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Rohingya migrants protest food ban in living quarters

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This lot is not well liked and it would be easy to assume their keepers are resentful of them. After all look at the trouble they have made for Thailand, allowing themselves to be sold into slavery and the cheek of them dying in mass graves. Shame on those refugees who have brought such disrepute to the normally squeaky clean officials,

Have they misbehaved, maybe? Lots of bad behaviour from detainees in Australia's detention camps, even worse behaviour from their keepers.

One thing is for certain any wrong move by these people, will get MAXIMUM coverage and publicity.


The more they are shown up for what they are the better...That way they might pull their horns in a bit and appreciate what has been supplied, and stop demanding as they did in the Australian Camps.

It's definitely better than what they had.

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send them back immediately ....coffee1.gif

"Where to?" You still haven't answered my repeated question to your repeated statement over several weeks now. I think you ignore it because you enjoy sounding off


If they don't want to be there and do not appreciate what is being done for them send them home, I have said it before Muslim, Islamic what ever the correct terminology cannot , will not assimilate, it has been proven in every country they have been lucky enough to be accepted in. When will the world see this for what it is......

Utter nonsense.

Muslims are part of the population of most countries including this one.

The vast majority are as much a part of the communities they reside in as any faith.


Nothing wrong here, they're just being typical Moslems, demanding special treatment from the rest of the world.

Islam, the religion of perpetual indignation.

I bet you don't even know any personally, just take notice of the extremists so you can damn them all


send them back immediately ....coffee1.gif

"Where to?" You still haven't answered my repeated question to your repeated statement over several weeks now. I think you ignore it because you enjoy sounding off

Everyone else on here can understand what he means....why cant you?...


send them back immediately ....coffee1.gif

"Where to?" You still haven't answered my repeated question to your repeated statement over several weeks now. I think you ignore it because you enjoy sounding off

Nah, he's just about able to spew hate but not answer intelligibly when pulled up on it.


I was wondering why Myanmar people do not want them....Now...I know.

Be careful Thailand.....

It's hardly worth dignifying this with an answer, but hard to ignore the rednecks


send them back immediately ....coffee1.gif

"Where to?" You still haven't answered my repeated question to your repeated statement over several weeks now. I think you ignore it because you enjoy sounding off

Everyone else on here can understand what he means....why cant you?...

I don't. Please elaborate.


If they don't want to be there and do not appreciate what is being done for them send them home, I have said it before Muslim, Islamic what ever the correct terminology cannot , will not assimilate, it has been proven in every country they have been lucky enough to be accepted in. When will the world see this for what it is......

Utter nonsense.

Muslims are part of the population of most countries including this one.

The vast majority are as much a part of the communities they reside in as any faith.

Muslims are part of the problem in most countries, that's why nobody wants this lot. They are not part of the communities they reside in at all but separate themselves as the Koran instructs them not to make friends of the unbelievers. Did they integrate in Mayamar? NO

Lets see, the Rohingya community has been in Burma or at least that region for a millennia and are as integrated a part of that disparate country as any cultural group.

I live in Bangkok, lots of Muslims here and never had a problem. I've lived in communities in the UK and Africa and the Muslims there were no more a pain in the ass than anyone else.

Yeah there are extremists just as there are Christian, Jewish and all other faith zealots. There are also racists, bigots and islamaphobes in most countries.

Bigots are everywhere you look but you don't judge everyone because of their actions.

Except for bigots of another stripe of course.


Well there you go....didnt take long did it.....

For the islamophop haters, to show their ugly, uninformed, inhumane faces?

Yeah...it was so predictable, wasn't it?!


If they don't want to be there and do not appreciate what is being done for them send them home, I have said it before Muslim, Islamic what ever the correct terminology cannot , will not assimilate, it has been proven in every country they have been lucky enough to be accepted in. When will the world see this for what it is......

What absolute nonsense. Some will integrate and some won't. It depends. Most I know are nominal Muslims (in name only) and I have had no problem integrating with them. Some are trustworthy, others are not just as in any race or religion there are extremists and moderates. and there are extreme and moderate opinions on TVF too.


I had the opportunity to work with refugees before. They don't understand about sanitation, health and hygiene. They like to do what they are used to do in their village. Eating and feeding their children where they will sleep. They do not care about pest and rodents attracted by the food and the left overs. In fact some of the men will actually catch the rodent and cook them as meals.

The sad part is they expect you to give them what they want, where they want to go and do what they like doing. They do not appreciate the efforts and resources others has to provide for them. After a country had accepted them, they expected handouts. Many will not want to work hard to get a job. They blame the whole world for the situation they are in but does not want to improve themselves. This is the sad truth (and one of the hidden reason) why many countries does not want to take them. There are some hardworking ones and had make it. I had seen both.

This is a very sad generalization from someone who has claimed to have worked with refugees before. If that was true I think you would be more charitable.


This lot is not well liked and it would be easy to assume their keepers are resentful of them. After all look at the trouble they have made for Thailand, allowing themselves to be sold into slavery and the cheek of them dying in mass graves. Shame on those refugees who have brought such disrepute to the normally squeaky clean officials,

Have they misbehaved, maybe? Lots of bad behaviour from detainees in Australia's detention camps, even worse behaviour from their keepers.

One thing is for certain any wrong move by these people, will get MAXIMUM coverage and publicity.

And maximum condemnation from vulgar extremists here as well


Some particularly nasty posts and replies have been removed. Islam-bashing is not allowed. The thread is about Refugees who happen to be Muslim.


The article is intentionally biased and puts the refugees in as bad as light as possible. Considering the heavy rains in Surat Thani, I can understand why they would not want to eat outside. Would any of the detractors herewant to eat under the blazing hot sun or in the pouring rain?


This lot is not well liked and it would be easy to assume their keepers are resentful of them. After all look at the trouble they have made for Thailand, allowing themselves to be sold into slavery and the cheek of them dying in mass graves. Shame on those refugees who have brought such disrepute to the normally squeaky clean officials,

Have they misbehaved, maybe? Lots of bad behaviour from detainees in Australia's detention camps, even worse behaviour from their keepers.

One thing is for certain any wrong move by these people, will get MAXIMUM coverage and publicity.


The more they are shown up for what they are the better...That way they might pull their horns in a bit and appreciate what has been supplied, and stop demanding as they did in the Australian Camps.

It's definitely better than what they had.

I'm fairly certain that you take reporting in the Thai press with a grain of salt, especially when the report comes from the mouth of some Thai official who would never ever admit to wrongdoing by himself or his subordinates.

You concede that "what they had" was not to good...so don't you find it odd that there would be a violent protest over such a small issue...especially by women?

I'd be the first one to curtail all priveledges, cut rations, and worse to show them who's boss, if they got uppity as in the report.....but I don't really believe the report.


Well there you go....didnt take long did it.....

For the islamophop haters, to show their ugly, uninformed, inhumane faces?

Yeah...it was so predictable, wasn't it?!

Islamophobe- it's a person who fear/hate Islam. Hater- it's a person who hate something/somebody. So..What do you mean by "Islamophobe"?Is it a person who hates persons who are afraid of Islam? Or..


If they don't want to be there and do not appreciate what is being done for them send them home, I have said it before Muslim, Islamic what ever the correct terminology cannot , will not assimilate, it has been proven in every country they have been lucky enough to be accepted in. When will the world see this for what it is......

Yeah...same with the native Americans!

They never accepted gracefully the blankets, infected with smallpocks!

The OP gives no idea about what was exactly going on and the anti- muslim brigade is out in big numbers!

And why not ! wherever muslims go problems soon follow, and my hat is off to Aung San Su Chi in Burma for her allegiance to the Buddhist majority. Send them to muslim countries, or back where they came from :)


Nothing wrong here, they're just being typical Moslems, demanding special treatment from the rest of the world.

Islam, the religion of perpetual indignation.

Very similar to the muslim refugee's in the US protesting because the free food they are getting isn't Halal. Send them back home. coffee1.gif


If they don't want to be there and do not appreciate what is being done for them send them home, I have said it before Muslim, Islamic what ever the correct terminology cannot , will not assimilate, it has been proven in every country they have been lucky enough to be accepted in. When will the world see this for what it is......

Yeah...same with the native Americans!

They never accepted gracefully the blankets, infected with smallpocks!

The OP gives no idea about what was exactly going on and the anti- muslim brigade is out in big numbers!

And why not ! wherever muslims go problems soon follow, and my hat is off to Aung San Su Chi in Burma for her allegiance to the Buddhist majority. Send them to muslim countries, or back where they came from smile.png

The Rohingya are from Burma.

As Thai Muslims are from Thailand.

Most countries have Muslim citizens who have been there for generations and are as much a part of the countries they reside in as any other faith.

I've lived in communities where there was a Muslim majority, I've lived in communities where there was a Christian majority. The problems i faced in either were similar and nothing to do with faith.


No problems with Muslims in Thailand then, if you stick your head in the sand

Really, what problems have you had with Muslims in Bangkok?

Or where you reside in Thailand if not Bangkok?

Or any of the areas outside of the South where the violence is based upon many issues, religion being one, but by no means the central or primary one.


The Rohingya are from Burma.

Uh, no. The Rohingya are ethnic Bengalis, speak a Bengali dialect, and are from Bengal - now Bangladesh.


The Rohingya are from Burma.

Uh, no. The Rohingya are ethnic Bengalis, speak a Bengali dialect, and are from Bengal - now Bangladesh.

Uh, no. The Muslim community to which the Rohingya belong have roots in that part of Burma going back 1000 years.

The first recorded mention of the word Rohingya to describe the community is from the time of the French Revolutionary wars in Europe.


There a 1000 years you say, but still not integrated, still poor and still causing problems. Yet people are surprised that nobody else wants them whistling.gif

As integrated as any other community or don't you know much about the fabric of Burma and it's history of separatist movements.

The Rohingya have been persecuted by the state in Burma, not because of their roots in the country but because of religious hatred.

On the part of the state.


The Rohingya are from Burma.

Uh, no. The Rohingya are ethnic Bengalis, speak a Bengali dialect, and are from Bengal - now Bangladesh.

So...the Muslim majority in the South, who speak Bahasa Malayu as their first language....??? Are they Thai? Send them to Malaysia because that's their language?


The Rohingya are from Burma.

Uh, no. The Rohingya are ethnic Bengalis, speak a Bengali dialect, and are from Bengal - now Bangladesh.

Uh, no. The Muslim community to which the Rohingya belong have roots in that part of Burma going back 1000 years.

The first recorded mention of the word Rohingya to describe the community is from the time of the French Revolutionary wars in Europe.

Uh, no, no, no. They most certainly haven't been there for 1000 years. The earliest evidence of Moslems in Arakan is from the 1600s - way less than 1000 years, and those Moslems weren't Rohingya.

The Rohingya migrated to Burma from Bengal whilst Burma was under British colonial rule in the 1800s, though there may have been some migrants before that date.


The Rohingya are from Burma.

Uh, no. The Rohingya are ethnic Bengalis, speak a Bengali dialect, and are from Bengal - now Bangladesh.

Uh, no. The Muslim community to which the Rohingya belong have roots in that part of Burma going back 1000 years.

The first recorded mention of the word Rohingya to describe the community is from the time of the French Revolutionary wars in Europe.

Uh, no, no, no. They most certainly haven't been there for 1000 years. The earliest evidence of Moslems in Arakan is from the 1600s - way less than 1000 years, and those Moslems weren't Rohingya.

The Rohingya migrated to Burma from Bengal whilst Burma was under British colonial rule in the 1800s, though there may have been some migrants before that date.


The Muslim community goes back 1000 years.

The Rohingya are that community.

Yes some people were brought in by the British but they form a minority of the entire Rohingya community being persecuted under the vicious campaign being waged by the Burmese authorities

The reason for that persecution is religious intolerance and hate.

Funny though how even if you were right a community that has been in a country since the 1800s is still not considered part of it.

When were Burma's present boundaries established by the way?


Nothing wrong here, they're just being typical Moslems, demanding special treatment from the rest of the world.

Islam, the religion of perpetual indignation.

Very similar to the muslim refugee's in the US protesting because the free food they are getting isn't Halal. Send them back home. coffee1.gif

So you would be happy provisioning non kosher food to Jewish refugees ???

The Islamaphobia and racism on here is pathetic.

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