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Farang Has Stupidity Attack at 90 Day Report Counter

Frank James

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I agree with you and I am always super careful at immigration, but I think that I would have been so surprised that I would have flipped out too. What a chickenshit rule!

I don't agree, one passport one ticket. Then I can get an idea of how many are really in front of me rather than be behind the guy from the Visa company who has 15 passports for the officer.

Silly me, that guy just needs one ticket and a note........or two.

Edited by jacko45k
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VISA agents don't seem to need separate tickets.

I guess different rules for paying customers.

The agents always seem to be carrying a pile of passports and I have not noticed more than one ticket. You are right. It does not seem to apply to them.

The main reason I do 90 day reports by mail.

Your queue number Is a lottery.Witnessed on my last visit some 6 or so mths ago an agent fronted the desk with no number and a bag full of passports so while your number might be getting closer you are relegated to a frustrating longer wait.Judging by the chit chat between them it wasn't the first time.

Would it be so hard for Imm to put a trainee or volunteer near the 90 day counter with a flyer that outlines alternatives to going there ie explaining that you can do it on line or mail.

Might even get a volunteer through Thai Visa as some folk seem to like to spend some time there "people watching". At the very least PUT UP A SIGN spelling alternatives out.

My experience last week.

Was at Sakon Nakhon Immigration office doing my annual extension application. Very senior looking female officer, lots of braid & starts & stuff, came over & politely informed me " you do 90 day reports online now, save coming here to office" "Hope this is of service for you"

So, would appear some offices are trying.

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VISA agents don't seem to need separate tickets.

I guess different rules for paying customers.


30s top to process a 90 day report, no excuse not to do both.

Why do they take so long, because they want you to pay a VISA agent.

CM immigration is corruption at it's very worst.

Prayut wants to clean up the country, CM Immigration ought to be up there near the top.

Go to Hua Hin immigration to ask for forms, some school kids on work study give the papers to you

An older guy who works there asks you to make a donation, there is a large Perspex box, lock included and a web site

The problem is its for a for a charity in Germany

No doubt the money goes there cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why people waste time and energy visiting Imm. for a 90 day has always bemused me and assume they have nothing better to do, unless CM never accepted EMS. Now it is even more ridiculous queuing up when the online option is available. Personally I've never visited Imm for a 90 day.Being nearly 600 kms away from their office originally (Isaan/Pattaya) it was not an option.

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Why people waste time and energy visiting Imm. for a 90 day has always bemused me and assume they have nothing better to do, unless CM never accepted EMS. Now it is even more ridiculous queuing up when the online option is available. Personally I've never visited Imm for a 90 day.Being nearly 600 kms away from their office originally (Isaan/Pattaya) it was not an option.

"Bemused" well, in my case, the post office registered letter requires a que,sometimes longer wait than at Imm. the Imm. website doesn't like my browser, I combine the Imm.office visit with an airport plaza visit, reason enough?

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Why people waste time and energy visiting Imm. for a 90 day has always bemused me and assume they have nothing better to do, unless CM never accepted EMS. Now it is even more ridiculous queuing up when the online option is available. Personally I've never visited Imm for a 90 day.Being nearly 600 kms away from their office originally (Isaan/Pattaya) it was not an option.

There was a long period where CM stopped allowing mail in reports so there is a bit of a trust issue by CM members. However, it seems to be running smoothly now as I did my last 3 by mail which is the first time I've gone that route.

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Why people waste time and energy visiting Imm. for a 90 day has always bemused me and assume they have nothing better to do, unless CM never accepted EMS. Now it is even more ridiculous queuing up when the online option is available. Personally I've never visited Imm for a 90 day.Being nearly 600 kms away from their office originally (Isaan/Pattaya) it was not an option.

I've often wondered why they do it at all. I think I've done it once in all the time I've lived here - because 90 days rarely goes by without me leaving the country. Why would you live somewhere with half a dozen fascinating countries right on your doorstep without visiting them a few times a year?

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Why would you live somewhere with half a dozen fascinating countries right on your doorstep without visiting them a few times a year?

Because you've visited them numerous times already and now you are working full time in Thailand. Traveling is great, but not always convenient.

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Why people waste time and energy visiting Imm. for a 90 day has always bemused me and assume they have nothing better to do, unless CM never accepted EMS. Now it is even more ridiculous queuing up when the online option is available. Personally I've never visited Imm for a 90 day.Being nearly 600 kms away from their office originally (Isaan/Pattaya) it was not an option.

I've often wondered why they do it at all. I think I've done it once in all the time I've lived here - because 90 days rarely goes by without me leaving the country. Why would you live somewhere with half a dozen fascinating countries right on your doorstep without visiting them a few times a year?

Thank you Daddy Warbucks for your interesting post. Unfortunately travel to these countries takes moula money dinero sheckles bahts the long green and I like a lot of other retirees cannot afford to sooo we must abide by the rules set out by Thailand. Tallyho forward and all that rot. Maybe on your adventures to these surrounding countries you could take a bunch of pictures to share here with us who are not so fortunate. Maybe money does buy happiness. Oh well off to the lottery ticket counter my palm is itching.

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Thank you Daddy Warbucks for your interesting post. Unfortunately travel to these countries takes moula money dinero sheckles bahts the long green and I like a lot of other retirees cannot afford to sooo we must abide by the rules set out by Thailand. Tallyho forward and all that rot.

He has enough money to travel every 3 months by avoiding female company of all types as well as the demon alcohol. A penny saved... saai.gif

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The train up to laos costs a few quid. And I certainly don't avoid their delicious beer once I get there...

My apologies to those of you forced to work seven days a week with no holidays, or whose pensions won't stretch past the daily ration of mama noodles - I meant no offence.

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Last time I was there three stupid yanks stood talking at the counters for over an hour. Plenty seats, but these sepics seemed blissfully unaware they were getting in people's way. Until my number was called and I just barged through them.

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Thank you Daddy Warbucks for your interesting post. Unfortunately travel to these countries takes moula money dinero sheckles bahts the long green and I like a lot of other retirees cannot afford to sooo we must abide by the rules set out by Thailand. Tallyho forward and all that rot.

He has enough money to travel every 3 months by avoiding female company of all types as well as the demon alcohol. A penny saved... saai.gif

Some of us are just so busy leading interesting, fascinating lives in Chiang Mai that before we know it, another 90 days has sped by and drat, we just never got around taking that trip we intended to take.

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Last time I was there three stupid yanks stood talking at the counters for over an hour. Plenty seats, but these sepics seemed blissfully unaware they were getting in people's way. Until my number was called and I just barged through them.

Yea mate ! don't be outdone by "sepics" (?) show them you are ruder than they are, way to go "mate".

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