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Phra Buddha Issara launches campaign in support for reforms before an election


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Monk launches campaign in support for reforms before an election


BANGKOK: -- Activist monk Phra Buddha Issara has started a campaign on Friday to encourage members of the public to sign up in support for his call for a referendum to be staged to determine whether they want to have reforms before there is a general election.

He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts.

Phra Buddha Issara, the abbot of Wat Or Noi in Nakhon Pathom, on Friday led a group of supporters to the parliament to submit an open letter to Mr Manit Sooksomchit, vice president of the Constitution Drafting Committee, voicing their support for the creation of the national ethical assembly and the people’s check and balance council.

“We fought on the streets, suffered on the streets because of the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who do not have any conscience who caused damages to the country and subjected the people to suffering,” said the abbot of Wat Or Noi.

The monk and his supporters have demanded that the two organizations be retained to keep checks on the conduct of politicians and bureaucrats.

(Photo : Thai PBS File)

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/monk-launches-campaign-in-support-for-reforms-before-an-election

-- Thai PBS 2015-06-05

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

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So within 24hrs of Prayut saying he would stay on if the people wanted him to we have this from Phra Buddha Issara and Suthep saying he is planning on leaving the monkhood and returning to 'activism'.

Nothing to see here - move along!

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

Even after Korn Chatikavanij admitted that vote buying had next to no effect in the North-East, TVF users are still trying to peddle this hackneyed yellow gem.

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Buddha Issara Wants Prayuth to Stay 'Until Reforms are Completed'
By Khaosod English

BANGKOK — The ultra-conservative activist monk Buddha Issara is gathering signatures for a proposal that could keep junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha in power for several more years until widespread national reforms are completed.

Buddha Issara, who helped lead the street protests that paved the way for Gen. Prayuth to seize power in May 2014, said he would collect 50,000 signatures in support of holding a referendum on whether to postpone the next election - scheduled for September 2016 at the earliest - until the junta’s reform process is complete.

Gen. Prayuth and the ruling junta, known as National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), would remain in power during that time. Some members of the junta-appointed National Reform Council have expressed support for a similar measure that would give Gen. Prayuth two more years to complete the reform process.

"I support [the idea] of reforms before an election," Buddha Issara said, citing a slogan of the protest movement he helped lead in 2013 - 2014, which aimed to topple the government of then-Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

"I do not believe the NCPO will hold on to power forever," the monk told reporters. "Personally, I have seen the dedication of this government. They are dedicated to performing their duties and restoring peace to the country before a new election is held, because if an election takes place when the country has not returned to normalcy, I believe elections will be problematic again."

Commenting on the proposal today, Gen. Prayuth said he would accept the extension if the Thai people approve it in a referendum.

"If it is the voice of the people, how can I object to that?" he said.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1433489171

-- Khaosod English 2015-06-05

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He and his buddy ex monk and cohorts to be were the main catalysts behind what violence there was, and still failed to achieve their objective.

Thank goodness the military were on hand (eventually) to step in and save the country.

And this is a political campaign is it not? Some can some can't?

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

And this is precisely why this ridiculous ban on political groups being able to participate in all and any 'reform' process has the country in stalemate. Who would they be voting for? Yingluck's out and Taksin's running out of proxies. Then we have Abhisit and no one wants him either. So who? Imagine this in your home country 'there's going to be a general election on X date, but you won't know who to vote for as we're not allowing anyone to set out their policies'. Stupid bloody country. But perhaps this is exactly what the junta want. Prayut's going nowhere until and unless there's a counter coup and the only way that's going to happen is if the economy tanks and the people are hit hard, orrr Prayut falls from favour, somehow.

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.


Stupidity is also a gift from God

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

Just one correction the reds don't have to buy the votes, they win elections because they offer poor people which is the majority in this country, policies that will benefit them. If you do some research into how political parties win elections you will find that policies wins elections. But then again if you have leaders thats educated in the UK and can't connect to the voters you scream vote buying every election without ever proving it in court. Its become part of Thai folklore and anyone that have half a brain cell will know its political noise from sore losers.

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For a monk to involve himself in politics is a violation of the vinaya. He should be disrobed from the monkhood, or silenced if he wants to remain a monk.

But, it serves the purpose of the Bangkok elites, the Privy Council and the military to have him do their bidding so like Suthep and Sondhi before him, he will be permitted to carry on.

Edited by Stone Inscription 1
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Wow more hate against someone you know nothing about other than he emerged as a leader of the people who were protesting against the amnesty bill and helped to rid the country of your beloved Yingluck and her corrupt Govt.

He is one of the good monks who does good works like looking after poor terminal cancer patients who have nowhere to go. He and his temple were attacked many times by the reds, bombs planted, shots fired and monks quarters burnt to the ground.

He has come out strongly against corrupt monks and suggested audits of all temples.

Most don't realize it has been the traditional role of respected monks to come out as leaders both in battle and in support of the people.

If you want to complain about bad and corrupt monks there are plenty to chose from, including one who at present refuses to answer questions regarding donations of billions to him and his temple.

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Oh, the instruction must have come on high from Dubai or Hong Kong or wherever to get a coordinated response like that. Hardly any of the usual suspects missing from that first page. And including a few newbies too (or more likely, just recycled oldbies.)

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Thaksin group will buy the election

The anti-Thaksin contingent can just as easily "buy" the election and thus compete with the Thaksin forces. Thaksin bought the election more by buying the hearts and minds of the majority by speaking directly to them and by throwing them some bones. The anti-Thaksin forces tend to speak down to the majority of the outer provinces (e.g. Sonthi who is blissfully now long gone) and refuse to engage in even the most nominal populism. To paraphrase (?) an old interview with Kukrit, "Thais want democracy but can't be bothered by politics" and thus they get elections that have little to offer politically other than what group within the ruling elites old boy network will get to eat the biggest piece of the pie. And this is why one of the old Thai euphemisms for politics is kin muang (กินเมือง).

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Even after Korn Chatikavanij admitted that vote buying had next to no effect in the North-East, TVF users are still trying to peddle this hackneyed yellow gem.

It's all they have to justify their warm embrace of the current regime.

They are holding on tight because they are terrified that if they lose having someone to dictate to people how to live, their obsessive compulsive need for "order" will be disrupted. They must have a structured life without requirement to think or to decide on their own.

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Why doesn't this dude just stop pretending he is a monk (so you have the robe, ritual, offerings - but are you really a monk?) toss the robe, and just go into politics.

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

You know as well as anyone that PTP will win by a landslide, no need to 'buy election', never has been.

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Wow more hate against someone you know nothing about other than he emerged as a leader of the people who were protesting against the amnesty bill and helped to rid the country of your beloved Yingluck and her corrupt Govt.

He is one of the good monks who does good works like looking after poor terminal cancer patients who have nowhere to go. He and his temple were attacked many times by the reds, bombs planted, shots fired and monks quarters burnt to the ground.

He has come out strongly against corrupt monks and suggested audits of all temples.

Most don't realize it has been the traditional role of respected monks to come out as leaders both in battle and in support of the people.

If you want to complain about bad and corrupt monks there are plenty to chose from, including one who at present refuses to answer questions regarding donations of billions to him and his temple.

Good monk my rear end! Anyone thinking of taking up the religion take a good look at this abomination and think again. I know which direction this evil goit's going when he snuffs it and it ain't upwards.

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

Nice post, good to see you're adhering to the old adage - never let the truth get in the way of prejudice and bigotry.

Simply awesome.

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