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under active thyroid


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My GF has been diagnodes with an underactive throid caused by a enlarged thyriod, She has been give a drug called Flunarizine which when I looked on the net bears no resembalance to any treatment for thyroid that I can find. Does any body have any ideas.

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An underactive thyroid is not caused by an enlarged thyroid gland, on the contrary the enlargement (goiter) is a compensatory mechanism for a thyroid that is not performing well.

Goiter can however be a cause of over-active thyroid.

Flunarizine is most commonly used for migraine. It does, as a side effect, tend to lower thyroid hormone levels and I guess might be selected for that reason in a person with overactive thyroid. Or it may have been given to her for another problem unrelated to thyroid, e.g. migraine or vertigo.

All in all, insufficient information here. If she has a thyroid problem, should see an endocrinologist specializing in thyroid problems.

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