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Rick Perry goes at it again, launches 2016 bid


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Perry thinks he can win. His record with the economy in Texas is excellent.

Then he better get elected soon, before everyone realizes the Texas economy has tanked on account of oil prices.

Oil prices have affected the entire world - just ask Russia.

Texas has a huge business infrastructure other than oil and gas ... technology centers in Houston, Austin and Dallas... Manufacturing in Arlington -- such as GM - ever heard of them? TI - Texas Instruments makes most of the base level chip systems for electronic devices around the world... and the extremely large international banking centers in Dallas and Houston .. A knock out sports entertainment complex in Arlington, TX. .. Then there is the vast higher education centers -- public and private - The list is endless. The oil price is creeping back up and Texas has huge natural gas reserves that have only been partially used.

Texas in a bad economic year or even period is miles ahead of the weak states numbering in the very high 40s (of the 50) - (not 57 of them as Obama thinks).

In the last several years Americans have been moving from other states at the rate of 1000 people a day (rated by PolitiFact as mostly true).

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As an outside observer to all of this, what strikes me the most is why do Americans make such a big thing of Rick Perry being unable to remember something during the last campaign (which was only one incident) and yet they seem to attach no importance to the myriad of incidents where Hillary Clinton can’t seem to remember things?blink.png

It is a long standing double standard in America. Liberals and Leftists Politicians in America can say any dumb thing or forget everything commit crimes and no one in the Liberal - Leftist news media will say anything - because they are the news media outlet for the Liberal - Left. And the Liberal-Left people of America never question their 'Dear Leaders' as they are Lemmings and Sheep who follow their anointed Leaders around spending all their time in an attempt to DESTROY the ENEMY -- (the other political party) - rather than discuss the issues. Saul Alinsky tactics.

But they are blind to the American uprising that is going on -- it will hit them in the face come November 2016. The Liberal - Left have no idea what a Conservative - Moderate Populist Uprising looks like as they read only the Daily Kos and Media Matters and other Leftist rags to get their talking points from which they never stray.

Ridiculing Rick Perry in an attempt to destroy him is the same tactic they use and will use some more on Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and a half dozen other Republican Candidates ... But the new blood in the Republican Party will not roll over and play dead as Mitt Romney did and not be a scatter brained old man as John McCain is ... Rick Perry, Ted Cruz and Scott Walker have guts and brains ... Liberals and Leftists FEAR them so they lampoon them to try to destroy them. Won't work this time out.

The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

I think HRC could be elected simply due to the fact that no GOP candidate makes an independent/ swing voter want to vote for them.

I read your posts -- very much on point - but here you should go visit some America websites run by Conservatives and see the appeal - charisma of the leading candidates.- you will also find these Conservative candidates are gaining Moderate voter attention - Independents and such ... and Jeb Bush. Senator Graham and other losers are not among these rising candidates. For what some might see as not a hot candidate others see an absolute much wanted change from the likes of Obama and H. Clinton. The vote in 2016 will be a decided vote AGAINST any continuance of the Obama leftism championed by H.Clinton and other Leftist Zealots. And it will be overwhelming.

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Not at all.

Amazing depth of experience.

No serious democratic competition.

The general will be close unless the republicans do something really mad ... always possible.

No logical reason for her to get to deep into this until later ... unless a democratic challenger emerges (unlikely).

I guess a small x factor is Michael Bloomberg but I'm not sure how that would work (if he wants it).

An amazing depth of experience coupled with an amazing lack of accomplishments doesn't mean much.

Edit in: Talking about Perry's lapse of memory, does anybody wonder why it took six years for Hillary to remember where she had put the Rose Law Firm's billing records?

OR Hillary Mis-REMEMBERING being under fire in the helicopter... WHAAAAAAAAAAA .555555

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Perry thinks he can win. His record with the economy in Texas is excellent.

Then he better get elected soon, before everyone realizes the Texas economy has tanked on account of oil prices.

Oil prices have affected the entire world - just ask Russia.

Texas has a huge business infrastructure other than oil and gas ... technology centers in Houston, Austin and Dallas... Manufacturing in Arlington -- such as GM - ever heard of them? TI - Texas Instruments makes most of the base level chip systems for electronic devices around the world... and the extremely large international banking centers in Dallas and Houston .. A knock out sports entertainment complex in Arlington, TX. .. Then there is the vast higher education centers -- public and private - The list is endless. The oil price is creeping back up and Texas has huge natural gas reserves that have only been partially used.

Texas in a bad economic year or even period is miles ahead of the weak states numbering in the very high 40s (of the 50) - (not 57 of them as Obama thinks).

I'm from Texas, and in the oil business. The vast majority of the economy and tax base is the oil field. Pumping oil, cutting hair of the people who pump oil, flipping burgers for the people who pump oil, playing sports for the entertainment of the people who pump oil, storing money for the people who pump oil, medical care of the people who pump oil, educating the kids of people who pump oil, and on and on. Everyone I know back home is bracing themselves for the crash in real estate and jobs that always follow lower oil prices.

Regardless of all the talk of diversification, Texas' economy goes with the oil field. Regardless of who is in the governor's mansion.

Edited by impulse
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The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

Are you blind? Marco Rubio is young, handsome, has charisma and is very articulate. On top of all that, he is Latino.

Rubio is likable, dynamic,has a great story to tell, and he tells it well. He can connect with voters. His earnest, youthful contrast to Hillary Clinton, makes her seem haggard.

MarcoRubio has the potential to appeal to Hispanics and millennials in ways the others can't. If the democrats are not afraid of him, they should be.

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Perry thinks he can win. His record with the economy in Texas is excellent.

Then he better get elected soon, before everyone realizes the Texas economy has tanked on account of oil prices.

Sorry but you might be behind the power curve on this one.


60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas



Charles Schwab one of many large companies eyeing Dallas after Toyota move



Toyota to move jobs and marketing headquarters from Torrance to Texas



The Cities Creating The Most Middle-Class Jobs



I'll save you a little time with that last one. Texas has the leading four metropolitan areas in the US in creating middle class jobs.

The Texas economy is not a one trick pony and most of the credit goes to Governor Rick Perry.

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I'll save you a little time with that last one. Texas has the leading four metropolitan areas in the US in creating middle class jobs.

The Texas economy is not a one trick pony and most of the credit goes to Governor Rick Perry.

I honestly hope you're right. But I've lived through enough booms and busts that I'd bet against it.

We'll see whether another year of low oil prices (and tax revenues) and the tens of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands like the '80s) of oil field layoffs have the same effect they always have.

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I am not a Rick Perry fan, but besides executive experience and an excellent economic record, he is ALSO handsome and charismatic. Anyone who thinks the Republicans do not have a number of viable candidates is delusional.

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The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

Are you blind? Marco Rubio is young, handsome, has charisma and is very articulate. On top of all that, he is Latino.

Rubio is likable, dynamic,has a great story to tell, and he tells it well. He can connect with voters. His earnest, youthful contrast to Hillary Clinton, makes her seem haggard.

MarcoRubio has the potential to appeal to Hispanics and millennials in ways the others can't. If the democrats are not afraid of him, they should be.

He does nothing for me. IMO just another machine politician.

Rand Paul gets my vote because he has the fire. Unfortunately the rest of the GOP will destroy him because he tells the truth. He also lacks charisma.

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As an outside observer to all of this, what strikes me the most is why do Americans make such a big thing of Rick Perry being unable to remember something during the last campaign (which was only one incident) and yet they seem to attach no importance to the myriad of incidents where Hillary Clinton can’t seem to remember things?blink.png

It is a long standing double standard in America. Liberals and Leftists Politicians in America can say any dumb thing or forget everything commit crimes and no one in the Liberal - Leftist news media will say anything - because they are the news media outlet for the Liberal - Left. And the Liberal-Left people of America never question their 'Dear Leaders' as they are Lemmings and Sheep who follow their anointed Leaders around spending all their time in an attempt to DESTROY the ENEMY -- (the other political party) - rather than discuss the issues. Saul Alinsky tactics.

But they are blind to the American uprising that is going on -- it will hit them in the face come November 2016. The Liberal - Left have no idea what a Conservative - Moderate Populist Uprising looks like as they read only the Daily Kos and Media Matters and other Leftist rags to get their talking points from which they never stray.

Ridiculing Rick Perry in an attempt to destroy him is the same tactic they use and will use some more on Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and a half dozen other Republican Candidates ... But the new blood in the Republican Party will not roll over and play dead as Mitt Romney did and not be a scatter brained old man as John McCain is ... Rick Perry, Ted Cruz and Scott Walker have guts and brains ... Liberals and Leftists FEAR them so they lampoon them to try to destroy them. Won't work this time out.

The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

I think HRC could be elected simply due to the fact that no GOP candidate makes an independent/ swing voter want to vote for them.

I read your posts -- very much on point - but here you should go visit some America websites run by Conservatives and see the appeal - charisma of the leading candidates.- you will also find these Conservative candidates are gaining Moderate voter attention - Independents and such ... and Jeb Bush. Senator Graham and other losers are not among these rising candidates. For what some might see as not a hot candidate others see an absolute much wanted change from the likes of Obama and H. Clinton. The vote in 2016 will be a decided vote AGAINST any continuance of the Obama leftism championed by H.Clinton and other Leftist Zealots. And it will be overwhelming.

I and many would not vote for another Bush simply because of GW.

Other than Paul, I don't see any GOP contenders that make me want to listen to what they have to say- they are boring. I don't think Paul has any chance though.

The biggest joke of all though is Huckabee- just what was he thinking?

I'd like Trump to win the nomination. He might not win the election, but he would be entertaining.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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This is one of your weaker posts trying to impress us with your vast knowledge of American politics. Try again.

I know plenty enough about this case, but thanks for your patronising concern though Chuck. I'm not trying to impress anyone, I'm simply pointing out your repeated tendency to give half the story in an attempt at bolstering your argument.

A Travis County grand jury Friday indicted Gov. Rick Perry on two charges related to his effort last year to force District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg to resign after her drunken driving arrest.

Grand jurors charged Perry, 64, with abuse of official capacity, a first-degree felony, and coercion of a public servant, a third-degree felony. The first charge carries a punishment of 5-99 years and a fine of up to $10,000. The second charge is punishable by 2-10 years and a fine of up to $10,000.

The indictment stems from Perry’s threat last summer to withhold $7.5 million in state money from Lehmberg’s office unless she step down – a threat he later carried out by vetoing an appropriation in the state budget.

Hence his desperate attempts at trying to avoid facing a jury.

If he's innocent, then he has nothing to fear, does he?

And you've also noticeably failed to address the fact that out of three DA's caught for the same thing, the only one he went after was the one that was investigating corruption allegations against him.

Look up Tom DeLay and see how that political attack worked out for the Travis County District Attorney's office. Lehmberg had a hand in that little fiasco as well.

She is the Democratic party's attack dog in central Texas.

I'm certain you didn't watch either video I put up so you likely did not hear her claiming the Travis County Sheriff's Officers was trying to destroy her career?

Her trying to drive a car after sucking down half a bottle of vodka was her problem...not the Travis County Sheriff's office or Governor Rick Perry.

She is nothing but an alcoholic political hack for the Democratic party.

Edited out last sentence by self.

Edited by chuckd
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This is one of your weaker posts trying to impress us with your vast knowledge of American politics. Try again.

I know plenty enough about this case, but thanks for your patronising concern though Chuck. I'm not trying to impress anyone, I'm simply pointing out your repeated tendency to give half the story in an attempt at bolstering your argument.

A Travis County grand jury Friday indicted Gov. Rick Perry on two charges related to his effort last year to force District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg to resign after her drunken driving arrest.

Grand jurors charged Perry, 64, with abuse of official capacity, a first-degree felony, and coercion of a public servant, a third-degree felony. The first charge carries a punishment of 5-99 years and a fine of up to $10,000. The second charge is punishable by 2-10 years and a fine of up to $10,000.

The indictment stems from Perry’s threat last summer to withhold $7.5 million in state money from Lehmberg’s office unless she step down – a threat he later carried out by vetoing an appropriation in the state budget.

Hence his desperate attempts at trying to avoid facing a jury.

If he's innocent, then he has nothing to fear, does he?

And you've also noticeably failed to address the fact that out of three DA's caught for the same thing, the only one he went after was the one that was investigating corruption allegations against him.

Look up Tom DeLay and see how that political attack worked out for the Travis County District Attorney's office. Lehmberg had a hand in that little fiasco as well.

She is the Democratic party's attack dog in central Texas.

I'm certain you didn't watch either video I put up so you likely did not hear her claiming the Travis County Sheriff's Officers was trying to destroy her career?

Her trying to drive a car after sucking down half a bottle of vodka was her problem...not the Travis County Sheriff's office or Governor Rick Perry.

She is nothing but an alcoholic political hack for the Democratic party.

Perhaps much as the author of your link is as well.

You're sidetracking AGAIN.

So let's get this straight, he went after the only one of three DA's who happened to be investigating corruption in his office, and a grand jury agreed.

And somehow this is all a figment of the nasty democrats' imaginations?


Edited by Chicog
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The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

I think HRC could be elected simply due to the fact that no GOP candidate makes an independent/ swing voter want to vote for them.

Hillary Clinton, the Queen of Charisma. cheesy.gif

In an national poll, Hillary ranked two steps below a bale of hay for most charisma. cheesy.gif

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Perry thinks he can win. His record with the economy in Texas is excellent.

Then he better get elected soon, before everyone realizes the Texas economy has tanked on account of oil prices.

Oil prices have affected the entire world - just ask Russia.

Texas has a huge business infrastructure other than oil and gas ... technology centers in Houston, Austin and Dallas... Manufacturing in Arlington -- such as GM - ever heard of them? TI - Texas Instruments makes most of the base level chip systems for electronic devices around the world... and the extremely large international banking centers in Dallas and Houston .. A knock out sports entertainment complex in Arlington, TX. .. Then there is the vast higher education centers -- public and private - The list is endless. The oil price is creeping back up and Texas has huge natural gas reserves that have only been partially used.

Texas in a bad economic year or even period is miles ahead of the weak states numbering in the very high 40s (of the 50) - (not 57 of them as Obama thinks).

I'm from Texas, and in the oil business. The vast majority of the economy and tax base is the oil field. Pumping oil, cutting hair of the people who pump oil, flipping burgers for the people who pump oil, playing sports for the entertainment of the people who pump oil, storing money for the people who pump oil, medical care of the people who pump oil, educating the kids of people who pump oil, and on and on. Everyone I know back home is bracing themselves for the crash in real estate and jobs that always follow lower oil prices.

Regardless of all the talk of diversification, Texas' economy goes with the oil field. Regardless of who is in the governor's mansion.

I lived in Texas almost 40 years straight ... Guess it was a different place. I took note of all the other things going on in Texas... Employment having nothing much to do with the oil patch. I lived in the county where Fracking was invented for 10 years -- price of oil and gas ebbed and flowed ... jobs went up and down ... but the county still had plenty of employment ...

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The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

I think HRC could be elected simply due to the fact that no GOP candidate makes an independent/ swing voter want to vote for them.

Hillary Clinton, the Queen of Charisma. cheesy.gif

In an national poll, Hillary ranked two steps below a bale of hay for most charisma. cheesy.gif

Agreed, but people will vote for her because the Dems want to give them stuff so charisma is irrelevant. The GOP won't give people stuff and the greedies won't vote for them, so they need a charismatic candidate to overcome the greedies factor. At present no one even knows what the GOP stands for except for giving rich people tax cuts and stopping abortion.

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As an outside observer to all of this, what strikes me the most is why do Americans make such a big thing of Rick Perry being unable to remember something during the last campaign (which was only one incident) and yet they seem to attach no importance to the myriad of incidents where Hillary Clinton can’t seem to remember things?blink.png

It is a long standing double standard in America. Liberals and Leftists Politicians in America can say any dumb thing or forget everything commit crimes and no one in the Liberal - Leftist news media will say anything - because they are the news media outlet for the Liberal - Left. And the Liberal-Left people of America never question their 'Dear Leaders' as they are Lemmings and Sheep who follow their anointed Leaders around spending all their time in an attempt to DESTROY the ENEMY -- (the other political party) - rather than discuss the issues. Saul Alinsky tactics.

But they are blind to the American uprising that is going on -- it will hit them in the face come November 2016. The Liberal - Left have no idea what a Conservative - Moderate Populist Uprising looks like as they read only the Daily Kos and Media Matters and other Leftist rags to get their talking points from which they never stray.

Ridiculing Rick Perry in an attempt to destroy him is the same tactic they use and will use some more on Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and a half dozen other Republican Candidates ... But the new blood in the Republican Party will not roll over and play dead as Mitt Romney did and not be a scatter brained old man as John McCain is ... Rick Perry, Ted Cruz and Scott Walker have guts and brains ... Liberals and Leftists FEAR them so they lampoon them to try to destroy them. Won't work this time out.

The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

I think HRC could be elected simply due to the fact that no GOP candidate makes an independent/ swing voter want to vote for them.

Ted Cruz has charisma. Whatever one thinks of him, he certainly has that.

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He does nothing for me. IMO just another machine politician.

Rand Paul gets my vote because he has the fire. Unfortunately the rest of the GOP will destroy him because he tells the truth. He also lacks charisma.

I find Rand Paul mildly charismatic, because he comes across as sincere. However, I do not trust him because of his weak foreign policy. I think that he is a lot more like his father than he admits and - to me - that is scary.

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I know plenty enough about this case, but thanks for your patronising concern though Chuck. I'm not trying to impress anyone, I'm simply pointing out your repeated tendency to give half the story in an attempt at bolstering your argument.

A Travis County grand jury Friday indicted Gov. Rick Perry on two charges related to his effort last year to force District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg to resign after her drunken driving arrest.

Grand jurors charged Perry, 64, with abuse of official capacity, a first-degree felony, and coercion of a public servant, a third-degree felony. The first charge carries a punishment of 5-99 years and a fine of up to $10,000. The second charge is punishable by 2-10 years and a fine of up to $10,000.

The indictment stems from Perry’s threat last summer to withhold $7.5 million in state money from Lehmberg’s office unless she step down – a threat he later carried out by vetoing an appropriation in the state budget.

Hence his desperate attempts at trying to avoid facing a jury.

If he's innocent, then he has nothing to fear, does he?

And you've also noticeably failed to address the fact that out of three DA's caught for the same thing, the only one he went after was the one that was investigating corruption allegations against him.

Look up Tom DeLay and see how that political attack worked out for the Travis County District Attorney's office. Lehmberg had a hand in that little fiasco as well.

She is the Democratic party's attack dog in central Texas.

I'm certain you didn't watch either video I put up so you likely did not hear her claiming the Travis County Sheriff's Officers was trying to destroy her career?

Her trying to drive a car after sucking down half a bottle of vodka was her problem...not the Travis County Sheriff's office or Governor Rick Perry.

She is nothing but an alcoholic political hack for the Democratic party.

Perhaps much as the author of your link is as well.

You're sidetracking AGAIN.

So let's get this straight, he went after the only one of three DA's who happened to be investigating corruption in his office, and a grand jury agreed.

And somehow this is all a figment of the nasty democrats' imaginations?


Are you trying to get me to answer your question about why he withheld state funds from her office or why he didn't investigate the other two cases of state DA misconduct?

Either way, permit me to provide a response.

1. Withholding state of Texas funds

After viewing the videos showing her conduct while being arrested for drunk driving, Perry thought she was probably not the most ethical or competent DA to be handling the Public Integrity Unit for the State of Texas. Thus it was his legal duty to withhold funds from her office.

And that, Your Honor, is the entire basis for the DA's wild claim of abuse of power. Perry took what few marbles she had left away from her and refused to fund her private fiefdom.

2. Failure to investigate two DAs.

a. Kaufman County

In June 2009, Kaufman County District Attorney Rick Harrison was arrested in Seagoville after driving the wrong way down a street and hitting another car.
It would become his second conviction for DWI, following one in 1994 when he was a Dallas County prosecutor.
Bill Baker, the Kaufman County GOP chairman, called for Harrison, a fellow Republican, to resign.
He said the governor’s office and the state GOP had no involvement.
“We just felt like it was a local issue,” Baker said.
b. Swisher County
In November 2002, Swisher County District Attorney Terry McEachern was arrested in New Mexico after a family called police to report him swerving into oncoming traffic and running off the shoulder of the road.
McEachern was already under fire as the prosecutor in the notorious Tulia drug busts. The drug sting, aimed primarily at Tulia’s black residents, unraveled after questions were raised about the sole undercover agent. The agent was subsequently convicted of perjury.
Perry issued pardons for the 46 people a few months after McEachern’s DWI arrest.
Neither McEachern nor Harrison returned calls for comment. Both lost subsequent primary elections.
If 2.a. and 2.b. seem familiar, it is because they are from the link you provided as a Smoking Gun.
Your Smoking Gun is shooting blanks.
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I'm from Texas, and in the oil business. The vast majority of the economy and tax base is the oil field. Pumping oil, cutting hair of the people who pump oil, flipping burgers for the people who pump oil, playing sports for the entertainment of the people who pump oil, storing money for the people who pump oil, medical care of the people who pump oil, educating the kids of people who pump oil, and on and on. Everyone I know back home is bracing themselves for the crash in real estate and jobs that always follow lower oil prices.

Regardless of all the talk of diversification, Texas' economy goes with the oil field. Regardless of who is in the governor's mansion.

That just isn't correct. Texas has had a boom in the manufacturing and finance industries. Perry is well known for bringing in jobs in those industries which he targeted including to "Silicon Hill" near Austin.

Oil, which is classed under mining was just 154 billion of a 1.38 trillion dollar Texas economy in 2009 and has shrunk to about 100 billion. That's not the end of the world for Texas, just the oil business.

If Texas was a country it would be the 12th largest in the world by economies. It's bigger than California and its Houston Port does more business than LA/Long Beach. Houston is well known for its Aerospace industry as in "Houston, I think we have a problem."

If I drove across Texas from El Paso to Beaumont it would be more than 800 miles - 1300 kms.

Perry was governor for many many years and has the executive experience that most other candidates don't.

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^ Chuck, You haven't said why Perry didn't attack them or blackmail them....

And you have provided no justification for him to even consider doing anything.

In Kauffman County, the local Republican leadership took care of the problem.

In Swisher County, Perry gave pardons to all those people convicted under the DA's illegal actions.

District Attorneys in Texas are elected by the citizens of the County. The Governor has no recourse over them unless he can use the power of Pardons or withholding state funds from them. Perry did one of each and no action was required on his part for the third DA,

Try reading your own link.

PS: Cute use of the words "attack" and "blackmail".

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The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

Are you blind? Marco Rubio is young, handsome, has charisma and is very articulate. On top of all that, he is Latino.

Rubio is likable, dynamic,has a great story to tell, and he tells it well. He can connect with voters. His earnest, youthful contrast to Hillary Clinton, makes her seem haggard.

MarcoRubio has the potential to appeal to Hispanics and millennials in ways the others can't. If the democrats are not afraid of him, they should be.

Rubio - for me ... IMO ... possible VP material for Walker or Cruz.... Core conservatives would not accept Rubio at Pres .. .too many conflicting and changing positions over several years ... what does he stand for anyway... But compared to H Clinton ... not even a contest.

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I am not a Rick Perry fan, but besides executive experience and an excellent economic record, he is ALSO handsome and charismatic. Anyone who thinks the Republicans do not have a number of viable candidates is delusional.

And most important the majority of Republican candidates are younger than before, stronger personalities, more energetic, understand the modern information age better, possess male gonads, are not semi-senile, are not likely to be suffocated and strangled by the Republican Elite RINO so called leadership, are not remotely afraid of the Democrat opposition, Know that the American news media is not their friend -- in fact know that the majority of the American news media are their political enemies... No rose colored glasses will be worn by them in 2016...

None of this can be said for former Republican Candidates such as McCain, Romney, Dole and the other namby pamby wannabees like the idiot Senator L. Graham who just announced and no one noticed.

Rick Perry has all that I described -- and if he were nominated I would back him all the way ...

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^ Chuck, You haven't said why Perry didn't attack them or blackmail them....

And you have provided no justification for him to even consider doing anything.

In Kauffman County, the local Republican leadership took care of the problem.

In Swisher County, Perry gave pardons to all those people convicted under the DA's illegal actions.

District Attorneys in Texas are elected by the citizens of the County. The Governor has no recourse over them unless he can use the power of Pardons or withholding state funds from them. Perry did one of each and no action was required on his part for the third DA,

Try reading your own link.

PS: Cute use of the words "attack" and "blackmail".

I provided exactly what the justification for him "even considering doing anything". He didn't threaten to, or withhold any funds from the offices of the other two DA's and if you don't know the reason I'll spell it out.

More to the point, a Grand Jury agreed.

Attack: Perry demanded her resignation. He did not demand it of the other two. And of course, let's not forget that the other two were... you guessed it, Republicans.

Blackmail: Perry told her that he would withhold funds if she did not resign. "Blackmail is an act, often a crime, involving unjustified threats to make a gain or cause loss to another unless a demand is met." Yep. ticks that box.

Why didn’t Lehmberg resign?

In a word, politics. Lehmberg is a Democrat, and if she stepped down, Rick Perry would be the one to appoint a replacement. Moreover, the Travis County DA—as the prosecutor in the state’s capital—has special responsibilities over a variety of statewide legal issues. Foremost among these powers is the DA’s control of the Public Integrity Unit, which investigates the ethical breaches of state politicians, among a number of other charges.


The Public Integrity Unit might be the most important office in state government run by a Democrat. Gov. Perry has been in office for 14 years—every nook and cranny of state government is filled with his appointees. The Public Integrity Unit is the rare piece that he doesn’t control. In 2005, the work of the Public Integrity Unit led to the indictment of former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. So naturally, for years, Republicans in the state have tried to strip that power from the Travis County DA and fold it into Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office.

What’s more, the Public Integrity Unit was in the process of conducting an investigation of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas. CPRIT received a ton of money from the Legislature to award grants to high-level medical research projects. The problem: a lot of that money was going to people who shouldn’t have gotten it. And some of those folks had close ties to Perry. Just a few months ago, Lehmberg’s office indicted CPRIT’s former director over his allegedly improper disbursement of an $11 million grant. But when Lehmberg got pulled over with the potato juice in her car last spring, the investigation was just underway.

When Lehmberg’s DWI went public, Republicans saw a way to get rid of a pesky, entrenched foe. (Though they couched this in terms of their deep, abiding concern for the office’s integrity.) Meanwhile, Democrats who would have happily seen Lehmberg canned if the Travis County Commissioners Court could have appointed her replacement rallied around Lehmberg as if she was the last warrior for righteousness on Earth.

And that, Chuck, is why he may well end up going in front of the beak.

And why the Public Integrity Unit may well be allowed to find out where the $3 Billion went.

Since you're so keen on videos, here's one for you:

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I'm from Texas, and in the oil business. The vast majority of the economy and tax base is the oil field. Pumping oil, cutting hair of the people who pump oil, flipping burgers for the people who pump oil, playing sports for the entertainment of the people who pump oil, storing money for the people who pump oil, medical care of the people who pump oil, educating the kids of people who pump oil, and on and on. Everyone I know back home is bracing themselves for the crash in real estate and jobs that always follow lower oil prices.

Regardless of all the talk of diversification, Texas' economy goes with the oil field. Regardless of who is in the governor's mansion.

That just isn't correct. Texas has had a boom in the manufacturing and finance industries. Perry is well known for bringing in jobs in those industries which he targeted including to "Silicon Hill" near Austin.

Oil, which is classed under mining was just 154 billion of a 1.38 trillion dollar Texas economy in 2009 and has shrunk to about 100 billion. That's not the end of the world for Texas, just the oil business.

If Texas was a country it would be the 12th largest in the world by economies. It's bigger than California and its Houston Port does more business than LA/Long Beach. Houston is well known for its Aerospace industry as in "Houston, I think we have a problem."

If I drove across Texas from El Paso to Beaumont it would be more than 800 miles - 1300 kms.

Perry was governor for many many years and has the executive experience that most other candidates don't.

Of course Texas has more than oil. And of course Texas won't dry up and blow away. But it will probably hurt for a while.

What your graphs fail to mention is how much of that manufacturing output is sold to oil fields around the world. And how much of that construction is homes and offices for oil field people. And how many of those software companies are supported by their oil field clients. And how much of that hotel and restaurant money comes from oil people. The trickle down effect of that $154 billion in direct mining output probably has a multiplier of 5-10 into the economy.

But that's beside the point. My point is that governors and presidents are often spectators in what happens to the economy on their watch.

Perry came in when oil was pretty low, and rig count was around 300 in Texas. Through absolutely nothing he did, prices skyrocketed and the rig count went as high as 900 during his tenure. It’s now back down below 400. Oil was $27 a barrel when he came into office. It hit a high close to $140 during his tenure. It’s now back down to half of that level.

Long before Perry, Texas was a right to work state, and an employment at will state. And had no state income tax. Housing and real estate costs are historically half of what they are in California. Given all that's going wrong with California now, it's not a pull from Texas as much as a push from California that's sending businesses anywhere but... Same with the rust belt.

To credit Perry with Texas’ great economic performance under his watch is just a Texas whopper. His watch just happened to coincide with 2 oil field booms with a recession in between.

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I provided exactly what the justification for him "even considering doing anything". He didn't threaten to, or withhold any funds from the offices of the other two DA's and if you don't know the reason I'll spell it out.

More to the point, a Grand Jury agreed.

Attack: Perry demanded her resignation. He did not demand it of the other two. And of course, let's not forget that the other two were... you guessed it, Republicans.

Blackmail: Perry told her that he would withhold funds if she did not resign. "Blackmail is an act, often a crime, involving unjustified threats to make a gain or cause loss to another unless a demand is met." Yep. ticks that box.

Why didn’t Lehmberg resign?

In a word, politics. Lehmberg is a Democrat, and if she stepped down, Rick Perry would be the one to appoint a replacement. Moreover, the Travis County DA—as the prosecutor in the state’s capital—has special responsibilities over a variety of statewide legal issues. Foremost among these powers is the DA’s control of the Public Integrity Unit, which investigates the ethical breaches of state politicians, among a number of other charges.


The Public Integrity Unit might be the most important office in state government run by a Democrat. Gov. Perry has been in office for 14 years—every nook and cranny of state government is filled with his appointees. The Public Integrity Unit is the rare piece that he doesn’t control. In 2005, the work of the Public Integrity Unit led to the indictment of former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. So naturally, for years, Republicans in the state have tried to strip that power from the Travis County DA and fold it into Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office.

What’s more, the Public Integrity Unit was in the process of conducting an investigation of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas. CPRIT received a ton of money from the Legislature to award grants to high-level medical research projects. The problem: a lot of that money was going to people who shouldn’t have gotten it. And some of those folks had close ties to Perry. Just a few months ago, Lehmberg’s office indicted CPRIT’s former director over his allegedly improper disbursement of an $11 million grant. But when Lehmberg got pulled over with the potato juice in her car last spring, the investigation was just underway.

When Lehmberg’s DWI went public, Republicans saw a way to get rid of a pesky, entrenched foe. (Though they couched this in terms of their deep, abiding concern for the office’s integrity.) Meanwhile, Democrats who would have happily seen Lehmberg canned if the Travis County Commissioners Court could have appointed her replacement rallied around Lehmberg as if she was the last warrior for righteousness on Earth.

And that, Chuck, is why he may well end up going in front of the beak.

And why the Public Integrity Unit may well be allowed to find out where the $3 Billion went.

Since you're so keen on videos, here's one for you:

The blocked quote above is unattributed. I have found the source and will post the link for those interested in reading it. Frankly it will be a waste of time since you have posted nearly the entire article here.

Read what's left here: http://www.texasobserver.org/everything-wanted-know-rick-perrys-new-scandal/

Moving quickly to the startling video you so kindly posted.

You are aware that the video is actually a television advertisement prepared for the Wendy Davis for Governor campaign in her losing effort to run against Greg Abbott in the 2014 campaign for the governorship of Texas?

It was prepared and paid for by Progress Texas PAC, a 501(c )(4) organization, on Davis' behalf.

Are we down now to posting political ads as proof of misdeeds in the political arena? The question is redundant. Apparently some are.

I am still keen on videos. I just prefer the Budweiser ads over those prepared by a political action committee in support of a Democratic party candidate.

Call me quirky.

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