him in this mess in the first place

err..hiding the sausage that is laugh.png


this is what happened. everything was going great, the husband was happy spending the money. then the Caddie told her husband about the size of the Farangs penis.


Name withheld because he's only 18?

No wonder there are so many instances of pampered mummies' man-boys.

At what age is he considered grown up?

Hes going to be let go with a telling off,

'don't go around shooting the farang you naughty boy'

Joke justice

I'm surprised the farrang wasn't charged with waisting the guys bullets and ordered to reimburse him with extras.


I lived and worked in Cali Colombia years ago. The last qualification for joining a street gang was to kill somone. On occasion the victim was assigned but more often than not it was simply random.


So, if the target had been a Thai, all would have been ok with the kid? Bizzare.

And, what is a caddy girl, if I may ask? I am guessing it has nothing to do with golf.

Yeah, it will be his regular caddy from the local golf course. Many of us golfers get quite attached to our caddies, particularly if they do a good job.

I'm quite attached to my caddy, we even buy each other birthday and Christmas presents.

No chance of anything untowards happening though - she's got a face that only a mother could love. facepalm.gif

That's when you get two bags. One for her and one for yourself, in case hers comes off.

I feel for the kid. God knows many of us did some crazy stuff when we were 18, but most of us were lucky enough to have some parental guidance, a few friends that looked out for us or something to gives us that wake up call before being easily led or going to far, like playing sport or the prospect of a career. We must remember that this kid is a victim too. He was obviously manipulated by an elder, though he carried out the crime and must be punished. I hope someone cares enough about him to try and help him find some happiness and contentment in his life at some point in the future.

I hope too that the Thai lady and her husband can repair their marriage after what sounds like they became victims of the proverbial Indecent Proposal, for those of you that have seen the film.

As for the Australian guy, I hope he makes a recovery and mentally grows from this to realise that although poor people are often easily bought to satisfies one's selfish desires, it is morally reprehensible and has the potential to cause a lot of pain and suffering.

When talking about the Thai ladies husband the word accomplice comes to mind. Also would be interested in knowing how an 18 year old acquires a gun.


Welll he asked for it if you ask me. An affair with a married girl , that means big trouble in Thailand.

95 % of the women here that have Farang boyfriends are either married or have Thai boyfriends , it's the norm here to have a Gik .

I am sure glad my g/f is in the remaining 5%


Excuse me,

Does anybody know that this guy in his older years even KNEW the girl had a husband?

Is it not feasible and possible he didn't?

Is it not also possible if she was his caddy and in regularly contact with him through golf, that she had strung him a line?

Furthermore, the guys saying he was messing with another persons wife? Do we know this to be fact? Is it possible they were no more than friends?

Finally, I know of many Thai men who send their girlfriends/ mia noi's/ partners/ wives to work in these jobs as Caddies, hostesses, bar girls ( as cashiers of course! ).

They care very little to what they are doing provided they have the money at the end of the day/week/month to go do what Thai males do which is drink Lao Khao, Yaa dong, cigarettes and the local karaoke bar calling in at the local cock fight for a quick gamble on the way, topped off with a quick smoke of illegal drugs,.


95 % of the women here that have Farang boyfriends are either married or have Thai boyfriends , it's the norm here to have a Gik .

I am sure glad my g/f is in the remaining 5%

19 to 1. Long odds.


Excuse me,

Does anybody know that this guy in his older years even KNEW the girl had a husband?

Is it not feasible and possible he didn't?

Is it not also possible if she was his caddy and in regularly contact with him through golf, that she had strung him a line?

Furthermore, the guys saying he was messing with another persons wife? Do we know this to be fact? Is it possible they were no more than friends?

Finally, I know of many Thai men who send their girlfriends/ mia noi's/ partners/ wives to work in these jobs as Caddies, hostesses, bar girls ( as cashiers of course! ).

They care very little to what they are doing provided they have the money at the end of the day/week/month to go do what Thai males do which is drink Lao Khao, Yaa dong, cigarettes and the local karaoke bar calling in at the local cock fight for a quick gamble on the way, topped off with a quick smoke of illegal drugs,.

From all ive seen and heard here I'd say that was a pretty spot on assessment.

Nearly every Thai woman i've met here has claimed to be single.The ones i could be bothered with, ive gone on to discover that they were lying. I have no doubt the others were lying as well.

In any case, I'd find it more believable if the shooting was because the Aussie stopped the payments

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