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BKK Airport Apologizes for Searching Muslim Cleric's Turban

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I never said all Muslims. I know that's your game though. Hard to take that seriously.

My game?

What are you on about?

I have no time for terrorist scum or the atrocities they are responsible for.

However I don't allow to judge all by their actions.

Please tell me what the game is I'm playing by taking this view.

You used a cheap trick trying to suggest I have said this was about ALL Muslim people. That's your game. Instead of dealing the reality I presented ... a real problem of needed reform of modern Islam to bring them out of the dark ages on issues like death for apostasy ... you're not interested in that because it's too real and exposes liberal pablum for what it is; instead only diverting this into personality games. Not impressive or convincing.

I responded to your post as I read it.

That was all.

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I responded to your post as I read it.

That was all.

Disingenuous as well. OK, enough is enough, life is too short, welcome to my Ignore list. I already get your POV on these issues ... reading it again another 10,000 times won't be useful.


I responded to your post as I read it.

That was all.

Disingenuous as well. OK, enough is enough, life is too short, welcome to my Ignore list. I already get your POV on these issues ... reading it again another 10,000 times won't be useful.

Fine by me.


This is turning into pantomime season.

"They have also made it clear that they do not represent Islam."

But they do. They represent a violent form of Islam. That is the truth.

The rest of your post is rote repetition. However, I do hope you are not implying that I have labeled all Muslims by the actions of those violent members of the faith. I have done nothing of the sort; if someone claims otherwise, they are lying.

I only repeat because you keep coming up with the same old same old.

So here I go again.

Terrorists do not represent Islam.

That is the truth.

All Islamic terrorists, and there are a lot of them, are Muslims who firmly believe they represent true Islam. Who are you, a non believer, to tell them otherwise?

No one at all.

However the religious scholars and community leaders who have done so are eminently qualified to do so.

And we are all sure they were most sincere when the small number that have spoke up, or rather whispered. No rioting, flag burning and death threats though, funny that


This is turning into pantomime season.

"They have also made it clear that they do not represent Islam."

But they do. They represent a violent form of Islam. That is the truth.

The rest of your post is rote repetition. However, I do hope you are not implying that I have labeled all Muslims by the actions of those violent members of the faith. I have done nothing of the sort; if someone claims otherwise, they are lying.

I only repeat because you keep coming up with the same old same old.

So here I go again.

Terrorists do not represent Islam.

That is the truth.

All Islamic terrorists, and there are a lot of them, are Muslims who firmly believe they represent true Islam. Who are you, a non believer, to tell them otherwise?

No one at all.

However the religious scholars and community leaders who have done so are eminently qualified to do so.

And we are all sure they were most sincere when the small number that have spoke up, or rather whispered. No rioting, flag burning and death threats though, funny that

Plenty have condemned the terrorist scum such as isis.

You should do a bit of research.

I would say more research but that would imply you did any to start with.


This is turning into pantomime season.

"They have also made it clear that they do not represent Islam."

But they do. They represent a violent form of Islam. That is the truth.

The rest of your post is rote repetition. However, I do hope you are not implying that I have labeled all Muslims by the actions of those violent members of the faith. I have done nothing of the sort; if someone claims otherwise, they are lying.

I only repeat because you keep coming up with the same old same old.

So here I go again.

Terrorists do not represent Islam.

That is the truth.

All Islamic terrorists, and there are a lot of them, are Muslims who firmly believe they represent true Islam. Who are you, a non believer, to tell them otherwise?

No one at all.

However the religious scholars and community leaders who have done so are eminently qualified to do so.

And we are all sure they were most sincere when the small number that have spoke up, or rather whispered. No rioting, flag burning and death threats though, funny that

Im sure if they took to the streets flag burning and rioting you would have made some moronic statement about the religion of peace.

Newsflash, most muslims just want to live in peace, and just like most of mankind are not bothered enough to go rioting at things.

Most people worldwide have never bothered attending a protest about anything at all.

So back on topic, what is your view of the actual topic here, you know, the one about the muslim subject to the search that has no issue with it at all. All this bigotted diatribe you continuously spew forth yet not once have you commented on topic about the guy subject to the search.


My view is that all should be subject to security at airports, or it's meaningless

Which is exactly how the man at the centre of this story and myself and I imagine everyone posting here feels.


My view is that all should be subject to security at airports, or it's meaningless

Which is exactly how the man at the centre of this story and myself and I imagine everyone posting here feels.

Im afraid he wont accept that. Lies, i tell you, lies.


This is turning into pantomime season.

"They have also made it clear that they do not represent Islam."

But they do. They represent a violent form of Islam. That is the truth.

The rest of your post is rote repetition. However, I do hope you are not implying that I have labeled all Muslims by the actions of those violent members of the faith. I have done nothing of the sort; if someone claims otherwise, they are lying.

I only repeat because you keep coming up with the same old same old.

So here I go again.

Terrorists do not represent Islam.

That is the truth.

All Islamic terrorists, and there are a lot of them, are Muslims who firmly believe they represent true Islam. Who are you, a non believer, to tell them otherwise?

Like all who claim that Islamic terrorists are not of the Islamic faith, he is in a state of denial. Rather than admit there are violent Islamic groups and that a change is needed in the way the religion is taught by clerics, such as the president of Egypt has recently done, he cites others who share his denial and then accuses all who contradict him as being haters who see all Muslims as being same.


Religions are abstract constructs.

How people act out on their interpretation of their religion is when you get problems.

The truth is that a very large percentage of modern followers of Islam (a very major world religion based on numbers of followers) are stuck in long ago, backward centuries.

It cannot be denied some basic horrible truths that are totally incompatible with modern civilization.

In many Islamic nations, the vast majority of the people believe in DEATH for apostasy (leaving Islam).

Surveys even show in Buddhist majority Thailand, that a large percentage of Thai Muslims also support such backwards barbaric punishments.

Where is the rising up of global Muslims against such insanity? It doesn't exist.

Understandably, many are afraid ... but this is still a problem and acting like it isn't with liberal pablum doesn't make it go away.

You know a minority of modern Christians believe the bible tells them that gay people should be put to death.

But you don't have Christian states actually enforcing that.

Because Christians have moved on into this modern era.

Some Islamic states on the other hand ... are literally putting gay people to death based on their Islamic beliefs.

Please stop with the unbelievable BS that there isn't a problem with modern Islam. Maybe some good progress can be made in tolerance and future REFORM of global Islam, but you've got to start with HONESTY.

"Please stop with the unbelievable BS that there isn't a problem with modern Islam. Maybe some good progress can be made in tolerance and future REFORM of global Islam, but you've got to start with HONESTY."

The problem can't be addressed if it is not seen to exist. The president of Egypt has seen that there is a problem and has called on Muslim clerics to make changes for positive reform. Those in a state of denial, unable to see that Islamic terrorism is in fact carried out by members of the faith, will be a hindrance to peace, rather than the proponents of peace that they claim to be.


This is turning into pantomime season.

"They have also made it clear that they do not represent Islam."

But they do. They represent a violent form of Islam. That is the truth.

The rest of your post is rote repetition. However, I do hope you are not implying that I have labeled all Muslims by the actions of those violent members of the faith. I have done nothing of the sort; if someone claims otherwise, they are lying.

I only repeat because you keep coming up with the same old same old.

So here I go again.

Terrorists do not represent Islam.

That is the truth.

All Islamic terrorists, and there are a lot of them, are Muslims who firmly believe they represent true Islam. Who are you, a non believer, to tell them otherwise?

Like all who claim that Islamic terrorists are not of the Islamic faith, he is in a state of denial. Rather than admit there are violent Islamic groups and that a change is needed in the way the religion is taught by clerics, such as the president of Egypt has recently done, he cites others who share his denial and then accuses all who contradict him as being haters who see all Muslims as being same.


I said and continue to say that you cannot judge islam and all muslims because of the actions of a few.

Who have i sited for anything unless you refer to my comments that islamic scholars have condemned isis and other terrorist groups.


I never said all Muslims. I know that's your game though. Hard to take that seriously.

My game?

What are you on about?

I have no time for terrorist scum or the atrocities they are responsible for.

However I don't allow to judge all by their actions.

Please tell me what the game is I'm playing by taking this view.

You used a cheap trick trying to suggest I have said this was about ALL Muslim people. That's your game. Instead of dealing the reality I presented ... a real problem of needed reform of modern Islam to bring them out of the dark ages on issues like death for apostasy ... you're not interested in that because it's too real and exposes liberal pablum for what it is; instead only diverting this into personality games. Not impressive or convincing.

"You used a cheap trick trying to suggest I have said this was about ALL Muslim people."

He did the same thing to me. It's one of the tools of his denial.

You can't have a serious discussion with a propagandist.


I responded to your post as I read it.

That was all.

Disingenuous as well. OK, enough is enough, life is too short, welcome to my Ignore list. I already get your POV on these issues ... reading it again another 10,000 times won't be useful.

My sentiments exactly.


I responded to your post as I read it.

That was all.

Disingenuous as well. OK, enough is enough, life is too short, welcome to my Ignore list. I already get your POV on these issues ... reading it again another 10,000 times won't be useful.

My sentiments exactly.

Good to know, why not follow the example and spare me your BS.


I never said all Muslims. I know that's your game though. Hard to take that seriously.

My game?

What are you on about?

I have no time for terrorist scum or the atrocities they are responsible for.

However I don't allow to judge all by their actions.

Please tell me what the game is I'm playing by taking this view.

You used a cheap trick trying to suggest I have said this was about ALL Muslim people. That's your game. Instead of dealing the reality I presented ... a real problem of needed reform of modern Islam to bring them out of the dark ages on issues like death for apostasy ... you're not interested in that because it's too real and exposes liberal pablum for what it is; instead only diverting this into personality games. Not impressive or convincing.

"You used a cheap trick trying to suggest I have said this was about ALL Muslim people."

He did the same thing to me. It's one of the tools of his denial.

You can't have a serious discussion with a propagandist.

And who do you imagine I am propagandizing for?


Surveys even show in Buddhist majority Thailand, that a large percentage of Thai Muslims also support such backwards barbaric punishments.

As the mods have allowed numerous off topic posts, I trust mine will also be permitted.

I believe you're referring to a Pew Research survey, I am really challenged to concur with the survey result. To my personal knowledge Thai Muslims (male & female) have taken up Buddhism, some later reverted to Islam. In no case were there any death threats issued by the local Muslim community. As far as I am aware there have been no killings in Thailand linked with apostasy.

Sharia Civil Law has been legal in Thailand in some provinces for decades. Sharia Criminal Law that incorporates extremely harsh punishments, has to my knowledge, only been 'demanded' by some extremists in the deep South and not supported by the majority.


I find it odd that people can say things like "in those nations, most people support <name of barbaric act> in the name of Islam."

Consider for a moment how it is to live in a tyrannical theocracy. If you do not vocally "support" those crimes, you will be the next person in line for punishment. The majority of people in brutal theocracies who say they support the barbaric acts of tyranny, are no different to the majority of people who support North Korean leaders. They do it because they have to live in that nation and they are supporting leaders not out of personal choice, but out of a sense of survival.

Tyranny rules by fear, and turns neighbour against neighbour. Tyrants use their victims' own basic sense of survival against the victims themselves. In tyrannical theocracies, tyrants use religion as the lacy glove on the iron fist of oppression. Many of the victims have never known anything except this form of tyranny, it goes back generations, and this makes it seem more normalised and legitimate to them. Blame the leaders and groups who abuse religion, not the religion itself or the poor unfortunate normal Muslim people who struggle to survive under tyrannical rulers.


let's be clear... the airport are now saying they will NOT scan turbans? they will put at thread millions passengers because of PC? doubt that will go down well on the 'safety rating' for the airport


Every philosophy, faith and political position has bigots and the intolerant.

It is irrational to claim all who follow them think the same way.

never made that claim... but do claim that 90% of the world troubles are using Islam as the basis for it and I balanced that by recognizing Christianity has done the same in the past (more than now). We 'are where we are' these days the vast majority of terrorism is based on the teachings of Islam - it's a modern day Crusade let's be honest


Every philosophy, faith and political position has bigots and the intolerant.

It is irrational to claim all who follow them think the same way.

never made that claim... but do claim that 90% of the world troubles are using Islam as the basis for it and I balanced that by recognizing Christianity has done the same in the past (more than now). We 'are where we are' these days the vast majority of terrorism is based on the teachings of Islam - it's a modern day Crusade let's be honest

I dispute that 90% especially taking into account Mexico, Georgia, the Ukraine, Burma, Uganda and other parts of the world where there is equally terrible violence going on as well as areas of the middle east and Muslim areas across the world. There is violence including groups who claim they represent Islam, but the fact is they don't, only their intorlerant version of the world. They are not the majority is all I am saying.


let's be clear... the airport are now saying they will NOT scan turbans? they will put at thread millions passengers because of PC? doubt that will go down well on the 'safety rating' for the airport

No, I think they are just giving this guy a pass because of the netizen BS.

It's wrong but that's what happens when you let the PR dept take over decision making.


Every philosophy, faith and political position has bigots and the intolerant.

It is irrational to claim all who follow them think the same way.

never made that claim... but do claim that 90% of the world troubles are using Islam as the basis for it and I balanced that by recognizing Christianity has done the same in the past (more than now). We 'are where we are' these days the vast majority of terrorism is based on the teachings of Islam - it's a modern day Crusade let's be honest

I dispute that 90% especially taking into account Mexico, Georgia, the Ukraine, Burma, Uganda and other parts of the world where there is equally terrible violence going on as well as areas of the middle east and Muslim areas across the world. There is violence including groups who claim they represent Islam, but the fact is they don't, only their intorlerant version of the world. They are not the majority is all I am saying.

Well let's separate the two things? there is terrorism BY people who may, or may not, profess some or other religion (and therefore those acts cannot be termed 'religious'). There are other acts of terrorism that are enacted, they claim, because they are defending their faith.

Two completely different things. Ukraine etc. are not perpetuated on behalf of a religion but for political reasons (although they may claim to be 'Christians' this is irrelevant).

The terrorists don't 'happen' to be Muslim they do it on behalf of Islam however sick and twisted that may be.


let's be clear... the airport are now saying they will NOT scan turbans? they will put at thread millions passengers because of PC? doubt that will go down well on the 'safety rating' for the airport

If thats the case,then they should travel by carpet.


Every philosophy, faith and political position has bigots and the intolerant.

It is irrational to claim all who follow them think the same way.

never made that claim... but do claim that 90% of the world troubles are using Islam as the basis for it and I balanced that by recognizing Christianity has done the same in the past (more than now). We 'are where we are' these days the vast majority of terrorism is based on the teachings of Islam - it's a modern day Crusade let's be honest

I dispute that 90% especially taking into account Mexico, Georgia, the Ukraine, Burma, Uganda and other parts of the world where there is equally terrible violence going on as well as areas of the middle east and Muslim areas across the world. There is violence including groups who claim they represent Islam, but the fact is they don't, only their intorlerant version of the world. They are not the majority is all I am saying.

Well let's separate the two things? there is terrorism BY people who may, or may not, profess some or other religion (and therefore those acts cannot be termed 'religious'). There are other acts of terrorism that are enacted, they claim, because they are defending their faith.

Two completely different things. Ukraine etc. are not perpetuated on behalf of a religion but for political reasons (although they may claim to be 'Christians' this is irrelevant).

The terrorists don't 'happen' to be Muslim they do it on behalf of Islam however sick and twisted that may be.

Terror is terror no matter what the alleged reasoning behind it.


let's be clear... the airport are now saying they will NOT scan turbans? they will put at thread millions passengers because of PC? doubt that will go down well on the 'safety rating' for the airport

No, I think they are just giving this guy a pass because of the netizen BS.

It's wrong but that's what happens when you let the PR dept take over decision making.

A lot more likely to be associated with recognition of his status as Chularajmontri


And who do you imagine I am propagandizing for?

More like what, just a wild guess here- ISLAM?

About as wild and inaccurate a guess as it could get.

I'm an atheist.

No big beard in the sky for me.

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