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Leicester City players apologise over racist orgy in Thailand


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And thias are not racist are they ????

But what's that got to do with anything? Someone else made the same point further up, and it's equally meaningless.

Personally I never understand why we hold footballers up to some high moral standard. But I also don't understand why someone would want to share videos of their group orgy with friends, because that's ever going to back fire and end up in the papers or anything.

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your right, but jeremy clarkson used the term "slope" is that the same? nobody wanted to hang him

The idiot clarkson paid with his job for another incident, just one of a long series of incidents, and he'd been skating on thin ice for a long time.

These brain surgeons should be given the heave ho.

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Talk about Over-reaction ...cheesy.gif Only reason is that the Leicester3 are footballers it causes this outrage coffee1.gif

3 Guys having sex with some h00kers - whats the big deal really ? It happens 100´s of times every minut here or some apologists try to say opposite maybe rolleyes.gif

Read the articles. It's about their racist comments not about the sex. And nowhere is it suggested the girls were hookers.

Just watched the video on Mirror website and honestly I dont hear any racist remarks - discriminating yes but not racist ... My thaiwife tried to listen to what the girls are saying but couldnt understand it - only said that the girls seem to enjoy themself ...thumbsup.gif

As I hear it one of the Guys say the Word : Minion - as seen in "Dispicable me"

have another look then cloth ears ( or are you being sarcastic?! ) clearly says minging followed by shes a 1 out of 10.

and definitely says slit eye .

Both are slang that most Thais wouldnt understand.

Maybe they are working girls but does that justify this ?

This only perpetuates the image the Thais have of brainless , rude farangs.

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They were here at the behest of their club owner- so maybe the fault lies with allowing unchaperoned football players loose in the LOS.

They are football players after all, not to be confused with human rights envoys and philosophical genii.

In fact they seem to be ticking most of the boxes for the typical loutish behavior of professional football players, bit of casual racism and shared sexual deviance is all in a days work. In fact its lucky they didn't rape any ladyboys when you think about it.

How would you describe casual racism?

It wasn`t their romp with the prostitutes that caused the main trouble, but rather the so-called casual racism that has discredited the club, considering that these brain dead morons have a huge following of fans in Thailand, which the Thai supporters are yealding them in millions of ££££££s every year.

They have never heard of the old saying; You never bite the hand that feeds you.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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they were getting paid for their services and well I think.what do the thais say about some customers in they language when it is done and they are on too the next john

Well that makes it all very different doesn't it ? I guess everything is just fine in your eyes ?

It very much makes me think of an old expression of my father, " Common as muck !"

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What consenting adults get up to, behind closed bedroom-doors, and who gets paid for what, well who cares, 'up to them'.

OK, stupid to film it all, and then to let it get out. But won't be the first or indeed the last to do this.

But the racist comment & disrespect, to the ladies they're enjoying/employing, shows a great lack-of-class IMO.

And to do this while on a friendly promotional-tour to Thailand, this does reflect badly on all of us normal British expats, who would never dream of behaving like this when 'flying the flag' for our club or country. wink.png

They should have left this type of behaviour back home, where their friends/supporters might forgive them anything, out of club-loyalty.

One can only apologise, to Thais and Thailand, and make it clear that this does not represent the way we feel about this country. wai2.gif

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Simply managed Public Relations. They brought the "Game" into disrepute so should be banned from play for at least half of next season. If that is applied then Leicester City will indeed prove their stated regret.

The question though is will they put principle before profit?

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This is odd. I have been in Thailand for more than 13 years and I have never once heard the term "slit eye" used in connection with a Thai person.

The term "minging" is certainly not racist at all. The guys were paying for a service and were entitled therefore to rate that service out of ten, one out of ten indicated that consumers satisfaction with the service being offered.

The real offence here is that the event was videoed and then made public.

your right, but jeremy clarkson used the term "slope" is that the same? nobody wanted to hang him

Oh man, how wrong you are - there is an army of jeremy-haters who wanted him hanged LONG before before the 'slope' remark. He is the Marmite man of UK media - you either love it/him or love it/him - and there are millions who can't stand Marmite ! ;-)

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It's weird that lots of TV posters, who I presume have lived in Thailand a long time, think the owners will give a crap about some foreign teenagers having sex with a few uneducated single mothers from nakhon nowhere. The reality is that pay for play was probably part of the tour package offered by the hosts. The majority of hi-society folk see such women as servants of sorts, be it sexual or for cleaning and alike. The only issue the owners face is having to decide wether to pretend to give a toss in front of the Thai public and rest of the world. At the end of the day, as long as their daughters never date a farang, they won't be bothered.

What still confuses me is why the Thai news called the girls prostitutes but there is no mention of this in the UK.

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Leicester City players apologise over racist orgy in Thailand

LONDON: -- Three Leicester City players have apologised after they were filmed in an orgy with a Thai woman who was racially abused. The club has said it is “deeply concerned” and has launched an investigation after calls for the trio to be sacked.

The footage, obtained by the Sunday Mirror, allegedly shows the 22-year-old defender James Pearson, the son of the club’s manager, Nigel, the striker Tom Hopper, 21, and the goalkeeper Adam Smith, 22, naked in a Thai hotel room as women are filmed engaged in sex acts. In a clip of the video posted on the newspaper’s website, one of the men appears to be heard calling one of the women a “slit eye” in a racist slur.

Later one calls one of the women “minging – an absolute one out of 10” as his friends laugh. Other offensive comments are made to the women as the players appear to laugh and egg each other on. It is alleged the trio shared the explicit video with friends back in the UK.

In a statement the club said the players “would like to convey their sincere apologies for their behaviour – to the women involved in the incident, to the club and its owners, to the club’s fans and to their families”.

Earlier Leicester City had released a statement saying: “We take the conduct of our players at every level extremely seriously and will take appropriate action, if necessary, once the full facts of the situation have been established. Pending the outcome of an internal investigation the club will make no further comment.”

Full story: http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/may/31/leicester-city-investifation-thai-racist-abuse-allegations

-- The Guardian 2015-06-01

and thais aint racist no

And thias are not racist are they ????

And that is relevant? It was the footballers being racist not the Thai girls.

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It's weird that lots of TV posters, who I presume have lived in Thailand a long time, think the owners will give a crap about some foreign teenagers having sex with a few uneducated single mothers from nakhon nowhere. The reality is that pay for play was probably part of the tour package offered by the hosts. The majority of hi-society folk see such women as servants of sorts, be it sexual or for cleaning and alike. The only issue the owners face is having to decide wether to pretend to give a toss in front of the Thai public and rest of the world. At the end of the day, as long as their daughters never date a farang, they won't be bothered.

What still confuses me is why the Thai news called the girls prostitutes but there is no mention of this in the UK.

one has to realize everyone all the Thai known why young single males come here it the Farangs and their Newspaper that denial the fact

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To the 'boys will be boys' brigade. Can you at least see how these lads behavior was completely inappropriate as they were there in a professional capacity. If you got caught doing that your company would fire you. They were idiots and they deserve whatever comes their way.

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To the 'boys will be boys' brigade. Can you at least see how these lads behavior was completely inappropriate as they were there in a professional capacity. If you got caught doing that your company would fire you. They were idiots and they deserve whatever comes their way.

Their biggest crime was in filming & letting the footage enter the public domain. Nigel Pearson made enemies of the press a month before the season ended with his 'Ostrich' rant (see link); this is their payback.


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Total worthless knobs. Sack the lot of 'em. I wasted 2 minutes of my life watching these prats get their limp noodles wet. Why does every stupid Brit's 'coming of age' story have to be recorded and shown to the world? They have money and balls, but no brains; a lethal combination. Screw their apology. Not forgiven, jerks.

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It's weird that lots of TV posters, who I presume have lived in Thailand a long time, think the owners will give a crap about some foreign teenagers having sex with a few uneducated single mothers from nakhon nowhere. The reality is that pay for play was probably part of the tour package offered by the hosts. The majority of hi-society folk see such women as servants of sorts, be it sexual or for cleaning and alike. The only issue the owners face is having to decide wether to pretend to give a toss in front of the Thai public and rest of the world. At the end of the day, as long as their daughters never date a farang, they won't be bothered.

What still confuses me is why the Thai news called the girls prostitutes but there is no mention of this in the UK.

Because no one in the UK cares about footballers having sex in hotels with local girls or prostitutes. It happens all the time in the UK - see Wayne Rooney. This is news because footballers from a Thai owned club were caught on film making racist comments about Asians.

I think its TV posters who are sex obsessed!

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Obviously stupid to make the video, but apart from that, everyone seemed to be having a good time! The girls didn't take umbrage to anything they said & the blokes didn't abuse them in any sort of malevolent way.

It seems to me that many TV posters are totally missing the point.Whether the girls were enjoyng it, getting well paid etc is totally irrelevant. The fact is that these idiots were here on a business trip to promote PR and relations with their sponsors home country and not here on a sex holiday. Should any businessman behave in this manner while away on a business trip representing his company he would be dismissed immediately and so should these idiots.

Their behaviour shows just what low scum they are with no respect for their sponsors or their team or their sport. They show themselves up in a very depraved and brainless light. If they want to do this kind of thing they should do it on their own private holiday and at their own expense. That way they would not be showing disrespect for others but would only be making fools of themselves. Their behaviour does nothing to enhance their team or their sport.

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Not only should they be canned but banned for life from the sport plus fined with proceeds going to the ladies. What they said was totally uncalled for. I bet the team owner is totally pissed because they made him lose face.

you can't lose what you don't have.

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