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Does old husband and young Thai wife combo work ?

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There is 35 years difference between my gf and I and her family has accepted me from the beginning. We have been living together just over a year but dated for a few months prior. My gf works and makes 20k + a month in a respectable job, goes to school on Sundaysto further her education, studies reading, writing and speaking English at home and helps take care of the house. She is a beautiful young lady and says I look very smart. I look much younger than my age and in great shape. By living with me her standard of living has increased but other than a few gifts, Birthday, college graduation, Christmas she pays for her own things with her earned money.

So yes, it can work and the family can accept the relationship.

There is the rule, then there is the exception. You're probably an exception. Being in great shape will definitely help as well. I know for a fact that when I lose my looks I will accept the reality and use my money as leverage. Thats how life is.

yes, I agree with you. I am lucky that I am still looking good. Being too fat or too thin, out of shape, bald, wrinkled, stupid, having bad teeth, dressing poorly, being rude, not friendly or smiling, being poor or cheap, not speaking any Thai are all factors that will decrease your chances with the Thai ladies. I am lucky and don't fit into any of those areas :)
You must be quite a catch!!

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hahaha.... Let's just say I never really had a problem.

I always see these posts by young guys saying old fat guy with young lady.... Not everyone is fat and not everyone who is over 50 looks like an old man.

There are lots of guys who fit the fat old look but I also see many young guys who look a lot worse than many of the guys 20+ years older. It's the hole package that counts....

29 years between us....Has never made a difference & the family accepted right away and have never asked for a thing - not a tattoo or drinker in the small family - hard working stay around the farm folks.....Wife is Uni educated and worked as a teacher for 2 years - didn't like it and spent 14 years as a manager for a company supplying electronic components/parts for Japanese auto manufacturers...

It always amazes me how good and kind hearted she is - completely G rated and positive about life and what she puts in her mind....

Besides the age difference I'm also not qualified for the fat/bald brigade.....Participate in a couple of active sports and stay in reasonable shape.....

Have more than a few friends in the west with about the same age gap....Never have heard/known of it it to be a problem for them either and we've chatted about quite a bit during get togethers.....The gals and husbands there stay within the Thai community happenings - which is pretty important for balancing life.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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^^ that's quite a big gap. Probably bigger than most people vs their parents.

In my case:

38 year old versus Mom's age + another 6 for Dad....

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↑↑↑ One big difference in the west is guys/men are pretty much "vetted" out by the Thai gals and their husbands before they are introduced to any Thai gals/sisters/women that are available.....It's a pretty self protective/tight (but not quite closed) society/group.....

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You're only 25 and you'r already saying "girls are girls, never trust them." ... uhmm... sorry for you, mate... .

Just ask this question to yourself, would you marry a women 29 years your senior without the exchange of money involved?

Get back to reality.

No I would't, but I do realise that males and females don't think and act the same.

I had a teacher at school who had been shot down while in the RAF,resulting in most of his body being very badly burnt, fortunately he survived and had his face reconstructed by a very good plastic surgeon. However he still looked horrible disfigured yet he met and married a good looking women and they had two children. Would a man marry a women so badly disfigured, I doubt it, and by the way he had no money. Likewise in the Falkland war a guy called I think Simon was also badly disfigured, yet it din't stop him from finding a wife, again he had no money. So I come back to my first point, men and women do not always look for the same thing when looking for a mate.

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There is 35 years difference between my gf and I and her family has accepted me from the beginning. We have been living together just over a year but dated for a few months prior. My gf works and makes 20k + a month in a respectable job, goes to school on Sundaysto further her education, studies reading, writing and speaking English at home and helps take care of the house. She is a beautiful young lady and says I look very smart. I look much younger than my age and in great shape. By living with me her standard of living has increased but other than a few gifts, Birthday, college graduation, Christmas she pays for her own things with her earned money.

So yes, it can work and the family can accept the relationship.

Just a curious question, but if she is paying for her own things, then how are you contributing to an increased standard of living?

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Sure some of these lopsided relationships work...However there are so many older guys that are clueless as there " wife is diffrent and they have a good one"....Im so tired of hearing this after 25 years of living here full time.

What I have obseved is that most relaitionships, age lopsided or not that involve an ex hooker are bogus. Those where the wife has worked and never dicked around with bars or the internet seem to last years longer.

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Sure some of these lopsided relationships work...However there are so many older guys that are clueless as there " wife is diffrent and they have a good one"....Im so tired of hearing this after 25 years of living here full time.

What I have obseved is that most relaitionships, age lopsided or not that involve an ex hooker are bogus. Those where the wife has worked and never dicked around with bars or the internet seem to last years longer.

Relationships with ex-hookers are fine; those with working hookers tend to not last so long.

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In the UK my first wife was 10 years younger than me , my second 16 years younger ,we were together for 13 years, i had relationships usually with women younger than me but had no inclination to marry again ,eventually here after playing the field i met my now wife through buisness she is 23 years younger than me ,we now have a son of 21 who is in university , i constantly read about how "old" guys get ripped off by "young" women but in my 24 or so years coming and living here i have actually only come across it once in real life and it had happened to him twice , some people never learn . It really just depends on the two people involved ,as i have said many times i have nothing at all against bar girls ,each to their own way of life ,but if you come over here meet a young hottie in a bar and fall in love in 5 minutes you are just looking for trouble ,i do know a few guys who married bar girls and are happy ,but they new their way around here and did not rush into their marriages but spent time getting to know their now wives ,

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This subject has been done to death and there is little give on any side regarding the subject. The young guys think it is 100% about the money and the older guys understand the money factor but believe there is more involved. Then you have the guys who say bar girls are no good and then the other side who say all girls same. And on and on and on.... I never hear anyone changing their opinion and saying " yes, you're right, now I understand" .

I think study the people and relationships around you and judge for yourself. It also can be different for different people.

My experience says that it can work but money is a factor although not as important as some say. Just never give them a paycheck for being with you.

How come we never see these same farangs marrying girls 15-20-25 years their junior in the west? Believe me it has a lot do with money. And the funniest part is how these guys categorize thai girls as normal girls vs bargirls. There are a lot of girls in Thailand who hold normal office jobs in the day, and hunt for customers in the night to supplement their income. Of course there are normal girls as well who have nothing to do with the bar scene. Please don't tell me a 30 year old girl can enjoy intimacy with some 70 year old fat pensioner.

My advice to any farang that wants to wife up some young chick, DONT DONT DONT. Lease them instead, that way you can change the girl whenever your bored. It will cost you more in the long run to wife them up, so many stories of guys losing millions of baht to these isaan princesses.

How come we never see these same farangs marrying girls 15-20-25 years their junior in the west?

Does happen if the guy is rich/ famous enough, though not all get married ( the ones with brains don't ). Hugh Heffner, Mick Jagger etc

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There is 35 years difference between my gf and I and her family has accepted me from the beginning. We have been living together just over a year but dated for a few months prior. My gf works and makes 20k + a month in a respectable job, goes to school on Sundaysto further her education, studies reading, writing and speaking English at home and helps take care of the house. She is a beautiful young lady and says I look very smart. I look much younger than my age and in great shape. By living with me her standard of living has increased but other than a few gifts, Birthday, college graduation, Christmas she pays for her own things with her earned money.

So yes, it can work and the family can accept the relationship.

Just a curious question, but if she is paying for her own things, then how are you contributing to an increased standard of living?

Seriously? If HE is paying for the house, food, electricity, water, appliances etc it gives her more money for her family, makeup etc. If SHE is paying for those things she must be a rare burd indeed.

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Sure some of these lopsided relationships work...However there are so many older guys that are clueless as there " wife is diffrent and they have a good one"....Im so tired of hearing this after 25 years of living here full time.

What I have obseved is that most relaitionships, age lopsided or not that involve an ex hooker are bogus. Those where the wife has worked and never dicked around with bars or the internet seem to last years longer.

What about ones that worked and then worked in the bars for a bit?

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My wife is 23 years younger than me, we are together since 2000, and married in 2006.

My wife work and has as such an own income, I also give her since 2013 , 10.000 Thb monthly, as I receive 20.000 ThB pension monthly more (for being married and 65 years old).

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You're only 25 and you'r already saying "girls are girls, never trust them." ... uhmm... sorry for you, mate... .

Just ask this question to yourself, would you marry a women 29 years your senior without the exchange of money involved?

Get back to reality.

Think you are the one who should get back to reality........rolleyes.gif

My ex English wife was 17 years younger than me and we were together 25 years.

Not many marriages today last that long do they..........smile.png

READ the post!!!!!! He's asking if you'd have married her if she'd been 29 years OLDER than you without some monetary compensation.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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There is 35 years difference between my gf and I and her family has accepted me from the beginning. We have been living together just over a year but dated for a few months prior. My gf works and makes 20k + a month in a respectable job, goes to school on Sundaysto further her education, studies reading, writing and speaking English at home and helps take care of the house. She is a beautiful young lady and says I look very smart. I look much younger than my age and in great shape. By living with me her standard of living has increased but other than a few gifts, Birthday, college graduation, Christmas she pays for her own things with her earned money.

So yes, it can work and the family can accept the relationship.

Just a curious question, but if she is paying for her own things, then how are you contributing to an increased standard of living?

Before she stayed with me I payed all my own living expenses including electric, water, rent etc. I stay in a nice new condo with all the necessary features, air, hot water, pool, gym, wifi, cable, large smart 3D TVs in each room, etc. She use to stay in the basic square room that other than air had nothing else. With her staying with me my living expenses may have increased by a few hundred baht at best a month but her standard has increased by miles. I pay all living expenses which for the both of us is just about the same I paid prior to her and I living together. I have a car and like to travel around Thailand. If going alone or with her I would just about spend the same for gas and hotel. She did not have her own car nor could really afford staying in a nice hotel. I cook Thai and farang food at home and she cleans. She prefers my cooking to the street food she use to eat ( I am a good cook :) ).

So basically she now lives the same life I live and it costs me little and her nothing. If she wants lipstick or a new pocket book or to go out to lunch with her friends it is up to her to pay. It costs me almost the same as living alone. I will not , I repeat... Will Not ! Give a woman a paycheck to stay with me. She must work and earn her own money. If some day we marry and she was unable to work the situation would be different and I would reconsider my position. But until that time comes she or any lady will not get a free ride.

One thing I do pay for is her education. It is for her (our) future and I am happy to support her 100% with that effort.

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Just ask this question to yourself, would you marry a women 29 years your senior without the exchange of money involved?

Get back to reality.

Think you are the one who should get back to reality........rolleyes.gif

My ex English wife was 17 years younger than me and we were together 25 years.

Not many marriages today last that long do they..........smile.png

READ the post!!!!!! He's asking if you'd have married her if she'd been 29 years OLDER than you without some monetary compensation.

I did read it fanks.........biggrin.png

So why tell us about your YOUNGER wife?

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There is 35 years difference between my gf and I and her family has accepted me from the beginning. We have been living together just over a year but dated for a few months prior. My gf works and makes 20k + a month in a respectable job, goes to school on Sundaysto further her education, studies reading, writing and speaking English at home and helps take care of the house. She is a beautiful young lady and says I look very smart. I look much younger than my age and in great shape. By living with me her standard of living has increased but other than a few gifts, Birthday, college graduation, Christmas she pays for her own things with her earned money.

So yes, it can work and the family can accept the relationship.

Just a curious question, but if she is paying for her own things, then how are you contributing to an increased standard of living?

Before she stayed with me I payed all my own living expenses including electric, water, rent etc. I stay in a nice new condo with all the necessary features, air, hot water, pool, gym, wifi, cable, large smart 3D TVs in each room, etc. She use to stay in the basic square room that other than air had nothing else. With her staying with me my living expenses may have increased by a few hundred baht at best a month but her standard has increased by miles. I pay all living expenses which for the both of us is just about the same I paid prior to her and I living together. I have a car and like to travel around Thailand. If going alone or with her I would just about spend the same for gas and hotel. She did not have her own car nor could really afford staying in a nice hotel. I cook Thai and farang food at home and she cleans. She prefers my cooking to the street food she use to eat ( I am a good cook smile.png ).

So basically she now lives the same life I live and it costs me little and her nothing. If she wants lipstick or a new pocket book or to go out to lunch with her friends it is up to her to pay. It costs me almost the same as living alone. I will not , I repeat... Will Not ! Give a woman a paycheck to stay with me. She must work and earn her own money. If some day we marry and she was unable to work the situation would be different and I would reconsider my position. But until that time comes she or any lady will not get a free ride.

One thing I do pay for is her education. It is for her (our) future and I am happy to support her 100% with that effort.

Delete new condo with all the necessary features, pool, gym, large smart 3D .... in each room, etc.

and our story is much the same.

However, I wouldn't pay for her education as I'll be dead before it'd be of any benefit to me biggrin.png .

Why would it be different just 'cause of getting married? Would you do that back home?

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"Why would it be different just 'cause of getting married? Would you do that back home?"

Getting married in my opinion brings the relationship to another level. At that level I would be more supportive. But having said that I would still want my lady to work if she could and be able to stand on her own two feet. I don't want her ever to be in a position where she is not able to walk away it she desires to do so. I only want someone with me who really wants to be with me.

I have seen a few couples in Thailand where the lady is 100% dependent on the farang and he becomes her lord and master. She would love to walk but it would be difficult as she has no skills.

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"Why would it be different just 'cause of getting married? Would you do that back home?"

Getting married in my opinion brings the relationship to another level. At that level I would be more supportive. But having said that I would still want my lady to work if she could and be able to stand on her own two feet. I don't want her ever to be in a position where she is not able to walk away it she desires to do so. I only want someone with me who really wants to be with me.

I have seen a few couples in Thailand where the lady is 100% dependent on the farang and he becomes her lord and master. She would love to walk but it would be difficult as she has no skills.

I don't know ANY couples back home where the husband works and the wife stayed at home and watches tv soaps. So why would it be different here?

She would love to walk but it would be difficult as she has no skills.

Like millions of Thai women, but they don't live with a man- they go out and do whatever it takes. Of course being with a man that pays is preferrable to working in a sweat shop or planting rice for 3,000 a month, but it is her choice to stay.

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"I don't know ANY couples back home where the husband works and the wife stayed at home and watches tv soaps. So why would it be different here?

She would love to walk but it would be difficult as she has no skills.

Like millions of Thai women, but they don't live with a man- they go out and do whatever it takes. Of course being with a man that pays is preferrable to working in a sweat shop or planting rice for 3,000 a month, but it is her choice to stay."

I agree with you. Back in the U.S. Almost Everyone works. I see here however some farangs prefer to have their wife's not work and stay home to take care of them. Or some I know say why work 50+ hours 6 days a week and make peanuts. Some ladies are just too lazy and lay around and want everything done for them. Everyone has their on reasons but for me I prefer to empower my lady. Give her the skills to stand on her own.

As you suggest the sweat shop or rice field is an option but most after living the nice life style would not want and some could not physically do the work. They get locked into an unhappy situation.

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There is 35 years difference between my gf and I and her family has accepted me from the beginning. We have been living together just over a year but dated for a few months prior. My gf works and makes 20k + a month in a respectable job, goes to school on Sundaysto further her education, studies reading, writing and speaking English at home and helps take care of the house. She is a beautiful young lady and says I look very smart. I look much younger than my age and in great shape. By living with me her standard of living has increased but other than a few gifts, Birthday, college graduation, Christmas she pays for her own things with her earned money.

So yes, it can work and the family can accept the relationship.

There is the rule, then there is the exception. You're probably an exception. Being in great shape will definitely help as well. I know for a fact that when I lose my looks I will accept the reality and use my money as leverage. Thats how life is.

yes, I agree with you. I am lucky that I am still looking good. Being too fat or too thin, out of shape, bald, wrinkled, stupid, having bad teeth, dressing poorly, being rude, not friendly or smiling, being poor or cheap, not speaking any Thai are all factors that will decrease your chances with the Thai ladies. I am lucky and don't fit into any of those areas :)
You must be quite a catch!!

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hahaha.... Let's just say I never really had a problem.

I always see these posts by young guys saying old fat guy with young lady.... Not everyone is fat and not everyone who is over 50 looks like an old man.

There are lots of guys who fit the fat old look but I also see many young guys who look a lot worse than many of the guys 20+ years older. It's the hole package that counts....

and it sounds like you must have a big package fella,am 54, you and me in the same ballpark? Put a pic up let's av a look at ya....
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I slipped into Malaysia yesterday and wow, it has managed to garner 5 pages. I am reading every single post.

In Asia, whenever a man marries a much younger lady, there is a saying "old goat grazing on young weeds". It's gathering pace in Asia, between Asians and Asians too, not just the stereotyped Farangs on pension vs ex bar girls. However, I would like to limit the subject to just marriage with a young Thai lady.

The consensus seems that it's workable but as far as possible the man must not belong to, as someone mentioned, the fat and bald brigade. In other words, there has to be room for some imagination (or fantasy) or desire on the part of the young lady to have sex or intimacy with you.

For the lucky ones whose marriage works, has your young Thai wife ever told you why she didn't mind the huge age gap or why she didn't opt for a young Thai man ? I mean young Thai man does not necessarily have to be a useless chap who lives off women. The young Thai man can still have a respectable career, in which case I'm specifically targeting at young Thai ladies who have a decent career and will have no difficulties associating with young Thai males with respectable career.

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It will work as long as the money flow doesn't stop, she might entertain some young cocks on the side as well.

Sounds like you hang around with the crowd of women.

My wife is 29 years younger than me, and the most important factors are that she is not a bar girl, a drinker, a gambler or a party girl. Her parents are long deceased. Things are fine.

It amazes me that so many guys here get involved with questionable characters and then they wonder what went wrong.

I'm afraid that with an age gap like that, I do not believe she stays with you only for love. There has to be more

to it than that. You must be contributing to a real good lifestyle for her. Does she work?

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