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I'll stay on if people want me to: PM Prayut

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" You admonish me every day and foreigners keep asking me when there will be an election. It's a matter for all Thai people, not me, to decide"

How would you like them to tell you ? Through the medium of Mime ?

Maybe a poll on Facebook? smile.png

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"Oh garsh, golly gee, thanks everyone! If you want me to stay and do one more number, I will... OK, then if you insist!" Like a singer on stage, its written into the sequencing of the show that he will do several more songs, but the singer asks permission as though he might leave making us more appreciative that we actually get to hear three more numbers. It's just a formula. Isn't he cute and so clever!


This is as good as the promise that he would not stage coup. Bet if people don't want him to stay, he will still be there. Really a statement like this is not worth the paper that you wipe with and he should be ashamed saying this when he has the nation under military rule.


Just do one of the stupid Dusit polls and im sure easily 86.5% of the people on it will lick boots, beg and donate money to have Prayuth stick around.

He also said "After the election, I will pack my bag and go home. I will be sitting at home watching Thailand progress in the right direction."

So while waiting for the main event at least two more years of stupid comments, reforming nothing and just moving corrupt officials from one post to another ? Yea carry on at this speed it would take 20 years, the Thai economy is very likely to be a heck of a lot worse off in two years at this rate.

He will only go when either hes ready of hes forced to go.... He came in as a liar and will undoubtedly remain one as and when it suits, you will hear another dozen or so other versions over the next few years im sure.

Prayuth is another classic Narcissist, in fact much of the nation are too, the culture feeds it and the whole system actually encourages and reinforces this mental disorder.

In the meantime and foreseeable future Thailand is going nowhere but backwards, the other Asean countries no doubt will be more than happy to get the jump on Thailand while it flounders about whining and making excuses.

Nevermind im sure that it will be good for the exchange rates or perhaps there will be a collapse in the already way over valued stock markets by then.


The Kim Jong dynasty just had an erection.... wub.png

You learned well young Padawan.... Let's make a sacred poll just to make it official.... Who needs elections anyway when we can make a poll? clap2.gif


But he said he needed protection from criticisms both inside and outside Thailand if his government were to continue running the country. The PM expected to be accused of wanting to extend his time in power.

"If everybody wants me to stay on, I will do it. But you should help protect me from [criticisms] both outside and in the country. People will accuse me of wanting to extend my time in power. I don't want power and I don't gain any benefit. I just want to make the country better," Prayut said.

This guy is far more fried than Suthep.

By Mayo Clinic Staff
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.


By Mayo Clinic Staff
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.


I wonder what his Thai Visa posting name is.biggrin.png


In other news the economy is said to be rapidly slipping. What leader can bring happiness with a falling economy? I've never seen a leader stay popular unless the economy was good. I think that's going to be his Achilles heel.

At the moment I am enjoying the slipping value of the THB. When Yingluck was PM it was 28thb per USD... horrible times! Now its nearly 34thb per USD... Happy Times! I welcome Prayut to stay as long as possible according to the currency trend im noticing.


In other news the economy is said to be rapidly slipping. What leader can bring happiness with a falling economy? I've never seen a leader stay popular unless the economy was good. I think that's going to be his Achilles heel.

At the moment I am enjoying the slipping value of the THB. When Yingluck was PM it was 28thb per USD... horrible times! Now its nearly 34thb per USD... Happy Times! I welcome Prayut to stay as long as possible according to the currency trend im noticing.

Thai saying when the water is low the ants eat the fish and when the water is high the fish eat the ants. Baht high exports down baht low exports up. Water low .....hmmm water high..... now where did I put all those pretty colored shirts.......


What he really means is "see this big gun here? I'll stay on even if people don't want me to".


I don't remember the people asking the first time.

You are thinking about the wrong group of people. He is referring to those who planned his coup.

' protect me from criticism

and lead me not into temptation

for mine is the country

the power and the glory

for ever and ever .

Amen '


Prayut had the backing of the peaceful Thai majority the first time around in May last year gauging by the biggest protests in Thai history with the PTP ex supporters and opponents joining forces to oust the undemocratic (yet elected) government as well as the polls showing PTP support before the coup at all time lows as well as Junta approval ratings after the coup.Not a single bullet or M79 fired by the 7%'ere after the coup and peace rained supreme in the streets of Bangkok. All facts (PTP's greatest enemy) that undeniably show the Junta was brought in on the back of the majorities wishes. The majority had enough and the PTP knew it which is why they allowed the elections to fail. They would have lost them.

Another 2 years though? I understand his heart is in the right place and he with the backing of the majority would hate to see the 7% minority reds attacking and killing again. The situation is very fluid as well with him bowing to the will of the people that demand a referendum. I understand he has to listen to the majorities wishes (previous govt didn't do that) and for that he is admirable, but again he needs to justify this.

I for one would hate elections to be rushed again only to witness democracy for 1 day in every 4 years. I would hate to see the 7% red radical fundamentalists threatening the farmers with violence again. I would hate to see democracy bypassed everyday in Thailand post elections like we witnessed before. I would hate to see 28 million baht an hour lost on a scheme that was aimed at farmers who finished up protesting against the govt that implemented it.

Pray doesn't, the majority doesn't and at 28 million baht an hour one can be assured the tax payer doesn't either.

If Prayut wants two more years one can be assured he certainly wants reform to take hold so democratically elected govt's can not perform undemocratically again thus making coups redundant. I give him one thing...He is doing himself out of a job!


If Prayut wants two more years one can be assured he certainly wants reform to take hold so democratically elected govt's can not perform undemocratically again thus making coups redundant. I give him one thing...He is doing himself out of a job!

What job is he doing himself out of? Temporary PM or governmental overlord? One of those jobs is intended to be very short term. And the other job should not exist at all. The people should decide who leads the nation.

Anyhow he seems to be intent on keeping both positions, so I can't see how he is working himself out of a job. It appears to me like he is settling in.


Prayut had the backing of the peaceful Thai majority the first time around in May last year gauging by the biggest protests in Thai history with the PTP ex supporters and opponents joining forces to oust the undemocratic (yet elected) government as well as the polls showing PTP support before the coup at all time lows as well as Junta approval ratings after the coup.Not a single bullet or M79 fired by the 7%'ere after the coup and peace rained supreme in the streets of Bangkok. All facts (PTP's greatest enemy) that undeniably show the Junta was brought in on the back of the majorities wishes. The majority had enough and the PTP knew it which is why they allowed the elections to fail. They would have lost them.

Another 2 years though? I understand his heart is in the right place and he with the backing of the majority would hate to see the 7% minority reds attacking and killing again. The situation is very fluid as well with him bowing to the will of the people that demand a referendum. I understand he has to listen to the majorities wishes (previous govt didn't do that) and for that he is admirable, but again he needs to justify this.

I for one would hate elections to be rushed again only to witness democracy for 1 day in every 4 years. I would hate to see the 7% red radical fundamentalists threatening the farmers with violence again. I would hate to see democracy bypassed everyday in Thailand post elections like we witnessed before. I would hate to see 28 million baht an hour lost on a scheme that was aimed at farmers who finished up protesting against the govt that implemented it.

Pray doesn't, the majority doesn't and at 28 million baht an hour one can be assured the tax payer doesn't either.

If Prayut wants two more years one can be assured he certainly wants reform to take hold so democratically elected govt's can not perform undemocratically again thus making coups redundant. I give him one thing...He is doing himself out of a job!

The naivety of some seemingly intelligent people here baffles me.

The reasons for the current political situation in Thailand cannot be discussed, it's against the law, and this forum is no exception.


Prayut had the backing of the peaceful Thai majority the first time around in May last year gauging by the biggest protests in Thai history with the PTP ex supporters and opponents joining forces to oust the undemocratic (yet elected) government as well as the polls showing PTP support before the coup at all time lows as well as Junta approval ratings after the coup.Not a single bullet or M79 fired by the 7%'ere after the coup and peace rained supreme in the streets of Bangkok. All facts (PTP's greatest enemy) that undeniably show the Junta was brought in on the back of the majorities wishes. The majority had enough and the PTP knew it which is why they allowed the elections to fail. They would have lost them.

Another 2 years though? I understand his heart is in the right place and he with the backing of the majority would hate to see the 7% minority reds attacking and killing again. The situation is very fluid as well with him bowing to the will of the people that demand a referendum. I understand he has to listen to the majorities wishes (previous govt didn't do that) and for that he is admirable, but again he needs to justify this.

I for one would hate elections to be rushed again only to witness democracy for 1 day in every 4 years. I would hate to see the 7% red radical fundamentalists threatening the farmers with violence again. I would hate to see democracy bypassed everyday in Thailand post elections like we witnessed before. I would hate to see 28 million baht an hour lost on a scheme that was aimed at farmers who finished up protesting against the govt that implemented it.

Pray doesn't, the majority doesn't and at 28 million baht an hour one can be assured the tax payer doesn't either.

If Prayut wants two more years one can be assured he certainly wants reform to take hold so democratically elected govt's can not perform undemocratically again thus making coups redundant. I give him one thing...He is doing himself out of a job!

The naivety of some seemingly intelligent people here baffles me.

The reasons for the current political situation in Thailand cannot be discussed, it's against the law, and this forum is no exception.

That is just a poor excuse, because how will the current situation change what happens after the event?

The only thing that will change at that point is that it will be easier for the army to stay in power, I guess they just don't want to waste time on a next coup for now.


Prayut had the backing of the peaceful Thai majority the first time around in May last year gauging by the biggest protests in Thai history with the PTP ex supporters and opponents joining forces to oust the undemocratic (yet elected) government as well as the polls showing PTP support before the coup at all time lows as well as Junta approval ratings after the coup.Not a single bullet or M79 fired by the 7%'ere after the coup and peace rained supreme in the streets of Bangkok. All facts (PTP's greatest enemy) that undeniably show the Junta was brought in on the back of the majorities wishes. The majority had enough and the PTP knew it which is why they allowed the elections to fail. They would have lost them.

Another 2 years though? I understand his heart is in the right place and he with the backing of the majority would hate to see the 7% minority reds attacking and killing again. The situation is very fluid as well with him bowing to the will of the people that demand a referendum. I understand he has to listen to the majorities wishes (previous govt didn't do that) and for that he is admirable, but again he needs to justify this.

I for one would hate elections to be rushed again only to witness democracy for 1 day in every 4 years. I would hate to see the 7% red radical fundamentalists threatening the farmers with violence again. I would hate to see democracy bypassed everyday in Thailand post elections like we witnessed before. I would hate to see 28 million baht an hour lost on a scheme that was aimed at farmers who finished up protesting against the govt that implemented it.

Pray doesn't, the majority doesn't and at 28 million baht an hour one can be assured the tax payer doesn't either.

If Prayut wants two more years one can be assured he certainly wants reform to take hold so democratically elected govt's can not perform undemocratically again thus making coups redundant. I give him one thing...He is doing himself out of a job!

You'll understand that the 7% is a figure that is brought forward by the general, but in reality could be a lot higher.


The rich and powerful want to stay rich and powerful, so they place their chosen people in positions of power, and they need guns, lots of guns, who better than the General and his Brother who have both amassed personal fortunes that also must not and will not be questioned.

Like many undeveloped countries, The Army Generals and Police Chiefs are unusually wealthy, everybody knows you cannot amass that amount of wealth on Government Salaries, everybody knows they are corrupt, yet it's ignored , because the rich and powerful need these very people to stay rich and powerful, ultimately they control the guns.


I just re-read the Enabling Act of 1933. The chasm of sophistication when providing justification for the removal of the democratic process is astounding.

I read a North Korean defector talking about how North Koreas leaders copied the style of the Nuremberg Rally in Pyongyang. Can't our dear leader copy some preexisting material readily available on the Internet to make a more sophisticated appeal than "I'll stay if you want me to?"


Let's hope he stays for a long time. Have been in Thailand for decades and since Prayuth took over things finally improved. He has done so many good things in only 1 year. The only thing the PTP has done is rob the country empty and create a breeding ground for corrupt politicians and criminals (national and international). Even the U.S is slowing understanding what Prayuth and his team is doing and in fact started giving him credits for some of his achievements.

I still remember many posters here on TV (mostly the one-line heroes) saying that the international community would NEVER accept the current government. Now we have China, Japan and most probably the U.S. invest in Thailand's infrastructure.

Things are looking good for Thailand. Soon there will be a referendum to ask the Thai people whether or not the army should continue cleaning up Thailand's mess. And I bet you they will choose for Prayuth to stay on. He will go into the history books as Thailand's savior.

The days of armed militia organized by politicians are over.


Let's hope he stays for a long time. Have been in Thailand for decades and since Prayuth took over things finally improved. He has done so many good things in only 1 year. The only thing the PTP has done is rob the country empty and create a breeding ground for corrupt politicians and criminals (national and international). Even the U.S is slowing understanding what Prayuth and his team is doing and in fact started giving him credits for some of his achievements.

I still remember many posters here on TV (mostly the one-line heroes) saying that the international community would NEVER accept the current government. Now we have China, Japan and most probably the U.S. invest in Thailand's infrastructure.

Things are looking good for Thailand. Soon there will be a referendum to ask the Thai people whether or not the army should continue cleaning up Thailand's mess. And I bet you they will choose for Prayuth to stay on. He will go into the history books as Thailand's savior.

The days of armed militia organized by politicians are over.

What is that? I googled armed militia and got



Let's hope he stays for a long time. Have been in Thailand for decades and since Prayuth took over things finally improved. He has done so many good things in only 1 year. The only thing the PTP has done is rob the country empty and create a breeding ground for corrupt politicians and criminals (national and international). Even the U.S is slowing understanding what Prayuth and his team is doing and in fact started giving him credits for some of his achievements.

I still remember many posters here on TV (mostly the one-line heroes) saying that the international community would NEVER accept the current government. Now we have China, Japan and most probably the U.S. invest in Thailand's infrastructure.

Things are looking good for Thailand. Soon there will be a referendum to ask the Thai people whether or not the army should continue cleaning up Thailand's mess. And I bet you they will choose for Prayuth to stay on. He will go into the history books as Thailand's savior.

The days of armed militia organized by politicians are over.

What is that? I googled armed militia and got

I got this:



Let's hope he stays for a long time. Have been in Thailand for decades and since Prayuth took over things finally improved. He has done so many good things in only 1 year. The only thing the PTP has done is rob the country empty and create a breeding ground for corrupt politicians and criminals (national and international). Even the U.S is slowing understanding what Prayuth and his team is doing and in fact started giving him credits for some of his achievements.

I still remember many posters here on TV (mostly the one-line heroes) saying that the international community would NEVER accept the current government. Now we have China, Japan and most probably the U.S. invest in Thailand's infrastructure.

Things are looking good for Thailand. Soon there will be a referendum to ask the Thai people whether or not the army should continue cleaning up Thailand's mess. And I bet you they will choose for Prayuth to stay on. He will go into the history books as Thailand's savior.

The days of armed militia organized by politicians are over.

What is that? I googled armed militia and got

I got this:

A military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency.

I think you are confused.

A militia can be used for good or bad as can any military force.

When it reports to a civilian authority it is usually called a democracy when it reports to a government not elected by the people it is usually called a dictatorship.


Let's hope he stays for a long time. Have been in Thailand for decades and since Prayuth took over things finally improved. He has done so many good things in only 1 year. The only thing the PTP has done is rob the country empty and create a breeding ground for corrupt politicians and criminals (national and international). Even the U.S is slowing understanding what Prayuth and his team is doing and in fact started giving him credits for some of his achievements.

I still remember many posters here on TV (mostly the one-line heroes) saying that the international community would NEVER accept the current government. Now we have China, Japan and most probably the U.S. invest in Thailand's infrastructure.

Things are looking good for Thailand. Soon there will be a referendum to ask the Thai people whether or not the army should continue cleaning up Thailand's mess. And I bet you they will choose for Prayuth to stay on. He will go into the history books as Thailand's savior.

The days of armed militia organized by politicians are over.

What is that? I googled armed militia and got

I got this:


You made sure you got that.

Don't know why either side bother with posting snapshots. They reveal nothing more than what an instant seen at one angle looks like, with no broader context. Personally I tend to discount them.

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