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No Longer "dreaming" Of Retiring In Thailand


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Long story.....

cricky's mate ;

now your starting to get worried about things.

ive just had to help my good friend guest house out, and now he's feeling heaps better.

look this is the story of life my friend,

its the ying and the yang, the ups and the downs, the merry go round, going round and round and frigging round.

it will be all okay at the end of the day fella. :D

look mate :D

if i told you about the <deleted> things that have happen'ed to me in my life you would spew :D

but it done the circle and its all sweet now.


ring your mate up, head of to the rubitty dub dub for a nice pint of lager, a dogs eye with dead horse and your on a winner.

cheers friend :o

:D I am ok. It is not about feeling bad or depressed. Just to find a place that is good for the kids, my wife and me.

I am not that demanding. Life is a lot simpler if you not have to worry about kids. Mine are 3 and 4 years old.

The biggest worry is school. I don't want them to end up undereducated.

If i stay here they would probably go to a bilingual school. The fact for me at the moment is there are no good schools in areas i would like to live. Bangkok is nice but just polluted. Other bilingual schools are more after your money than they have concerns to give a child a good education.

With the globalisation that takes place i think it is a wiser choice to give them the benefit of a western education, preferably in English. That would narrow it down for us to Australia and England/Ireland. I think we all agree that education is far far better in our own countries. And having that available and not use it would be an unfair start for the kids i think.

But now about retiring in Thailand as that is the topic of this thread.

If i were in the situation of retirement, i would not want to be pinned down to one location. It is the traveller in me that would demand me to be mobile. I would rent a nice place and stay as long as i will like it. The moment the travel 'itch' appears i am off to another place.

Money in the bank and/or investments in my home country and live and travel in Asia is ideal.

For me it is not the magical date that i am 50, more the age of the kids.

When they are 18+ i am free again to do what i want.

For us Thailand is number 1 on the list for retirement.

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Long story.....

cricky's mate ;

now your starting to get worried about things.

ive just had to help my good friend guest house out, and now he's feeling heaps better.

look this is the story of life my friend,

its the ying and the yang, the ups and the downs, the merry go round, going round and round and frigging round.

it will be all okay at the end of the day fella. :D

look mate :D

if i told you about the <deleted> things that have happen'ed to me in my life you would spew :D

but it done the circle and its all sweet now.


ring your mate up, head of to the rubitty dub dub for a nice pint of lager, a dogs eye with dead horse and your on a winner.

cheers friend :o

:D I am ok. It is not about feeling bad or depressed. Just to find a place that is good for the kids, my wife and me.

I am not that demanding. Life is a lot simpler if you not have to worry about kids. Mine are 3 and 4 years old.

The biggest worry is school. I don't want them to end up undereducated.

If i stay here they would probably go to a bilingual school. The fact for me at the moment is there are no good schools in areas i would like to live. Bangkok is nice but just polluted. Other bilingual schools are more after your money than they have concerns to give a child a good education.

With the globalisation that takes place i think it is a wiser choice to give them the benefit of a western education, preferably in English. That would narrow it down for us to Australia and England/Ireland. I think we all agree that education is far far better in our own countries. And having that available and not use it would be an unfair start for the kids i think.

But now about retiring in Thailand as that is the topic of this thread.

If i were in the situation of retirement, i would not want to be pinned down to one location. It is the traveller in me that would demand me to be mobile. I would rent a nice place and stay as long as i will like it. The moment the travel 'itch' appears i am off to another place.

Money in the bank and/or investments in my home country and live and travel in Asia is ideal.

For me it is not the magical date that i am 50, more the age of the kids.

When they are 18+ i am free again to do what i want.

For us Thailand is number 1 on the list for retirement.

thats a lovely story jean and much like myself, except i get to live the dream now as im single, financial and free.

im tied up in aussie at the moment but get to travell every 3 months.

los always draws me back.

if you are going to leave los give aussie a go as its got to be better than the old frigging blighty.

any way,

good luck my friend :D

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if you are going to leave los give aussie a go as its got to be better than the old frigging blighty.

any way,

good luck my friend :o


As if someone is monitoring my messages, i just got an offer for opening a branch in 'frigging blighty' of all places. And it sounds like a sweet deal. More to think about. :D

As far as i know about people here in Thailand, it feels like most British are on there way "OUT" of their current live the poor sods, and Australians see Thailand more as a way "UP" in live.

Have to be carefull not ending up like a whining pom. :D

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as i feel that the long term expats are much more educated and experienced in all things thai.

As a long term expat I take the view that the issues facing Thailand in the not too distant future are considerable and should not be dismissed out of hand.

Changes are afoot, and the inevitable change that is coming includes a huge challenge to much of what has made Thailand the comfortable welcoming place it is.

We have nationalism and xenophobia now, but it is controlled.

When the wise council and control is gone things will change and there are no signs the change will be an improvement.

Quite the contrary

Speaking of xenophobia, I can remember Europe becoming that in the 70's or the 80's and continuing to be up to this day, I think. When I travelled thru Europe in the 60's, people seemed much nicer then. So now, it may be LOS' turn to get caught up in the xenophobic mess, which is spreading, especially w/ all this terrorism.

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Am I really allowed to say stuff about Bush here ? Have I rejoined the free world ?

We'd prefer you to keep the discussion Thailand-related...


in other words, on this board, you are not aloowed to say a word about bush, just like those american boards you described

I'm sure ''Bush and his cronies are trying to shaft Thailand with the Thai-US FTA'' would be acceptable ...

I think the next country that the USA government will invade is Thailand or maybe Iran or Australia or Canada ... Oh! I don't know where they are going and where things are ... Help me out here ...



A good bottle (or 3) of the famous Belgian beer ... Kriek is recommended (that and a few Valium pills,...) :D:D ~(I'm bi-polar and schizophrenic, so don't ask him ... :D:D:D ) to make this easier to bear.

If only the average American from the Mid-West (and such) would be given the real news (VS the fake boobs of Janet Jackson episode played 3,000 times), they would not vote for Bush the Goof and his multinational friends.

C ya!

Edited by MyPenRye
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It is enough to deal with losing personal freedoms here at home. I can't imagine losing even more freedoms one has by residing in Thailand. What's the trade off?

"Freedommmm!!!" - William Wallace

I hear this alot in the states, Not sure where your from Pepe. Can you answer me this?? What freedom's have you lost?? I ask people this in the US and they cannot answer, Come to think of it you have not lost anything!!!

When I wake up in the morning I have the freedom to walk out my front door and do whatever I please. Even I could do something wrong, I may have to face the consequences of it but I could still do it.

Think of the people that don't have William Wallace to stand up for them, They would yell "Freedommm!!!" alot faster than you when they finally have it.

You don't think about retiring in Thailand and of course that's your choice. I know a man that does not want to fly because of all the terrorism in the world, That's what he say's. Funny thing is He say's it is because of the attacks on the US back in 2001, I ask him he flew before that. He say's Yes of course. I also told him their was terrorism before the attacks. What made you fly then?? He couldn't say anything and walked away.

I've been to Thailand 4 times, I am thinking about it also to spend some time there when I retire, I'm not going to let politics deter my decision when the time comes.

Of course like the thai people say "UP TO YOU"


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Try to keep it on topic shall we? This isn't about US govt policy.

I think that US policies concerning terrorism (increasing security measures [at the border] and the corollary reduction of personal freedom) are affecting Thailand's policies (Visa-run [at the border],...) and, since Pepe has expressed his sorrow that Thailand is not what it used to be (in terms of freedom: visa-runs and so on and so forth), I feel this can be explained partly by US policies that followed the 9/11 attacks.

I feel I am on-topic.

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Try to keep it on topic shall we? This isn't about US govt policy.

I think that US policies concerning terrorism (increasing security measures [at the border] and the corollary reduction of personal freedom) are affecting Thailand's policies (Visa-run [at the border],...) and, since Pepe has expressed his sorrow that Thailand is not what it used to be (in terms of freedom: visa-runs and so on and so forth), I feel this can be explained partly by US policies that followed the 9/11 attacks.

I feel I am on-topic.

I wonder why the security measures are getting rougher, Maybe because some terrorist's live along the malaysian border?? And also when I was in Thailand back in 2003 the terrorist supposedly responsible for the bombing in bali was captured in Bangkok. :o

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Try to keep it on topic shall we? This isn't about US govt policy.

I think that US policies concerning terrorism (increasing security measures [at the border] and the corollary reduction of personal freedom) are affecting Thailand's policies (Visa-run [at the border],...) and, since Pepe has expressed his sorrow that Thailand is not what it used to be (in terms of freedom: visa-runs and so on and so forth), I feel this can be explained partly by US policies that followed the 9/11 attacks.

I feel I am on-topic.

Far Far from the topic .......

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Tell me Terry, now that you've sorted me out.

How long have you lived in Thailand and where are you now?

Also, if its not too intrusive to ask

Do you speek Thai?

cricky's guest house,

thats real personal stuff you are asking me there but its not a problem, as i'll give you my life's frigging history if you really want to know.

arrived in thailand 1987 on a back packing holiday.

immediatly feel in love with los.

started a diving business on koh tao 1988. we were # 2 shop on the island.

now theres 38 shops.

had a thai partner and a canadian.

thai partner killed by the mafia and canadian partner run away to his mommy.

sold my share after 7 years as it was getting to large and serious for me.

i was the lucky one as i got out of it ok.

return to los every 3 months and will retire in los shortly.

live in my home town of fremantle, perth and am now a veteran fire fighter saving life and property.

studying thai at the moment and hope to speak it before i retire in los, but i must add that its not easy for me to learn the lingo fluently.

So, let me get this straight.

You've spent 7 years living and doing business in Thailand, you left around 1995. You don't speak Thai.

so guesthouse .....do you live in los full time ?

Not any more I don't

can you speak the lingo well ?

Yes I think I do, I have a degree in Thai language from Burapha University, so it seems they think I do too.

have you got a lovely thai wife ?

Yes, to my way of thinking I have.

when are you going to start your guest house ?

When I stop doing what I'm doing now.

and whats your story ?

I've spent twelve years living and working in Thailand for a multinational, I left in 2002 and I'm now living and working in Rome for ANOther multinational.

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if you are going to leave los give aussie a go as its got to be better than the old frigging blighty.

any way,

good luck my friend :o


As if someone is monitoring my messages, i just got an offer for opening a branch in 'frigging blighty' of all places. And it sounds like a sweet deal. More to think about. :D

As far as i know about people here in Thailand, it feels like most British are on there way "OUT" of their current live the poor sods, and Australians see Thailand more as a way "UP" in live.

Have to be carefull not ending up like a whining pom. :D

cricky's jean,

you are spot on about the " old blighty " as the poms would cut there legs of to get out of londenstan.

poor bleeding blighters they are. :D

never met a young english back packer yet that wants to go back after doing there 12 months in oz.

jes--us mate,

bloody aussie is chock a block full of poms, :D

but we dont mind them, as they like a lager, a laugh and they spend <deleted> loads on fish and chips. :D

any way mate,

you ask any punter wether they would rather live in the blighty or aussie and aussie wins hands down. :D

give it a go, as she's a top frigging place.

cheers friend :D

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Tell me Terry, now that you've sorted me out.

How long have you lived in Thailand and where are you now?

Also, if its not too intrusive to ask

Do you speek Thai?

cricky's guest house,

thats real personal stuff you are asking me there but its not a problem, as i'll give you my life's frigging history if you really want to know.

arrived in thailand 1987 on a back packing holiday.

immediatly feel in love with los.

started a diving business on koh tao 1988. we were # 2 shop on the island.

now theres 38 shops.

had a thai partner and a canadian.

thai partner killed by the mafia and canadian partner run away to his mommy.

sold my share after 7 years as it was getting to large and serious for me.

i was the lucky one as i got out of it ok.

return to los every 3 months and will retire in los shortly.

live in my home town of fremantle, perth and am now a veteran fire fighter saving life and property.

studying thai at the moment and hope to speak it before i retire in los, but i must add that its not easy for me to learn the lingo fluently.

So, let me get this straight.

You've spent 7 years living and doing business in Thailand, you left around 1995. You don't speak Thai.

so guesthouse .....do you live in los full time ?

Not any more I don't

can you speak the lingo well ?

Yes I think I do, I have a degree in Thai language from Burapha University, so it seems they think I do too.

have you got a lovely thai wife ?

Yes, to my way of thinking I have.

when are you going to start your guest house ?

When I stop doing what I'm doing now.

and whats your story ?

I've spent twelve years living and working in Thailand for a multinational, I left in 2002 and I'm now living and working in Rome for ANOther multinational.

no you aint got that right, and lets share some more information.

had nine months living full time in los in 1987 - 1988.

fire service gave me 9 months off to travel.

had some good luck and got involved in the dive business from get go on koh tao, after living on koh phangan renting out motor cycles with future thai partner and canadian.

sold our motor cycles and hit koh tao in 88.

B.T.W. absolute paradise back then, no police, no electric and just a few falang coming through.

those days of bliss are long gone.

had to return to aussie to resume my profession as its not the sort of job one lets go off as i do love my profession. :D

im a very lucky guy as i work 10 weeks and travell for 6 building up credit in those 10 weeks so i can travell.

love asia , travel extensively through asia but always return to los.

and im very sorry to say that i hav'nt learnt to speak thai properly but i must step it up before i retire there but still got plenty of time.

im not in your league mate, but i will be one day, but its never been a matter of life and death to speak it for me.

so now you know the full story :D

so i got a fairly good handle of what goes down in los.

bad luck for you that your in rome and not los, but you'll be back one day. :o

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you mention nationalism and xenophobia in los, but lets keep this in perspective please.

its nothing compared with some western countries is it ? :o

You're joking, right ?

Nationalism and xenophobia are not "bad words" in Asia.

On the contrary, it's a virtue.

Of course, mind-colonized western people have some problems to understand that ("oh my god, it's so wrong, it's against human rights" etc.).

Nationalism, xenophobia... are only an extension of the family reality : or the tribe if you want.

This reality is part completly of the asian cultures (and countries).

They don't care about western genereous idea ("yeah, come on Africa, you can come on our land"). Thoses ideas don't "speak" to asian people.

This is the source of all this misunderstanding : asian want to remain homogeneous tribe/population/states.

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You're joking, right ?

Nationalism and xenophobia are not "bad words" in Asia.

On the contrary, it's a virtue.

Of course, mind-colonized western people have some problems to understand that ("oh my god, it's so wrong, it's against human rights" etc.).

Nationalism, xenophobia... are only an extension of the family reality : or the tribe if you want.

This reality is part completly of the asian cultures (and countries).

They don't care about western genereous idea ("yeah, come on Africa, you can come on our land"). Thoses ideas don't "speak" to asian people.

This is the source of all this misunderstanding : asian want to remain homogeneous tribe/population/states.

Interesting comments.

No place for altruism in places with such a culture, or economy.

Yet I believe I was born with altruism (& thus it should be found anywhere). I guess it can be repressed.

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you mention nationalism and xenophobia in los, but lets keep this in perspective please.

its nothing compared with some western countries is it ? :D

You're joking, right ?

Nationalism and xenophobia are not "bad words" in Asia.

On the contrary, it's a virtue.

Of course, mind-colonized western people have some problems to understand that ("oh my god, it's so wrong, it's against human rights" etc.).

Nationalism, xenophobia... are only an extension of the family reality : or the tribe if you want.

This reality is part completly of the asian cultures (and countries).

They don't care about western genereous idea ("yeah, come on Africa, you can come on our land"). Thoses ideas don't "speak" to asian people.

This is the source of all this misunderstanding : asian want to remain homogeneous tribe/population/states.

not joking at all mate, :D

and i must say that this observation has passed me by so thats why i cant get a handle on this at all.

i spend enough time in los and honestly have never have noticed any thing along these lines. :D

can you provide a few practical examples of this phenomenon please. :o

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bad luck for you that your in rome and not los, but you'll be back one day.

Bad luck to be in Rome - What are you on? After twelve years in Thailand (and a total of 15 years in Asia) I can't think of anywhere better to be than Rome.

I moved out of Thailand for career reasons, and I thought it might be nice to be back in Europe for a while, when my boss asked me if I'd consider a posting in Rome I nearly bit his hand off.

I've got three Thais working with me and they think the same.

Yes I plan to retire in Thailand, yes I look forward to doing so, but meanwhile Rome! ... Italy!!

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bad luck for you that your in rome and not los, but you'll be back one day.

Bad luck to be in Rome - What are you on? After twelve years in Thailand (and a total of 15 years in Asia) I can't think of anywhere better to be than Rome.

I moved out of Thailand for career reasons, and I thought it might be nice to be back in Europe for a while, when my boss asked me if I'd consider a posting in Rome I nearly bit his hand off.

I've got three Thais working with me and they think the same.

Yes I plan to retire in Thailand, yes I look forward to doing so, but meanwhile Rome! ... Italy!!

why would you possibly want to come back to los if you love bloody rome ? :D

its frigging stupid mate and it would be better for all concerned if you stay there as you obviously are more impressed with rome than los.

suppose your thai workers could keep you company for ever.

B.T.W. , its ok for you to stay there as its your life mate.

suppose you are coming back to los to make the missus guesthouse happy :D

jes--us you are confusing me guest house as you dont know wether you are arther or martha.

at least i always say that los is the place where i really want to be and i mean that. :o

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can you provide a few practical examples of this phenomenon please. :o

I mean, it's all around us !

Asians are extremely nationalists (by western standards), you can't deny it : flags, national anthem, "heroic" vision of their past etc. It's everywhere.

And it's true in all asians countries (even Japan).

This nationalism is not an "ideology" : it's a constitutive part of their personality. it's something that they cherish.

And of course, it's not a matter of skin yellow/white : I mean a thai can be obviously racist vis-a-vis a Lao, or a Khmer. The Khmer hate the Vietnamese, the Vietnamese despise the Khmer etc.

And at the bottom (or the top) of this phenomenon : you have the family core.

Nationalism is only an extension of this very old human reality : family/tribe.

In western countries, as part of a cultural evolution, we have decided to put on a secondary level the familiy/tribe basis. It was of course a long process.

Don't get me wrong : I don't say that thai people would like to get rid of all foreigners.

I just think that they have a "tolerance level" regarding the % of foreigners in a population (can be an aera, a city) , that is lower than ours.

A few foreigners are good, good for business, and good because so "exotic". Too many of them, and they become annoying.

For that matter, Japan is really fascinating. It's a large country by its population (127 millions )... and probably one of the most "homogeneous" country on a racial basis and cultural basis.

But meanwhile, Japan is the second economy of the world, doing business everywhere, adopting some western culture, etc.

What an amazing contrast. And a serious blow to our religion of the "melting pot"...

And what a model for other asian powers...

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B.T.W. , its ok for you to stay there as its your life mate.

Thank you.

Indeed it is my life, my real life.

Not one that I made up. :o

i must tell you guest house that your retort was brilliant and the first time you have shown any wit and humour at all. :D

i love a bit of friendly banter and humour. :D

top points to you my spagetti munching friend and my self do love spagetti but not rome. :D

have i given you a reason for you to say that i'm making up my posts to you ?

id love to hear your reasoning for that mate.

give it a crack fella.

you asked me the questions and i answered you strait up and now your taking the piss out of me ?

now thats ok as i can do that as well, but i dont feel the need as my post was 110 % strait up.

cheers guest house. :D

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B.T.W. , its ok for you to stay there as its your life mate.

Thank you.

Indeed it is my life, my real life.

Not one that I made up. :o


you like that one did'nt you old croc :D

but cricky's mate, :D

be frigging carefull will you,

as an old fella like you might have a frigging stroke laughing like that. :D

come on down to freo fire station, and ask for terry on D shift. :D

i'll give you free ride in my fire truck to freo hospital emergency department. :D

cracker mate

bye bye old crock :D

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have i given you a reason for you to say that i'm making up my posts to you ?

Have I given you reason to believe I was referring to you,m or are you just a tad too touchy over the suggestion?

well guesthouse,

ive been the only one you have been asking about there history, i have told you the truth, so who else would you be referring to ?

mr taxin may be ? :D

not touchy at all mate,

but merely curious and interested in your rational and observation of my posts to you. :D

thats all fella :D

you are feeling alright ar'nt you, as your not making very much sense my friend. :o

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"Stay away from those that carry 'round a fire hose." -Bob Dylan

Boy has this thread gone south!!!

Terry snap out of it. It's Bs like your s that has kept me off the board over the past few years.

Arrogant, pompous, cocky and well just basically full of it.

Your situation/life is much more fragile and uncertain than you imagine.

No offense mate just one mans opinion. Get over your self...

"Captain force fields at full power" _ Spock... :o

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