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The truth is the truth - and the ladies offer, to marry now.

If somebody do - up to them. To my opinion the only reason for the new visa regulation is - to make more money with the vis fees

And that will be the result - you have to make visa now - you pay your visa fee - and its done.

I expect a clear increase of visa fee in top of it.

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Plenty of ladies offered to marry me even before these visa changes :o

Point is still; for the under 50 who wants to stay LEGALLY in Thailand without working it has gotten rather hard....

Prediction:(after this post someone will mention the double/triple entry tourist visas or that someone somewhere in the UK/AUS/USA have been to a very friendly consulate and got a non-em O or B based on writing "to visit friends/biz/collect sea shells" only....) sigh....



Im sorry to ask stright but i cant seem to find correct info.

In this post it was stated that it should be counted as 0 as per 1 Oct but a friend

told me that its not the case, since i have been here for more than 6 month

i need to leave the Kingdom after i renew my visa say latest the 30 Sept.

It is time to get married with my beloved or are there other ways,

the 800k baht you need - well i guess i have spent them already in

thailand during my stay :D

Please, the rules seems very hard to understand for me so forgive me

this questions.

Thank you in advance.

PS. How about all the people that are released from work and are under 50 living on

his pension - seems i need to wait some more years to get that permit - or marry my

beloved to continue stay here :o

I do not understand all this trouble...............

......You not have to marry your gf - hundreds of Issaan ladies marry you only for visa matters - and your problem is solved too.

1) this is illegal!!!!

2) people doing this will be found out and I hope they will be declared 'persona non Grata'

3) it is those people who have caused now inconveniences and additional expenses to REALLY MARRIED COUPLES!!!!

4) people going this route are the "scum of the earth" in my opinion.



It is only illegal, when somebody find out.

When a foreigner marry a Thai lady in Issaan, and live with her in her small hut....

of course he make holiday in Pattaya 340 days per year.

Nothing is illegal - its a 100% real marriage - the husband prefer to travel - and the wife accept.

Some of high polititiams or managers also travel a lot - without come in a suspect, not to be really married. You will no law against travelling of married man in the world.

When a foreigner marry a Thai lady in Issaan, and live with her in her small hut....

of course he make holiday in Pattaya 340 days per year.

Nothing is illegal - its a 100% real marriage - the husband prefer to travel - and the wife accept.

Since all of your six posts so far have been on this subject I assume that you are living long-term in Thailand on this basis. Good of you to share your experience in this forum.

– How many annual extensions have you already done based on “support Thai wife”?

– How much do you pay your wife for her co-operation with you annual applications for extension?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


It is only illegal, when somebody find out.

They will find out! and hopefully deport people engaging in this kind of practice post-haste!



OPALHORT - forget it.

How long husband and wife stay together per year - is 100% up to them.

No judge will judge somebody guilty - only because he not stay home.

Especially when the wife confirms, that everything is in order.

And believe me - the whole family will confirm how much they love the farang - IF somebody go to a 7 house village in the middle of the Issan to ask. This is a waterproof solution of the problem...


My guess is that in a 7 house village the local authorities, will know exactly what is going on ... and nooone would dare lie to an officer asking questions.


Y'know, I don't really understand all the new regulations but I do understand the reasons why.

I came to Thailand for a course and ended up staying for one year to be with the Singapore woman I met while there. We travelled a lot out of the country, but over the year I ended up making about four 'visa runs.'

During those runs, and also during my sojourns to Kho San Road and countless other locals in Thailand, I met a lot of scumbags.

Call a spade a spade, already. Some people are in Thailand for legitimate reasons and many are there just to party their face off and many are there to sqaunder their lives away in cheap and pathetic ways from dubious means.

<deleted> em ... they are sh**. No human values and their resumes (if they have one) read like crap.

I live within the law whereever I am. If the law says this then I adjust. I am a busineesman. I use whatever the system says I can use. I'm glad this happened after I left, but it doesn't change what my goals where - which was to be with the woman I loved. We will manage no matter where and what is thrown at us. Now we are in China. The business rules are simple: if you do legitimate business through a legitimate company you are welcome.

Thailand is putting itself out of the business-hub and that's fine. Couldn't get anything done of any substance in any amount of time anyway. They can't even determine the difference between shipping and receiving without a sh*tload of tea money. China moves in a raw form, Singapore takes it up to a higher standard.

So business goes where it goes and legitimate-whatvever can stay wherever they want. It's all the 'have-nots' and 'permanent tourists' who seem to have a problem. ...like it matters if they are farting around in Thailand or Myanmar or Phillipines...really: it's the price of plane, train, bus, or overland ticket.

The permanent 'wanna-stays' just don't want to put their case to immigration. They want anonymity and I don't blame them. There is no humanitarian reason for staying in Thailand unless you are a refugee. But you are farang: no matter what country you are in unless you are in your own. Take a powder. You are in self-exile. You have no 'rights.' Put your heart on your sleeve and jump borders into Cambodia, Laos, ...the other worlds than the ones that offer you the comforts you love so much. Think about how much it would take to live in Disneyland - with an xxx twist - for the rest of your life., and then ask yourself 'what the hel_l am I doing?'

Thailand isn't f**ked up. Immigration isn't f**ked up. The majority of cling-ons are f**ked up.

Sure I used the system to stay there for my own reasons. But it nothing to do with exploiting poor ol' little Thailand; it had to do with what I wanted and what I was willing to do to get it. Now that I have it I couldn't care less what happens to all the others who are bending the rules to do the same.

It would make sense for Thailand to have a 'humanitarian' approach to a case-by-case basis - at least for consultation (I was advised to 'not attempt a non-married appeal' and do the bus runs). Then they might grow up.

In the meantime, Thailand really does need to put a stamp on all the sh*tholes being created through the existing process. The moral and ethical decay of the country as a whole is threatened by the drug and sex industries. I don't decry a little fun, but c'mon folks: everywhere you go someone is selling or buying something that none of us want on our own street whereever we live. We want this freedom sure, but Thailand is turning out to be crap on crap country where relatively nice, easy-going people are being trained like dogs to play outrageous games and guile to suckor strange animals out of their filthy lucre.

Defend how you may; I don't see or hear a lot of people saying they are leaving. There are better cliimes and other places in the world. If you don't like it get up and move. I left because I prefer China for the culture, people, and it is the place where things are really happening. Most of those stuck in Thailand are there because it offers them a little bit of home with all the things they can't have at home and they have no imagination to go anyplace else.

It's a simple place for simple people....which is why it's a nice place to visit. But it's not likely I will live there again.

Maybe if they incorporate law for all that applies to all... but till then, not likely.

Good luck to you other poor bastards and cheers to all of you who are there for legitimate reasons (you know who you are and so does immigration).


(and, of course, I'm just ranting at you the same way so many rant at me for my circumstance(s) so take if with a grain of salt will ya...)


Oh it is great to be 50+ year old male with a retirement visa living correctly in the LOS.

Where as before many on here looked down on us so called oldies and said we losers and only here for the young girls because we couldn't get a lady over seas. How the world changers.

Most not all of us, are nothing like that, we respect the laws of this country, times are a changing for you so called young men. Do it the right way and all will be well. If not move on to where the rules are more laxed.

I understand there will be some problems for some, but in your heart of hearts, you knew you were bending the rules as you stepped on the buses that took you over the borders.

I wish you all luck in getting over your problems :o

here here :D


I am a 52 year old male with a retirement Visa. And thankfully I really am retired. My Retirement Visa expires on November 15. I happen to be in the States now for a few weeks visiting family. Would it be better to renew my visa here in L.A. at the Counsulate, (is that possible?) or wait till I get back to Bangkok? All of these new rules give me a headache. I just want to get back to the mango and see my girlfriend.

be well. calmichael


Question about renewing a retirement visa,

I have renewed my retirement visa in the past 2 years,

by duly transferring 800k into my Thai bank acct.

This year I want to renew by a stating income from

with a letter from my Tax accountant, which I read that

have to have it notorized at the US Embassy in BKK.

Can this letter be notorized any other way ?

In the USA,? through a bank, US govt agency etc

Thanks is advance for any advice

Y'know, I don't really understand all the new regulations but I do understand the reasons why.

I came to Thailand for a course and ended up staying for one year to be with the Singapore woman I met while there. We travelled a lot out of the country, but over the year I ended up making about four 'visa runs.'

During those runs, and also during my sojourns to Kho San Road and countless other locals in Thailand, I met a lot of scumbags.

Call a spade a spade, already. a grain of salt will ya...)

Most useless post ever

Y'know, I don't really understand all the new regulations but I do understand the reasons why.

I came to Thailand for a course and ended up staying for one year to be with the Singapore woman I met while there. We travelled a lot out of the country, but over the year I ended up making about four 'visa runs.'

During those runs, and also during my sojourns to Kho San Road and countless other locals in Thailand, I met a lot of scumbags.

Call a spade a spade, already. Some people are in Thailand for legitimate reasons and many are there just to party their face off and many are there to sqaunder their lives away in cheap and pathetic ways from dubious means.

<deleted> em ... they are sh**. No human values and their resumes (if they have one) read like crap.

I live within the law whereever I am. If the law says this then I adjust. I am a busineesman. I use whatever the system says I can use. I'm glad this happened after I left, but it doesn't change what my goals where - which was to be with the woman I loved. We will manage no matter where and what is thrown at us. Now we are in China. The business rules are simple: if you do legitimate business through a legitimate company you are welcome.

Thailand is putting itself out of the business-hub and that's fine. Couldn't get anything done of any substance in any amount of time anyway. They can't even determine the difference between shipping and receiving without a sh*tload of tea money. China moves in a raw form, Singapore takes it up to a higher standard.

So business goes where it goes and legitimate-whatvever can stay wherever they want. It's all the 'have-nots' and 'permanent tourists' who seem to have a problem. ...like it matters if they are farting around in Thailand or Myanmar or Phillipines...really: it's the price of plane, train, bus, or overland ticket.

The permanent 'wanna-stays' just don't want to put their case to immigration. They want anonymity and I don't blame them. There is no humanitarian reason for staying in Thailand unless you are a refugee. But you are farang: no matter what country you are in unless you are in your own. Take a powder. You are in self-exile. You have no 'rights.' Put your heart on your sleeve and jump borders into Cambodia, Laos, ...the other worlds than the ones that offer you the comforts you love so much. Think about how much it would take to live in Disneyland - with an xxx twist - for the rest of your life., and then ask yourself 'what the hel_l am I doing?'

Thailand isn't f**ked up. Immigration isn't f**ked up. The majority of cling-ons are f**ked up.

Sure I used the system to stay there for my own reasons. But it nothing to do with exploiting poor ol' little Thailand; it had to do with what I wanted and what I was willing to do to get it. Now that I have it I couldn't care less what happens to all the others who are bending the rules to do the same.

It would make sense for Thailand to have a 'humanitarian' approach to a case-by-case basis - at least for consultation (I was advised to 'not attempt a non-married appeal' and do the bus runs). Then they might grow up.

In the meantime, Thailand really does need to put a stamp on all the sh*tholes being created through the existing process. The moral and ethical decay of the country as a whole is threatened by the drug and sex industries. I don't decry a little fun, but c'mon folks: everywhere you go someone is selling or buying something that none of us want on our own street whereever we live. We want this freedom sure, but Thailand is turning out to be crap on crap country where relatively nice, easy-going people are being trained like dogs to play outrageous games and guile to suckor strange animals out of their filthy lucre.

Defend how you may; I don't see or hear a lot of people saying they are leaving. There are better cliimes and other places in the world. If you don't like it get up and move. I left because I prefer China for the culture, people, and it is the place where things are really happening. Most of those stuck in Thailand are there because it offers them a little bit of home with all the things they can't have at home and they have no imagination to go anyplace else.

It's a simple place for simple people....which is why it's a nice place to visit. But it's not likely I will live there again.

Maybe if they incorporate law for all that applies to all... but till then, not likely.

Good luck to you other poor bastards and cheers to all of you who are there for legitimate reasons (you know who you are and so does immigration).


(and, of course, I'm just ranting at you the same way so many rant at me for my circumstance(s) so take if with a grain of salt will ya...)

'Most of those stuck in Thailand are there because it offers them a little bit of home with all the things they can't have at home and they have no imagination to go anyplace else.'

You are entitled to your opinion - fair enough. Are you sure you are not missing Thailand and the Thai way of life and weather more than you admit. After all, I notice you are a Senior Member with nearly 150 posts and you still log into this forum and post comments. Perhaps you could get involved with a Forum similar to this in China now you live there - if the Chinese government allows them that is. By the way whats the weather like today over in China - over here its a bit cloudy but should be lovely and hot and sunny later.

all the best dsfbrit

Question about renewing a retirement visa,

I have renewed my retirement visa in the past 2 years,

by duly transferring 800k into my Thai bank acct.

This year I want to renew by a stating income from

with a letter from my Tax accountant, which I read that

have to have it notorized at the US Embassy in BKK.

Can this letter be notorized any other way ?

In the USA,? through a bank, US govt agency etc

Thanks is advance for any advice

There is a statement of income form you fill out and swear before a Consular Officer. I do not believe anything else is acceptable for a US Citizen.


When it comes to applying for the retirement visa and the 800,000baht requirement in a Thai bank, does owning a condo affect the ammount you must have in the bank? After all, buying a condo is also bringing money into the country. Help please?

When it comes to applying for the retirement visa and the 800,000baht requirement in a Thai bank, does owning a condo affect the ammount you must have in the bank? After all, buying a condo is also bringing money into the country. Help please?

from past experience

i brought in a few million

went to the bank

got the bank statement

submitted it with visa paperwork to immigration

got stamped

bought a condo

in that order as you need to prove the 800K Baht to immigration to get the retirement stamp

the money is supposed to be what you live on each month

if you have a retirement visa no need to mess around with an investment visa (ends Oct 1 anyway)

When it comes to applying for the retirement visa and the 800,000baht requirement in a Thai bank, does owning a condo affect the ammount you must have in the bank? After all, buying a condo is also bringing money into the country. Help please?



and what can I do? I'm only 41. I get money from an invalidity insurance, approved by the embassy. At the moment I have a Non-B visa, which I want to change to Non-O, because I can't work anymore, that's why I get the money...and last week they told me at the immig. off. that I can invest the 3 mio. or because I have a son who's going to school here, I can go out, get an non-O when he gets a non-immigrant-educational visa based on a paper from the school he visits.

He's born in Thailand, he never left the country, he doesn't need any visa until he's 15 (they told me 1 year ago).

I'm bit confused of so many different infos from the same office....java script:emoticon(':blink:', 'smid_9')


It starts to be very difficult for younger people to stay in thailand...

Hope some1 can help me with an acceptable solution.

It is only illegal, when somebody find out.

When a foreigner marry a Thai lady in Issaan, and live with her in her small hut....

of course he make holiday in Pattaya 340 days per year.

Nothing is illegal - its a 100% real marriage - the husband prefer to travel - and the wife accept.

Some of high polititiams or managers also travel a lot - without come in a suspect, not to be really married. You will no law against travelling of married man in the world.

PP, you have to be the biggest tw@t I have come across in a long time. So by your reasoning, if today I decide to go to my local bank with a gun, take all the money out and then just for a laugh shoot the manager in the head, as long as I don't get caught these actions are 100% legal..???

D1ckhead! Do us all a favour and stay in "Prathet Pattaya"!


News from the new regulation:

1.Retirement Visa extension. If you have a foreign married spouse who is a dependent they will be able to get this dependent visa. ( change of what has been happing the last couple weeks in Bangkok)

Example: You are 52 years old and you have a 34 year old wife who is from Germany, she can be a dependent. You only need 800,000 or a pension of 65,000 Baht per month as a couple.

2.Retirement visa extension: If you have children under 20. They will no longer be able to get a dependent visa based on you having an extension of stay on retirement. Immigration wants these kids to get it based on education so they go to school.

3.Investment Visa extension: Will no longer be available after Oct 1st for new applicants on 3 million Baht.

4. Investment visa extension. For existing extension of stay holders of 3 million Baht, we are now being told this will now be grandfathered in and they will be able to get the extension forever as long as they renew.

5.Now the news for frequent visitors: We have checked this upwards and backwards all day and it has been confirmed by a copy of the new regulation we have. If you have a visa on arrival or a Tourist Visa Exemption more than three times in six months, you cannot come into Thailand without a visa from an Embassy/Consulate. When you enter Thailand, even if you are here just 1 hour, this counts as 30 days. If you come back 6 weeks later for 2 days, this again is 30 days. If you arrive a month later for 4 days, still counts as 30 days. When you leave, you cannot enter Thailand for 3.5 months without coming back with a visa. The reason given is to force people who are supposed to have work permits to do so and pay tax.

Another example; you arrive for a week, this counts as 30 days, One month later 3 days and its 30 days, two months later and its for a two week period, still another 30 days. You can reenter Thailand in 6 weeks without having a visa.

The clock starts at zero on Oct 1st 2006, meaning everyone has a quota of three entries in the next six months. No matter how many previous entries you may have.

6.On extension of stay based support of a Thai national (Marriage visa), before if you applied for this extension of stay, you would get a 30 day consideration stamp. Once you return to Immigration in 30 days you would get the one year extension.

Now however it will be the same as an extension of stay based on business, with the norm of three 30 day consideration stamps instead of one stamp( like before). Immigration will go out and check to see if it’s a real marriage or a sham before issuing the one year.

For existing marriage visa holders, if they still have not checked the marriage residence in the second year, the same multiple 30 day consideration stamps, may apply before they issue the extension of stay.

7.On an extension of stay based on being a Monk. No dependents will be allowed to get an extension of stay based on being a dependent.



Your best choice:

Get a multiple Non-Immigrant Visa:


To my way of thinking nothing has changed for the so-called married man's visa. I live outside of Alanyaprathet and usually have to wait it out for the one year stamp 2-4 30 days visit. Now I had to leave suddenly for Sweden for a medical operation and lost my visa. I had three consecutive one-year stamps in my passport. When I re-apply for the one year stamp will I have any problems I wonder. I am still in Sweden now, but will return early next year. My one year validity went out September 29, 2006. I will continue on with the same passport and all the previous stamps are there. What is the proceedure. I am really married to Thai wife and live out in the wilderness outside of Alanyaprathet.


I was at a complete loss today at Immigration with my wife.... (we married 4 months ago, and I have 2.7 million in the thai banking system, and now refuse to keep any if this keeps up).

We were not aware of the new visa rules, and I know a couple of the captains on the 2nd and 3rd floors. I have run a business in Thailand for 4 years now, but an ex-gf who was my 51% partner up and disappeared to England and then who knows where owned it, but when she left last January, she stole almost every document I had. So, I declared to myself the company basically defunt, and got rid of all staff and just kept the WP/Visa until a few months after we were married. So, I decided I was not going to renew my Non-B Visa for my old company, since I knew I was marrying a new gf, and had enough money to qualify under the "support dependent spouse" visa area. The Capt. upstairs said today was first day back and new rules and wander around the 1st floor asking various clerks and most said I could not apply except register a new company and run a biz, but one woman said "dai dai" so we went and filled out the usual forms, but then she got pissy when we had not made copies of all my bank statements and our legal documents (basically cuz we were just there to find out the procedure then come back), and she asked for tax forms and receipts ... of course none of which I had cuz there was no one (my thai ex-gf) running the company, and I was basically freelancing. So, we were told the crap about "new rules .. no spouse visa w/o tax statements and payments, etc...", and sent away.

Why cuz my ex-gf who stole every document possible should I be held accountable for finding the receipts and documents which are probably thrown away at her mother's house months ago???

Why don't I qualify since once every 3 months or so, my bonus from Japan operations is about 1,000,000 baht??? to get a spouse type / family visa?? I was just about to lay out 2.5 million baht for a new house deposit (as I am the signatory on the new loan, which is the first foreinger loanee for this large Thai RE Company) and only I can pay the 44,000 baht mortgage, as my wife's salary is only 14,000 baht!!!!! Does Immigration ever think as a business, and not want an NPL on this bank's books???

Also, I have to put the money down Tuesday (tomorrow) and if I do, I will not have enough left over to form a company for some stupid month by month WPermit (this happened to me with the first company the 1st 2 years) so I can stay in Thailand to enjoy this nice house with my wife and her parents.

Am I wrong in assuming I should have been able to get some WP/Visa renewal as my Visa and WP from the old company (which I desperately want to resign) expire on 03 Dec 2006?

Any help would be appreciated.


News from the new regulation:

1.Retirement Visa extension. If you have a foreign married spouse who is a dependent they will be able to get this dependent visa. ( change of what has been happing the last couple weeks in Bangkok)

Example: You are 52 years old and you have a 34 year old wife who is from Germany, she can be a dependent. You only need 800,000 or a pension of 65,000 Baht per month as a couple.

2.Retirement visa extension: If you have children under 20. They will no longer be able to get a dependent visa based on you having an extension of stay on retirement. Immigration wants these kids to get it based on education so they go to school.

3.Investment Visa extension: Will no longer be available after Oct 1st for new applicants on 3 million Baht.

4. Investment visa extension. For existing extension of stay holders of 3 million Baht, we are now being told this will now be grandfathered in and they will be able to get the extension forever as long as they renew.

5.Now the news for frequent visitors: We have checked this upwards and backwards all day and it has been confirmed by a copy of the new regulation we have. If you have a visa on arrival or a Tourist Visa Exemption more than three times in six months, you cannot come into Thailand without a visa from an Embassy/Consulate. When you enter Thailand, even if you are here just 1 hour, this counts as 30 days. If you come back 6 weeks later for 2 days, this again is 30 days. If you arrive a month later for 4 days, still counts as 30 days. When you leave, you cannot enter Thailand for 3.5 months without coming back with a visa. The reason given is to force people who are supposed to have work permits to do so and pay tax.

Another example; you arrive for a week, this counts as 30 days, One month later 3 days and its 30 days, two months later and its for a two week period, still another 30 days. You can reenter Thailand in 6 weeks without having a visa.

The clock starts at zero on Oct 1st 2006, meaning everyone has a quota of three entries in the next six months. No matter how many previous entries you may have.

6.On extension of stay based support of a Thai national (Marriage visa), before if you applied for this extension of stay, you would get a 30 day consideration stamp. Once you return to Immigration in 30 days you would get the one year extension.

Now however it will be the same as an extension of stay based on business, with the norm of three 30 day consideration stamps instead of one stamp( like before). Immigration will go out and check to see if it’s a real marriage or a sham before issuing the one year.

For existing marriage visa holders, if they still have not checked the marriage residence in the second year, the same multiple 30 day consideration stamps, may apply before they issue the extension of stay.

7.On an extension of stay based on being a Monk. No dependents will be allowed to get an extension of stay based on being a dependent.



Your best choice:

Get a multiple Non-Immigrant Visa:


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