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Bruce in now Caitlyn [Jenner]

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I hope this topic is in the correct forum group, but did anyone see the outcoming cover of Vanity Fair Mag, featuring the rebuilt/rebirth of Bruce Jenner??? Now Caitlyn Jenner.

Not down my alley, but its is truly amazing the better living thru drugs , surgery and a little plastic can do.

I don't think I can post a link but if you Google USA Today there is a photo with the story. Well this is Thailand and this type of work has been going on for years and I do believe many of the best performing this realignment got started here in Thailand.

Give a look if you get the chance

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I would be feeling supportive, but she's a republican. That's unnatural!

Yes, Thailand leads the world in number of sex change related procedures. Followed by Iran in second place.

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I watched the Diane Sawyer interview a few weeks back and he looked, at the time to me at least, frankly freaky, had a touch of the 'Michael Jackson' going on. How he/she got from there to the pictures on Vanity Fair, seems almost unbelievable.

I'm going with growe237 on this one. Maybe there is a touch of Photoshopping going on

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Must be tough on any children involved in situations like this. One day he is your dad and being called "Dad", the next your dad is dressed all dragged out and what do you call him [now her] Still dad, or mom ???

His kids from his first marriage were in the Diane Sawyer interview, all very supportive of him actually. Didn't get to hear from the Kardashian branch however

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There's an absolutely ridiculous petition going around urging her to give back her Olympic medals on the grounds that she has always self-identified as female and therefore should be retroactively disqualified for having participated in a men's sporting event.

I thought for sure it was satire, but it appears to be genuine. There's an awful lot of spite in this world.

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Read an article in WSJ that is important for this I think. To distill the article down, a Johns Hopkins doctor says that people who feel they are a woman in a man's body, suffer from a mental disorder a bit like anorexics, who feel they are fat, even though they are wasting away.

And he has concluded, along with other staff, that the path to happiness for these people is to treat this disorder, not to give in to the idea they should try to change sexes.

He bases this at least in part on the fact that happiness in gender reassignment people, over decades of study, does not improve. For example suicides are 20x average.


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I must say she is pretty busty,good luck to her,i am glad to see that at last the western world is becoming less discriminating about this.

Sure about that? The western world is not real quick to accept this sort of thing. Publicly, people are saying the PC thing (for fear of being labelled a bigot for life). But privately, I would guess a different matter.

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Must be tough on any children involved in situations like this. One day he is your dad and being called "Dad", the next your dad is dressed all dragged out and what do you call him [now her] Still dad, or mom ???

The transition does not happen suddenly overnight - it's a year-long process.

Bruce told his close family a long time ago, so they have had time to adjust gradually.

I'm a bit surprised he chose Caitlyn ... Kaitlyn would have been more fitting. Perhaps she'll be Kate to her family anyway.

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I must say she is pretty busty,good luck to her,i am glad to see that at last the western world is becoming less discriminating about this.

Sure about that? The western world is not real quick to accept this sort of thing. Publicly, people are saying the PC thing (for fear of being labelled a bigot for life). But privately, I would guess a different matter.

I agree,i guess the real measure would be attending of a football game[or what they call football],in deepest Alabama,would not like her chances there.

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I must say she is pretty busty,good luck to her,i am glad to see that at last the western world is becoming less discriminating about this.

Sure about that? The western world is not real quick to accept this sort of thing. Publicly, people are saying the PC thing (for fear of being labelled a bigot for life). But privately, I would guess a different matter.

I agree,i guess the real measure would be attending of a football game[or what they call football],in deepest Alabama,would not like her chances there.

I will say that America has gotten better, but still not as tolerant as other places. Certainly not as tolerant as Thailand. A lot of the conservative folks will probably find this whole affair rather distasteful and downright disgusting. I read that some guy said he would keep calling Caitlyn "Bruce" and he got skewered on social media. Mike Huckabee joked about it as well and will live to regret it (being a presidential candidate and all), And these examples are pretty tame.

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I wonder how many men are so obsessed by it to start a thread talking about transgender people on a bar forum in Asia? I can see America being a bit freaked given the cereal box but expats in Thailand having any interest in a 70 year old queen from New York wow now that's news.

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I watched the Diane Sawyer interview a few weeks back and he looked, at the time to me at least, frankly freaky, had a touch of the 'Michael Jackson' going on. How he/she got from there to the pictures on Vanity Fair, seems almost unbelievable.

I'm going with growe237 on this one. Maybe there is a touch of Photoshopping going on

A TOUCH? a little more than a touch

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Sure gonna miss John Stewart!

Yeah, really gonna miss him. The guy is simply irreplaceable. Who the heck is going to make fun of the GOP when he's gone? America won't be the same. By the way, just watched the other clip with the Muslim guy. Funny stuff.

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Forget this pretend gender crap....

What I would really like to know and what's more important IMO is:

Whatever happened about that person he killed while driving a few months back ---- the fact that this "change" seems to have white washed this tragic event is sickening to me....

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This will be big news for the next two weeks.

Half of all people will be totally supportive, half of them will be hateful...and in 2 weeks time, the transgender community will be on their own again, no one will give 2 hot sh... because the next "in"- thing to talk about will hopp along!

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