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Why not do a bit of Hindhu- bashing for not eating beef, huh?!

What's wrong with these guys, I mean I just pulled a statistic out my a....I have read somewhere, that you can not even call a woman a stupid cow in India!

They are totally forcing their archaic believe system onto us.

Or take them Jews!

Not only do they control all the worlds money and the Hollywood -movie industry...but that kosher -food they eat!


Oh and look, what I found here: there is a passage in the bible, that talks about not eating shellfi...ahm...forget about that!

But the Muslims, I mean really: not a restaurant in all of Europe, where you can eat pork!

...or so I heard...somewhere...

You are missing the point, perhaps deliberately missing the point.

Neither the Jews nor the Hindus demand that the food I buy, food that need not be halal, be blessed, ritually killed in the case of meat, and certified.

I would object just as strongly if they did.

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Halal food : an excellent indicator of where the Muslim religion belongs IMHO.

Back in the stone age when nobody knew anything and put it all down to a God - who must be kept happy.

You must also have that same attitude to kosher food.....but we mustn't ever bash the Jews for that....Muslims are fair game though, right?

Yes the Muslim religionists are fair game when they stone women for being raped, declare jihads and murder all those who don't agree with them, blow up nightclubs in Bali, shoot people having coffee in a Sydney shop. The list could go on and on.

I am an Islamaphobe when I criticise Muslims behavior and I am anti semitic when I criicise Israel's treatment of Palestine.

No one's played the Nazi card yet. Just wait.


Halal food : an excellent indicator of where the Muslim religion belongs IMHO.

Back in the stone age when nobody knew anything and put it all down to a God - who must be kept happy.

You must also have that same attitude to kosher food.....but we mustn't ever bash the Jews for that....Muslims are fair game though, right?

Yes the Muslim religionists are fair game when they stone women for being raped, declare jihads and murder all those who don't agree with them, blow up nightclubs in Bali, shoot people having coffee in a Sydney shop. The list could go on and on.

I am an Islamaphobe when I criticise Muslims behavior and I am anti semitic when I criicise Israel's treatment of Palestine.

No one's played the Nazi card yet. Just wait.

You are introducing other things here that have nothing to do with the OP. (But to digress with you...indeed Muslim fanatics who commit those atrocities are fair game for all sorts of criticism and hate.....and that is not islamaphobia, per se, it's warranted ire and loathing).

Have a look back at the dialogue....EJohn draws halal, God, and the stone age together. I suggest that kosher, God, and the stone age must also be looked at in the same way, IF one draws the first conclusion.....the same thinking applies.

When someone criticises halal from the point of view of it being an ancient superstition, then one must also be critical in the same way of other ancient superstitions. Christianity doesn't appear to have any religious rituals over food, Judaism does, so it's Judaism that is the apt parallel here, halal or kosher, they're both, in E.John's reasoning, stone age....but we don't see E.John criticising Judaism for their "stone age God who must be kept happy (with food rituals).


Halal food : an excellent indicator of where the Muslim religion belongs IMHO.

Back in the stone age when nobody knew anything and put it all down to a God - who must be kept happy.

You must also have that same attitude to kosher food.....but we mustn't ever bash the Jews for that....Muslims are fair game though, right?

Yes the Muslim religionists are fair game when they stone women for being raped, declare jihads and murder all those who don't agree with them, blow up nightclubs in Bali, shoot people having coffee in a Sydney shop. The list could go on and on.

I am an Islamaphobe when I criticise Muslims behavior and I am anti semitic when I criicise Israel's treatment of Palestine.

No one's played the Nazi card yet. Just wait.

You are introducing other things here that have nothing to do with the OP. (But to digress with you...indeed Muslim fanatics who commit those atrocities are fair game for all sorts of criticism and hate.....and that is not islamaphobia, per se, it's warranted ire and loathing).

Have a look back at the dialogue....EJohn draws halal, God, and the stone age together. I suggest that kosher, God, and the stone age must also be looked at in the same way, IF one draws the first conclusion.....the same thinking applies.

When someone criticises halal from the point of view of it being an ancient superstition, then one must also be critical in the same way of other ancient superstitions. Christianity doesn't appear to have any religious rituals over food, Judaism does, so it's Judaism that is the apt parallel here, halal or kosher, they're both, in E.John's reasoning, stone age....but we don't see E.John criticising Judaism for their "stone age God who must be kept happy (with food rituals).

I take some of your points, particularly the 'stone age' aspect. I can only immediately think of one food restriction in Christianity and that was until comparatively recently the Catholic Church decreed that no meat should be eaten on Friday. But there still remains the point that it is very hard to buy packaged food of almost any type that is not certified halal. Jews do not demand that food products that others are using be certified kosher. Kosher is their thing and they are able to comply without affecting the rest of the community.

Kosher and I presume halal had their reasons, which were basically health ones. Swine fever was endemic and crustaceans were bottom feeders and therefore unclean. The reasons for other restrictions seem to have been lost in the mist of time. They are followed because the Torah says so and no reason is given.

I also do not like halal slaughter method and want to buy meat that is not killed that way just as I pay extra for free range eggs in Australia as I thought it was cruel to keep hens in small cages. OK, just another bleeding heart.


Mmmmm, no. I'm pointing out the ridiculousness of fearing eating meat that has had mumbo-jumbo spoken over it.

And in so doing, I'm also pointing out the silliness of suggesting "we should force Muslims to eat pork".

If your religion forbids you to eat halal, I would love to see the scripture that makes that prohibition.

So what you are really saying is that any non-muslims should <deleted> and accept what they demand and muslims shouldn't accept anything at all non-muslims "demand" (which usually never ever happens). And where the hell did you get the idea of "fearing" to eat halal. Are you just making this crap up as you go? As you don't seem to understand i will tell you that it has absolutely nothing to do with fear but everything to do with being forced religious activities. And since when do i have to have a "holy pink unicorns book" to have some kind of saying on if i have to do something or not?

I don't think I have the eloquence to talk reason with someone whose lack of logic and rational progression is astounding.

I'll give it a quick try, but then I give up.....

No, I'm not really saying that...read again, slowly this time.

I am sure I do understand completely...you don't want to eat halal.....because a man said some words while killing the beast.

What I don't understand is how those whispered words affect the meat, in your eyes, your mind, your taste buds.

I mentioned "IF your religion....." (and I assume your reference to the holy pink unicorn book is a response to that) because I can see no other reason to not to want to eat meat that's been mumbled over than yet another fantasy belief that prohibits it. There's no rational reason not to eat it, so it must be irrational.

But you didn't get that, at all.

You may still not get it...as I said...I don't have the eloquence.

You very clearly do not understand what i am saying so it is you who lack the logic here.

What you are saying is following: "Person X shouldn't whine about halal as it doesn't affect their taste buds (where the hell did taste buds come in to this again? Stop making crap up.). Person A only eats halal food and because of this Person X should also be forced to eat halal food.

What i am saying is: "Person X shouldn't have to be forced to eat halal for whatever reason it may be just because Person A eat halal. Just as Person A cannot be forced to eat pork or non-halal because person X eat non-halal".

Do you get it?

If not, here it goes again.

Taste buds has nothing to do with it not wanting to eat halal. Nor fear, nor Batman, nor pink unicorns, nor nothing. It has to do with freedom of religion or lack of religion. No one can be forced into a religious practice against their will. Forcing halal on non-muslims IS FORCING RELIGIOUS PRACTICE ON PEOPLE. Get it?

It will help you to develop your logic if you read properly and use all the pertinent points to which you are replying. It will also help to comprehend what you read.

"What I don't understand is how those whispered words affect the meat, in your eyes, your mind, your taste buds.". Comprehension and reasoning lesson1; I don't know what your reason for not wanting to eat halal is.....is it this, that or the other (OR something else again). Keep in mind that the ONLY thing that has happened to that meat is some chap has mumbled some words over it (and keeping in mind your own self-confessed disdain for pink unicorns et al)...so what is it that causes your aversion? To zero in on taste buds and get all upset about that does not follow, if you comprehended the full context of my words.

You missed my previous reasoning too, that ended with the conclusion, "There's no rational reason not to eat it, so it must be irrational.". And before you go off about "crap" again, read back, slowly....that statement comes from the reasoning that you hold the ritual to be irrational. If the ritual consists only of magic words, and if the ritual is irrational, then any fear/aversion/dislike/etc of it is also irrational.

Nobody " IS FORCING RELIGIOUS PRACTICE ON PEOPLE". The only thing where religious practice is "forced" is upon the beast. Bruddy Heck! They're forcing their religion on a sheep!!!! Call PETA.

Once those magic words have been said....I challenge you to differentiate that meat from non-halal, using the very best science available. I think you know full well that it can not be done. So, there's a plate of halal mutton stew, and a plate of non-halal mutton stew, and your child is given one, but doesn't know which is which.....how will your child be affected upon eating what was put in front of her/him? It will make no difference at all. None. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Whichever plate she/he ate from. That is, except for the affect from the reaction of her/his irrational father believing that the meat is somehow different if it had words said while it was killed. Get it? It's all in your head. Your child is not being forced to eat religion. Your child does not assimilate some of that religion.

A good example of where religious practice IS forced upon people and it DOES actually, in reality, affect them is in countries that force businesses to close on Easter Sunday and Good Friday. But offering up meat that is halal does not affect anyone in reality, and does not force a religious practice upon the consumer. The meat is still the same, tastes the same, digests the same, and shits the same.


You must also have that same attitude to kosher food.....but we mustn't ever bash the Jews for that....Muslims are fair game though, right?

Yes the Muslim religionists are fair game when they stone women for being raped, declare jihads and murder all those who don't agree with them, blow up nightclubs in Bali, shoot people having coffee in a Sydney shop. The list could go on and on.

I am an Islamaphobe when I criticise Muslims behavior and I am anti semitic when I criicise Israel's treatment of Palestine.

No one's played the Nazi card yet. Just wait.

You are introducing other things here that have nothing to do with the OP. (But to digress with you...indeed Muslim fanatics who commit those atrocities are fair game for all sorts of criticism and hate.....and that is not islamaphobia, per se, it's warranted ire and loathing).

Have a look back at the dialogue....EJohn draws halal, God, and the stone age together. I suggest that kosher, God, and the stone age must also be looked at in the same way, IF one draws the first conclusion.....the same thinking applies.

When someone criticises halal from the point of view of it being an ancient superstition, then one must also be critical in the same way of other ancient superstitions. Christianity doesn't appear to have any religious rituals over food, Judaism does, so it's Judaism that is the apt parallel here, halal or kosher, they're both, in E.John's reasoning, stone age....but we don't see E.John criticising Judaism for their "stone age God who must be kept happy (with food rituals).

I take some of your points, particularly the 'stone age' aspect. I can only immediately think of one food restriction in Christianity and that was until comparatively recently the Catholic Church decreed that no meat should be eaten on Friday. But there still remains the point that it is very hard to buy packaged food of almost any type that is not certified halal. Jews do not demand that food products that others are using be certified kosher. Kosher is their thing and they are able to comply without affecting the rest of the community.

Kosher and I presume halal had their reasons, which were basically health ones. Swine fever was endemic and crustaceans were bottom feeders and therefore unclean. The reasons for other restrictions seem to have been lost in the mist of time. They are followed because the Torah says so and no reason is given.

I also do not like halal slaughter method and want to buy meat that is not killed that way just as I pay extra for free range eggs in Australia as I thought it was cruel to keep hens in small cages. OK, just another bleeding heart.

I can assure you that in Australia and NZ all meat is slaughtered humanely. the beasts are stunned electrically, and while comatose, the halal slaughterman does his thing (mumbling a few words). If it was not halal, the animal will dies in exactly the same way, sans the magic words.

I've witnessed it literally millions of times.

(As an aside, It's probably only the few kosher butcheries where any inhumane actions occur.)

So, the meat is humanely slaughtered.

A label then goes on it.....wow! A label! The label allows Muslims to identify it. Why is that a problem?...is it your eyes looking at the label that is the bother? Or something else? How does that label actually affect you?

What we're seeing in this discussion is an irrational dislike of a label. Some, erroneously, think it is religion being forced upon us....it is clearly not. That is confusing what is happening. Words....magic words that disappear into the ether are spoken....and unless you are completely irrational, those words, never heard by you, do not have ANY affect whatsoever on you. So it comes down to the label.

Or is it something else? Is it that because that meat is acceptable to one religious group, it becomes unacceptable to anybody else? Why would that be, unless, again, one is irrational and has their own religious (irrational) beliefs that prohibit words being spoken over a hunk of meat? Or is it ideological beliefs? One religion finds it acceptable to eat, thus, because I don't agree with that religion, their food becomes unacceptable to me? That, too is irrational.

I think it is the latter. And it is irrational. You have a right to hate Muslims for your own reasons, but it is irrational to have an aversion to the meat that is acceptable to them, just because you hate the people. The meat is just the same and knows no god or ideology, and will not affect you.


I would like to export halal pork to all islamic countries. They should get more pork on their fork. Lack of pork makes them want to behead people. What can I do?

Open a bar named Porkies next door to a Mosque and serve bbq pork and bacon sandwiches to all the neighbors whistling.gif

Im sure they will return time after time cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


I find it weird, how the word "halal" and an OP about Thailand exporting halal meat, immediately triggers the relgious hate-button of so many people.

They are forced to buy and eat halal- products- unless you are living in Baghdad, I think there are plenty of other options- and their reaction is to start arguments about jihad and ISIS.

The world is a strange place and some people are just farktarts, I guess!


I find it weird, how the word "halal" and an OP about Thailand exporting halal meat, immediately triggers the relgious hate-button of so many people.

They are forced to buy and eat halal- products- unless you are living in Baghdad, I think there are plenty of other options- and their reaction is to start arguments about jihad and ISIS.

The world is a strange place and some people are just farktarts, I guess!

It's not weird.....the world is full of irrational bigotries.

But yes, back to the OP......If I have a shop that sells pink ribbons, and I identify that some people in the community want blue ribbons, I will stock blue ribbons, and I will put a sign up saying "Blue Ribbons Sold Here". Be silly not to.


You are introducing other things here that have nothing to do with the OP. (But to digress with you...indeed Muslim fanatics who commit those atrocities are fair game for all sorts of criticism and hate.....and that is not islamaphobia, per se, it's warranted ire and loathing).

Have a look back at the dialogue....EJohn draws halal, God, and the stone age together. I suggest that kosher, God, and the stone age must also be looked at in the same way, IF one draws the first conclusion.....the same thinking applies.

When someone criticises halal from the point of view of it being an ancient superstition, then one must also be critical in the same way of other ancient superstitions. Christianity doesn't appear to have any religious rituals over food, Judaism does, so it's Judaism that is the apt parallel here, halal or kosher, they're both, in E.John's reasoning, stone age....but we don't see E.John criticising Judaism for their "stone age God who must be kept happy (with food rituals).

I take some of your points, particularly the 'stone age' aspect. I can only immediately think of one food restriction in Christianity and that was until comparatively recently the Catholic Church decreed that no meat should be eaten on Friday. But there still remains the point that it is very hard to buy packaged food of almost any type that is not certified halal. Jews do not demand that food products that others are using be certified kosher. Kosher is their thing and they are able to comply without affecting the rest of the community.

Kosher and I presume halal had their reasons, which were basically health ones. Swine fever was endemic and crustaceans were bottom feeders and therefore unclean. The reasons for other restrictions seem to have been lost in the mist of time. They are followed because the Torah says so and no reason is given.

I also do not like halal slaughter method and want to buy meat that is not killed that way just as I pay extra for free range eggs in Australia as I thought it was cruel to keep hens in small cages. OK, just another bleeding heart.

I can assure you that in Australia and NZ all meat is slaughtered humanely. the beasts are stunned electrically, and while comatose, the halal slaughterman does his thing (mumbling a few words). If it was not halal, the animal will dies in exactly the same way, sans the magic words.

I've witnessed it literally millions of times.

(As an aside, It's probably only the few kosher butcheries where any inhumane actions occur.)

So, the meat is humanely slaughtered.

A label then goes on it.....wow! A label! The label allows Muslims to identify it. Why is that a problem?...is it your eyes looking at the label that is the bother? Or something else? How does that label actually affect you?

What we're seeing in this discussion is an irrational dislike of a label. Some, erroneously, think it is religion being forced upon us....it is clearly not. That is confusing what is happening. Words....magic words that disappear into the ether are spoken....and unless you are completely irrational, those words, never heard by you, do not have ANY affect whatsoever on you. So it comes down to the label.

Or is it something else? Is it that because that meat is acceptable to one religious group, it becomes unacceptable to anybody else? Why would that be, unless, again, one is irrational and has their own religious (irrational) beliefs that prohibit words being spoken over a hunk of meat? Or is it ideological beliefs? One religion finds it acceptable to eat, thus, because I don't agree with that religion, their food becomes unacceptable to me? That, too is irrational.

I think it is the latter. And it is irrational. You have a right to hate Muslims for your own reasons, but it is irrational to have an aversion to the meat that is acceptable to them, just because you hate the people. The meat is just the same and knows no god or ideology, and will not affect you.

Ice cream, rice, baked beans and the most sacred food of all, Vegemite are all stamped certified halal. All pay a not inconsiderable fee or they are black banned by Muslims. These are products that are already halal, permissible.

There is a giant con going on, there are many millions of dollars being paid in fees. I don't know where the money goes.

But I don't want ANY religion taking over my food chain. No crosses, no Star of David, no Buddhas, no Oms and no Crescents

In Australia there is 1.9 per cent of the population dictating to the rest of the populace about food products.

There is one aim, one constant aim of Muslims, and that is the introduction of Sharia law. Well they have started.


Right, Britain had a ridiculous phase of halal hysteria about a year ago. I hope Thailand never has the same nonsense ! :)

[A giant pizza featured on the front page of The Sun newspaper on Wednesday morning, together with the headline: "Halal secret of Pizza Express." All chicken served in the chain is halal, the paper reported - but customers are not being told, they said.] (quote from the BBC link).



The sun newspaper for mentally retarded readers. Dont even deserve to be toilet paper.


Ice cream, rice, baked beans and the most sacred food of all, Vegemite are all stamped certified halal. All pay a not inconsiderable fee or they are black banned by Muslims. These are products that are already halal, permissible.

There is a giant con going on, there are many millions of dollars being paid in fees. I don't know where the money goes.

But I don't want ANY religion taking over my food chain. No crosses, no Star of David, no Buddhas, no Oms and no Crescents

In Australia there is 1.9 per cent of the population dictating to the rest of the populace about food products.

There is one aim, one constant aim of Muslims, and that is the introduction of Sharia law. Well they have started.

(previous dialogue snipped because discussion has taken a new turn)

Companies pay to have the "Heart Tick" certification (baked beans is one I recall off the top of my head). Some egg producers pay to have their eggs "certified non-battery hens". '"OIrganically Grown" is another one. There are other "certifications" I'm sure. Do those logos on food packages disturb you? Is it the paying of the price for certification that worries you? Many consumers want an egg, and don't care if it's battery hen laid or not....but the cost of certification or the logo do not bother them.

Halal certification has NOTHING to do with sharia. I've been aware of the halal requirement on food for my whole life, and STILL there is no sharia creeping into my community. The idea is preposterous.


Halal food : an excellent indicator of where the Muslim religion belongs IMHO.

Back in the stone age when nobody knew anything and put it all down to a God - who must be kept happy.

You must also have that same attitude to kosher food.....but we mustn't ever bash the Jews for that....Muslims are fair game though, right?

Yes the Muslim religionists are fair game when they stone women for being raped, declare jihads and murder all those who don't agree with them, blow up nightclubs in Bali, shoot people having coffee in a Sydney shop. The list could go on and on.

I am an Islamaphobe when I criticise Muslims behavior and I am anti semitic when I criicise Israel's treatment of Palestine.

No one's played the Nazi card yet. Just wait.



When a fall in Halal exports makes the news in a Buddhist country, we have a problem.

You are only one having more than a problem. You are the problem.

You didn't get it then, I understand.

Do the rest of the world a favour, go forth, but don't multiply.

Ice cream, rice, baked beans and the most sacred food of all, Vegemite are all stamped certified halal. All pay a not inconsiderable fee or they are black banned by Muslims. These are products that are already halal, permissible.

There is a giant con going on, there are many millions of dollars being paid in fees. I don't know where the money goes.

But I don't want ANY religion taking over my food chain. No crosses, no Star of David, no Buddhas, no Oms and no Crescents

In Australia there is 1.9 per cent of the population dictating to the rest of the populace about food products.

There is one aim, one constant aim of Muslims, and that is the introduction of Sharia law. Well they have started.

I assume you understand that very few food brand name products are actually Australian owned. In fact only 10% of products sold in supermarkets are supplied by Australian owned companies. Nearly all Australian food brands, including Vegemite, have been sold to multinationals such as Kraft & Heinz. As such the Australian Muslim community has no influence whatsoever; it's all about the global market for halal food that is currently estimated to be valued at around US$2 trillion p.a.

Sharia Law is not on the horizon. A very clear decision has been made by Federal government never to permit a pluralistic legal system in Oz.

Ice cream, rice, baked beans and the most sacred food of all, Vegemite are all stamped certified halal. All pay a not inconsiderable fee or they are black banned by Muslims. These are products that are already halal, permissible.

There is a giant con going on, there are many millions of dollars being paid in fees. I don't know where the money goes.

But I don't want ANY religion taking over my food chain. No crosses, no Star of David, no Buddhas, no Oms and no Crescents

In Australia there is 1.9 per cent of the population dictating to the rest of the populace about food products.

There is one aim, one constant aim of Muslims, and that is the introduction of Sharia law. Well they have started.

I assume you understand that very few food brand name products are actually Australian owned. In fact only 10% of products sold in supermarkets are supplied by Australian owned companies. Nearly all Australian food brands, including Vegemite, have been sold to multinationals such as Kraft & Heinz. As such the Australian Muslim community has no influence whatsoever; it's all about the global market for halal food that is currently estimated to be valued at around US$2 trillion p.a.

Sharia Law is not on the horizon. A very clear decision has been made by Federal government never to permit a pluralistic legal system in Oz.

Yes, I know ISIS and their mates are all happy little Vegemites and have it spread on their toast every morning for breckkie. It puts a rose in every cheek.



For God's sake, this is doner kebab meat in a kebab shop. In England, tens or hundreds of thousands of men get pissed (get drunk with alcohol) on Friday and Saturday nights, and eat a kebab on the way home from the pub or 'nightclub'. Anybody who is from England will know this, anybody who has visited England will also know this. Yes, the above picture is a familiar sight in England. How many kebab shops are there in England ? Loads.

Now, let's just stop this ridiculous hysteria about halal food and Muslims taking over the country. It's almost an insult to our intelligence. It's embarrassing having people go on about how dangerous halal food is.



For God's sake, this is doner kebab meat in a kebab shop. In England, tens or hundreds of thousands of men get pissed (get drunk with alcohol) on Friday and Saturday nights, and eat a kebab on the way home from the pub or 'nightclub'. Anybody who is from England will know this, anybody who has visited England will also know this. Yes, the above picture is a familiar sight in England. How many kebab shops are there in England ? Loads.

Now, let's just stop this ridiculous hysteria about halal food and Muslims taking over the country. It's almost an insult to our intelligence. It's embarrassing having people go on about how dangerous halal food is.

No, what is emparassing that you do not understand that freedom of religion or lack of gives everyone the right not to participate in religious activities. To be forced to eat halal is forcing people into religious activities. How can that be so hard to understand?


I believe countries do enough already to to cater to muslims and need to stop immediately. When we are in a muslim country we are expected to abide by their laws and culture and the same should be said for them.


I don't want to eat Halal food,I do not want it where I shop,and the less Muslims and their evil religion I come across the happier I am



For God's sake, this is doner kebab meat in a kebab shop. In England, tens or hundreds of thousands of men get pissed (get drunk with alcohol) on Friday and Saturday nights, and eat a kebab on the way home from the pub or 'nightclub'. Anybody who is from England will know this, anybody who has visited England will also know this. Yes, the above picture is a familiar sight in England. How many kebab shops are there in England ? Loads.

Now, let's just stop this ridiculous hysteria about halal food and Muslims taking over the country. It's almost an insult to our intelligence. It's embarrassing having people go on about how dangerous halal food is.

No, what is emparassing that you do not understand that freedom of religion or lack of gives everyone the right not to participate in religious activities. To be forced to eat halal is forcing people into religious activities. How can that be so hard to understand?

How hard is it for you to understand that for nearly all non Muslims consuming halal certified food is not considered a "religious activity", only by those holding extremist views such as you


Why aren't we forcing muslims to eat pork or non-halal? Because they are doing exactly the same to us by forcing us to eat halal. For instance most schools in Sweden only serve halal food and if you as a non-muslim parent complain to the school, municipality (they "control" schools) or Department of Education that you do not accept that your children are forced to eat ritual food you are either ignored or thrown the RACIST-card.

Poor you, who is forcing to eat halal? You must be under some heavy drugs or a 24 h subscriber to bar... Go get a sleep to rest.

Poor you for not getting out of your barrel more often then maybe you would know that for instance children in Sweden are FORCED to eat halal food weither their parents like it or not.

Are they tied down and force fed?! Does eating halal meat harm them? Maybe they could go vegetarian?

Recently when I was was in Singapore a friend showed me halal water. The certification was on the bottle. This has to be a scam.


I believe countries do enough already to to cater to muslims and need to stop immediately. When we are in a muslim country we are expected to abide by their laws and culture and the same should be said for them.

there are no laws in non-muslim countries that forbid halal and/or kosher food. you need to stop immediately having hallucinations laugh.png


Why aren't we forcing muslims to eat pork or non-halal? Because they are doing exactly the same to us by forcing us to eat halal. For instance most schools in Sweden only serve halal food and if you as a non-muslim parent complain to the school, municipality (they "control" schools) or Department of Education that you do not accept that your children are forced to eat ritual food you are either ignored or thrown the RACIST-card.

Poor you, who is forcing to eat halal? You must be under some heavy drugs or a 24 h subscriber to bar... Go get a sleep to rest.

i don't think he is under drugs but has not taken his daily dosis what the good doctor prescribed tongue.png

"ritual food" = cheesy.gif



For God's sake, this is doner kebab meat in a kebab shop. In England, tens or hundreds of thousands of men get pissed (get drunk with alcohol) on Friday and Saturday nights, and eat a kebab on the way home from the pub or 'nightclub'. Anybody who is from England will know this, anybody who has visited England will also know this. Yes, the above picture is a familiar sight in England. How many kebab shops are there in England ? Loads.

Now, let's just stop this ridiculous hysteria about halal food and Muslims taking over the country. It's almost an insult to our intelligence. It's embarrassing having people go on about how dangerous halal food is.

No, what is emparassing that you do not understand that freedom of religion or lack of gives everyone the right not to participate in religious activities. To be forced to eat halal is forcing people into religious activities. How can that be so hard to understand?

Eating halal food is in no more participating in religious activities than eating a chocolate egg in April that people call "an Easter egg" or a fruit cake that was made in December and was dubbed "a Christmas cake". Eating halal food is no more participating in religious activities than eating anzac biscuits is participating in geopolitical activities.

I see where your problem is now...at first I thought your dislike for halal was simply a conduit for Islamaphobia.....please excuse me for that error. You're failing to see that eating food, no matter how it was blessed or chanted over, is not a religious activity. The blessing was religious, and the chanting was, but that is where religion stopped. The food is still the same whether it had had the ritual or not, and no religion seeps out of it into your body. You don't join in the ritual. You don't believe in the ritual. The ritual was done days or weeks before you ate the food....all the magic has disappeared.

When you eat, you are not participating in anything religious whatsoever.

Your amusing notion that by eating halal you are participating in a religious activity is redolent of some of the more animistic Thai superstitions.



For God's sake, this is doner kebab meat in a kebab shop. In England, tens or hundreds of thousands of men get pissed (get drunk with alcohol) on Friday and Saturday nights, and eat a kebab on the way home from the pub or 'nightclub'. Anybody who is from England will know this, anybody who has visited England will also know this. Yes, the above picture is a familiar sight in England. How many kebab shops are there in England ? Loads.

Now, let's just stop this ridiculous hysteria about halal food and Muslims taking over the country. It's almost an insult to our intelligence. It's embarrassing having people go on about how dangerous halal food is.

No, what is emparassing that you do not understand that freedom of religion or lack of gives everyone the right not to participate in religious activities. To be forced to eat halal is forcing people into religious activities. How can that be so hard to understand?

Eating halal food is in no more participating in religious activities than eating a chocolate egg in April that people call "an Easter egg" or a fruit cake that was made in December and was dubbed "a Christmas cake". Eating halal food is no more participating in religious activities than eating anzac biscuits is participating in geopolitical activities.

I see where your problem is now...at first I thought your dislike for halal was simply a conduit for Islamaphobia.....please excuse me for that error. You're failing to see that eating food, no matter how it was blessed or chanted over, is not a religious activity. The blessing was religious, and the chanting was, but that is where religion stopped. The food is still the same whether it had had the ritual or not, and no religion seeps out of it into your body. You don't join in the ritual. You don't believe in the ritual. The ritual was done days or weeks before you ate the food....all the magic has disappeared.

When you eat, you are not participating in anything religious whatsoever.

Your amusing notion that by eating halal you are participating in a religious activity is redolent of some of the more animistic Thai superstitions.

If the sticker on the product just said ''Food'' there is no problem.

You get Cadbury's Cream Eggs and not ''this egg was produced the way that Jesus wanted,''

It's the promotion of values that is the problem.


Why aren't we forcing muslims to eat pork or non-halal? Because they are doing exactly the same to us by forcing us to eat halal. For instance most schools in Sweden only serve halal food and if you as a non-muslim parent complain to the school, municipality (they "control" schools) or Department of Education that you do not accept that your children are forced to eat ritual food you are either ignored or thrown the RACIST-card.

Poor you, who is forcing to eat halal? You must be under some heavy drugs or a 24 h subscriber to bar... Go get a sleep to rest.

i don't think he is under drugs but has not taken his daily dosis what the good doctor prescribed tongue.png

"ritual food" = cheesy.gif

No, no drugs needed here but you do need a dictionary. Please send me your name and address and i'll send a physical copy to you free of charge. If you don't want one then you can Google "dictionary".


How hard is it for you to understand that for nearly all non Muslims consuming halal certified food is not considered a "religious activity", only by those holding extremist views such as you

It's not hard to understand that is because most non-muslims have no idea what they are eating. If i told "everyone" that they are actually eating food that was slaughtered in "Allahs name" then i can assure you that most would understand that it is in fact religious food. But let me guess that you are a muslim as you so adamantly object to halal being religious food.

there are no laws in non-muslim countries that forbid halal and/or kosher food. you need to stop immediately having hallucinations laugh.png

Yes there are, you are just showing you total ignorance by stating such a thing. For instance kosher is forbidden in Sweden as any animal that is being slaughtered has to have anesthesia first.

Eating halal food is in no more participating in religious activities than eating a chocolate egg in April that people call "an Easter egg" or a fruit cake that was made in December and was dubbed "a Christmas cake". Eating halal food is no more participating in religious activities than eating anzac biscuits is participating in geopolitical activities.

I see where your problem is now...at first I thought your dislike for halal was simply a conduit for Islamaphobia.....please excuse me for that error. You're failing to see that eating food, no matter how it was blessed or chanted over, is not a religious activity. The blessing was religious, and the chanting was, but that is where religion stopped. The food is still the same whether it had had the ritual or not, and no religion seeps out of it into your body. You don't join in the ritual. You don't believe in the ritual. The ritual was done days or weeks before you ate the food....all the magic has disappeared.

When you eat, you are not participating in anything religious whatsoever.

Your amusing notion that by eating halal you are participating in a religious activity is redolent of some of the more animistic Thai superstitions.

If someone mutters religious words (in this case bismillah) then yes it is religious food and a religious activity. And don't even try to blend superstitions into a discussion about real things that are really happening because that is just plain dumb from your part.


Naam. Did my post mention anything about halal or kosher food. No it stated the obvious, that countries do enough to cater to muslims, so if i'm having hallucinations than you really need to learn to read because from your reply it's apparent that you can't.

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