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Saudis uphold blogger's 1,000 lashes


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Don't worry- within two hundred years most of the world will be Muslim. Saudi has spent billions spreading its extreme version of Islam - funding schools, mosques and terrorists .

Badawi is a truly brave man and needs every support.

It is very possible that unless moderate men and women in positions of authority within the Muslim world start speaking out in a very loud and vociferous manner, against this brand of extremism, and the other ridiculous fools like ISIL, there will be a world war declared on Islam. It may end up being the second crusade. I see it building. I see moderate westerners turning against all Muslims. This does not have to happen, but it may, unless they start upholding their responsibilities and begin to speak out loudly and clearly. It happens in Germany in the 30's. The people did not speak out against the Freaky Fuhrer. It may happen again.

Actually what happened in the 30's was that Hitler became the focal point for all the anger and frustration that had been building for years.

He had huge popular support and the charisma to pull it off.

The worse things get, the more the right wing will benefit.

Not pseudo-right wing moderates like Cameron, but hard line right wingers like Le Pen.

But, once the atrocities began, it was up to the common man to speak out. Few did. Something very similar is beginning to happen in the Muslim world. How many people in positions of authority are speaking out against the ISIL super freak mass rapist gangsters? The King of Jordan comes to mind. He is a very brave man. Why are there not more like him? And what will be the cost of that lack of courage?

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If we really want to withdraw our support of some of the most heinous government on the planet, here is where we can begin:

Here are some large companies to support that DO NOT import Middle Eastern oil:

**Sunoco.........................0 barrels
**Conoco.........................0 barrels
**Sinclair..........................0 barrels
**BP/Phillips......................0 barrels
**Hess..............................0 barrels
**ARC0.............................0 barrels
**Maverick........................0 barrels
**Flying J.........................0 barrels
**Valero............................0 barrels
**CAMurphy Oil USA .......0 barrels

*Sold at Wal-Mart < , gas is from South Arkansas and fully USA owned and produced.
*Not only that but they give scholarships to all children in their town who finish high school and are legal US citizens.

All of this information is available from the U.S. Department of Energy and each company is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing.

Read more at http://www.snopes.com/politics/gasoline/saudigas.asp#zl7VjLzpQXdSXUmR.99

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And the stupid West continues to support this barbaric regime angry.gif

Out of necessity. The West, however, is growing tired of their unpredictable heathen behavior. The question remains exactly how and when can the US sever ties sufficiently to give them the big middle finger and let them take care of their own bs. How long will it be before ISIS is running wild in the streets of places like Dubai without West support as we have seen that those allegedly in control over their have little or no back bone. As stated above, I think all of this crazy bs going on in the ME region will just enhance America's resolve to severe ties with the ME, rapidly develop alternatives to gas and increase domestic production to met the continued decreasing US oil demands.

To echo a previous post, by the time the West gets its shit together and becomes energy independent Western Countries will already be riddled with savages straight out of the 7th century who scream Islamophobia if their diet coke is not served in a can during a flight but simultaneously murder, flog and rape infidels as if it were a sport whilst expecting nobody to bat an eyelid.
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And the stupid West continues to support this barbaric regime angry.gif

Out of necessity. The West, however, is growing tired of their unpredictable heathen behavior. The question remains exactly how and when can the US sever ties sufficiently to give them the big middle finger and let them take care of their own bs. How long will it be before ISIS is running wild in the streets of places like Dubai without West support as we have seen that those allegedly in control over their have little or no back bone. As stated above, I think all of this crazy bs going on in the ME region will just enhance America's resolve to severe ties with the ME, rapidly develop alternatives to gas and increase domestic production to met the continued decreasing US oil demands.

To echo a previous post, by the time the West gets its shit together and becomes energy independent Western Countries will already be riddled with savages straight out of the 7th century who scream Islamophobia if their diet coke is not served in a can during a flight but simultaneously murder, flog and rape infidels as if it were a sport whilst expecting nobody to bat an eyelid.

You need to take the tin foil hat off and go out into the real world sometimes.

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Perhaps 1,000 lashes is appropriate for someone who took down a school and murdered 100 children. Or someone who raped 30 women (oh, I forgot, women do not have rights in this forsaken nation). But, this punishment is so over the top, it makes me wonder if these jokers take themselves seriously. Does anyone else on the planet take these fools seriously? Would they even be part of the dialogue without their oil reserves?

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There's going to be an all-out world war against Muslims. There's absolutely nothing else that can be done. By the time it happens W. Europe may be on the side of the Muslims. I don't think I'll be alive to see it but it's going to be horror.

Some people are reacting in perfect alignment to the doctrine of DAESH and other Islamic extremists as documented in " The Management of Savagery".


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There's going to be an all-out world war against Muslims. There's absolutely nothing else that can be done. By the time it happens W. Europe may be on the side of the Muslims. I don't think I'll be alive to see it but it's going to be horror.

Some people are reacting in perfect alignment to the doctrine of DAESH and other Islamic extremists as documented in " The Management of Savagery".


Instead of throwing soundbites. Perhaps you could consider that sometimes, people need to do bad things to counter people who are doing very bad things.

Did you actually read the article you linked ?

It is very telling that the introduction reads.


Praise be to God and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of God, his family, his

Companions, and whomever aided him.

In a previous essay, I wrote about the substantive preparations undertaken by that group of

Islamic activists whom I consider to be carrying out the command of God in this age – that

group which, with God’s permission, will be granted victory.

Emphasis mine.

Are you agreeing with the article that you linked ?

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There's going to be an all-out world war against Muslims. There's absolutely nothing else that can be done. By the time it happens W. Europe may be on the side of the Muslims. I don't think I'll be alive to see it but it's going to be horror.

Some people are reacting in perfect alignment to the doctrine of DAESH and other Islamic extremists as documented in " The Management of Savagery".


Instead of throwing soundbites. Perhaps you could consider that sometimes, people need to do bad things to counter people who are doing very bad things.

Did you actually read the article you linked ?

It is very telling that the introduction reads.


Praise be to God and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of God, his family, his

Companions, and whomever aided him.

In a previous essay, I wrote about the substantive preparations undertaken by that group of

Islamic activists whom I consider to be carrying out the command of God in this age – that

group which, with God’s permission, will be granted victory.

Emphasis mine.

Are you agreeing with the article that you linked ?

Yes I am aware of the content. Once you familiarise yourself with the strategy articulated you will comprehend the context of my post rather than asking a silly question.

Edited by simple1
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There's going to be an all-out world war against Muslims. There's absolutely nothing else that can be done. By the time it happens W. Europe may be on the side of the Muslims. I don't think I'll be alive to see it but it's going to be horror.

Some people are reacting in perfect alignment to the doctrine of DAESH and other Islamic extremists as documented in " The Management of Savagery".


Interesting PDF. I have begun reading. Thanks.

I remain unsure if there is going to be an all out response to islamic jihad. I do assert that W. Europe will be demonstrably islamic or otherwise pacified from any response by future muslim demographics. Critical to this assertion is the assumption that the majority of European muslims will either actively support global jihad or passively endorse it; these are to date the only two options because there exists no meaningful opposition otherwise. Contrary to pie in the sky protests, it cannot be otherwise. Central to islam is exactly what is taking place today, though we protest the modern savagery= endless pursuit of the House of Submission- global islam.

I am instead reminded of a stanza from T.S. Elliot's The Hollow Men:

"This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper"

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There's going to be an all-out world war against Muslims. There's absolutely nothing else that can be done. By the time it happens W. Europe may be on the side of the Muslims. I don't think I'll be alive to see it but it's going to be horror.

Some people are reacting in perfect alignment to the doctrine of DAESH and other Islamic extremists as documented in " The Management of Savagery".


Interesting PDF. I have begun reading. Thanks.

I remain unsure if there is going to be an all out response to islamic jihad. I do assert that W. Europe will be demonstrably islamic or otherwise pacified from any response by future muslim demographics. Critical to this assertion is the assumption that the majority of European muslims will either actively support global jihad or passively endorse it; these are to date the only two options because there exists no meaningful opposition otherwise. Contrary to pie in the sky protests, it cannot be otherwise. Central to islam is exactly what is taking place today, though we protest the modern savagery= endless pursuit of the House of Submission- global islam.

I am instead reminded of a stanza from T.S. Elliot's The Hollow Men:

"This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper"

Well I believe the glass is half full, not half empty.

It's evident that NATO governments have been slow to catch up with the threat of DAESH and aligned extremist groups, but they will eventually get themselves sorted out, same with the four major powers in the M.E.

Western nations, are at their core, smarter, more innovative than the enemy.

I'm currently living in Australia and watching how the government is getting its act together by way of legislation, international co-operation to line up how to deal with this truly virulent version of Islamic extremism and so on, will IMO, eventually bear fruit. I'm sure you agree its going to take a long term commitment, mistakes will be made, but we will come out on top.

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There's going to be an all-out world war against Muslims. There's absolutely nothing else that can be done. By the time it happens W. Europe may be on the side of the Muslims. I don't think I'll be alive to see it but it's going to be horror.

Some people are reacting in perfect alignment to the doctrine of DAESH and other Islamic extremists as documented in " The Management of Savagery".


Interesting PDF. I have begun reading. Thanks.

I remain unsure if there is going to be an all out response to islamic jihad. I do assert that W. Europe will be demonstrably islamic or otherwise pacified from any response by future muslim demographics. Critical to this assertion is the assumption that the majority of European muslims will either actively support global jihad or passively endorse it; these are to date the only two options because there exists no meaningful opposition otherwise. Contrary to pie in the sky protests, it cannot be otherwise. Central to islam is exactly what is taking place today, though we protest the modern savagery= endless pursuit of the House of Submission- global islam.

I am instead reminded of a stanza from T.S. Elliot's The Hollow Men:

"This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper"

A quote attributed to Voltaire springs to mind.

If you want to find out who rules over you simply find who you are not allowed to criticize.

The BBC documentary 'Death of a Princess' was the last time the UK received the ire of the Saudis. Now European governments are not busy saying shhh already, whist their populations wave we are Charlie placards, without really meaning it. Yes, a future U.S administration will be left to clean up the mess for Europe ain't doing it.

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There's going to be an all-out world war against Muslims. There's absolutely nothing else that can be done. By the time it happens W. Europe may be on the side of the Muslims. I don't think I'll be alive to see it but it's going to be horror.

Some people are reacting in perfect alignment to the doctrine of DAESH and other Islamic extremists as documented in " The Management of Savagery".


Interesting PDF. I have begun reading. Thanks.

I remain unsure if there is going to be an all out response to islamic jihad. I do assert that W. Europe will be demonstrably islamic or otherwise pacified from any response by future muslim demographics. Critical to this assertion is the assumption that the majority of European muslims will either actively support global jihad or passively endorse it; these are to date the only two options because there exists no meaningful opposition otherwise. Contrary to pie in the sky protests, it cannot be otherwise. Central to islam is exactly what is taking place today, though we protest the modern savagery= endless pursuit of the House of Submission- global islam.

I am instead reminded of a stanza from T.S. Elliot's The Hollow Men:

"This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper"

Well I believe the glass is half full, not half empty.

It's evident that NATO governments have been slow to catch up with the threat of DAESH and aligned extremist groups, but they will eventually get themselves sorted out, same with the four major powers in the M.E.

Western nations, are at their core, smarter, more innovative than the enemy.

I'm currently living in Australia and watching how the government is getting its act together by way of legislation, international co-operation to line up how to deal with this truly virulent version of Islamic extremism and so on, will IMO, eventually bear fruit. I'm sure you agree its going to take a long term commitment, mistakes will be made, but we will come out on top.

Good for you. I sincerely mean this. The world is in large part the result of our intention. It's is necessarily that optimism temper what might be asserted to be realistic thinking. I actually remain both but differ from you in that I find little reason for optimism. Trained as a realist in war and insurgency I do not see the slow awakening you may.

I see the disjointed efforts of various elements of state to cobble together a response. However, the overall policies of western states are both enabling and fomenting Islamic jihad.

From your post I think there's much we could agree upon but likely differ on means and scope of threat. The post you linked already reminds me of Qutb'a Milestonrs, a must read for jihadists.

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Yes I am aware of the content. Once you familiarise yourself with the strategy articulated you will comprehend the context of my post rather than asking a silly question.

Nothing silly about my question.

I asked if you agreed with the article ?

The 'article' is a translation of a strategy document written by an Islamist. If you're asking am I of the opinion DAESH is broadly implementing the strategy the answer is 'Yes'; also the opinion of others much better qualified than me e.g.




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The 'article' is a translation of a strategy document written by an Islamist. If you're asking am I of the opinion DAESH is broadly implementing the strategy the answer is 'Yes'; also the opinion of others much better qualified than me e.g.




These articles seem more or less the same and the Huffington Post article captures enough of the point, and clearly, to represent the other two. It is an accurate portrayal of an organizational mindset. However, it remains untrue that, generally, because one is published, he/she is better qualified then you or me. The issue and data involved is not so obscure that a regular person cannot grasp its scope and application. A study of history for one interested, reviews and references to the koran, hadith, and other books, and a current knowledge of geopolitics is enough to piece together the context and lineage of an ideology.

The article takes a narrow piece of the entire issue- why is DAESH so brutal- and extrapolates this exploration to discover what was already apparent in any event- the authority lies plainly with the scriptural texts, actions of the caliphs, early exegesis, and overwhelming jurisprudence. The queston itself presupposes brutality and savagery are not a central component of that which they say grants their authority. The only real value in weaving in contemporary proponents' exegesis of islamic jihad is to make current the stale artifacts and anecdotes of islamic lore and scripture; it makes palpable what is otherwise of another era. It presents a bridge from today to yesterday establishing in modern language and application the injunctions and requirements of yesterday. The actual authority has not changed nor is it augmented by current exegesis, it simply resonates more currently. Essays such as the Management of Savagery and Milestones and others only help bind believers with the otherwise perennial nature of islamic requirements to war without quarter until global islam is established. All derive their authority from unambiguous injunctions. Indeed, as noted elsewhere, the only real and recent question regarding DAESH and brutality revolved around the singular question of whether the authority exists to burn a man alive. This is for the most part the single divisive issue with scripture, and even then it is vague as it has been both ordained that Al Lah reserves the right to use fire to punish, and to follow the authority of the subsequent caliphs. That some caliphs used fire, predicated upon the prophet himself building a fire on a man's chest to torture him, the issue blended into an irreconcilable issue. But this is generally the only manner in which IS potentially exceeds koranic mandate.

It is a statement of utter ignorance to look upon DAESH's actions and presume they are unprecedented, and that there most be some novel mechanism to interpret koranic authority. Nonsense, they are wholly in keeping with islamic jihadi history. That islamic history is also peppered with acts of compassion, charity, and in the case of Saladin, for instance, great chivalry, the fact still exists islam spread like wild fire throughout the world because of its consistent savagery and barbarous methods of conquest. Moreover, when conquered, the populations not put to the sword, not enslaved or converted, but rather taxed to keep their preexisting faith and some semblance of existence in the islamic social framework, labored under such abuse and taxation that life was further exhausted from the conquered lands even after the warriors left the field. This too... this post battle subordination and violation is proscribed in the sharia. We live in an age of fools.

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