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Forget Thaksin, there are more important issues to deal with


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They never pass on a chance to be petty.

Only the junta is petty. When Thaksin tried to take away Abhisits cub scouts achievement badges, and retroactively fired him from his scout brigade after 40 years, that was not petty at all.

Really true?

I believe T. is petty and evil - but this?

I exaggerated a little. Thaksin tried to strip Abhisit of his military lecturer status which he held in 1988 when he was a teenager- citing some potential paperwork irregularity. This would have meant Abhisit would lose his MP status and could not participate in the censure debate against Thaksin. It is the very definition of petty.

On the other hand, stripping a fugitive on the run of his policemans rank and salary is not petty. It is neccessary and should have been done years ago.

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They empower Thaksin by being delicate little flowers and reacting to him. They are putting money in his mortal meter and showing they fear him. Which is exactly what that egomaniac wants.

A bunch of immature children playing power games at the elite level of this country. And it's the normal Thais that suffer for it.

no the media empower him like this forum..just stop reporting about him...quite simple yes....if tv stop putting these posts up he nearly goes away from here..i said nearly

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Tell that to his throngs of followers with their hands starched out for fistful of baht, those people

see him as a demi-god, a savior and as a PM who's in his hay days business was good, very good...

there will always be a hard core followers who still enjoys his money, however, once there will be

no more money, so will be most if not all, his flowers will disappear...

Plus there is no doubt indoctrination, with lies and untruths, is still rampant.

The udd red leaders doing this are well organized and know how and where to find groups of Thais who are unaware and will listen.

Anybody who thinks the paymaster is not behind all of this is very naïve.

More importantly this all poses a serious threat to reforms and taking Thailand forward with new thinking and new principles and even much more important move forward with new politicians who are not connected to the old parties and their thinking.

Seriously, you overstate his relevance and underestimate the capacity of the Thai people to come to their own views. Thaksin has had his time in the sun and many Thais derived a benefit from that, as did the nation as a whole. But he is yesterday's man and the more the junta keeps him in the limelight the less they are seen to focus on the future.

Of course there needs to be an accommodation with the remnants of PTP...they still command huge support.

The junta is running the risk of being seen to be churlish and vindictive: the should take whatever they can muster of the high moral ground ( restricted by the way they came to power and the vested interests they appear to serve) and become more inclusive, less patronising and a bit more savvy.

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They empower Thaksin by being delicate little flowers and reacting to him. They are putting money in his mortal meter and showing they fear him. Which is exactly what that egomaniac wants.

A bunch of immature children playing power games at the elite level of this country. And it's the normal Thais that suffer for it.

no the media empower him like this forum..just stop reporting about him...quite simple yes....if tv stop putting these posts up he nearly goes away from here..i said nearly

So, you want to shoot the messengers. Don't give the junta any more ideas...

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A simple solution to the whole issue of TS is to fix his wagon, I would send a covert team to plant weapons and drugs on him and to finish it off I would have let it be known his place was going to be raided thus Him being who he is will do The TS shuffle and do a runner straight to airport at which time Customs discovers the weapons and drugs He gets busted sent to jail and no bail and if right country ends up dead at there hands not Thai hands case closed.

And this "covert" teams gets the weapons from where?

Where do they get the drugs from? Same place you get yours? As you Must be on something to dream up a scheme like this!!

You don't travel through Dubai much do you? Security there is tight.

I guess the police involved in this "seize" would also find thaksins prints all over the weapons and drugs too eh?

Leave the comic book stuff as it really makes you sound like an 8 year old !!

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They never pass on a chance to be petty.

Only the junta is petty. When Thaksin tried to take away Abhisits cub scouts achievement badges, and retroactively fired him from his scout brigade after 40 years, that was not petty at all.

Really true?

I believe T. is petty and evil - but this?

I exaggerated a little. Thaksin tried to strip Abhisit of his military lecturer status which he held in 1988 when he was a teenager- citing some potential paperwork irregularity. This would have meant Abhisit would lose his MP status and could not participate in the censure debate against Thaksin. It is the very definition of petty.

On the other hand, stripping a fugitive on the run of his policemans rank and salary is not petty. It is neccessary and should have been done years ago.

In relation to Abhisit, your " paperwork irregularity" is the allegation of draft-dodging through the submission of false documents leading to a teaching position he was unqualified for? Pesky paperwork.

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I often wonder who writes these articles : I'm sure Thaksin would like nothing better than to be able to do and say what he likes without fear of reprisals.

The one, simple fact which Prayuth knows is that if the UDD thugs break out the M79's and head for Bangkok, it will be on the orders of this man. They never go out and protest for morals or ethics : they do it because they get something out of it - like a free trip out with their friends to a big party. We already know that the grenades attackers during the protests were just average buffalo who got paid a few thousand baht by someone higher up to do it.

The real problem is Thaksin meddling, not people responding to it. The only way to stop him is to punish him every time he does it.

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The military and its elitist clients can no more forget about Thaksin than they can about any limitations placed on their own sovereignty over the Thai people. Thaksin is a reminder to the pluralists that they have a right to their own sovereignty whose basis lies in human dignity, rights, equality, and liberty of the people and not in the elitist sovereignty whose basis lies in morality, faith, loyalty and culture.

Thaksin's professes an ideology that the Thai people's sovereignty is supreme and subservient to the "extra constitutionality" of nonpluralistic groups like the military. Under Thaksin's ideology the royalists, military, and elitists lose power that allows a minority to dictate the rule of law and deprive the majority of any political voice. And with that power comes unrestrained and unaccountable wealth at the expense of the majority.

The coup was not motivated by violence, corruption, or political conflict. It was motivated by an impending loss of the elitist power. The election of Thaksin and Yingluck showed that when people are given a level political playing field, they will hold the reins of sovereignty. Thaksin's comments regarding the coup's connection with the Prem Council was likely an example of how he felt that elitists directed their extra constitutional power.

So there is much more than forgetting Thaksin. It's about the obliteration of the idea of a pluralistic sovereignty and the sustainability of a feudal sovereignty. The Thai people will decide what they should remember and forget.

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Abhisit's cub scout badges cheesy.gifclap2.gif

But seriously, isn't it obvious the Privy Council was one of the main driving forces behind the coup? Has anyone even denied it? How is that even remotely offensive to anyone (besides people with common sense, of course)? Do they expect people to seriously believe that Prayuth just decided to do it all on his own, spur of the moment? gigglem.gif

Thaksin's comment wasn't referring to the coup that Prayuth presided over.

actually, I believe it was...

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Just out of curiosity, was anyone from the present regime invited to the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul?

Just out of curiosity.

Did anybody read yesterday that Putin has 400 paid trolls

sitting in a big house shoulder to shoulder at their computers

and having to produce 160 posts each every shift?

Yes, amazing statistics when you think of it.

I wonder how many are working for the Shin Foundation and how many of them we read on this site ? whistling.gif

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Just out of curiosity, was anyone from the present regime invited to the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul?

Just out of curiosity.

Did anybody read yesterday that Putin has 400 paid trolls

sitting in a big house shoulder to shoulder at their computers

and having to produce 160 posts each every shift?

I'll take that as a no then!:)

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Just out of curiosity, was anyone from the present regime invited to the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul?

Just out of curiosity.

Did anybody read yesterday that Putin has 400 paid trolls

sitting in a big house shoulder to shoulder at their computers

and having to produce 160 posts each every shift?

Yes, amazing statistics when you think of it.

I wonder how many are working for the Shin Foundation and how many of them we read on this site ? whistling.gif

it may come as a surprise to the less open minded here but not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.

And if the moderators take down this post, which I expect they will,then I trust they will take down the other two on this thread, #29 and #41 which accuse me of being a troll!

Edited by JAG
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They never pass on a chance to be petty.

If you can focus peoples attention on something else it diverts it away from you. Politicians the world over use this to their advantage. Also most magicians use it its called sleight of hand.

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Why does the government keep bringing up all these comments about Thaksin?

If the powers that be had half a brain they would keep quiet about him.

Thaksin Thaksin !! shut up you fools, you only bring him into peoples lives, shut up, he loves you mentioning him, bringing his name into the limelight.

Making waves on the good lake Happiness. The ship has sailed on this one move on.

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Just out of curiosity, was anyone from the present regime invited to the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul?

Just out of curiosity.

Did anybody read yesterday that Putin has 400 paid trolls

sitting in a big house shoulder to shoulder at their computers

and having to produce 160 posts each every shift?

Yes, amazing statistics when you think of it.

I wonder how many are working for the Shin Foundation and how many of them we read on this site ? whistling.gif

it may come as a surprise to the less open minded here but not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.

And if the moderators take down this post, which I expect they will,then I trust they will take down the other two on this thread, #29 and #41 which accuse me of being a troll!

I'm sorry, but just when did I say that everyone who disagrees with me is a troll ? You should be careful posting lies like that.

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Sooner or later the lampoon politics of this country are going to have to understand that they key ingredient missing from the current culture is accountability. There can be no democracy without accountability and accountability requires audit and enforcement of law in order to be sustained and free from abuse.

Zero tolerance needs to be done and seen to be done so that both the criminals and the lemmings can see that the current administration is serious about this issue. Hanging Thaksin out to dry is as good a starting point as any. Public disgrace may help to force him back into the shadows where he truly belongs. Currently he is acting as a catalyst of descent and can and frequently does maintain that he has done nothing wrong as no action of any bloody significance has been taken against him by this blatantly nepotistic and narcissistic administration .

Just take a look at what Mr. Li is doing in China against corruption. The casino's in Macau are crying foul income is down 39% mostly from high rollers from China. High end car sales are down, property prices are leveling off or dropping. High end property sales in the West by the elite in China is dropping. Only the stock market is flourishing. Flaunting your wealth has become a daunting problem in China. Some big names are on the docket there and their reward could be a .25 cent bullet in the brain. Go for it Mr. Premier make sure you get them all not just your enemies. Falling out of favor can be a B***h. We in the West could learn from some of their ways of meting out justice. To many expensive Hollywood style trials and now a lot of states want to opt out of executions which make the murders a more expensive liability for years to come.

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Abhisit's cub scout badges cheesy.gifclap2.gif

But seriously, isn't it obvious the Privy Council was one of the main driving forces behind the coup? Has anyone even denied it? How is that even remotely offensive to anyone (besides people with common sense, of course)? Do they expect people to seriously believe that Prayuth just decided to do it all on his own, spur of the moment? gigglem.gif

Thaksin's comment wasn't referring to the coup that Prayuth presided over.

actually, I believe it was...

Hurts me to agree with you tb, but yes he was referring to the coup that happened last year. thumbsup.gif

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"What the country needs is for everyone to move away from Thaksin and not look back."

The economy is the worst performing in SE Asia, the draft charter is an undemocratic travesty, the election date keeps receding, and plans to extend the Prayuth Progaganda Program by 15 minutes don't seem to impress anyone. Better call out the boogeyman as a distraction.

And yet the baht keeps climbing strange

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Just out of curiosity, was anyone from the present regime invited to the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul?
Just out of curiosity.

Did anybody read yesterday that Putin has 400 paid trolls

sitting in a big house shoulder to shoulder at their computers

and having to produce 160 posts each every shift?

Yes, amazing statistics when you think of it.

I wonder how many are working for the Shin Foundation and how many of them we read on this site ? whistling.gif

it may come as a surprise to the less open minded here but not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.

And if the moderators take down this post, which I expect they will,then I trust they will take down the other two on this thread, #29 and #41 which accuse me of being a troll!

I'm sorry, but just when did I say that everyone who disagrees with me is a troll ? You should be careful posting lies like that.

You called me one only last week.

You called LannaGuy one today.

We both consistently post disagreeing with you.

You are also implying that we are paid to post.

Don't bother trying to bait me into saying something that leads to a suspension by calling me a liar. I have sussed your little game plan.

Edited by JAG
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Abhisit's cub scout badges cheesy.gifclap2.gif

But seriously, isn't it obvious the Privy Council was one of the main driving forces behind the coup? Has anyone even denied it? How is that even remotely offensive to anyone (besides people with common sense, of course)? Do they expect people to seriously believe that Prayuth just decided to do it all on his own, spur of the moment? gigglem.gif

Prayut wasn't involved in the 2006 coup so what are you talking about?

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Just out of curiosity, was anyone from the present regime invited to the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul?
Just out of curiosity.

Did anybody read yesterday that Putin has 400 paid trolls

sitting in a big house shoulder to shoulder at their computers

and having to produce 160 posts each every shift?

Yes, amazing statistics when you think of it.

I wonder how many are working for the Shin Foundation and how many of them we read on this site ? whistling.gif

it may come as a surprise to the less open minded here but not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.

And if the moderators take down this post, which I expect they will,then I trust they will take down the other two on this thread, #29 and #41 which accuse me of being a troll!

I'm sorry, but just when did I say that everyone who disagrees with me is a troll ? You should be careful posting lies like that.

You called me one only last week.

You called LannaGuy one today.

We both consistently post disagreeing with you.

You are also implying that we are paid to post.

Don't bother trying to bait me into saying something that leads to a suspension by calling me a liar. I have sussed your little game plan.

You put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5 you big drama queen. Get over yourself. I am not trying to bait you into anything, I could not be bothered with you.

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The General could have easily left Thaksin the dust if he just went on with his duties and relax the grip on freedom of speech and protests. That would have gone a long way and people would have forget about Thaksin. Thaksin is trying to stay relevant by attending these leadership summit meetings in order to put his image in a positive spot light. If people just ignore him and move on, we would have less political drama. The General is turning out to be another 5th grader like Thaksin.

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Just out of curiosity, was anyone from the present regime invited to the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul?
Just out of curiosity.

Did anybody read yesterday that Putin has 400 paid trolls

sitting in a big house shoulder to shoulder at their computers

and having to produce 160 posts each every shift?

Yes, amazing statistics when you think of it.

I wonder how many are working for the Shin Foundation and how many of them we read on this site ? whistling.gif

it may come as a surprise to the less open minded here but not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.

And if the moderators take down this post, which I expect they will,then I trust they will take down the other two on this thread, #29 and #41 which accuse me of being a troll!

I'm sorry, but just when did I say that everyone who disagrees with me is a troll ? You should be careful posting lies like that.

You called me one only last week.

You called LannaGuy one today.

We both consistently post disagreeing with you.

You are also implying that we are paid to post.

Don't bother trying to bait me into saying something that leads to a suspension by calling me a liar. I have sussed your little game plan.

You put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5 you big drama queen. Get over yourself. I am not trying to bait you into anything, I could not be bothered with you.

And you accuse me of lying!

Did you not call me a troll?

Did you not call LannaGuy a troll?

And as for drama queens, you are the one bleating behind the skirts of the "forum rules" (or at least your interpretation of them) when anyone stands up to your namecalling!

Like you, I can't really be bothered with you, shall we just ignore each other?

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"What the country needs is for everyone to move away from Thaksin and not look back."

The economy is the worst performing in SE Asia, the draft charter is an undemocratic travesty, the election date keeps receding, and plans to extend the Prayuth Progaganda Program by 15 minutes don't seem to impress anyone. Better call out the boogeyman as a distraction.

Hey Bruce - why don't you check the facts before spouting your lies


OECD have real figures that show Singapore and Brunei performing worse than Thailand

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Abhisit's cub scout badges cheesy.gifclap2.gif

But seriously, isn't it obvious the Privy Council was one of the main driving forces behind the coup? Has anyone even denied it? How is that even remotely offensive to anyone (besides people with common sense, of course)? Do they expect people to seriously believe that Prayuth just decided to do it all on his own, spur of the moment? gigglem.gif

Prayut wasn't involved in the 2006 coup so what are you talking about?


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They never pass on a chance to be petty.

Only the junta is petty. When Thaksin tried to take away Abhisits cub scouts achievement badges, and retroactively fired him from his scout brigade after 40 years, that was not petty at all.

Some might say that trotting this titbit out is a little bit petty but never mind!

It certainly scrapes the barrel as far as arguments for government action against the Shinawatra family goes:)

Lying about concealing your assets in court - petty

Changing the law with due process so you can sell your business and avoid all tax - petty

Allegedly ordering a shoot without trial policy in his war on drugs - petty

Illegally occupying the post of caretaker PM on no authority but his own - petty

Signing documents so his wife could buy government land and make a few bob, even though he knew it was illegal - petty

Trying to bribe the judges in the trial for his illegal act - petty

Jumping bail - petty

Appearing in video calls to incited the 2010 insurgents - petty

Trying to force his proxy government to trick an amnesty bill into law to whitewash all his crimes, past future and present - petty

The 15 serious outstanding criminal charges waiting in the courts for his unlikely return - petty

Guess in your mind that makes him only a petty criminal then?

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